I wish to
thank those who have written to share their coaching experiences
in an effort to assist others in making an informed decision.
It has been my honor to have walked with each of you.
Heart to heart and spirit
to spirit,
Moon has been my "Spiritual Life Coach"
now for several years. During that time she has
patiently walked beside me while I struggled,
in many ways, to grow. She has seen me through
one of the most difficult circumstances I have
faced in the last couple of years (losing my home
due to the infidelity and subsequent leaving of
a man I trusted as my soul mate). Seeing me through
didn't mean telling me what I wanted to hear,
but guiding me to believe in Spirit and to trust
the process. Those three words are words I have
learned to live by, when starting over seemed
to be overwhelming I would think of those three
simple words and hope became predominant again.
I discovered through Cinnamon's patience and guidance
that what seemed like a devastating situation
was my lesson to learn from. I'm happy to report,
that I discovered a strength and serenity with
her help that I never knew I possessed. Spiritually
she has taught me patience and trust. She also
teaches that no matter the name you use, be it
God, Spirit, Goddess etc., there is a Supreme
Being who guides us all and whose bright and beautiful
children we all are
Mary Lou Giovetti, Massachusetts
crossed Cinnamon Moons path was truly a
gift at the time and it still is. She gifted me
so many useful and wonderful advices that really
help me out in the difficult times I had and still
do. I really feel that she understood where I
was standing at the time and was able to communicate
with me on a level that connected with me, which
means that when she was talking to me it was something
specifically addressed to me. It felt genuine
and it is.
gave me a spiritual foundation that could be adapted
to myself. That lent itself to the possibility
of having me explore the issues that mattered
to me instead of focusing on a planned out progression.
I was able to understand patterns I had in my
life and see what those patterns led to. It allows
me now to recognize them and take action if needed.
It gives me a different perspective on situations
and allows me to be able to look at it in its
many different facets thus helping me make a choice
that is right for me.
of this brought me closer in touch with who I
am and I'm still discovering that as I continue
my journey. I am absolutely certain that there
have been some breakthroughs in my life that would
not have been possible without her gentle guidance.
But I think most importantly it has given me a
confidence that I can take on difficult situations
that may arise and be able to deal with them in
a positive, constructive way. But mostly what
I hold from our encounters is the wonderful tools
I walk away with. Mostly she had gifted me with
a different perspective and that serves me still
to this day. I now have the means to go deal with
situations that I would have found difficult before
and that in itself is something I will always
Mathieu Arseneau, Quebec, Canada
In 1999 I was in dire need of a spiritual helper.
I had just decided to follow the path of Shamanism,
but didn't have a clue at taking this desire any
direction. My need went beyond just myself; my
dear sister was very ill with Lou Gehrig's disease
and was getting close to passing. She was still
stuck in being angry over getting this disease
and I desperately wanted to help her move beyond
that, so I began to search and through the power
of the Universe, I stumbled upon Cinnamon Moon.
Through her guidance I was able to help my dear
sister come to grips with her path. I was able
to help her see again there is a Creator and embrace
spirituality back into her life and move past
the stage of anger. She found peace again through
what Cinnamon Moon coached me to do. My sister
dropped her robe 5 months later so this was none
too soon. I was at peace with her passing too
with all I had learned, so it had been a very
good experience all around. I found an excellent
teacher and we also became good friends. I have
learned to walk my path with grace and security
that it is exactly what I need in my life because
of Cinnamon Moon's excellent teachings. She has
been there for me with every crisis I faced and
the good times too. I count her as teacher and
sister and anyone looking for this sort of path
in their life would be wise indeed to call upon
Sincerely, Dancing Fox, California
Beyond being a
Spiritual Life Coach, Cinnamon Moon has been
an extraordinary Teacher in the Ways of Shamanism
as a Medicine Woman of the Native American path.
Her insight is keen and is always thoughtful
("full of thought"). Everything happens
for a reason, and had I not had the honor of
joining paths with Cinnamon Moon as her student,
my spiritual growth over the past seven years
would not have transformed and developed as
it has
BeWater, New York
To Whom it may concern, I am a former student
of Cinnamon Moon Lessons in the spirit lodge.
I completed and was certified in The Seven Sacred
Directions and Elements and Certified in The Medicine
Wheel by Cinnamon Moon. I spent two years studying
Under Cinnamon Moon taking all the classes to
receive my certifications. I found the Seminars
to be very informative and personally enriching.
This was a life transforming experience. Cinnamon
is highly educated and holds great wisdom and
insight, her seminars are well laid out and go
in depth in their teachings. I use the skills
and lessons I gained from these teachings in my
everyday life as well as in my spiritual career
Sincerely, Wings On Water - Becca G, New Hampshire
In Autumn 2006 I reached out to CinnamonMoon to
ask her to do a reading for me. My life was going
well but I felt changes were afoot and I knew
that aspects of my past were holding me back and
I wanted to move through them. What began as my
request for a reading turned into an exploration
of me. I have been walking with CinnamonMoon over
two years now. CinnamonMoons guidance and
mentorship have allowed me to explore the Spirit
World, explore my Self, and to heighten my awareness
to fully experience and Walk Between the Worlds.
She always gently nudged me to turn over stones
I was reluctant to do, and she helped me begin
to see my Self as others see me instead of how
I learned to see my Self which led to Acceptance.
The way I live my life has been forever changed.
I work closely with my Guides, Totems and Teachers,
and I experience Spirits and Mothers
influence and love in my life. I interact with
people from a place of stronger self-assuredness,
and I am able to more deeply understand underlying
dynamics in situations so that I can better discern
how to respond and how to lead
EagleSinging, Oregon
occur during life that defy logic and leave one
standing at the interface where experiences, in
science, religion and mysticism, converge and/or
conflict. Science says there are causes
yet to be discovered. Religion sends conflicting
messages of trust, its a miracle;
yet warns, go no further into the unknown.
Cultural biases, based on technology and/or in
fear come from within; yet, the biases can be
recognized. As one delves deeper into observations
and acknowledges that some type of communication
is occurring between the physical and that which
we call the unknown, supernatural, or occult,
one continues to wonder and the analytical mind
searches despite the biases. Questions are asked:
how can biases be overcome? how can mysticism
be experienced? how can the unknown become a part
of the whole of life?
It was at such an interface
when unexplained synchronicities were occurring
that I found Cinnamon Moon. Initially, I read
her book A Medicine Woman Speaks:
Although the book is not limited to the Native
American culture, it spoke to me in terms of these
pathways. I had come to find peace in nature and
was looking for a more gentle understanding of
the Native American pathways than those which
dominated the literature of the time describing
mens pathways of access. I longed for human
contact but was cautious and had criteria: any
relationship had to be formed in respect for all,
there would be no dominance, any relationship
would be more of a mentorship, there never could
be recommendations that drugs be used to access
these pathways.
In addition to her
wonderful book, Cinnamon had set up a website,
Spirit Lodge (SL). I posted as Earthwalker and
found I could openly discuss that which was so
often scorned within the general population. SL
was where I started to truly get to know and work
with Cinnamon and where I recognized that she
far exceeded my criteria. Initially, Cinnamon
introduced me to the Native American Medicine
Wheel. Cinnamons materials, which I used
to learn the Medicine Wheel, guided me to new
understandings and were by nature individualized
based on the user. This inherent individualization
was evidenced as we realized that I was moving
through the Medicine Wheel by dancing a Medicine
Wheel at each of the directions; seven dances
were required to make one full revolution of the
wheel instead of one. Personally, I love to dance
the Medicine Wheel, it yields structure and interpretation
in both the physical realm and spiritual realms.
To my mind, it was like learning English, it wasnt
fully understood until I diagrammed sentences.
Structure, the Medicine Wheel, enhanced my understanding
of these pathways and Cinnamons patience
as a guide was extraordinary. Despite challenges
made to things that were suggested, she brought
me to so many understandings.
Our approaches differ;
Cinnamon is a gifted writer and gentle in her
approach. I was more analytical and scientific
in approach. Cinnamon knew experience was needed
and that the analytical mind needed to be placed
on hold as these pathways were entered upon. The
resultant was conflict within; yet, Cinnamon saw
me through these conflicts by altering her style
to fit mine and persisted endlessly in this endeavor.
I respect Cinnamon immensely; she worked and succeeded
in bridging the gap of our differences. Ultimately,
Cinnamon has opened up a whole new realm of exploration
for me. She has guided me through the process
of overcoming a culturally instilled caution/fear
of that which could come under the umbrella of
the word magic and had helped me let
the analytical mind go so I could experience that
which cannot be truly analyzed. Admittedly, it
was and is still hard to let go of the analytical
mind, when that which is needed is experience,
not analysis. Today, as I journey, I try to remain
mindful of my potential biases and segment the
experience prior to analysis and integration.
It has been my experience
that Cinnamons goal is to guide the individual
person to find their own way. She never imposes
her will, only suggests other ways of seeing.
She does lead; but as a mentor with the intent
of empowering the individual to find ones
own way as opposed to generating a following.
Evidence substantiates this when she pulls back
from the person she has guided, in recognition
that in order to move forward the person must
start to work with their spirit guides. The search
and work can be intense but Cinnamon remains consistent
in reminding us of the way to walk through these
worlds in correct intent, impeccability, and integrity.
When too intently focused, she also balances the
focus with the suggestion that there needs to
be laughter as well. Today, I feel comfortable
that I can access the unknown; to me a place of
unimaginable beauty and guidance and one I hope
you all get to experience. I can honestly recommend
Cinnamons materials and book. They have
the potential to open up many pathways, if time
is taken to learn.
I offer thanks to Cinnamon
for opening up avenues so that so many of us can
reach into the spiritual dimensions if we so choose.
I wish Cinnamon well as she presents her wonderful
and insightful materials, workshops and book to
others. I highly recommend her and her materials
as powerful guides to all who wonder and search
Walk in Peace, Earthwalker, Vermont