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Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By MoonstoneWolf

My friend has had a lot of moles in his backyard as of late
and he was wondering mole could
represent. Thank you.
From: www.geocities.com/~animalspirits/index4.html (link called
"animal spirits" in the side bar
on the front page) Moles Wisdom Includes: Guardian of
the lower regions; Connection with the
energies of the Earth; Knowledge of herbs, roots, minerals,
seeds, rivers, and other hidden
bounties of the Earth; Ability to turn inward; Introspection
and blindness to all but light and dark
in the material world; Love expressed in nature; Sensitivity
to touch and vibration (the
kinesthetic sense), Understanding of energies and fluxes;
Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise: Keynote: Heightened senses (especially
touch). Luck in endeavors
through our own efforts.
According to Pliny in his Natural History, the mole was the
animal that magicians admired the
most because its entrails always revealed the fates accurately.
He also taught that if a person
swallows the heart of a mole while it was still beating, the
person would receive the gift of
prophecy. The mole was used in magical rites to make a woman
dance naked and to heal
toothaches, epilepsy, and other diseases as well. To have a
purse of moleskin would insure that
you would always have money to put in it.
None of these old superstitions have anything to do with the
reality of this animal's true meaning.
There are around 20 species of moles, and they range throughout
most of the world--North
America, Europe, and Asia.
As a burrowing animal, the mole is well adapted to life underground;
places beneath the earth
were often considered mysterious, leading to the land of the
dead and to great treasures. The
mole shows us how to dig our own treasures in life through our
own efforts. In shamanism, they
can be guides into the Underworld.
The mole has a cylindrical body with front feet that are extremely
broad and function as diggers
for its tunnels, where it spends most of its life. Often, for
those to whom the mole is a messenger
or totem, there is a natural ability to dig beneath the surface
of things, to analyze and uncover
the hidden.
The mole's skin has more organs for touch than any other animal.
For those to whom the mole is
a totem, the sense of touch is already or will soon become greatly
heightened. To mole
individuals, there will often occur two responses because of
this sensitivity. The pleasure
response from touch will increase, or the individual will try
to be more standoffish because of the
increased sensitivity. Psychic touch will be a major part of
this and should be relied upon by
those to whom this animal appears. Do not trust what you see
or hear as much as what you feel.
Increasingly, those with the mole as a messenger will find that
their own sense of touch will let
them know what is true. Trusting in what is felt, no matter
how strange the impression, may
become important. Individuals with moles as guides often find
that when they touch certain
people, strange and sometimes disturbing images come to mind.
Usually the initial response is
"Now why would I ever think that of this person?"
Learning to trust this sense of touch,
regardless of the logic of the impression, will be important.
Sooner or later, the truth will reveal itself.
Moles dig their own ventilation shafts so that they have fresh
air. For those to whom the mole is
a totem, it will be extremely important for their health to
get plenty of fresh air.
Moles feed primarily upon earthworms, one of the great natural
treasures of fertile soil. Because
of this, the mole helps us to seek out treasures of fertile
soil in areas of our life to nourish us.
Remember that the mole is a digger of tunnels, constantly searching
for his treasures that he
ultimately finds.
Do you trust what you feel?
Are you ignoring your feelings?
Are you becoming too sensitive?
Are you not working to make your own luck?
Are you sitting back, waiting for things to come to you?
are on this row
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(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
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