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Some of the links for the 97 pages in this Spiritual Development
section are below. For the rest please go HERE
By CinnamomMoon
Sensory insights are important to
all aspects of pathwork, whether you are looking for personal
growth or are additionally in service to others. Everything
that exists has an energy to it and our
senses are the radar that can read that energy. All energy carries
information, it is connected to
the whole of life and we can tap into this using it to our greater
advantage. The more we work
with it the more we learn about it to gather greater amounts
of information or insights. This is
how we learn to read things with our senses. Understanding grows
with experience and it does
take time to develop, especially if you are oblivious to your
senses having blocked them out all
but for mundane reasons. Dinner smells good when it's put on
the table and calls you to come
digest it. But energy will have its own odor and it will call
you to digest many other things too.
There are always the initial common questions like: How do I
know it's not just my imagination
when I journey? Or: How does it feel when your Guides make contact
with you? Or: How do I
know I'm really centered? Or: How do I know I'm not fooling
myself and employing wishful
thinking to what I'm doing? These and other questions like them
are very common to both
beginning and intermediate students. The answer is simple: When
you are attuned to your senses
you have the tools of knowing that define the inner truths and
validate your experiences for you.
We've all had moments when the hairs raise at the back of our
neck, or we goosebump when
someone speaks a truth, these and other bodily sensations tell
us things just like radar.
Our Inner Spirit uses our senses to communicate with us. It
uses thoughts, feelings, images,
symbols and basic sensory input. Experienced practitioners will
tell you the Inner Spirit has a
voice, and this is what they are talking about. Sometimes people
are clairaudient, simply put,
they hear clearly the words of the Inner Spirit in an auditory
manner going beyond the telepathic
imprint of a thought. Others will have clairvoyant abilities,
meaning clear vision where they see
images, symbols, or visions of events. Clairsentience is when
we are aware of all our sensory
input. We all have this ability to varying degrees, but with
practice it can grow much stronger.
The secret is in learning to trust yourself and what you are
picking up on. If you have an
impression of something and second guess yourself invariably
you will regret that decision not to
heed your sensory warning. The practitioner who listens to that
inner voice has learned the value
of it. We simply need to trust it, but the unshakable trust
is built through validation. So initially
we have to trust only that it is possible, exercise our senses,
and see for ourselves.
But what does it feel like? How do you know you aren't just
imagining things? At first it's
usually very subtle. A soft feeling of hesitation or nudging
that you should take some direction
with an issue before you will be the indicator. A "sense"
that someone is speaking a truth or
mistruth. Impressions of situations basically is what you are
seeking. If you open to these
impressions you will find you have guidance that is beyond what
most consider normal. There's
nothing mystical or scary or taboo about this, it's perfectly
normal and part of our makeup as
human beings. Using our senses and honing them trains us to
use "extra sensory perceptions" and
the mystery is solved. The key here is in being willing to open
to them and focus. Our senses are
like muscles, the more you use them the stronger they get.
How do you exercise these muscles though? A simple technique
is to isolate one sense at a time
and work with it. It doesn't matter if you do this for 10 minutes,
an hour, or a day, over time
(depending on how dedicated you are) your senses will grow stronger.
A favorite exercise I like
to share with people is to use a blindfold at home. Spend some
time walking around the house
without vision. Depriving yourself of one sense heightens the
others. Feel your way, use your
sense of touch, smell, hearing, and even taste (you can taste
the air of different rooms in the
house) to tell you where you are and what's around you. Everything
that exists has an aura to it
and if you begin slowly you will start to feel obstacles in
the way and solid objects. Plug your
ears, if you can't hear things you have to rely on your sight
becoming more acute, your sense of
smell, taste and touch to help guide you around. Plug your nose
and try cooking or eating
without that sense. One by one you can build strength in your
senses, and advance to blocking
two or more at a time.
Another exercise you can work with is the sensory input of touching
and feeling things. Begin
with three sharp claps of the hand. This brings the blood flow
to the palms, sensitizes the nerve
endings and more or less wakes them up. It also draws the mind
to focus on what the hands are
picking up. Our hands, feet, solar plexus, and crown of the
head are areas where we tend to pick
up impressions strongest. In this exercise after clapping you
will want to rub your hands together
vigorously. Again further stimulating the palms. Close your
eyes and slowly part the hands
focusing on the feeling of the energy you have worked up within
the space of 2-3 inches. You
can feel the air between them, and the connection between them
as rubbery or buoyant. Repeat
the clap rub and expand the distance, this time to about 3-4
inches. Feeling the energy roll it
between your hands as if you were making a snowball. Get in
the habit of doing this so your
hands awaken to your own energy, and then begin using it like
a feeler. You can clap-slap and
hold your hands 2-3 inches from someone else or an object and
feel the auric field. Different
people and objects are going to feel differently. Opening your
senses to that feeling will give you
the energy signature, and you'll learn to identify things this
What if you want to see that energy? By softening your vision,
generally people need to squint
the eyelids slightly at first, some can do it by just softening
their gaze, and against a neutral
ground (beige, white, grey, or black walls are good) look at
an object or person, even your own
hand. The auric field will start to radiate around the physical
body. Any living entity will have
one; plants, humans, and stones are great to explore this with.
As your eyes focus you will see
these radiations. Some see in colors while others see in black,
white or shades of grey, often in
combination. The energy radiates like the heatwaves we see in
summer, or the mirages on the
highway. It moves and fluctuates depending on the mental and
emotional state of the individual,
their health at the time, and the physical activity taking place.
Awareness of your sensory input, and learning to trust it, allows
you to open even wider. As you
explore the arenas of guided visualization that lead to journey
work, projection of the spirit (Out
of Body Experiences/Astral Projection), and dimensional realms,
you come to see that it is
through our senses we gain enlightenment and understanding.
Our Guides can make themselves
known at this point and we can communicate with them. When we
have a two-way conversation
going we have communication, a one-way input limits what we
can pick up on, and we get a
message but we don't gain deeper understanding. To open to the
two-way communication you
must remember to speak with your mind. Ask questions in your
mind and then listen for the
answers with your senses. What are you hearing, seeing, feeling,
tasting, or touching? Our
Guides will often flood us with sensory input, emotions, or
feelings about things. They will
respond with telepathic thought, and the more we focus on how
they are reaching out to us the
stronger the impressions become to the point where we can hear
their voices growing louder, or
see them taking more depth to their image. Sometimes they appear
superimposed on the
landscape and at other times we lose the physical environment
to a vision that completely takes
over. You should not fear these events when they happen as they
are perfectly normal and each
individual will react to varying degrees.
I cannot stress enough the importance of the senses to everything
you will do spiritually. Nor can
I express the importance of bringing that spiritual insight
into your daily life and using it. Our
senses are our greatest tools. Using them is vital to our growth
on all levels: mental, spiritual,
physical, emotional, and until you learn to work with them you're
going to feel blocked. I
encourage you to explore them all you can because in the process
you will experience many
things and your mind will expand as you come to know your own
truths, your understanding will
grow and whole new worlds will open up to you.
Through the senses we can penetrate the dimensional veils, know
unlimited potentials, and find
the attunement we seek with our Inner Spirit and Guides. We
need to learn to become the
Witness--witnessing our Self, life, and all that exists around
us. Walking in nature we begin to
attune to the plant kingdom, the stone kingdom, the animal kingdom,
and the humans we interact
with. We learn to walk between the worlds and explore them and
the mysteries of life begin to
fade away as we grow in that understanding.
It all starts with the desire to understand these mysteries
that only remain such until we have
explored them. It starts with making a choice to dedicate yourself
a step at a time. In this way
you hone your abilities and one by one you begin to unify them.
As you master once sense and
then another that mastery combines with the next and in the
end your senses are a unified whole.
They are at that point a second nature to you, a greater part
of the whole, and you are off and
running with them honed to perfection.
We never stop growth in these areas, and the potentials are
only limited by what you believe is
possible or impossible. If you are telling yourself "I
can't do this" you won't be able to. Doubt
blocks us. All you have to do is accept it's possible and then
work on it. You'll have your
validation and you'll understand what people mean when they
say they know things. The only
mystery about ESP is that you have put a little extra practice
in your senses!
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
© Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon
(Founders.) 2000-date
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date