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Shapeshifting & Pow Wow Images
By Earthwalker
I had a question in regards to images I was shown and thought
I might share the answer and
questions I found. My question was not as much about the images
as if its ok to just being given
the gift of seeing immense beauty for enjoyment without any
real intent to learn. Let me explain.
I have been discussing Powwows and the dances here at Spirit
Lodge but also love to wander
through book stores. The other day I was looking at a book of
Powwow that had absolutely
beautiful pictures of dancers in their regalia. I was contemplating
the Spirit / physical
connections later that evening and images came to mind. My guide
came and told me to just
watch and enjoy. I saw dancers in regalia but they were in spirit
form and the dancers each had a
uniqueness. I don't see auras but each feather of the eagle
dancer shone and the regalia was from
another world. There was just images after images until my dog
jumped on me and brought me
back to the mundane. I thanked the dancers for sharing their
connections as well as my guide.
Initially I felt guilty just observing this beauty (regalia
and dance) without even attempting to
learn. It doesn't seem quite right to just sit back and enjoy
something. But then I realized tonight
how much I was being shown. I was again shown my answers visually.
I was looking for the
connection from the Dancer to the animal and to Spirit and I
could visually observe it in this
form. It was found in the light yet power of the dance and it
radiated from within the dancer and
outwardly in immensely beautiful glowing regalia. My favorite
was the White Eagle dancer but
all were beautiful. The White Eagle Dancer danced in white mist.
He was in white buckskin
pants and shirt and had long white feathers as a bustle on his
back and hanging from his arms. As
he danced he almost soared. His hair was dark and long and feathers
hung down on the back of
his head. His hands appeared almost feather like. There was
a shapeshifting occurring which
could be seen as well as felt.
I have been also going back through my mind trying to understand
the fine line between melding
and shape shifting based on my own experiences and these images
helped me some in my own
mind understand the difference, I think. In melding, you meld
with the animal and can feel its
power; yet you are still unique within the entity; in other
words, two unique entities within one.
When shapeshifting it appears you become one with the identity.
Still I am left confused and
question, do you retain your separateness in both case. As example
lets say you are seeing
through the eyes of Hawk but also retain knowledge of the self
that is viewing through the eyes
of Hawk. This is melding I believe. When shapeshifting do you
retain this distinction? Is shape
shifting when you ask to become one with the animal and physically
feel or see the changes
happening in Spirit verses melding where the animal initiates
the changes? Or is this just
semantics? I have a hard time differentiating the two. Nevertheless
I am grateful for the images
of these dancers. So I realize that even in pure enjoyment there
are observations and lessons to be
learned and as one is learned many other question are opened
for further discussion. Observation
seems to me to be the fuel of the medicine wheel.
You basically grabbed it all here, Earthwalker! Congratualtions!!!
Melding: Is when the spirit merges with yours briefly
to honor, initiate, or create a bond of some
sort. It lets you briefly feel that energy and recognize it.
That way you can summon it within
yourself later if you need to call on it. It's a "permission
to use" sort of thing too. The two join in
union, two becoming one.
Shapeshifting: Is when you spiritually take that form
and you become the creature
your shape
shifts and you move around functioning as the animal. You crave
as the animal craves: food, the
hunt, thirst, the drink. You move with those muscles in physical
sensation, feel your body shift
form, a snout is *felt* to grow on your face, talons are felt
to grow from your fingers. You can
feel muscles shift and change form. You feel the shapeshift
take place and you act as that
creature would act. All the senses become akin to the creature
not a human being. You shift
perspectives and insights to see through those eyes, to function
with that body.
Melding is a merging that is like a passing through and easily
separated from. Shapeshifing is a
change of form that takes intense concentration to do and to
turn back so strong grounding
afterward is necessary. It can mess you up if you don't do it
Thanks! Yes, it does help a lot. Would this be true with the
elements as well?
That's been my experience. Though if one were to try without
foundational understanding of
those elements and their capabilities, it would be quite the
journey for them and they may find
their hands full. Far better to let the elements take the lead
through the Guides they send us than
to dive into trouble one can't handle. I'm not implying you
here either, just for the sake of clarity,
I'm just thinking of those who see it as fun and have no experience.
That's pretty advanced work.
Cinnamon, Have no doubt that I will go slowly here. I just laugh
at my own stupidity and initial
question "can you just sit back and enjoy the picture".
I knew I couldn't yet still asked. Instead, I
started to understood by just observing and going with the flow
lessons can be learned as well.
What can be more simple or more powerful that a simple picture
which you can feel?
What an interesting topic!
Melding: Is when the spirit merges with yours briefly
to honor, initiate, or create a bond of
some sort. It lets you briefly feel that energy and recognize
it. That way you can summon it
within yourself later if you need to call on it. It's a "permission
to use" sort of thing too. The two
join in union, two becoming one.
Shapeshifting: Is when you spiritually take that form
and you become the creature
your shape
shifts and you move around functioning as the animal. You crave
as the animal craves: food, the
hunt, thirst, the drink. You move with those muscles in physical
sensation, feel your body shift
form, a snout is *felt* to grow on your face, talons are felt
to grow from your fingers. You can
feel muscles shift and change form. You feel the shapeshift
take place and you act as that
creature would act. All the senses become akin to the creature
not a human being. You shift
perspectives and insights to see through those eyes, to function
with that body.
The first time anything like this ever happened to me it was
melding, although I never knew it
then! This was before I knew anything about shamanism or totems
or shapeshifting.
I dreamt I was on a beach and a stag came running up behind
me (long dream shortened to the
"good" bits). I was scared as he was a BIG deer, so
I ducked down flat to hide in the sand dunes.
He came and stood over me. I finally got tired of lying flat
and carefully rose up on my hands
and knees, but as I tried to crawl away the stag walked with
me. Each of my limbs moving with
one of its. Then I just melted into the stag's belly and we
were one. I was the stag, but I was still
me. It was more like I was "in" the stag. We ran off
along the beach and although I was seeing
and feeling what the stag experienced I was still very aware
that I was "me" and the stag was
there in this body with me.
That dream was a door that opened for me. About 6 months later
I was online chatting to a new
friend who did dream interpretations. He offered to do any dream
I wanted for free as a
friendship gesture. I told him this dream. He came back all
excited. He was half Native American
and knew exactly what kind of dream it was. He sent me all these
recommended books to read
and websites on everything from totems to shapeshifting.
And that was three years ago when my whole view of the world
changed forever. Since then I've
had one really strong shape-shifting dream and so can tell the
difference. In that dream I became
a panther. Literally. My hands scrunched up and became paws,
my body stretched and twisted
and grew fur. It was highly exhilarating. I ran and leapt through
trees. I wasn't sharing a
panther body. I WAS a panther.
Looking back I remember now that this had happened to me before
a long time ago. Once in my
early 20s I became a raven and flew off a building.
In real life I've always been a borderline shapeshifter, but
never knew there was such a thing. As
a kid if I played pretend games I was always an animal. Usually
a horse, but sometimes an eagle
or some member of the cat family. Sometimes when I was a horse
I could carry it further and
watch myself running alongside our car on family trips. That
used to feel a bit more like melding
and now recently I've discovered one of my power animals is
a horse so that explains a lot!
Hmmm....yes, interesting topic. I've shapeshifted since I was
a child. Birds, mostly. I'm me and
then I merge with the animal. However, in one journey I just
plain was a horse, beginning to end.
It felt strangely like a past-life experience, but how could
I have been a horse in a past life? I felt
a definite connection with my rider - a young NA man. It was
very confusing. As the horse, I
longed so to be able to communicate more directly with my rider.
I felt him in turmoil over
something and wanted to console him, give him counsel and ease
his pain. Now I understand that
message for me, but why would I feel it a past-life experience?
I just wanted to share something with Earthwalker that I mentioned
to someone else this
morning, the topic seems popular! LOL
"A merging is something not so intense, they merge their
spirit with yours briefly. Almost like
they step into you. The shapeshifting is you turning into them."
Crow~Thank you so much for sharing these experiences. You did
an excellent job of depicting
the differences between merging and shapeshifting!
StarDreamer~There are reincarnation teachings that tell of living
past lives in animal forms
before we take human form, and some suggest that we have opportunities
to explore many
different lifeforms. Reincarnation has many different teachings
depending on the cultural beliefs
the theories come from and I'm not real big on past lives, I
feel the Inner Spirit is the sum total of
all of them and if there is need to know those experiences that
it will bring it through to us
through the things it teaches. That's just me though. *Soft
Ok, that feels better. I'm not really a believer in reincarnation
in that mode, either, and that's
what was troubling me. I'll just let it go and be grateful of
the lesson I learned...that's how I
approached it anyway. Just thought I'd bring it here because
it seemed to fit the topic - guess I
was wrong. But I got my concern answered. Thanks for having
patience with me, once again.
Unregistered Guest:
I've been "melding" with and shapeshifting as a white
wolf for several years. I could literally feel
my body twist, shift and change. I grew white fur, a snout formed
and my hands became paws.
The first time I did I was like, "Whoa!!" I do find
that after I have returned to myself that I have
to ground myself otherwise, I don't feel "human" if
that makes any sense.
Thank you all for your responses. I have never shapeshifted
just melded; albeit I have felt the
muscles of Cougar, the spreading of the wings of Eagle etc.
Still the animal merged with me.
I think I am more or less defining the extremes (melding to
shapeshifting) possible more as a
continuum than an either or; but that may just be my lack of
experiences. My experiences have
been primarily driven by the intent of the animal since I have
never initiated the process. But
then I wonder about the eyes of the animals as well. So often
they seem to be portals to cosmic
journeys. The intent in the eyes pull you within. There too
is a merging in a sense but more of a
going through. Exactly where on the continuum this activity
would be placed I do not know. Its
more of a feeling of oneness (the joining of energies) as opposed
to either separateness or
becoming the other.
This may just be me, since I have a very hard time separating
Inner Spirit from myself. Inner
Spirit, that voice that talks to you, has always been part of
me. I have always listened to my inner
voice and talk to it(myself). I didn't define or label this
voice / activity as Inner Spirit but just
viewed this as myself and more or less thought everyone did
this. There too is a oneness as
opposed to a separateness or becoming the other. Is it really
necessary to separate the two?
I had a strange experience when I was shown the monolith which
I posted on in another post. I
saw in vision a magnificent landscape; a rolling mountainous
windswept scene but one which
was very green. There was this middle aged man covered in furs
walking with a staff up the
mountain. There were mountains in the background and the day
felt special. He walked briskly
up the mountain to the monolith and towards the East. I felt
this person was part of self but
questioned it? As I, in vision walked to the monolith, there
was this scene superimposed and the
energy of the monolith was shown in this super imposed image.
The man somehow was showing
the use of the energy but also being at one with me or I with
him. There was no uniqueness or
separateness. It left me a little confused but not in a frightened
sense just one of incomplete
understanding of the connection. It seems the lessons are almost
teaching the concept of oneness
albeit the separateness needed to be define in order to understand
the oneness. I hope I haven't
totally confused the subject?
Yesterday after reading this I wrote up a very long, nervous,
rambling message to Cinnamon
shooting questions at her privately for fear of posting
openly. In her reply she
encouraged me to post here, so with some trepidation I am trying
to. Lol ((bear with me while I
ramble Im a good rambler lol))
As I said to her, I grew up in a household where the slightest
thought of anything outside of what
they believed was evil, the feeling of déjà vu
was described to me once as the devil trying to
get into you, or use you and you should pray for help and forgiveness
if you felt anything
remotely close to anything odd. So I still struggle
with feelings stemming from that,
judgmentalism, criticism, and the fear of all of that are really
. So I didnt feel like I should
I wrote this to Cinnamon, and Im just copying it for all
of my ranting and nervousness:
A few years ago something happened to me that I have never understood,
and I have been afraid
to ask for fear of someone telling me that I was wrong, or that
it couldnt of possibly happened. I
have also been afraid that I *shouldnt* talk about it
for some reason, though I dont know if
there is a case of some things being more personal or private
than others.
I dont know what happened, and I still dont understand
I am near to tears trying to even
which I am sure sounds silly. I was sort of pulled
*into* an experience when I was not
even trying to meditate or sleeping or anything
I dont
know what brought it on or why
was spending some intimate time with my mate when I became disoriented,
like I was being
pulled out of myself almost physically. I stopped feeling my
body, was almost an out of body
kind of thing, knowing what was going on with my physical body
but it was sort of secondary
like pushed back into the back of my head
then my thoughts
(gaze/attention) were turned
outwards towards someplace else.
I was alone, on my knees naked when out of the trees a wolf
bound up to me and while I
crouched down out of alarm it ran over and I became one with
running, feeling it, breathing
with it
I have read of shape shifting or melding but this
was so strange (Ive never felt
anything even remotely like this) because then when amazed,
unable to barely grasp what was
happening I was thrown into another animal. A fox, I could feel
the difference in size, a smaller
animal - a red fox
I felt like I was sort of riding
with the animals as I was thrown from one
to the next
after the fox was a deer running across a
sort of leaping and running
through the tall grasses, as an eagle swooped down from the
sky and I then was rushed up into its
flight, soaring towards some mountains
gliding on the
currents, my mind whirling
overwhelmed with everything as with each animal I could feel
what was going on, smell what
was around me but was still conscious of who I was, and awestruck
at what I was feeling
plunging suddenly from the sky
I felt fear as the ground
rushed up before plunging beneath the
surface of a large river, I was swimming
a salmon struggling
along the river until a bear
grasped me within its teeth pulling me up from the water struggling
for air
the final shift
becoming the bear that held the fish within its teeth
I knew the bear was the same one,
standing within the river holding the fish before being separated
from the bear and sort of
looking into its eyes, very close to its face.
All of this happened so fast, so quickly
one thing from
another, until I felt like I was rushed
back into my physical body with a quick push and I came back
to where I was with a thud,
almost painfully. It is still with me, I can still see it all
when I think about it.
Afterwards I felt disconnected, overwhelmed, shaking mildly
I ran to my journal and wrote some
scribbled notes about it.
Is this even possible? Its sort of frightening, and I
really am afraid that someone will think I am
nuts LOL. I grew up in a family/religion that thought anything
outside what they believed was
evil, and the things I felt or saw as a child was evil
I have long struggled with the allowing of
myself to explore, feel, and believe. I was treated like I was
a nut, insane, or an outlet for the
devil to use.
Is it possible to be thrust into something like I described
and what would/could it mean if
anything? Or should I try to learn more about each animal and
keep searching? I have read and
know about these animals though I have felt like I am stuck.
This was her reply to my original letter:
Greetings Silver, First let me say that the things you have
shared here are appropriate for the
forum and common enough that there may be others who would benefit
from a discussion on the
matter. Secondly, as I said, this is not all that uncommon.
I would venture to say that your
Guides called your spirit forth and these experiences were their
way of introducing themselves to
you. Thirdly, I fully understand what it is to break religious
tradition and how those in one's
family or close to it would perceive this as the work of the
devil. It's sad that such things
continue in this day and age, but they do.
Because the animals are coming to you like this I would definitely
tell you to explore shamanic
traditions. It's in keeping with those teachings. It is frightening
when that comes out of nowhere
to you. I remember the first time it happened to me I thought
I was losing my mind or dying,
couldn't tell which but I was terrified. I know what you're
talking about with this. You do get
used to it though. You say you are rather young, can you please
give me your exact age?
Stepping on and off one's path initially due to uncertainty
is normal. I think just about everyone
has to go through the stage of doubts as to validity. I'm pleased
to hear that you are starting to
pick it up again. You may want to read the articles in the library
on Spirit Guides, there are
several if you scroll through the index there. Your Guides will
trust that you are walking your
path as you were meant to and they will understand why you've
stepped away. Do not worry.
They know your thoughts.
I think your fears of discussing this experience stem from the
critical way those you look to as
role models have perceived such things as being of the devil.
They are not. There is nothing
forbidden to speak of in the right environment and Spirit Lodge
is such an environment. This is
why we have created the site, to allow people a place to discuss
matters and to find the insights
they need. It's a teaching and sharing forum to help you find
your spiritual path (whatever it is to
be...we profess no "one way" here but see all paths
as valid.).
The experience moved you and your unknowns are many here so
I'm not surprised, along with
the way those near you perceive such matters, that it moves
you to tears. (((Hugs))) It's okay.
The symptoms you describe, and the course of events are typical.
Though in most cases it is only
one animal that comes sometimes two, you were gifted with several!
How wonderful!!! In this
experience you being naked meant that Spirit was looking into
your Inner Spirit...naked in the
sense that you could hide nothing about yourself. This is so
for all of us. *Smiles* That you felt
what it was like to be and perform as these animals is definitely
shapeshifting. A merging is
something not so intense, they merge their spirit with yours
briefly. Almost like they step into
you. The shapeshifting is you turning into them.
Wolf, Red Fox, Deer, Eagle, Salmon, Bear, I would suggest you
take them in order for the
lessons that would perhaps follow this encounter. In other words,
Wolf would help you explore
and gather, Fox would help you stay unnoticed as you did (invisibility)
and Deer would help you
with protection and nurturing while Eagle would help guide as
a messenger and give you the
greater overview. Then Salmon would help you with the views
of others, the struggle to swim
against the current of life in that sense, and finally Bear
will help you to heal your fears and
defend your choices. There's much more to them and please check
our Totem Library for more
The aftermath and physical sensations are also common. it's
quite the experience and you're
bound to be visibly shaken from it and moreso if unprepared
to have it. This is why grounding is
so important. It does restore the energy levels and help with
the re-assemblage of your energy.
"Is it possible to be thrust into something like I described
and what would/could it mean if
Absolutely, in fact the Animal Spirits often initiate people
to the path they are to walk this way. I
think you could share this in the forum and if you want to copy
paste my reply or quote me you
are welcome to.
Bravo, Silver!!!
Wow Silver! that must have been awesome and overwhelming. When
something like that
happens to you unexpectedly it can be really scarey. And the
worst is not having anyone to talk
about it to.
Is this even possible? Its sort of frightening,
and I really am afraid that someone will think I am
nuts LOL. I grew up in a family/religion that thought anything
outside what they believed was
evil, and the things I felt or saw as a child was evil
I have long struggled with the allowing of
myself to explore, feel, and believe. I was treated like I was
a nut, insane, or an outlet for the
devil to use.
On TV once I heard a psychiatrist tell the audience that if
you were scared you were nuts you
weren't! Really crazy people think they are perfectly sane,
it's only sane people who have doubts
and worries. So you are perfectly sane and yes, these things
really are possible.
Sounds like your family are like my one uncle's side of the
family. They have the same religious
attitude. My cousins know I'm "weird" now, but I waited
till I was 36 before I told them! My
uncle? I've never told him or his wife, I know he'd never cope.
He's a good man and I love him
lots, but this is just not something he's ready or willing to
listen to.
Like I said to my mom once. It's some of the family are fish
and some of the family are birds.
The fish are NEVER going to understand flying. We can try forever
to get them to understand,
which probably would cause a lot of upsets, or we can just accept
that they are fish and we're
birds and let it go.
I used to worry about the "evil" thing too. My best
friend in high school changed religions when
she was 17 and started telling me everything I was/did/thought
was evil. In the end we stopped
being friends, but her words upset me a lot and I had doubts
for a long time.
Then it finally dawned on me that there was someone I could
ask. God! how dumb could I have
been to have missed the obvious. If I asked God's advice about
what I was or what I was doing
and it really was evil He sure wasn't going to sit back and
say nothing!
So I asked and I got my answer. What I am is what He made me
and he doesn't mess up. The
path I am taking is with His blessing. He's made that perfectly
clear over and over, only people
like my friend and uncle had put these little doubts in the
way so I ended up listening to them
instead of that little voice from God that kind of echoes in
your heart every time you choose
which way to go.
I'm so glad you were brave enough to share your story. Cinn
is right, it's one a lot of us recognize
and one that many need to hear to help them understand their
own lives.
Silver ~(((HUGS))) Just adding my affirmation to those of Cinnamon
Moon and Crow Woman.
Yes, it is definitely possible! What a wonderful progression
of guides! They are giving you such
insight! And, yes, as the others said, it can shake you up,
but they needed to make an impression
on you, yes? Make you think enough to come here and ask questions?
And you did! And we're
I appreciate the thoughts... the hardest part was opening up
to begin with and talk, was a huge
hurdle because I am a quiet person by nature... I like to observe
and quietly take in things until I
feel comfortable. Some of those questions I asked Cinnamon have
been plaguing me for far too
long, and in facing them I was able to let them go and begin
to move forward again. -grins- So
again, thank you.
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