Mandela © by lilyas 2014




Stones & Minerals Information

Page 39

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50 pages of this Stones & Minerals Information section are below. The other 4 are in the index, page 5. (see the end of the page for link)

Rocks of Change
By Luna

Metamorphic rocks are formed when other kinds of rocks are changed by great heat and pressure inside the earth. The word "metamorphic" means changed. Think of metamorphic rocks as recycled rocks. When igneous, sedimentary or even metamorphic rocks get buried deep beneath the surface of the earth, over millions of years the heat and pressure inside the earth change them into something else. Limestone can be changed to marble, sandstone can be changed into quartzite, and shale can be changed to slate. It's just another example of how the earth is constantly changing. Rocks are amazing gifts from our mother earth.

At one time or another, you have probably held a rock in your hand. Recall the texture. Was it smooth, polished by the force of sand and salt water pounding it onto the beach? Was it rough and cragged, left exposed for centuries to the wind and sun of a canyon wall? Recall the color. Was it coral and pink, like the colors of Bermuda's sand? Was it fiery red, like the colors of Arizona's canyons? Recall the size. Was it a handful, heavy with the weight of being worn? Was it a tiny pebble, a small fragment broken off from what it once was? Rocks are our world. The Mother Earth is, essentially, just one big interesting rock, sometimes called "the third rock from the sun." The multi-faceted rock we live on supports life in many ways. The deep oceans, the vast deserts, and the high mountains, are just a few of the ways rock emerges and supports life. Rocks remember. Geology is the science and study of the earth and its life, especially as recorded in rocks. Rocks, then, keep record of the passage of time and the evolution of living things. The word rock refers to solid mineral deposits. Rocks are minerals, but not all minerals are rocks. Minerals are all substances that can't be classified as "animal" or "vegetable." Metals ores found in the earth, like gold and silver, are minerals. Crystalline substances, like salt and quartz, are minerals. Homogeneous natural substances, like water and gas, are also minerals. These non-solid minerals, however, are not considered "rock." Rocks are our friends in more ways than one... I have felt a connection since early in my childhood. I will always have an ever growing collection. Rocks are very facinating & can teach us loads about life & renewal.

Hematite is the most important source of iron ore in the world. The production of iron has been important to nations of the world for over 2500 years. Today the addition of other minerals to iron has lead to the production of steel which is vital to the economy of the major countries on Earth. Hematite has a red or black color but the streak is always red. The iron in the hematite turns red when it comes in contact with water and oxygen. In other words this rock is rusted!!

Hematite has a metallic or earthy luster. The hardness of hematite is about 5 on Mohs hardness scale. It has no cleavage and breaks with an uneven fracture. The reddish landscape of Mars is due to the oxidized iron on its surface. This tells us that water and oxygen must have been present on Mars at one time. Hematite is mined in the Lake Superior and Appalachian mountain regions of the United States. Small deposits are found in many states of the union. Canada and Russia are leading countries in the mining of iron ore. Hemetite is also called the woman’s stone because when it is cut it bleeds red. It is thought to help women to draw out negativity & impurities from the body. Magnetite is also composed of iron as well as pyrrhotite these minerals are magnetic. They are the only two minerals on earth that are naturally magnetic. Both of these minerals have high quantities of iron. Magnetite was used by ancient sailors as compasses. They would chip off needles of this mineral & then float them on water & watch the needle point to the north. Magnetite is also known as lodestone. These minerals are found worldwide & throughout the entire United States.

Another wonderful thing about some of the unusual characteristics some minerals develop is fluorescence under certain lighting. The properties of these minerals give off radiation as visible light under specific lighting. These fluorescent rock specimens will show their behavior in 3 different lighting situations: normal cool light, Longwave ultraviolet light & shortwave ultraviolet light. Rock shows will sometimes have lighting displays to show what happens under these lighting conditions. Lots of rocks will look very different under a black light. As most of us know from looking at posters & such in our rooms, when we were teens. Which is one of the ultra-violets... I am not sure which I always get them mixed up LOL. Anyway it is amazing to me that minerals over time & conditions change without a recognized life. Most people never even give rocks a second look much-less consider that they evolve just as people & plants do. For me there has always been a sacred place for Rocks in my life. I have some that have traveled with me from home to home over this life time. My children will claim some of them & the rest will be left to whomever notices them or at the current home we reside at when we go home to spirit. Anyone who feels like adding to this thread of info please do. I hope that I have shared something of interest & that you have learned from this information. Some was gathered from memory & the rest from books & the internet. Blessings for our Mother Earth, her gifts & messages received from something as simple as a rock on her grounds. I have been given signs more than once from Rocks. *Smiles* Thank You,

Cinnamon Moon
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