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Weaving Dream Catchers
- Discussion
By SilverEagleDreamDancer

This discussion started out in another
thread and I thought it would be best to give it its own voice.
Here's what came before:
Star Dreamer:
And SEDD, it all
seemed to start when I began my first practice dreamcatcher
Thursday night. I've made two now. Nothing outstanding, believe
me, but somehow the weaving seemed to put things in motion.
When you made your first ones, SEDD, did you feel they mirrored
your own energy? All will, of course, to some extent, but these
two, hanging on my wall, seem to be speaking to me...I find
myself drawn to looking at them off and on and finding something
new each time.
Actually no I didn't feel they mirrored my energy. From the
get go, each had their own thing that had nothing to do with
me. That's when I became aware they held a medicine all their
own. I've actually been tracking generalities through the comments
that people have offered. Who knows.. maybe another book sometime
down the line I would be interested in hearing more on this
experience you're having though You mentioned the weaving and
yes, that does change something within ya.
Star Dreamer :
Well, it was very
interesting as I began to do the second dreamcatcher. As I went
along weaving (four inch bamboo hoop)I began to feel a pull
to one side...to the left. The center opening is off center
to the left. Therefore the energy is heavier on the right side.
The web is crimson in color and I have amethyst beads on the
right side...three of them spaced widely in the upper right
quadrant and four closely spaced on the lower right quadrant
edging into the left. After wrapping the wheel with a ribbon
whose pale lavender stripe fades into a pale crimson stripe,
I felt to weave the left inner side of the opening with a three
foot piece of the ribbon, the left over ribbon hanging down
as two streamers. It wasn't until I hung it on the wall that
I realized that my own energy is off center to the right. That's
why I felt it must be reflective of my own energy. The streamers
seem to both ground and balance the heavy energy on the right
side. I don't have a digital camera or a scanner, otherwise
I'd post a pic. Thoughts?
I believe that 'right'
is the side of giving energy while the left is receiving....
in healing circles anyway. I've always been a bit ambidextrous
there. It occurs to me you may think you find your center more
in giving than receiving but perhaps need to balance more in
receiving than you may be aware of. (as to why it's centered
to the left) Giving is what you're most familiar with, hence
the denser area. Giving is also your comfort zone. In giving,
we know exactly where we stand. That's not always true with
Design wise - as you went around
the web, your first stitches were larger on one side than the
other and got smaller as you went
around. That's why it wove off center. I do that on purpose
if one asks me to. If you'll look at the spaces of the web,
you'll find that the left spaces are bigger than the right.
I would also like to point out that
- left is right and right is left if you were to hang it the
other way. There's a mirroring effect that happens with dreamcatchers
that you may find useful. You could hang it the other way and
change the energy you work with that night! (if that makes sense)
Crimson webs - wow! Every color has
a story to tell. For me, the crimson webs have been about the
blood. In this case, I would venture to say that the representation
of crimson in your dreamcatcher is indicative of how much of
yourself you invest in your relationships, learning etc... When
you set your mind to something, you put your blood, sweat and
tears into it. But.. you have to set your mind to it LOL. It
also speaks to what you're willing to risk for a satisfying
Amethyst beads.. three (day to day
self, larger self, and higher self) honoring all three aspects
of Spirit and of our personal spirits. Amethyst is a calming
influence but also one of the more protective stones/healing
stones. It's also one of the 'insight' enhancing stones but,
I prefer to think of it as a good communication stone for all
realms and frequencies.
Lavender and crimson wrap (pale)
- the dawning of realization and completion of the spiral..
which, if you think about it - the spiral repeats exponentially
in a dreamcatcher. Lavender is at the top of the spectrum of
visible light while crimson is at the bottom. Look at a chakra
chart LOL. You probably did leave it to trail for the grounding
AND the return of those energies. Energies can ground through
the first and reenter FROM the Mother through the second. The
colors allow for that kind of spiraling.
That's what I got about it. Sounds
Thanks, SEDD! Exactly on target with the giving and receiving!
Actually, after I initially felt the pull to the left, I intentionally
wove it that way. It "wanted" to be woven that way
was no accident! That's kind of what I meant about how this
dreamcatcher started moving things for me this last weekend.
I felt a drawing and just went with it all weekend...no brakes,
just moving with the flow of things. I'm still feeling this.
Woo...crimson and blood...I did feel the passion and intensity
in the web. I'm afraid that's me, alright...*blush*...about
most everything. Probably the reason my guides are always telling
me to lighten up and play! Sigh... And the amethysts...their
placement is what has had me pondering the most. Thanks for
the 3 clue. The four on the bottom quadrant seem to be adding
completion of some sort. 7, which I am aware is a biblical symbol
for completion, seemed exactly the right number. After I wove
the first three in, which was all I initially intended, it just
didn't feel right. I had to add the other four.
I'm excited about
starting another dreamcatcher this weekend. Wonder what that
will turn up!
Yep.. you're hooked all
right! I don't know about the '4'. You'll have to ask the catcher.
4 direction maybe? Doesn't feel right though. Is there any shape
that stands out were you to connect the spaces between the beads?
Like if you were to draw a straight line from one to the other
in a 'connecting the dots' way?
if you connect the dots it looks a gibbous moon to me....kind
of tipped to the right a tad.
hmmm.. thought maybe that
would give a clue to their placement but I got nothing LOL.
To the right would be waning gibbous I think - time of release
moving towards the rest of dark moon. It'll tell ya what it's
for when it's ready.
are on this row
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