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By SilverEagleDreamDancer
This seemed like an excellent topic brought about by some questions
from Earthwalker, so I
thought I'd start a new thread under its title. Easier to reference
and find that way.
Who or what was this type of guardian or protection? Does
everyone have this type of
protection or just some individuals like Cinnamon? What are
the rules of etiquette in the spirit world?
One sort of accepted respect-oriented thing that could be considered
etiquette is not to discuss
the specifics of someone elses protections and or protectors.
If the person themselves brings it
up then it's open for discussion. It's also acceptable to discuss
protectors in an anonymous way -
such as... 'I knew someone once who had a scorpion protector....'.
This is just from what I know.
I don't know the traditional view of that sort of thing.
Generally speaking, I've not met anyone without some type of
guidance that also can act as a
spiritual protector. In some disciplines, the individual will
seek out other protectors for various
types of spiritual travel they will learn through their study,
usually an animal either fictional or
actual. They will train and grow with this spirit throughout
their journey. In fact, I did a past life
reading recently where the person met the creature that was,
in this life, their guide and guardian.
In the past life, the creature was one they had rescued and
tended. After death, this creature
followed the person through many lives as their guide and companion.
First let me say I agree 100% with Silver Eagle's comment so
won't go there myself. *Soft smile*
"Who or what was this type of guardian or protection? Does
everyone have this type of
protection or just some individuals like Cinnamon? What are
the rules of etiquette in the spirit world?"
Where Guardian/Protectors are concerned we can create our own,
some are more or less
"assigned to us", our Totems will act in this capacity
for us, they can be animals as Silver Eagle
said, in the physical and/or spiritual sense, and yes, we all
have them or can create them. Some
of these Guardians, such as the one Northernwolf ran into when
he came to check on me are
"self-appointed" and there's not much you can do about
that. They serve in that capacity. I knew
this one was busy, but he's on active duty 24-7 now and nothing
or no one gets past him without
his permission. LOL. I don't mind, I know it's out of love,
but he's young yet and has some
etiquette of his own to learn too. Guess I'd better have *another*
talk with him.
As for general etiquette in the spirit world it's pretty much
the same as it is here...being polite,
honest, and sincere...asking if there are any rules you need
to be aware of, and for any
clarification on behavior you might want to know. The Guide/s
you work with should help you
out on that but even there they have that Coyote humor and let
you learn some things the hard way.
Silver Eagle Dreamer:
There's something else I've noticed when encountering others
guardians. Sometimes, they aren't
out to 'harm' - they are out to test your heart and truth. I've
found, in more than a few cases, that
when I would travel to a person to heal them, and the person
knew and gave me permission to
help - I'd still end up in a fight with their guardian but the
purpose of that fight wasn't to keep me
away.... it was to test my heart. The language of combat is
its own - a tradition of honor. You can
learn much from someone by how they fight. I learned that in
Taekwondo. It's funny because I
know what I mean but it's not coming out the way I want it to
- lol. I hope it makes some sense.
There's something else I've noticed when encountering
others guardians. Sometimes, they aren't
out to 'harm' - they are out to test your heart and truth. I've
found, in more than a few cases, that
when I would travel to a person to heal them, and the person
knew and gave me permission to
help - I'd still end up in a fight with their guardian but the
purpose of that fight wasn't to keep me
away.... it was to test my heart.
This is very true in all cases where you encounter challenging
spiritual beings. It can be
someone's Guardian Spirit, an elemental spirit, or a Spirit
of Place. Etiquette is important at all
times and while we are not always challenged, we certainly can
be and are frequently enough.
That challenge is to be met with honesty and one of our own
challenging their intentions as well.
You have to stand firm, and you should not back down unless
you know you are intruding rudely.
If you go for the right intentions and the situation is appropriate
this is merely a formality. If the
situation (or place) is inappropriate then you would naturally
back down. Often a sacred site is
dedicated to specific work and we are not to do anything else
there other than that so that's an
example that may help.
When confronting a personal Guardian it's merely a point of
making it known that you have
come for the right reasons and mean no harm, but that also means
opening yourself willingly to
that Guardian so it can look within your heart to see that.
If you are telling the truth it will show
and if you are lying it will show too. Then you would have consequences
to face with the lies or
you'd have to flee pretty darned fast to avoid trouble. IMHO
and experience. Think of a
Guardian as you would a protective mother and you'll see what
I mean. Imagine a stranger
coming up to your child. How would you react? Just ignoring
that person and letting them
approach is careless endangerment and for a Guardian it is unthinkable...just
as it is for a mom.
You know, I find it is sooo important to practice sound etiquette,
not just with other humans but
with land and stuff. I have gotten pretty sick once when I was
learning this stuff as I did not
realize I was trespassing on a male sacred site. Mind you, an
adult, who should have known
better was encouraging me to, so another part of that day was
got!!! and same with people, it is so important to work with
a true heart. I think, now, in that I
might not get sick as I might be able to sort it out, due to
having a true heart and being more
experienced. I know what SEDD means about testing. I get that
ALL the time for the first time I
meet a land spirit - I think they do it with anyone, but they
all react badly to my skin color as
well! But this issue is also like the Lynx one I posted on the
shaman board. In a way I was
frightened that I had been inappropriate and seen more than
was intended. But I guess in that sort
of case, I really can only trust spirit.
Lune, How can skin color possibly make a difference in the spirit
world? Isn't bad enough that it
still does in some places in the mundane.
Silver Eagle Dreamer:
Actually, I encountered the same bias when I moved to Japan,
from the spirits still here. I was
under constant attack for the first month or so because I could
hear them and I wasn't Japanese.
It took some time but it all worked out and now both I and the
Ancestors here consider each
other family. I suppose it all depends on what level of being
you're dealing with.
I will just have to take your words for these experiences but
from someone that has not had any
experience as such, they don't make much sense to me. Why when
spirits can communicate
through telepathy would they react in a hostile manner to someones
appearance. In the mundane
world we can often sense intent I would think that in the spirit
world this would even be more
likely since I would think it is the primary mode of communication.
I think on this one I'll just
have to wait and see for myself. From the dances the only cautious
reaction I observed was from
the black jaguar but then I believe he was reading my own uncertainty.
He approached after I felt
comfortable. Couldn't these ancestors and protectors be reacting
to our own uncertainty or
uneasiness in regards new and unknown situations?
Maybe I can say a little something here. I do not *visit* people
that often, but when I do and I
encounter a guardian I always state who I am and why I have
come and they let me through, as
they can see that my intentions are honorable. But then, even
uninvited, I go only to friends
places to see if they are alright or if I can help in any way.
*Seeing* is not so much the word
here, it is more like *feeling*. So far I haven't found an aggressive
I know I made a mistake and it's a nice show of it. But like
you I dont see very well, I feel more
than anything else. But then Lune can describe the room I'm
in perfectly so I guess that explains
part of her point of making an arrangement with the person first
so you are not invading. But that
is so far beyond my abilities.
I don't know if it's that it's beyond your abilities NW...we
all experience things differently...I don't
"see" well either...but my knowing/feeling, especially
in a journey, is pretty good. I suspect that
yours is pretty darn good too! Though if it's a healing journey
for someone else, I "see" far better
than I do if I'm journeying for myself. And I have encountered
Guardians that are not too thrilled
to see me...even if I have the person's permission to work on
their behalf! ((HUGS)) NW just
'cause it's the holiday season and I feel like it!
Silver Eagle Dreamer:
Couldn't these ancestors and protectors be reacting to
our own uncertainty or uneasiness in
regards new and unknown situations?
I would like to clarify a difference of spirits. The Ancestors
I talk about in Japan are those who
have passed on and remain here to tend their families. There
is a difference between these groups
of Spirits and those who are Guardians of this area. The attacks
were from those who had passed
on - not the Guardians of the area.
There is a difference between these groups of Spirits
and those who are Guardians of this area.
The attacks were from those who had passed on - not the Guardians
of the area.
This is not significant to just the Japanese, it's found in
NA practices too. The difference is the
same here. When the spirits of those who have passed on are
present there are sometimes
prejudices that can come through. Not everything is worked out
in the physical world and just
because we cross over doesn't mean we aren't still going to
encounter lessons. The spirits of
those Ancestors can pass information, act as Guides or Protectors
and fulfill numerous needs.
There are also the "other" spirits...spirits of the
land (Spirits of Place), Nature Spirits, and of
course the elemental entities. Now there are more but these
are pretty inclusive of the range we
can encounter.
Spirits of Place tend to carry an essence of the land and its
customs at heart and they behave in a
cultural manner. However, they are of a higher vibration and
they have great power over their
locations. They can instill confidence and peace or sheer terror
at will and they will most
definitely challenge us.
Nature Spirits tend to be localized to areas inhabiting forests
or mountain ranges, etc. They can
be moody, or prissy, they can be disinterested in us or very
focused. It's all dependent on what
their respective concerns and duties are. Many of them could
care less about humans and will
avoid them rather than make contact.
Elemental Spirits need to be coaxed into interaction at times
or at the very least we must show
our worthiness to them. When we honor the approach through methods
such as journeys or
Dancing the Wheel they will see that integrity showing and are
more apt to be open to discourse.
We find them in the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
With all the spirits and variations among them it's a fascinating
study in and of itself. Like us,
they all have their own personality and different levels of
understanding, most are able to convey
spiritual concepts pretty well, but their natures are their
own and only through experiencing that
can one come to see their way to working with them. Relationships
with spirits need to be
established just as they do with people. It's part of the growth
of the path and learning how to
walk it. To expect to understand this without any experience
is going to frustrate anyone.
Through the exercises of Dancing the Wheel we've seen many of
us introduced to different spirits
and given ourselves the opportunity to share those experiences.
This expands that horizon and
allows you to see the variations that exist are limitless. Give
yourself time. You'll see its the only
way for all the information to unfold.
I think when people first come to a spiritual path they are
starving for knowledge and
information and overly eager to soak it all up. But the truth
is you can't do it all at once and you
have to reign yourself in a bit going back to the basic fundamentals,
terminology, and
familiarizing yourself with the atmosphere of the path before
you begin to walk it. It's very
normal to have a lot of questions initially, and we're all happy
to address, discuss, or debate
issues. I'm not trying to quell anything here, just bring some
perspective to things. So ask away,
but know that it is going to be a rag tag gathering of bits
and pieces that you will have to fit
together as you go. In the course of your studies you will start
building a foundation for yourself
in your own way and in that these pieces of information will
start fitting into their proper slots.
So keep your curiosity fed, but understand that you need to
be patient too. And keep a journal of
all encounters and attempts. I know that can be frustrating
and you are asked to take a lot on
more or less blind faith as you learn to see for yourself, but
it's truly the only way I know to
achieve that knowledge and experience. This said, perhaps it
will ease some minds. I think if you
can get the theories down, understand the methods of bringing
them together starts to make
sense and you move much faster as a result.
It took those of us who do hold this knowledge a long time to
gather it, and many experiences
along that journey. It's fascinating, exciting, perplexing,
and a challenge, but I can assure you
it's all well worth it. So many who begin to seek find that
there are many misconceptions that
come from a lot of different sources: Hollywood, fantasy novels,
different media and cultural
lore conflict in presentation of the knowledge, or plain out
corrupt it and it takes time to sort out
that from what you personally think is going on with the reality
of what the truths are. Hope that
helps some of the frustrations I'm seeing here.
Thank you for your posts. In fact I do think I know a little
bit about feeling as you have
discussed above. I was thinking visual challenge as opposed
to what I label as intuituion or
feeling. When I drive down certain roads or walk certain paths
I can feel the land and some
places just don't feel right. I just keep moving either forward
or turn around and go back. Certain
places do emit strong feelings. Whenever I have purchased a
home I always walk the land to see
how it feels. The one time I went against this intuition, I
found myself in a financial disaster.
Never again will I go against my intuition. Hopefully will see
more or feel more in time. Thanks
Dont get over zealous with the hugs Katt I'm not a huggy
type of person, although I can accept
them from time to time. You said: I don't know if it's
that it's beyond your abilities NW...we all
experience things differently...I don't "see" well
Well I used to see pretty well in journeys. But that was when
I was journeying like 2-3 times a
week. Now I'm almost as blind as a bat.... which isn't a bad
analogy as you still pick up stuff but
not as accurately. It was just very different and I thought
it added to the experience and that
what all books talk about when talking about journeying. But
sure I agree with you, feeling is
just as good, just different.
Skin color and stuff.....I guess an explanation of what I meant
won't go astray...Well let me see,
when I am, say, walking along in the physical world (rather
than in a journey), then when I can
feel/sense a land spirit then they get all startled and a bit
iffy if I do anything that suggests I
might see them. Because they have just got used to being "unseen"
in general by people of my
skin color. And I say skin color as that seems to be what they
are going on as information by
which to judge what I am likely to behave like. ie they have
just come to expect being invisible
to white people. Then I explain that it is perfectly normal
for a white person to be able to see
them and then kinda... show them my genetic energy signature
so they can see where I am from
and my ancestry etc. and where my homeland is and why I am here
and what my intent is and
they see that and settle down. Like as if I have given them
enough information for them to know
how to relate to me.
But I guess that is in line with a lot of cultural mores and
customs and taboos from aboriginal
lore that have been so intricately woven with the land. Some
places are appropriate for some
people and not for others. But it is not like the land here
is pristine but had aboriginal people
plonked on top, living "sustainably" with it. Instead,
the people are CUSTODIANS of the land.
They were a part of the ecosystem in the way that say ants are
and termites and trees. And the
better "white" people are at living in harmony with
the land, the more it is because we are a part
of that ecosystem, not an add-on. So of course the spiritual
side of the land is totally interwoven
with the human presence reflecting how it was physically for
I am just startled that Earthwalker felt it so strange... in
answer to your questions, Earthwalker,
NO, spirits are not unprejudiced and working only on a perception
of the person's intention. They
are more like people than infallible and totally pure beings.
And the land spirits have well and
truly come to expect hurt by neglect from people with my skin
color. I am sure they were hurt by
many an aboriginal through time too, but overall, aboriginal
people long ago developed a
relationship with the land, physically and spiritually, that
we are now struggling to maintain, thus
is the relevance of shamanism to my world.
Lune, "I am just startled that Earthwalker felt it so strange...
in answer to your questions,
Earthwalker, NO, spirits are not unprejudiced and working only
on a perception of the person's
Thank you for your explanation and I believe I do understand
it from your perspective but not
totally since I haven't experienced it except for the eerie
feeling I occasionally get when walking
/ driving through certain areas. In reality this was prior to
my initiation into the world of spirit
(a few months) and I didn't stayed around long enough to meet
these spirits. Honestly, however I
would never have even thought to explain it that way. I am just
beginning to know the spirit
world though and so far I guess I have not interacted in this
dimension. I believe I did meet one
spirit from your land (Australia is the only country which feels
intuitively right). He just rose out
of the sun -dried soil in a bush type environment, had twigs
on his head and was covered with
dried mud. He seemed very primitive, skin tone was brownish
(that which showed through the
dried mud), had a nice smile and his eyes appeared somewhat
mischievous. If you know who he
might be I would like to know about him. He has appeared briefly
"But I guess that is in line with a lot of cultural mores
and customs and taboos from aboriginal
lore that have been so intricately woven with the land. Some
places are appropriate for some
people and not for others."
Maybe, but when you look out at the immense beauty of any land
I have to believe that the spirit
of the land can feel that energy even if they are more like
those in the mundane world. To me that
which is sacred is found in the beauty of the land and I was
shocked to even think that one could
be blocked from seeing, feeling, interacting, and fusing with
the nature of unexplored lands
because of skin bias. Even in the mundane world in the physical
plane most people get a sense of
one another's presence upon which they make their initial contact.
I cannot say that skin color
comes into play anymore than as a note, as is hair color, height
etc. noted.
"the people are CUSTODIANS of the land. They were a part
of the ecosystem in the way that say
ants are and termites and trees. And the better "white"
people are at living in harmony with the
land", the more it is because we are a part of that ecosystem,
not an add-on. So of course the
spiritual side of the land is totally interwoven with the human
presence reflecting how it was
physically for millennia
. but overall, aboriginal people
long ago developed a relationship with
the land, physically and spiritually, that we are now struggling
I agree but isn't this what the environmental movement is about
worldwide. Moving back
towards a state where we are living in communion with nature
as opposed to as you said "living
on it". Yet the reality exists that worldwide communication
has made us into a global nation; we
are no longer capable of living in isolated groups. How do we
enable the caring spirits of the
lands to help as environmental concerns are addressed worldwide
and as we move towards
fusion with nature?
I apologize for being somewhat argumentative and do accept what
you are saying but have never
felt it(as of yet). . How of should you call upon these guardians?
The only other guardians I have
met surround portals and they have never been hostile. I approach
cautiously and they usually
just close their eyes, let me pass or lead me to the portal.
Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Bias, you know this thread about skin color and prejudice by
spirits is the first time in all these
years I've ever heard such a thing. It may be peculiar to Lune's
region of the world. I've not run
into it and I've been to a lot of sacred sites, dealt with Spirits
of Place and land spirits. Perhaps
the reason I have not encountered this is my intent going in
and my focus as well, but it seems
odd to me that this is going on. I know that a lot of land spirits
don't care for humans in general
and are shy about interaction with us, but race and skin color
have never been issues that I've run
into other than with other humans. Interesting thoughts though.
Hello, just checked in while the turkey is cooking, and thought
to try to explain a bit better. Skin
color - this is actually simple - it is only when they see me
in physical sense first and then it is
just surprise that I am aware enough to interact with them on
a spirit level and in such a
conscious manner with them. And I think Earthwalker also read
it as me being blocked to access,
but that is wrong, just a wariness and a need to go through
the correct protocols, maybe the
equivalent to knocking on the door politely, I think. It is
no big deal, I just have encountered
surprise on their parts, but like I said, it is only when I
am physically walking through the land,
not say a journey or whatever.
As for the protocols, I think surely there must be protocols
to go through for every land spirit, it
is just that in Australia the land and the aboriginal customs
are so intwined - people still live a
traditional or semi-traditional lifestyle in a lot of places
here, that I think the protocols are
similar to those of different aboriginal cultures. But Cinn,
have you not had spirits presume
about who and what you are first, then find out better later?
isn't that what happened when NW
visited - your guardian presumed first, asked questions later?
*sigh* One day I can go to America and Europe and OH YEAH!!!
Africa then I can see what it
is like there. And Earthwalker, about the environmental movements
etc., I agree totally and I
think it is a great puzzle how to be sustainable and in harmony,
but on a global scale too, Quite a
Lune, environmental issue: the best models for sustainability
that I have seen presented is in a
book called the "Future of Life" by Edward O Wilson.
The key is a broader view, that of the
global community verses individual countries. I read the book
if you are interested I cannot due
his brilliance justice.
If you come to Montreal you need to extend your trip south a
couple of hundred miles. Surfing
(?) well how about snowboarding? Boards and water seem the same
to me (?); plus you get the
views from the mountains.
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