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By CinnamonMoon
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams
Nightingale exemplifies the power of determination and its resulting
*D.J. Conway/Animal Magic
This name is applied to two species of thrushes in the genus
Luscinia. L. megarhyncha breeds
form the British Isles across Europe to southwestern Europe.
The upper part of the nightingale's
body is russet brown but redder on the tail; the underparts
are grayish brown and paler on the
throat and belly. They are shy birds, but famous for singing
in the moonlight.
This bird was associated with certain rites of Adonis and Attis,
the savior-resurrected deities. To
the ancient Greeks it was a symbol of the Muses. Persian literature
calls it the bulbul.
The nightingale only sings at night. Not true; it also sings
during the day.
Magical Attributes:
Inspiration, using your talents with joy. Moon magick.
Dictionary of Phrase and Fable/Wordsworth
The Greek legend is that Tereus, King of Thrace, fetched Philomela
to visit his wife, Procene,
who was her sister; but when he reached the 'solitudes of Heleas"
he dishonored her, and cut out
her tongue that she might not reveal his conduct. Tereus told
his wife that Philomela was dead,
but Philomela made her story known by weaving it into a robe,
which she sent to Prince, Procne,
in revenge, cut up her own son and served him to Tereus, and
as soon as the king devoured it he
pursued his wife, who fled to Philomela; whereupon the gods
changed all three into birds; Tereus
became the hawk, his wife the swallow, and Philomela, the nightingale,
which it is still called
Philomel (lit., lover of song) by the poets.
Youths and maidens most poetical...Full of meek sympathy must
have their sights O'er
Philomel's pity-pleading strains. Coleridge: The Nightingale.
are on this row
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Nations, Symbology)
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(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
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