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Trees N - Q
By CinnamonMoon

Oak Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Strength and endurance win out; open to new spirit forces. The majesty of a mature oak always gives pause for reflection. They radiate an aura of calm strength. The leaves are green in the spring and summer and turn a bright russet-red in the fall. It has the deserved reputation of being the king of trees. It has one of the widest and most magnificent spreads - particularly the white oak. There are two great groups of oaks - the red and the white. The easiest way of telling the difference is by examining the leaves. The veins in the leaves of the red extend to beyond the edge of the leaf, like tiny bristles. The veins of the white oak leaves never extend past the edge. The oak was sacred to the Celts and Druids, and in the Teutonic mythology it was associated with the energies of Thor. It is a tree aligned with primal male force, which must be controlled and expressed properly. It is a powerful symbol of the male energy, the yang or electrical aspect of the universe or individual. Thus, it is also aligned with all solar aspects of the universe. When a wand or staff of oak is worked with, its energy awakens great strength and endurance - even through the most trying circumstances. It helps to manifest a stronger and more active sense of helpfulness towards others, and it opens us to more easily be helped by others.

Oak has strong ties to the realm of nature spirits as well. The oak tree wand or staff provides the energies to open the doorway to the inner realms and their mysteries in meditation, magic and in real life. It awakens greater strength and security in all pursuits. The acorn of the oak is a symbol of fertility and fruition and the manifestation of creativity. It may require one or two years for an acorn to mature and they usually drop in the fall. Sometimes the presence of the oak and its acorns is a sign that the fruit of your efforts over the past year or two is about to be harvested. There are a number of magical practices associated with the acorn. Carving or painting it on your staff helps awaken this energy. It represents the continuity of life. A great many magical practices arose around the acorn, including placing them in windowsills to prevent lightning strikes. Oak trees provide strength to everyone and remind us that true strength is also gentle. Now is the time to demonstrate your own strength and endure. The energy will be there to do so and as a result new confidence and new spirit forces will open to you.

The Magic of Mistletoe:
We cannot discuss the oak without also discussing the mistletoe. It is a parasitic plant associated with it. it attaches itself and grows in mature oaks. Birds carry the seed of its berry to branches and forks of trees. (Attempts to grow it in soil seldom work.) The mistletoe was sacred, and it was a predominant symbol of the feminine energy and sexuality. Its white berries, which grow in pairs, are reflective of the male testicles. This plant has generated tremendous lore and magic. Mistletoe helps us link with all lunar aspects within the universe. It manifests energy of protection, particularly toward children or to the child within. It reminds us to recognize the power and rhythms of change reflected within the lunar cycles, and it also alerts us to important dream activity.

Most people know about the tradition of kissing under a mistletoe as a sign of friendship and good will. In France, this practice is reserved for New Year's Day. For couples in love, kissing under the mistletoe was considered a promise to get married. A man standing beneath a mistletoe cannot refuse to be kissed and such a kiss was an indicator of romance or deep friendship. A woman who is not kissed while standing beneath the mistletoe could not expect to be married the following year. It has been used to develop an "invisibility" or going unnoticed when desired, along with the ability to shapeshift. The mistletoe was a powerful herb of the Druids, used primarily for fertility and as an aphrodisiac. It was a symbol of rebirth and the awakening of vision that could open the secrets of life beyond the physical. Its energy awakens the vision of one's soul life in the future. It can be attached to your staff with ribbon or thread. Some people take the mistletoe from Christmas each year to replace the mistletoe on their staff.

*The Master Book of Herbalism/Paul Beyerl Mistletoe:
There are many uses for this herbe, it being one of the primary herbes of the practitioner. It is used to bring fertility, for either a child-to-be, or for a personal project of creativity. The berries represent sexual potency, serve as an Aphrodisiac, and are used with frequency in amulets for heightened sexual experiences. Mistletoe has also been used to manipulate another into fallin gin love with you (a nefarious practice, indeed). An Herbe of Immortality, Mistletoe is seen as a symbol of rebirth, its energy containing the secrets of life beyond this, carrying the soul far into the future. It is used as an Herbe of Protection in nearly any manner imaginable and is traditionally hung over the doorway with red thread or cord to bring harmony and protection to the home. Recent custom gets us extra kisses when we pursue this practice. Should you find the stalk of sufficient size, it would make a very powerful magickal wand. The wood of the herbe is also used to fashion the handle of ritual knives. Mistletoe banishes all evil and negative energy, and brings good fortune and joy to the user. Mistletoe used for magick should be gathered at Midsummer, and household amulets are traditionally hung at Midwinter. Mistletoe was held in such virtue by the Druids that they would sacrifice two white bulls and gather the herbe with a gold blade. This herbe may be used in rituals sacred to Odin. As a Magickal Herbe, Mistletoe may be used in any positive workings.

Oak: The Oak was a most sacred tree to both Romans and Druids. It is considered sacred to Jupiter and Zeus, and the acorn may be worn as a symbol of fealty to those Gods, or also to Bodeuwedd or Odin. The bark may be dried, ground, and used as an incense to honor these deities. To keep yourself surrounded by good luck, take two pieces of a small branch, equal in length, and time them crossed with red yarn to represent keeping oneself in perfect balance. Never gather from an Oak which is host for the mistletoe. These trees are best served by doing ritual beneath the branches, but the tree itself should be left undisturbed. The mistletoe, however, may be gathered, and is highly prized.

*The Secret Language of Signs/Denise Linn
Many traditions throughout history, including ancient Russian, German, Greek, and Scandinavian cultures, have assigned meaning to the mighty oak. It is thought to be a world axis, as well as symbol of powerful strength, solidarity, and steady progress.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Mistletoe represents good intentions. Oak denotes an unyielding personality; a lack of sensitivity.

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
Mistletoe: Certainly well-known is the traditional Yuletide custom of kissing under the mistletoe. According to Norse mythology, the goddess Frigg was so happy when her son Balder came back to life that her tears turned into pearls on the mistletoe. Because of this miracle, mistletoe was placed under her protection, thereby preventing it from ever being used again for evil purposes. As Frigg is the Goddess of Love and Marriage, kissing under her mistletoe symbolizes protection for the love both people express. Another name for mistletoe is "the golden bough." This particular name comes from the fact that, when the plant becomes dry, it's leaves take on a golden tinge. Mistletoe is itself a parasite that springs from seeds deposited by birds on the barks of trees. The woody "sinkers" are inserted into the host plant, from which it derives its sustenance. It is said the most magical of all mistletoe grows on oak trees. It has also been known to grow on evergreens and conifers. According to legend, if cut for magical purposes, a knife or sickle made from gold had to be used. Pliny reported that the Druids did exactly this, and took particular care to prevent the mistletoe from touching the ground. (They believed that otherwise it would lose its virtues.) A white-robed priest would cut the mistletoe only on the sixth day of the moon, allowing it to fall into his white cloak. Two white bulls were sacrificed after which it was believed the plant's magic was assured. Placed in water, the water was then distributed as a talisman against evil.

Some authorities hold that the custom of kissing under the mistletoe is derived from the fertility symbolism of the plant. For a woman to be kissed under mistletoe was a magical way to ensure that she would bear children; the plant was long used as an aphrodisiac. Pliny recalled that the plant's healing properties were able to reduce epileptic seizures and encourage fertility. Well known was the use of mistletoe as protection against the evil eye, witchcraft, and the Devil. It was often given to sheep and cows, after they had given birth, for that reason. In Britain, mistletoe has long been associated with Christmas (whereas, in Scandinavia, it is traditionally associated with Midsummer). British folklore requires mistletoe to be hung on Christmas Day or on New Year's Eve, left for twelve months, and then burned. During the early nineteenth century, renewed romantic interest in the Druids caused commercialization of mistletoe and the erection of imitation "Stonehenges." It was at this time that churchmen branded mistletoe as a "pagan" plant and banned it from the church. One interesting pre-Christian legend surrounding mistletoe holds its bright colorization was the "flame of fire," seen by Moses in the burning bush.

One custom suggests that branches of mistletoe be attached to the door of newlyweds to bring them happiness. yet another suggests placing it in front of their bedroom to ward off nightmares. It is said that one must never take all the boughs off a mistletoe plant, or it will bring bad luck. It is believed that, if one hangs mistletoe in a tree with a swallow's wing, all the cuckoos in the area will assemble there. According to English traditions, Saint Vitus's dance can be cured by drinking water in which mistletoe berries have been boiled. Should mistletoe not be burned on Twelfth Night, it is said that all the couples who kissed under it will be enemies before the end of the year! Often cited is the belief that mistletoe was regarded by the Druids as sacred, since its leaves grew in clusters of three. Although three has been held the number of the Trinity, Church decorations often excluded mistletoe, because of its pagan associations. In American folklore, the belief is that should an unmarried girl stand under mistletoe and not be kissed, she will not be married that year. Similarly, should she refuse to be kissed, she will die an old maid. Among Southern blacks belief holds that a preparation of mistletoe will dry up mother's milk. Potions of berries are often administered to produce fertility, as an antidote to poison, and to ward off epilepsy and convulsions.

Oak: Since ancient times, the oak, due to its strength, durability, and longevity, was the most sacred tree in Europe and Scandinavia. In Scandinavia, it was sacred because mistletoe, worshipped by the Druids, grew on its branches. According to the ancient Jews, Jacob buried the "foreign gods" and the earrings of his household under the Oak of Shechem. It was also said the followers of Baal conducted their sacrifices below an oak tree or in an oak grove. The Oracle of Zeus at Dodona was in an oak wood. The temple of the priestess dedicated to Zeus was placed so that the rustling of oak leaves would bring her answers to her questions. it is legendary that the ship Argo of the Argonauts was constructed from oaks from this grove. Hence, on timber could speak and advise the voyagers in a magical way. For the Romans, Jupiter was reputedly sheltered by an oak at his birth. In yet another Roman legend, acorns were man’s first food until replaced with corn by Ceres, the Roman Goddess of Agriculture. So sacred was the oak to the Druids and Gauls, that the Christian missionary, St. Boniface, was ordered to actually destroy a sacred oak at Hesse in Germany. In Ireland, oaks were considered one of the "seven noble trees" that could not be cut down without payment of a fine. In general, so great was the fear of damaging or cutting an oak tree, that, when one was felled, it was said to give a shriek or groan that could be heard a mile away. In Scandinavia, the tree was held sacred to Thor and was known as the "thunder tree." In actuality, though, the oak tree is so prone to being struck by lightning that, In Sussex, a rhyme says: "Beware of the oak, it draws the stroke." Oak branches were often kept in homes as a protection against lightning, however. In time, these were replaced by acorns, which eventually gave rise to the acorn shape on the shade pulls often found on modern window shades.

Oak leaves were commonly believed to protect one from witchcraft. So strong was the belief in its efficacy against spells that the heathen king, Ethelbert (A.D. 522-616), required St. Augustine to preach to him under an oak tree, which would protect him from any spell the Christian might attempt to cast on him. The Romans often made crowns of oak leaves that were held to symbolize bravery. The oak leaf crown was their highest award for winning a battle, destroying an enemy, or saving the life of another soldier. Contemporary military honors reflect this tradition in awarding "oak clusters." Newly married couples would often dance around an oak tree for good fortune. A single oak tree planted at a point on the parish boundary, called the "gospel oak," is another relic of past beliefs. On Rogation Day (one of three days preceding Ascension Day, the fortieth day after Easter), processions went around "beating the bounds" of each parish, stopping to read various gospel verses under each boundary oak tree. Oaks were often planted at crossroads and were believed to cure certain illnesses.

Charles II was reputed to have been saved at the Battle of Worcester by hiding in the branches of the Boscobel oak. Once restored to the throne, Charles declared May 22 Shich-Shack Day, royal Oak Day, or Oak Apple Day. (A shick-shack was an oak twig, possibly bearing an oak apple.) It was required that everyone had to wear one on this holiday, and anyone not doing so would be beaten with nettles. In the afternoon the shick-shack was replaced by a bunch of ash leaves. It is said St. Louis held his Court of Justice under an oak. Henceforth, all oaths taken under that tree, especially one with twin trunks, could not be broken without danger. Likewise, an ancient method of litigation required placing both litigants under an oak. Whoever was touched by the first leaf to fall was presumed innocent and the victor in the trial. According to a Cornish belief, a nail driven into an oak tree cures toothaches. According to a Welsh tradition, all one's sores will be healed by rubbing a piece of oak on the left hand in silence on Midsummer's Day. One can cure hernias by embracing an oak tree, and the same act is believed to assure women that their husband will be virile and they will mother many children. Last, mention must be made of the gall fly, a small parasitic insect, which frequents oak leaves often found on the ground. Should one find a small gall fly, tradition requires that it must be opened and examined. Should it contain larva inside, wealth was on the way. Should it be a small fly instead, bad news was expected. Should one find a spider instead, famine in the area was more than likely.

*The Language of Dreams/Patricia Telesco
: Invincibility. Teutonic warriors carried mistletoe into battle as protective amulets. Setting aside bad feelings out of respect for a common belief or need. In Scandinavian regions, warring groups who met underneath this plant put away their weapons for the day. Among Druids, a plant that heals all wounds and protects the bearer. What is it in your life that needs healing? romantic advances. A favored holiday tradition is to kiss anyone caught beneath the mistletoe. A dream key to unlocking a specific door in your life. The German philosopher and theologian Albertus Magnus recommended this plant as a magical key that could open any locked door, including doors to the hidden realms of the earth.

Oak: In northern Europe, this tree is strongly affiliated with god figures, including Jupiter, Thor, and Zeus, giving it a masculine overtone, with the acorn becoming an emblem of fertility. Strength, firm foundations, and longevity. In folk beliefs, the oak's roots delve as far into the earth as its branches reach toward the sky. An oak filled with acorns portends a promotion and financial increases. Bravery and charity that benefits others. In Rome, any hero who saved the life of a citizen was crowned with a wreath of oak leaves and acorns.

Olive Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews
The olive tree has wonderful foliage and a terrific resistance to harsh conditions. And in most traditions it is the Tree of Peace. It is also known as the Tree of Honor, and it has ties to Athena, Poseidon and Zeus. There is always peace if we do not allow ourselves to be affected by outside circumstances. The olive tree embodies the spirit and archetypal energies of harmony and peace of mind. Olive trees remind us to manifest greater inner strength and faith as true forces - not just as beliefs. It promises the energies of renewal and rejuvenation - restoring a zest for life. It is also linked to the process of regeneration - in physical healing and in spiritual unfoldment. It can serve as a catalyst to access the levels of consciousness that leads to better inner guidance and deeper levels of clairaudience. It increases sensitivity, and renews the individual's hope and will to enjoy life.

*The Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
According to legend, the olive tree produces a magical oil that will protect one against drunkenness and increase virility when drunk for nine days in a row. Exactly when and where the olive was first cultivated remains a great mystery, but it is highly likely that it was known to
the ancient Egyptians. The first biblical reference to it is in the story of the Great Flood. When Noah released a dove from the ark, it came back with a freshly plucked olive leaf in its mouth (Genesis 8:11). Noah then knew it was safe to come out of the ship, so both the tree and the bird have become symbols of peace. The Garden of Gethsemane in which Christ pondered his fate was an olive grove (Matthew 26:36). (In fact, whenever a garden is mentioned in the Bible, it is highly likely that an olive orchard is meant.) Olive trees are traditionally long lived. Even when cut down or burnt away, the root will sprout again.

According to the Greeks, Athena (Minerva was the Roman equivalent) made the olive tree to bear fruit. She and Poseidon fought over the possession of Attica. Poseidon either caused a saltwater spring to gush by striking it with his trident or he created a horse. (The legend varies.) Athena caused an olive tree to appear. Since this was considered a more valuable gift, Attica was given to Athena. Thus, the city of Athens was itself named after her and forever held her as their particular goddess. On early Attic coins an olive branch was often portrayed. Likewise, goats were sacrificed to Athena, since they often harmed olives. According to Herodotus, Xerxes dreamed he was crowned with an olive wreath, which vanished instantly, symbolizing a hollow victory before his Greek expedition. In the Greek Harvest Festival, the olive was a primary symbol. In more recent times, a tree branch known as the "harvest may" was often used. This, or laurel, was often decorated with fruits of the earth and ribbons, and was then carried in procession until finally fixed over a farm door. Left over a year in this same spot, it was believed to guarantee growth of further crops.

In Christian folklore, when Adam died, the angel guarding Eden gave Seth seeds of olive, cedar, and cypress. These were placed in Adam's mouth. They later sprouted from his grave, forming a triple-trunked tree. Legend has it that this tree held the symbolic leaf plucked by Noah's dove. Likewise, beneath this same tree David wept, and it was this same tree that Solomon cut down. Another tradition holds that this same tree became one of the crosspieces of the cross upon which Christ was crucified. In medieval times, olive was a protection against lightning, witchcraft, and evil spells.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Olive applies to a positive, beneficial element in one's life.

*The Secret Language of Signs/Denise Linn
This can be a sign of peace. Are you offering the olive branch of peace to someone?

*The Master Book of Herbalism/Paul Beyerl
This has been a most sacred herbe for many cultures. It is held sacred to Athena, Poseidon, and Zeus, and may also be used in the honor of all Solar Deities. The oil of the Olive was preferred for the sacred temple lamps of the Greeks. Olive Oil is used to consecrate incense burners and thuribles. Interestingly, it is said that Moses granted military exemption for those men who worked in the Olive groves cultivating the herbe. Honor is usually associated with Olive, and it was used to crown the Olympic victors. Olive, either the leaf or the oil, may be used in rituals to honor either human or deity. It may be used to dress the candles, to anoint the person, or to bless the holy water. Olive is one of the traditional fixative bases for ritual oils.

Orange Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Trust emotions and reams; time to release fears. All citrus trees have qualities in common. Their energy and fragrance is always cleansing. Their flowers are most abundant in the spring but only about 2% of all citrus flowers actually produce fruit. The flowers though are usually so abundant that even this small percentage is enough to ensure a good crop. Citrus trees are also long lived. They can last as many as 100 years if cared for properly. There are primarily three types of oranges. All speak to our sensitivity in some manner. The navel is thick-skinned and sweet tasting. It is often a reminder that we may need to be a bit more thick-skinned as well. Are we being overly sensitive? Or are we being too thick-skinned and insensitive? The common orange is thin-skinned and very juicy. It often reflects how close our emotions are to the surface, and we may need to control them a bit more. The third type is the blood orange, which has a reddish skin and juice, and of all the oranges, it ripens first - usually in the spring. It can be a reminder that our emotions are tied to our physical health and so they must be balanced. The orange color of the fruit reveals much about the qualities of this tree. Orange is a color associated with emotional energy - positive and negative. The tree, it fruit and its fragrance stimulate clarity of emotions. It can assist us in releasing emotional trauma gently. As a messenger, it is usually speaking to us about something emotional, present within our life. The orange tree spirit brings calmness to highly charged states. Its energies can aid in the development of counseling abilities, and it can stimulate dreams that provide clues to deep-seated fears or fears of unknown regions. Orange trees speak of a need to release tensions held within the subconscious. A wand or staff from an orange tree can be used to create intense thought-forms. The color of orange should be used in designs on this staff. Aligning with this tree through a staff can manifest an energy that assists the development of conscious astral projection, the rising on the planes. This can help us realize that it is time to release our fears.

*Magical Herbalism/Scott Cunningham
Orange blossom:
To make a person in the mood for marriage, wear this oil. Many women add it to their daily baths to build up their attractiveness. Sometimes known as "Mantrap." Enough said!

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
The fruit portrays the nourishing benefits of utilizing our inner energies for the benefit of others. Orange Stick comes as a warning to "clean up" one's behavior and/or manner of interacting with others; utilize more honest methods.

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
Orange when given as a gift between lovers, oranges encourage their affections. Brides who wear orange blossoms are held to have good luck. Since the orange is a prolific "fruiting" plant, however, the bride may not wish this kind of luck!

*The Language of Dreams/Patricia Telesco
Because of its high vitamin content, this symbolizes good health or things that are good for you. An emblem of the triune nature of humankind (body-mind-soul), because the tree bears flowers, leaves, and fruit simultaneously. Buying oranges portends prosperity. In the Middle Ages, oranges were a highly valued and expensive commodity.

In the East, dreaming of oranges represents extending good wishes for joy and abundance to those you care about. Controlling an unruly nature. Orange slices were originally put in drinks, believing they would prevent drunkenness. In this case, stopping the "inebriation" becomes a metaphor for self-regulation.

Russia: Faithfulness. Orange flowers were sometimes part of a bride's bouquet for this reason.

Palm Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Group protection; maintain peace through past learnings. Palm trees are tall, unbranched trees. They have a crown of large cleft leaves. They are common to southern areas of warm, often arid climate. The palm is the Tree of Peace. It has a powerfully calming energy associated with it. Its spirit can provide protection for all members of a group with whom you are connected. It can also provide protection from a group with whom you are connected. The leaves alone have been rumored to prevent evil from entering into an area. Do you need to examine more closely with whom you associate or align? The palm makes a wonderful staff or wand for group work. The desert palm has become a part of the gardens worldwide - wherever it can be grown. In many places, it is now seen as a native plant where it might not actually be. Hawaii is one such place, where it is known as the hula palm. The first European to discover the desert palm was a Franciscan priest, Juan Crespi. He spotted it near Baja, California. It is different though from the cabbage variety in Florida. Native Americans would often cut the bud, which gives all of the leaves, and then they would roast it and eat it. Unfortunately, this is one of the ways to kill all growth of the palm. The bud of the desert palm though retains its leaves as long as possible, even when they have died. It clings to them and they become a kind of armor for the stem. This reflects itself in the keynote of protection for this plant. Palm is often a reminder that the past, no matter how long faded, still serves a purpose and will always be a part of us. The palm tree alerts us to celebrate or to produce something worth celebrating. The wind blowing through them stirs a longing within observers. It is an easy plant to grow indoors, providing a protective energy for the home environment. It is a reminder to look for and realize the divine within. It can be a messenger for members of the angelic hierarchy.

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
The word Phoenicia means "land of palms," which was how the ancient Greeks and Romans described this part of the world. A traditional Arab saying is that the palm has as many uses as there are days in the year. In North Africa, the fruits of the palm are eaten; oil is produced from its kernels (which themselves provide food for livestock); an intoxicating beverage is made from its sap; the leaves are used for thatching, walling, and fencing, and for making matting and baskets; rope is made from the string-like material found at the head; and should the tree die, its trunk is used to provide timber. In the Old Testament is found the following: "And he carved all the walls of the house roundabout with carved figures of cherubs and palm trees..." (I Kings 6:29.) A number of coins of ancient civilizations, including those of Tyre and Sidon, exemplify this tree. In A.D. 70, for example, the Emperor Vespasis struck a coin showing a woman weeping beneath a palm. In biblical times, branches of palm trees were often carried on special occasions, eventually becoming symbolic of martyrdom. It first became customary to carry palm fronds in processions during the time of Judas Maccabeus. The fronds themselves were mixed with myrtle on the right side and citron on the left. After being carried at the Feast of the Tabernacles, they were kept at home and were said to bring luck and protection during the coming year. For Christianity, palms are carried on Palm Sunday in remembrance of the day
Jesus entered Jerusalem, with people waving palms and strewing His path with them. In actuality, however, Romans cut olive and laurel branches in ancient times to celebrate the return of spring. As early Christians believed the angels brought palm fronds to carry their souls up to heaven, a custom arose of burning these on All Soul's Day. The arising smoke was said to assist souls released from purgatory to reach heaven.

Christian pilgrims were often known to carry staffs of palms, giving rise to their becoming known as "palmers." Another Christian legend is about a man named Offero, who, wishing to see Christ child, was told he should assist the disabled. To bring this about, Offero carried people over a dangerous river, using as a support a palm staff. On one stormy night, a child asked to be carried over. In doing so, Offero found the small burden becoming heavier and heavier; nonetheless, he managed to stagger across. The child bid him thrust his staff into the ground. Once he did so, it put out leaves and fruits. When this happened, Offero realized he had carried the Christ child. So converted, he later changed his name to "Christ Offero," Christopher, meaning "Christ bearer." Yet another legend holds that the palm was one of the four trees from which the cross that crucified Christ was made. hence, in those countries where palms were not normally grown, a piece of palm was held invaluable as a talisman to drive off evil spirits. A cross made of its leaves was believed to keep away lightning, and should one chew some of the leaves, fever would be driven away. In American folklore, the tradition of making palm leaf hats remains of unknown origin. In Connecticut, before the Civil War, bales of palm leaves were shipped so that village women and girls could braid it into hats. It is told that enterprising townsmen would pick up the hats and parcel them out to peddlers, who sold them throughout the United States. According to one tradition, whatever the nature of the wind that blows on Palm Sunday will be the predominant force for the rest of the year. Some say this is only true for "that" special wind that blows during the reading of the gospel accompanying the Palm Sunday church service. Another weather superstition holds that, on Palm Sunday, should the sun shine clear, fine weather (and a good harvest of corn and other fruits of the earth) will surely follow.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Palm tree will usually have a spiritual connotation. Recall surrounding dreamscape elements for further clarification. Palm Sunday defines and attitude of spiritual reverence.

Peach Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Longevity; blessings through artistic endeavors. Peaches are one of the most popular home-grown fruits. Their flowers in the spring though are very susceptible to late frosts. Peaches and nectarines are essentially the same fruit. The only difference is that the peach has a fuzzy skin. The peach tree is tied to awakening hidden wisdom, as with all fruit-bearing trees. In this case, though, the archetypal energies behind it can help the individual to develop a new realization about immortality and how it can be attained. The peach tree staff alerts us to beneficial activities associated with youth and the prevention of the aging process. Contact with peach trees renew and re-activate our life force, the Kundalini. It stimulates artistic energies, along with innovative applications of them within our present life endeavors. It activates energy within the aura that is calming to our emotions and those we meet.

*The Secret Language of Signs/Denise Linn
This is an uplifting sign. Life is peachy. Life is good. Enjoy life and live it fully.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Peach constitutes satisfaction; a desired element.

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
For the Chinese, peaches are considered symbolic of longevity and immortality. Peaches in the celestial orchard were believed to ripen only once every three thousand years. Placing sprigs of peach blossoms over one's front door will keep evil spirits away, say the Chinese. In the north country of the United Kingdom tradition holds that when leaves of a peach tree fall before autumn, a murrain or calltel disease is expected.

*The Language of Dreams/Patricia Telesco
Generally an emblem of wisdom, except in the East where peaches are given the additional attributes of a happy marriage and long life. In China, the flowers that bear peaches are used within the home to avert negativity. If tensions have been high with your family lately, now's the time to begin the healing process. Among Taoists, a source that offers productive energy, especially in a sexual sense. This idea seemed to hold true in other cultures too, as the Greeks attributed the fruit to the rule of Venus, and Albertus Magnus recommended eating peaches as an aphrodisiac. A sarcastic visual pun that indicates a situation or person you find less than "peachy."

Pine Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Balance strength and softness; emotional protection and healing. Pines have a resinous wood and needles for leafs, usually bundled in groups of 2, 3, or 5. When doing nature hikes with students, I would teach them to count the number of needles in a bundle to determine if the pine was red or white. If there are 5 needles per bundle, it is a white pine. There are five letters in the word "white" and five needles are in a white pine tree bundle. It is a simple way of identifying the pine. No other tree has a greater role in American history than the white pine. It was the most abundant tree in the northern range Pioneers used to say that a squirrel could live its lifetime moving through the pines without ever coming down. Trees that stood 150 feet tall greeted early settlers. On the present site of Dartmouth College, a pine tree was measured at 240 feet. The pine trees were gold to the early settlers. It was the only great export of early New England. The white pine because of its size, softness, strength and light weight was ideal for ship masts, and since England was the king of the seas, it was a valuable commodity. it would eventually become one of the major economic factors leading to the American Revolution. Laws were passed in England to restrict and stop American settlers from cutting and selling what England claimed as its own. In fact, one of the first flags of the revolution had the emblem of the white pine. From ships, to covered bridges, to homes to railway ties, the white pine was an important player in the development of America.

There is a variety of pines. These include the red pine, jack pine, scrub pine and more. Of all of these, the red pine has always been a companion to the white. It has a more colorful bark of armor-like plates, adding to the idea of it being a tree whose energy helps protect emotions. But no matter what type of pine it is, they all have energy of protection and their fragrance is always soothing to emotional states. The pine tree has great mysticism as well. The pine tree was the Sacred Tree of Mithra. It also has ties to the Dionysian energies and mysteries. It is balancing to the emotions, and it awakens the divine spark, which resides within the heart chakra for true salvation as divined through occult and Gnostic Christianity. Pine comes from a word that translates as "pain," and its essence helps alleviate pain within on many levels. It was also a tree sacred to Poseidon, who helped make its essence cleansing and protective against all forms of negative magic. The pine helps to repel evil.

Pine trees are very personable and very communicative. You must be careful what you say around a pine tree or you will hear it softly whisper it to other trees. I used to demonstrate this with groups when I served as a trail guide at Brukner Nature Center. I would take the group to the pine woods and have them sit. I would then tell them that you had to be careful about whispering secrets around pines because the pines would hear and they would pass the secret on. If you hear pines whispering (the sound of the breeze rustling through them), others would soon know your secret. I would then have them all make whispering sounds to each other. Within a minute or two, a breeze would always come through and the pines would rustle and whisper in response. And because they are a taller tree, they easily pass those whispered secrets on. Pine has an archetypal energy and message about eliminating our feelings of guilt and balancing over-emotionalism. The pine spirit is kind and sensitive and loves contact with humans. It soothes emotions and always reminds us that we should make decisions best from as clear a perspective as possible. The pine heightens our psychic sensitivity, while balancing the emotions as well. It reminds us to express our creative energies without feelings of guilt and without allowing others to overly influence or manipulate.

*The Master Book of Herbalism/Paul Beyerl
The resin of Pine may be gathered, dried, and used as an incense. It has the quality of cleansing a space of negative energy. Pine is also very effective as a Countermagicke Herbe, repelling evil energy and returning it to its source. Pine is held sacred to Poseidon, and using the pitch of the tree to caulk a boat gives it magickal protection upon the waters.

*The Language of Dreams/Patricia Telesco
The scent of pine in a dream reflects either a need for cleansing and purification of some type, or refreshment for one's energy. The scent of pine was regularly used in sick rooms for both purposes. Long lasting results from your labors. Pine trees stay green through the winter, implying immortality. Sticky situations, clingy emotions, or barbed conversations: Pine needles are quite sharp and often bear tacky sap that seems to get on everything with which they come in contact. Are you being likewise prickly or sticky in the way you deal with people or a personal circumstance?

*Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions/Zolar
Pine cones are said to be excellent weather prophets. They will remain open when the weather is fine, but close when rain is on the way.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Pine scent denotes a "refreshing" of one's interconnectedness with nature. The Pine tree pertains to "natural" abilities' one's bonded relationship to nature.

*The Secret Language of Signs/Denise Linn
Pine is an excellent cleanser and purifier. Pine emits negative ions, which create a healing electrical charge in the air. This sign may mean that it is time to purge your body and purify your life. Are you always pining away or longing for someone or something?

Poplar Tree
*Nature-Speak/Ted Andrews

Keynote: Endure and pursue your dreams; time to manifest. The poplar tree is a beautiful, fast growing tree with quite an extensive and strong root system. It can grow quite tall and some species have the ability to grow quickly in arid conditions and without much coddling. The wonderful spirit of this tree has the ability to teach the average individual how to make dreams and projects manifest quickly, yielding great rewards in the shortest time possible (often and noticeably within a year's time). This message is a reminder of the possibilities in life and that opportunities are never lost. They do come back around. This is reflected not only by its quick growth but also by the fact that its leaves turn golden (with all its symbolism) in the fall, and when they drop off, masses of vertical branches are etched against the sky. The spirit of the poplar tree awakens and reminds all people of the possibilities in life. She reminds us all that all of life's experiences have gold within them, and that we all can rise and grow to great heights. The spirit of the poplar tree is most concerned with the earthly and mundane matters of the people in her environment. She teaches us how to endure the hardships of life and to keep our roots strong. She will help us overcome our personal fears and self-doubts that may block our endeavors. She reveals to us lost and forgotten memories of our dreams through the gentle whispers of her leaves with every breeze. The poplar message often encourages and leads us to the many avenues and means of manifesting dreams. An old form of tree magic involved planting a wish or a dream with a tree. As the tree grows, its spirit works to manifest and aid the growth of your wish or dream. With no tree is this easier, for the spirit of the poplar loves to show all people that we are never given a hope, wish or dream without also being given opportunities to make them a reality.

*On Dreams/Mary Summer Rain
Poplar tree relates to a personal talent that has blossomed in an accelerated manner.


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