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By Earthwalker
I would just like to partially relate
a situation where I was taught a good lesson by Spirit. My
intent is not to frighten anyone only to stress to learn lessons
I have actually been feeling good about experiencing the elements
etc. and I think maybe just a
little too sure of myself. The other morning while driving I
found myself watching my Inner
Spirit in a situation where I have never been before. I was
subsequently pulled into the situation
without having the slightest idea what I was observing or how
to deal with the problems that
ensued. With the aid of the elements and Spirit I was able to
get myself out of the mess I found
myself in and I learned a lot. Still, I would like to know how
one should be ready or how one can
protect oneself in these unknown situations; the situations
that Spirit has a way of presenting to
us when we feel too good about what has been happening. In other
words, a gentle wakeup call
(more like getting hit with a 2 x 4) reminding us how much there
is still to learn.
As I think about the experience. I ask myself if I would walk
into it the same way again and
honestly if the exact same set of circumstances existed I would
have to say yes. However, I feel
there must be a better way. How does one protect oneself in
these foreign territories. My intent
was that of an observer; it was humble, correct, and loving?
Nevertheless, a situation arose which
I was pulled into, I could not remain neutral in this case.
How do you remember to call your
Guides when you just "find" yourself someplace? Is
there a way to intuit this before it happens?
I know all of this sounds strange without details but the details
I believe would be dependent
upon ones own mind and how one sees or feel but the same
question and situation could arise. I
guess I am just really trying to convey to myself that I need
to be ready before I completely jump
in over my head and also let others know that Cinnamon words,
which quite frankly I took
lightly, are correct. I am thankful for the multiple lessons
and wouldn't have wanted to miss the
experience but would not necessarily want to repeat it either.
I was definitely shown that the
other dimensions aren't always flying with the White Eagle or
Dancing with the Whale. Still, I
am excited to keep learning but just a little more cautious
or respectful of unknowns.
Good Morning Earthwalker,
Getting in over your head is common enough. Many people do it
and in those cases, because you
don't have the training on how to respond, you either sink or
swim. Luckily you were able to
swim. There are risks and dangers that exist and many brush
them off lightly attributing the
warnings to someone's overactive imagination...after all, how
could these things really happen?
Monsters, spirits...where's the validation? Pitfalls, traps...how
could they possibly exist? How
can the spiritual realms (seemingly transparent) pose any kind
of threat? Aren't they just images
in our minds? It happens though.
There are generally 3 levels of spiritual accomplishment: beginner,
intermediate, and advanced.
Beyond that there's mastery (though I deeply dislike the term
ascended master as I think it's a bit
arrogant to say the least) ...it's not about being a master
but about mastering the knowledge.
Hairlines again.
Is there a way to tell that these tests are going to present
themselves? Yes, once you've learned to
work with your senses like we've been practicing. We've been
focused on attuning them to the
elemental forces, there are other attunements as well, this
is just the initiator. You should be
walking everywhere with your Guides initially until you learn
to handle yourself. Going
unescorted in uncharted (for you) territory does pose danger
at times. It may not all be life
threatening but it can get darned uncomfortable and very sticky
You can find other lifeforms attempting to attach to your own
spirit, you can bring that back to
the physical reality, and have physical symptoms of a disease
that medical science cannot treat
or psychological symptoms of possession. It happens. You can
pass through energy fields and if
you don't know how to recognize them properly you can take on
residual energies and bring
them back to the physical reality too. In that case you may
have symptoms that mimic depression,
the flu, phobias, coma, headaches, etc. or even what some call
psychic experiences hitting at
random and flashing in and out because you didn't properly move
through the stages of
dimension. There is a reason things are done in specific ways.
The list here is a long one and any number of "symptoms"
can indicate that work was done
improperly. At those times one needs to seek out a shaman, explain
what they did, and get help to
re-center and stabilize themselves again. Provided they haven't
fallen into a trance-sleep of
exhaustion and in that case, without someone knowing what happened,
there would be no way of
knowing a shamanic practitioner would be needed if you are outside
a culture that recognizes
this path. Inside that culture others would recognize something
had gone wrong spiritually and
seek out a shaman as one would a doctor...they are spiritual
healers. Even there the trouble can
rest in the individual not remembering what they did exactly,
the trance may not properly have
been broken, or they may be leaving out critical details. The
shaman may have to do a
regression journey back into the event to observe what took
place so they can come back and
treat the person.
It is so easy to think you have a grasp on things when you have
a few breakthroughs along the
way and learn to start working with your gifts. Overconfidence
will always be met with fair
challenges (tests). This is why we are taught to meet the GateKeepers
of the portals we pass
through and to meet their challenges before entering those realms.
If we pop in randomly we
don't know what to expect and literally anything can happen.
There is a pattern to things and you need to train yourself
to see these patterns so you can work
with them. Here you were tested, you passed but it took everything
you had learned to that point
being pulled together in a hurry to get out of the situation.
This is just one of many patterns:
learn, be tested/apply the knowledge, pass and continue, fail
and repeat. You passed, but you
were not fully prepared. You had enough to get out of it, but
just barely. Not everyone is going to
be so fortunate. Your own analytical nature came to your rescue
here and you questioned what
you needed to do. Others might panic and stand like a deer in
a car's headlights or just plain
lose it and fall victim to some very ugly "stuff".
By working with and honing the skills necessary to be fully
functional with your senses you can
see this type of thing coming and you will have your radar up.
By training properly you will
know what type of reaction you need to take to gain control
of a situation, how to shield yourself,
and how to call upon appropriate help.
You will hear me say again and again that all things begin in
the spiritual sense before they
manifest in the physical sense. When we contend with the spiritual
aspects we run into different
manifestations than perhaps would present themselves in the
physical world. Things take form in
the most unusual ways. The spirit worlds are heavily populated
with entities and lifeforms that
you have never even imagined, and without training you can get
into some sticky situations. (Not
just you...anyone)
The warnings are not there for nothing. The need to heed them
is important. In most cases, they
remain just that, warnings and the training prepares you to
deal with them avoiding such
confrontations. When you push past the training you get into
uncharted waters and without a
Guide to take you through that (physical or spiritual) it can
become dangerous. This is why we
center, why we summon our Guides, why we go about things ritually
until we have that
understanding and can adapt it to our needs. Even the spirit
realms have their swamps...it's just
that sometimes that swamp can be a dark energy cloud or a force
field or a looming giant with a
mean temper.
The spirit worlds operate by thought, sensory input, and are
(to us) pure energy fields we are
working with. Once in a realm, however, we become subject to
its laws and as I've said in the
past, it may not relate to the laws of physics that govern the
physical world. The elemental forces
are there, but in a different context...a spiritual context,
which means that their essence is
present but they may take on different forms. For this reason
it is important to understand all the
symbology relative to each one so you can learn to recognize
and work with it in any given
situation...knowing its energy signature and what it is capable
of doing to serve your needs and
add strength to your own abilities. We have to learn to wield
energy and hone our skills.
Imagine energy like a laser beam. It needs a control level to
determine the strength of the energy
being emitted. Without control it becomes subject to chaotic
results and we can do damage to
ourselves, others, or environments. Just as the physical environment
is fragile in our reality, the
spiritual environments are too. How we channel energy is a vital
skill to develop and should
never be taken lightly. (I hope you know I'm not being critical
of you here, but stating facts for
other readers.)
There's a reason we take things a step at a time. Your experience
is not uncommon and many
people who find their Inner Spirit quickening may find these
types of situations present
themselves unasked for. They are just drawn into them unknowingly,
events "happen" around
them that they can't explain and it can cause deep fears to
be born as a result. They tend to seek
help at that point and start asking questions that bring answers.
It starts them on the path of
seeking knowledge and serves a purpose. Everything happens for
a reason...either intentionally
on our part, or intentionally on Spirit's...to teach a lesson,
show the way, or test us.
You did well, and you learned a lot in the process. There's
nothing like firsthand experience. The
path of the shaman/ess is one of humble humility. The path of
service is done honorably. This is
the challenge of the Ego that drives us to think we are more
qualified than we are and it's the
inner battle with our Egos that we constantly must strive to
win control over. This is why you will
hear people say it's a journey of self-discovery. We need to
discover what we can and can't do so
we know where we need to go and what we need to learn. If we
insist on doing things our way
Spirit takes over and does the teaching. Usually it's in a gentle
manner and when you think of
what could have happened you'll find that even though it may
have been harrowing at the time, it
could have been much worse.
In your case you did very well and you got out of that experience
relatively unscathed. It made
you more aware of your vulnerability, and at the same time showed
you that you can work on a
spiritual level that you previously have not known. That's the
world of the shaman or Medicine
Person and they walk there simultaneously with the physical
reality at all times, there is no line
of division for the shaman. For the average person this is theory,
for the shaman it's reality...and
it does become tangible doesn't it?
Thank you so much for sharing this. It's an important lesson
for all of us, advanced on our path
or not, these kinds of things continue to happen along the way.
This is an important thread and a
good point to open for discussion.
Cinnamon, You are welcome! The one thing I am sure of is that
there was some short of energy
transfer across dimensions and it wasn't coincidence, it was
felt in the physical realm. Yes it was
tangible. I do believe that it was a lesson as well. I danced
last night to say thank you. At the end
I was in another dimension (without guides) depicted as a translucent
absolutely clear bubble;
probably the same place I was before. I could feel my inner
spirit there but could not see it. This
realm contained nothing of human / life form only pure translucent
energy of differing colors. It
is the realm of the other rune like symbol I had been looking
for. I didn't find the symbol but
found a place of incredible beauty and peace. As leaving I was
shown the white Spirit City I
envision in mist. Unlike the other energy it was not translucent
but somehow contained or
attached to this dimension. I was as surprised by this situation
that I found myself in as I was in
the other. I wasn't looking to journey just to say Thank You
and simply ended up in this
dimension. Still without Guides; but they wouldn't feel right
in this dimension. Its been quite a
week and I had almost posted on the Dance forum a gentle reminder
that it was the end of the
month and I was getting bored. Maybe I'll learn to keep my mind
quiet one of these.
I know what you mean. I'll have the next Dance up before the
month is out in time for the new
moon next Sunday. I've got a post-it note on my monitor screen.
Ha! What a sight that frame is.
Don't ask! You are expressing exactly how we receive lessons
at the hand of Spirit and our
Guides when we don't have direct access to a physical teacher
or one who direct our focus to
these issues for whatever reason. So it's something you personally
needed and a little seasoning
to your other resources. Spirit steps in when necessary. You
had to go through this to take in
what's coming next so it is more expedient to your growth in
that sense. Get ready to hang onto
your hat you may be stepping into the fast lane again.
are on this row
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