Links of the site are right at the bottom of the page)
Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By CinnamonMoon
*Consulting the Creature-Teachers:
I just want to share a Bible passage wherein we are directed
to interact with Totems. From Job
12:7-8: "Ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the
birds of the air, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish
of the sea inform you." Whether you
follow Christian teachings or a more nature-based path, the
animals (their spiritual essences) will
be found to be addressed somewhere. Nowhere are these creature-teachers
more revered than in
the shamanic teachings.
When Totems Come and Go:
Our Totems are active at different periods; however, they are
always with us in the sense that
they are in the foreground or background depending on the circumstances
or need. They will step
forward to assist us or into the background to make way for
another to come forward. So in
essence they go back and forth taking turns as our needs arise
or our lessons are called for. When
this happens, many people fear they have 'lost' a particular
Totem. This is not the case. We walk
with them throughout our life. It's much like a family member
come and go about their
business and sometimes live at a distance for a period of time,
but they are still family, still with
us, still able to be connected to us with a phone call or letter
able to come home for
celebrations or visits.
We Walk With Many:
We walk with 9 Totems as a rule. One for each of the Seven Sacred
Directions as our teachers
for those perspectives; and 2 others, one to our left and one
to our right to teach us about our
feminine and masculine natures. The exception to this is going
to be the individual who serves
Spirit and walks a path of service to others. This would be
someone in the capacity of a Shaman,
Medicine Person, Holy Person, someone who would need more assistance
to assist others in
specific capacities and requires the deeper teachings.
Losing a Totem:
The term 'Totem' itself is loosely used to represent any creature-teacher
these days, which I
personally feel is misleading. To me a Totem is a creature that
walks with us in and throughout
life, not simply one that visits one time or a few times to
deliver a message or teach a lesson. To
me that's a Spirit Helper. So depending on the way you define
the term, a 'Totem' can be 'lost'.
The creature-teachers, as Spirit Helpers, can be with us for
a day or a period of time to assist us
with a specific purpose and we will never see them again. For
instance, on one occasion Octopus
came to me
I had to study it's Medicine to understand it's
message and then apply that
Medicine to a set of circumstances I was confronting. It has
come only once, for that purpose,
and has not returned. I do not consider Octopus my 'Totem'.
I consider it a Spirit Helper. Did I
lose that Totem? No, not in my opinion, it was never 'mine'
to begin with. It was a messenger
telling me what Medicine would help me work through my challenges
However, there are circumstances wherein we can 'lose' a Totem.
Boasting about Totems can
create blockages or cause them to turn away from us. Not all
of them like to be addressed
publicly and it's always best to ask permission to speak of
them. When spoken of respectfully
most don't mind, such a situation would be a discussion with
someone of like-minded beliefs.
Those who are familiar with their Totems would sense when this
was appropriate or not.
Bragging publicly about those we walk with to sound important
or powerful is deeply frowned
upon. It is insulting to the creature-teacher, and certainly
not honoring them. In such an instance
they have been known to withdraw or simply leave when they are
disrespected. Think about
would you stand at the side of someone who disrespected
you? Honoring our Totems is so important.
Another instance might be a case where someone was abusing their
knowledge and Medicine
teachings. Here we would find a Totem to withdraw its assistance
due to the misuse and harm it
would bring to others. These are free-thinking spirits who place
their assistance at our disposal so
that we can grow and touch others in good ways. Yes, you will
hear of those who abuse their
abilities and continue on for years doing so but eventually
there comes a time where the Totem
leaves or turns the tables and then leaves.
Setting a Totem aside, ignoring them when help is offered is
a sign that we don't appreciate their
presence and might give cause for a Totem to withdraw. Withdrawing
is different than departure.
It simply means they withdraw from interaction, but they can
still work on our behalf quietly and
usually do
much like a Guardian Spirit would. This does
not mean that the abilities within us
that they reflect go missing, it simply means that while we
have those abilities we are not
applying them.
Breaking Totemic taboos is another cause for their departure.
A prime example would be eating
the flesh of a Totem. This is a taboo in most cultures with
one exception: sacrificial ingestion.
Unless the creature is ritually slain and honored for its sacrifice
before ingestion, it is a taboo. In
the case of ritual sacrifice or tribal diet it is the essence
of the creature that is ingested. The
attributes, power and strength are then taken on and it is the
Oneness that is the honoring. This
might be found in say a Deer Tribe that routinely dines on venison
as a mainstay of their diet and
a way of honoring this spirit. Anything outside these exceptions
would be cause for a Totem to
get up and go.
There are countless examples of what might cause a departure
but they are all based in disrespect
or dishonoring or ignoring these precious spirits. In some cases
they will return when our
attitudes change. That decision is up to them, not us. If we
again focus on them and show honor
they feel it, it's like calling their name and will get their
attention, but what they choose to do is
based on our true intentions. So if an individual feels they've
lost a Totem there is always the
possibility it will return at some point
once it's convinced
of the sincerity.
When Totems Die:
Totems are not going to literally die. They are comprised of
pure energy, already in spirit form,
they are the essence of their species with a distinct personality
we're all humans but each
of us have our own personas. They cannot die, they are eternal.
However they may demonstrate
their death to us for various reasons. Perhaps to show you how
they lost their life if it pertains to
a lesson you are receiving. They might bring you a dream or
vision of their death to indicate a
time has come for them to depart either to make room for another
temporarily or because they
have fulfilled their purpose with us.
When we dream of their deaths it's important to look at the
circumstances around it. Here it's the
symbology of death leading to rebirth of some sort or it reflects
a new birth into a new level of
understanding their Medicine. It's usually relative to our own
growth and development or to
circumstances in our life that we are confronting. Let me give
you some examples of what I'm
talking about. If the dream depicts you killing your Totem by
intent or accident it generally
means that a period of severe emotional stress is before you.
A time in which you will have to
exert tremendous effort (akin to that which would name someone
a hero/heroine) to control
yourself, your temper or the actions that are called for to
get through it successfully by your own efforts.
To witness a killing of your Totem indicates a time of change
that may not be entirely to your
liking. It can also indicate the need to return to those Medicine
teachings and grow further. At
such times there is usually a strong emotional reaction that
rejects the slaying as either necessary
or called for at all
an abhorrence to it. It can mean that
there is going to be help received from
friendly sources. To witness your Totem surrender its life for
you indicates that the sacrifice was
made on your behalf and you are to give thanks to its spirit
for doing so. Such a sacrifice is
always done for the greater good of you and those around you.
The death of a Totem
(symbolically through a dream or in real life) would hold the
same symbolic meanings. And
whether in dream or real life there is always a strong reaction
to the incident.
Let me give an example of a physical experience and the symbology
behind it. Deer is one of my
Totems, and she doesn't mind me mentioning her in general. I
have always loved these creatures
for their beauty and had an appalling reaction to them being
hunted. I can't stand the taste of the
meat. I don't like to see them harmed in any way. These things
make me physically ill. It has
walked with me physically and in spirit my entire life. On one
occasion a yearling leaped off a
small roadside cliff onto the highway without warning
in front of my car and there was no
reaction time to avoid hitting it. I was heartsick for it, its
spine had been injured and I had to call
the sheriff to come to the scene and slay it. I cried the whole
time, sobbing hard and shaking. It
was so young, a short life had come to an end, it seemed so
wrong. I thanked it for the sacrifice
apologizing repeatedly for having been the cause of its death.
The sheriff shot it ending its
misery, but I was shaken for days.
In the weeks that followed that sacrifice became evident as
blessings did arrive, but it's not the
way I would have had them come about. Now this was not something
within my control, by my
reaction was strong and touched me on mental, physical, emotional,
and spiritual levels in a very
negative way at first. It was as if a relative had suddenly
passed on in a brutal fashion. I
personally felt like a murderer. This was beyond the compassion
one would have for seeing any
animal's life taken, it felt like a part of me had been ripped
out and my heart was breaking. As
this settled over me in the days that followed that blessing
and the purpose became quite evident.
My own spine had been injured in an auto accident, then reinjured
in another, and then again a
3rd time which was at the final stages of recovery. These injuries
had come over a period of
years. In each instance I was stopped in traffic and rear-ended
by someone. It was the rear end of
the fawn that was incapacitated by being hit by my car.
I was suffering a lot of pain daily and this sacrifice showed
me that a blessing would come that
would allow me to cope. I had to surrender to the pain and let
it go
release its life within me, a
mental aspect of releasing my attachment to it at least enough
to no longer be its victim but to
survive, conquer and surpass the limitations I was contending
with. I took the Medicine of Deer
and put it to use, loved the pain as it reminded me I still
had feeling and mobility, embraced it for
what it was, then nurtured my own spirit back to reclaim its
strength. I thanked Deer for the
lesson in overcoming hardship and threw away the pain pills.
I adapted to my environment
through the nature of Deer, doing what I could and avoiding
the things I couldn't cope with...in
essence leaping away from the troubles. I moderated my physical
activity to adapt to the
circumstances and became more active in moderate ways.
As time passed I grew stronger, and it was Deer therapy that
helped me do that. I had to release
my resentment for the injuries, they weren't my fault, and they
weren't the fault of the individuals
that brought them on
no moreso than it was my fault I hit
that Deer on the road. It was an
unavoidable accident, and with that realization I released.
As I did this I felt the pain easing, and
while it flairs up from time to time it is no longer a debilitation
in my life. It is an inconvenience
at times as old wounds can be, but nothing more and rest (or
a good massage) is all it takes to be
whole again. In all of this I came to a greater understanding
of the Medicine Deer brought me.
Through the experience I came to see the blessing in that sacrifice
and I will ever be grateful for it.
Sometimes these things happen, and when they do there is always
meaning to them. It can take a
while to see why it had to happen that way but whether in dream
or in the physical sense, death
plays a part and brings about the birth of something new. What's
reborn will be within us in some
manner, and may be as simple as a rebirth of our passion for
that Medicine or a new level of
understanding it that is about to begin. It can be the rebirth
of our spirit in keeping with the
Totem's teachings, enhancing those attributes in our nature
and bringing them out more. It can be
a call to focus on that Totem and use the Medicine more at that
time to make it a stronger part of
our nature and bring resolution to a situation of some sort.
Whatever the reason, there is purpose
in these experiences and it behooves us to heed the messages
when they come.
BearFlute/Doug Luzar:
Am checking in from work so I dont have a lot of time
to write, however, I just want to say that
this is an awesome post Cinnamon.
Thank you Doug!
Aspen Cross:
Thank you, this was so helpful.....I am so happy I found this
Star Sister:
Cinnamon, Thank you so much for all of this information. I'll
probably need it before too long
since I had an influx of totems today!! When I was looking up
Snow Leopard in your library a
couple of days ago, I found a great post from CrowWoman . I
planned to do the practice another
time but this morning in meditation, I realized that Snow Leopard
is at my third eye and then I
received a totem for the other three chakras before I knew what
was happening.[Heart-Deer,
Throat-Robin and Solar Plexus-Dolphin] It's a bit much right
now so I am just working with
what comes forward but it really is fascinating how these totems
can assist us. And now I have
information on how to deal with it when they step back.
Ohhhh I'm so happy to see it's helping all of you. Thank you
for letting me know!
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Losing a Totem:
The term Totem itself is loosely used to represent
any creature-teacher these days, which I
personally feel is misleading. To me a Totem is a creature that
walks with us in and throughout
life, not simply one that visits one time or a few times to
deliver a message or teach a lesson. To
me thats a Spirit Helper. So depending on the way you
define the term, a Totem can be lost.
However, there are circumstances wherein we can lose
a Totem. Boasting about Totems can
create blockages or cause them to turn away from us. Not all
of them like to be addressed
publicly and its always best to ask permission to speak
of them. When spoken of respectfully
most dont mind, such a situation would be a discussion
with someone of like-minded beliefs.
Those who are familiar with their Totems would sense when this
was appropriate or not.
Cinn isn't this the same thing ? Totems or spirit guides visit
sometimes, do short periods and
sometime for longer periods of time. They all step aside to
make room for other lessons but the
lifers are always close by! Totems step aside so that other
spirit guides can come in with their
lessons and then they come back after the lesson has been completed!
Respectfully, Bbear
I'm sorry if that was confusing Bear, let me try to restate
what I mean. A Spirit Helper (creature
or spirit messenger/teacher) can teach lessons, help us in a
given situation, and will step aside
when that work is complete. Sometimes to return sometimes not
as the case may be. A Totem, in
the teachings I've received, will walk with us at all times
(actively shown or not) and is always
"with us" so to speak. They make room for each other
too. The difference here being that the
Spirit Helper (unless it's a permanent Guide being called by
that term) would be more random
while the Totem is pretty much stationary in our lives. Is that
Jimmy WhiteBear:
I agree with that Cinn, it was the way I learned it also. It
did sound confusing though.
It's good you pointed it out Bear, I don't want to confuse anyone
and didn't realize I wasn't being
clear. All good, my friend, all good!
Minna Earthkeeper:
Thank you so much for writing this, Cinnamon. Last weekend we
accidentally ran over a fox. I
didn't even know there were foxes out here. I felt so horrible.
I thought about writing you about
it, but I thought - well, just be sad and look up fox in the
totem library. Bear was driving and he
felt so bad. He just couldn't avoid him, as the fox ran across
the road right in front of us. I felt
terrible, because I had seen shadows moving in the grass on
the side of the road, but I thought -
"no, it's not going to do that..." And I didn't say
anything. If I had spoken up, although it was so
very fast, maybe Bear would have had more time to stop. I saw,
but my brain, thought-process
and mouth just didn't connect. And I always say a prayer when
I or we are driving to protect the
creatures and keep them off the road. I just felt terrible.
I went to bed that night and apologized
to Fox and told him how sorry I was. Thank you for writing this.
Minna, it's so hard when we don't intend to do harm isn't it?
And it seems hindsight is always
20/20, the 'could do's come out of the woodwork. I think
you did the best you could, given the
circumstances, these things are usually unpredictable, they're
wild creatures and they often act
from fear of the vehicles and panic to get away from them. Who
can say which way they'll go? It
doesn't stop us from feeling bad though, and if we speak from
our hearts and bless the creature
for its sacrifice of life, bless it's journey back to Spirit
I believe we're doing the right thing. You
did that naturally, and you did well with it. I pray for all
animals I see that have been hit on the
road, call myself a Road Reverend, and Ive taught my children
and grandchildren to do the same.
Thank you, Cinnamon. Last week, I didn't feel like I could act
as sad as I felt, because Bear felt
so bad. So, I wasn't really honest, but I was blaming me, and
it spilled over to him. So I was
really quiet and trying to put it away, because I knew it wasn't
fair and would make him feel
worse. And, this is juvenile. But it shook me, because I always
say that prayer I know - how
omnipotent of me...to think I can say a prayer and all the critters
will be safe - at least from us.
It's not real life. But I thought to myself, 'Did I say it too
routinely? Did I say it too flippantly?
Was it my fault because I didn't say the prayer right?'
Just the week before that there was a part of a deer leg in
the road. I thought it was a stick, but I
wondered, and finally pulled over to see. It was part of a deer's
leg. I couldn't stand people
driving over it. I picked it up and put it in my car and brought
it home and placed it in a special
place on our land. I tried to think of a special place where
not so many deer graze, so it wouldn't
frighten them or make them feel spooked. I didn't know what
else to do. I'm a city girl. Later in
the week it was gone. It has been a bad time for creatures here
does, armadillos, and
then we hit the fox. I always say a prayer for them when I see
them, struck and gone. There have
been too many lately. More than the fox and the little deer.
It's just sad.
I felt bad too, because we didn't stop. I was just sort of in
shock. What do you do if you hit a fox
with a pickup truck? Do you hold his head? Do you take him home
and bury him? There's no
place to pull over and it's a two lane curving road with a fall-off
on either side. I'm sorry animal
lovers if I sound terrible. City girls don't know what to do
when a critter is hurt. I need to know.
Im afraid of wild creatures except when I can see them
from a distance. Then I am in awe of
them. Maybe I am afraid of the wild in me. I never saw so many
killed animals before we came
here. We came to their place and our cars and trucks and their
place - it's just too much lately.
Thank you for your words.
Minna, We can't always stop to bury them but we can always,
always, always give thanks, bless
their spirits and pray for a gentle journey for them. I call
that being a road reverend, and I cannot
pass by an animal laying at the side of the road without doing
this much. Sometimes, if
conditions are right, we can do more, but the prayer is what
matters most, that they are honored
and blessed. You did well. As long as it comes from your heart
you know Spirit is listening.
(((( Cinn ))))..I came here today to put up a post 'why have
all my guides deserted me'
I'm glad
I found your post.
Awwwwww Snowy, they're just standing back to give you room to
figure some things out on
your own.
The term Totem itself is loosely used to represent
any creature-teacher these days, which I
personally feel is misleading.
I agree. When I first learned of "Totems" as animal
guides and teachers here at Spirit Lodge, I'd
only known of Totem Poles before then. And then when I began
to learn a little about Earth
Astrology, I found "Totem" to represent not just limited
to be the creature-teachers, but we also
have Totems in the Plants and Stones!
Totems are not going to literally die. They are comprised
of pure energy, already in spirit form,
they are the essence of their species with a distinct personality
were all humans but each
of us have our own personas. They cannot die, they are eternal.
Do you believe that it is the same with humanity? The thought
of "reincarnation" came to mind,
and last week we were watching TV ~ a girl said, "What
was I in my past life?" and my friend
said, "A Moose." Got me thinking just now though.
If someone could have a past life and be a
Moose, then could they have been someone's Totem? That was a
great article Cinnamon Moon
1! Thanks for blessing us with it!
I believe that we as humans have a spirit within us that is
immortal and passes through the
lifetimes. Could we live as a creature-teacher/Totem for others,
why not? It's the experience of
life and what that brings to our understanding that is the purpose
of each incarnation and if we
need that as a creature then we'll experience it as such. We
Are All Related...all a part of the
Whole. Though I tend to believe that we, as humans, at least
once that stage of spiritual evolution
is reached, retain the human condition through incarnations.
Not regression but progression. If
there is need to regress for some reason we have the option
of shapeshifting into that experience
spiritually speaking. Shamans do this all the time...become
the creature-teacher they need to
learn from or seek assistance from.
If there is need to regress for some reason we have the
option of shapeshifting into that
experience spiritually speaking. Shamans do this all the time...become
the creature-teacher they
need to learn from or seek assistance from.
I wondered about this for a long time. I was shown a lifetime
as a young Native American
Warrior's Horse! I don't think I would consider it necessarily
as a "regression," though. If I was
to learn what it was to be companion/supporter and literally
embody Horse Medicine, I wouldn't
consider it regression, but the progression of the soul I needed
to learn for whatever reason
Spirit deemed for me. And as another thought...it may also have
aided in the shapeshifting
lessons I needed, as well, in other lifetimes. Could be all
sorts of things...as needed by the soul.
So, yeah...your friend may have been a Moose, BIM, IMHO
Greetings! Very good points. I've been told it is easy to offend
your Totem and lose them. I
personally have not found that to be true, as my Totems have
stood beside in my worst of
moments. I know people who wont eat their Totems and they
say the same, it just doesn't taste
good to them. I have not had the opportunity to try Bear so
I don't know from experience if I
could eat it. Anyway! As always good information, Cinnamon
SBW, I have a girlfriend, shes native and her name is
Little White Chicken. Chicken is her
favorite food! We laugh about how she loves it so much when
its her namesake. Different
strokes for different folks I guess.
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Minna, Something I always do especially for Totem animals I
see on the road, I will take a
cigarette and quickly break it up for the tobacco and then with
a quick prayer, release the tobacco
to the wind with that prayer. If I am the one that hits even
a squirrel, I apologize to the spirit for
my carelessness and ask creator to accept this new spirit to
the spirit world. Sounds a little nuts I
know but I am a softy when it comes to the animals. I also have
seen them commit suicide and I
have to respect them for giving their life up. Obviously they
are sick and know that it will only
get worse and painful if they don't end it. They choose me to
help them!... Not my choice but, I
have been selected and I have to respect that! Hope it helps
Sounds a little nuts I know but I am a softy when it comes
to the animals. I also have seen them
commit suicide and I have to respect them for giving they're
life up. Obviously they are sick and
know that it will only get worse and painful if they don't end
it. They choose me to help them!...
Not my choice but, I have been selected and I have to respect
I've never thought of that before, that animals can choose to
end their lives in such a manner. It
does make sense when you think about it, although I'd still
hate to be the one they choose to end
their life. Like you, I feel for them and always do my best
to avoid them while driving. I just hope
that a cow doesn't someday decide to step out in front of my
little Jeep to end it all, cause I'd be
much worse off than him. I once saw a big rig truck accidentally
hit a cow that wandered into the
road. Trust me...the cow won! LOL!
JimmyWhiteBear, you dear man. Thank you for your idea about
releasing a prayer with the
tobacco. I've always got that tobacco. And if I can't let go
of the wheel to tear out the tobacco,
then I can roll down the window and release the smoke in a prayer.
Thank you for understanding.
About this:
They choose me to help them!... Not my choice but, I have
been selected and I have to respect
that! They know you can help them release back to Spirit
with respect.
Jimmy, My family haven't had many animals commit suicide, but
we have often had animals
choose to die with us. By that I mean we've regularly had wild
animals come to us when they
were dying. Oh, also had ones wanting help, but there's a big
difference. I never thought about
this before. Like in Africa there were several birds who came
right into the house - found a safe
warm spot.. and just died, calm and peaceful. Now here In Scotland
we had a big old rabbit do
the same thing last year. He was very sick, poor thing. I've
never thought about why they come to
us before now. And I must admit I've never had a ritual to offer
them beyond a prayer and a
burial in the back yard.
Jimmy WhiteBear:
What is ritual? A way to honor! As Simple as a prayer and burial!
I have often thought at wakes
and funerals that the wake and funeral are for the people left
behind, not for the one that just
crossed. Once the spirit has left the body, all that remains
is the shell that once held the spirit, A
Husk! if you like! I sometimes may stop and move something off
the road if it has been hit but
to stop sometimes isn't a good idea because traffic might get
you. Lots of crazy people out there
today! Remembering that what is left is just the body, a quick
prayer and a release of some
tobacco to the wind carries the spirit, helps that spirit along.
An Honoring of the spirit that lost its
home in this earth walk and now will dwell in the spirit world
until it is time to come back to the
physical world or mundane! Keep it simple! Thats the best
I agree with you Bear, 100%! The honoring is what matters, and
the ceremonies after a person
or creature Drop their Robe is as much for those left behind.
They grieve their loss then and it
becomes very personal. In the ceremony we honor and remember
the loved one's
contributions...the good memories come forward and the love
shines through. Simple or
complex, it's the prayer blessing their way that matters and
if you're in a pinch, a cigarette works
just as well to offer tobacco. I carry them in my walking pouch
along with other herbs for such
times, be it to bless the journey of another or simply offer
a token when I feel called to do so
whatever the purpose. I'm a firm believer that simple is better,
and I *KNOW* those who pass on
are well-received, I've been shown the Mother's waiting arms.
I know them too. I saw them, and had the choice to step into
them at that point, or later. When I
was training in Shamanism, my medicine teacher and I found a
dead Kangaroo on the side of the
road. My teacher stopped the car and she helped me check to
make sure the kangaroo's spirit had
passed over properly. It had. But she had had a little joey
in her pouch, also dead. It's little spirit
hadn't, so she taught me how to help it cross over properly.
I have used that lesson in many ways
(including with any animals killed on the roads) since then.
And the mother kangaroo, we
honored her spirit, but she needed no help. It was that the
little joey's spirit hadn't passed on that
was the eye-opener for me. I have been lucky. The only thing
I know for sure I have killed was a
bandicoot. It was terrible, and there was nothing I could do
to save it that wouldn't endanger all
four of us in the car, and anyone who might have been coming
round the curve on the opposite
side of the road (Night, steep incline, sharp curve) I just
pray that I am never in a situation like
that again. It was really horrible. If I am, I hope I might
remember bear's comment about them
being sick and committing suicide.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date