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Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By Mouse
Role: ~Guardian of the Cosmic Memory~
Lesson: Discover the Song of the Soul
Element: Water
Wind: North ~Land of the Elders/Wisdom~
Medicine: Alchemy
Guardian of the Cosmic Memory Alchemy Creativity
Healing through Sound Sensitivity
Spiritual Insight
Glimmering light from the Center of the Cosmos
Ribbons of purple, aqua and gold
Pulsing, dancing to the thrum of
the Orca's Call
She calls to Humanity
Loving, gentle soul
With eyes in whose depths star fields shine
Guardian of Cosmic Memory
The pain of a thousand wounded souls tattered,
adrift on a sea of isolation, beckon Her and she responds
with tenderness & compassion,
tempered with the knowledge of when
to encourage the ~Lost~ to swim alone.
The Leap is made as the Ancestors call
and she soars in bliss toward the stars,
the joyful song of the Star Nation resounding . . .
Welcome Home, dear Sister, welcome Home
Guardian of the Cosmic Memory
For many indigenous peoples, Orca (also known as the ~Sea Wolf,~)
is the Guardian of the
Cosmic Memory.
Beliefs surrounding the Orca`s origin vary from tribe to tribe,
with some tribes holding the belief
that the ~Sea Wolf~ was created when a young man was walking
along the beach and heard a
pitiful whining. Following the sound, he soon discovered two
young wolf cubs that he took back
to his lodge and raised them to adulthood.
One day he awoke to discover that the wolves had left him and
puzzled, he followed their tracks
down to the beach where he had first found them. As he approached
the ocean, he saw the
wolves swimming out into the ocean where they killed a whale.
Much to his amazement, the
wolves then brought the dead whale to shore so that the man
might have its meat and make use
of the blubber and bones.
Things continued such for many days until the time came that
the beach was now littered with
decaying whales as the wolves were hunting more whales than
the man living alone could
possibly harvest. Seeing such great waste, the ~One Above~ called
upon the Thunder Beings, the
Rains and the Fog so that the wolves would not be able to find
any whales to kill.
Grandmother Ocean became so tumultuous that the wolves were
unable to find their way back to
land and were forced to stay out in the water where they were
transformed to ~Sea Wolves~ or
as they are known today, Killer Whales.
Other tribes believe that the Sky (or Star) Nation brought Orca
to Ina Maka (Mother Earth) from
the Dog Star Sirius (the Home of the Ancestors). It was then
that this ~Great Wolf~ was made
Keeper of the Ocean, and Guardian of the Cosmic Memory . . .
hence the name ~Sea (for the
waters in which She would now dwell) Wolf~ (in remembrance of
the Home World)~.
***Like their Spirit Totem, the two-legged beside whom Orca
(and all Dolphin & Whale
Totems) swims, has an unconscious memory of their Origin and
Heritage. This is a deeply buried
Memory that has been imprinted upon their Soul, cosmic knowledge
and recollections of the
~home world~ and of the Ancestors. Though this Cosmic Memory
is deeply buried even beyond
the levels of the ~sub-conscious,~ the Sleeper may Awaken at
any stage when the time fast
approaches for the Ancestors Return. Often times this Memory
is Awakened via sound, or as
other soul-group members are re-connected as ~Pods.~
It is believed that we are fast approaching the Center of the
Universe, an event that happens
approximately every 24-25,000 years. When the Ina Maka enters
the Center of the Universe, the
opportunity is had for all of Human Consciousness to make the
step across the bridge or through
the Doorway into the Fifth World of Peace and Ultimate Illumination.
The next such date of this
"occurrence" is believed will take place in 2012.
At some later stage, a separate page will be written dedicated
to this ~Prophecy,~ and will be a
World Wide opportunity, not exclusive to any one clan or ~tribe~
of souls.
How this is significant for All with a Totem of Dolphin or Whale,
is that this awareness is even
closer to the surface than it may be for ~Others~ as these are
the souls that have agreed to light
the lantern of Illumination that Others may find their way across,
as He/She reminds us that we
are all connected, we are all ONE.***
Many creation legends and theories are centered around the belief
that all Life sprang from the
Ocean, and that members of the Dolphin and Whale family are
a Symbol of that Creative Spark
at the height of its expression.
Orca teaches us the Power of Breath and Creativity, and in observing
the manner in which any of
the Dolphin/Whale Totems breathe, this is significant in applying
those same principles to one
beside whom this Animal Ally swims.
As the Orca surfaces for air, they are commonly sighted ~breaching~
free of the water, a
behavior that marine biologists do not completely understand
as it does not appear to serve any
~useful~ or biological purpose. The Orca could just as easily
merely rise to the surface of the
water (as it does at other times) to take in the necessary oxygen,
yet will often breach the water
in what appears to be a desire to leap back ~Home.~
***For the two-legged beside whom Orca swims, the above carries
a double meaning. Firstly,
there is the longing within the Orca (Whale/Dolphin) Soul to
return ~Home~ to the Ancestors
and all that came before. This sense of longing varies . . .
at times so silent as to be nearly nonexistent,
at other moments mild, acknowledged then released, and still
other times felt as sharp
and keen as a jab to the heart, filling this gentle soul with
nearly overwhelming sense of ~Disconnection.~
The second meaning that this behavior carries with it is a vehicle
through which creativity,
insight and emotions may be bottled or stuffed. When this is
the case, and the Orca soul has
succeeded in pushing their feelings so deep, or when they have
subjugated their own needs/wants
in deference to an ~Other`s~, the result is that those feelings
must find some means of release.
Often these thoughts and feelings then surface in an explosive
rush that may be quite
overwhelming for these gentle souls.
Likewise, when their creativity has been "thwarted"
for whatever reason, an inner tension builds
within the Orca Soul. If an outlet is not found for either the
repressed thoughts, emotions or
creativity, there may be a physical manifestation in the form
of the on-set of an illness, in
particular those affecting the lungs such as asthma, bronchitis,
chest colds or even pneumonia.
To combat this (and is also a method that will be mentioned
under the Healing keyword below),
when tensions are building from suppressed or repressed thoughts,
emotions or creativity, it
would be wise for the Two-Legged with a Dolphin or Whale Totem
(such as Orca), to observe,
then imitate, the manner in which these Sea Mammals breathe.
Taking in a lung full of air, filling the chest with as much
oxygen as possible as though about to
dive into the ocean`s depths, holding for as long as comfortably
possible, then exhaling in an
explosive manner that imitates the sound of the Orca surfacing
for air and exhaling through their blowhole.
There is no set number of times that this ought to be repeated,
however keep in mind that too
much of this deep breathing may induce light-headedness and
thus the exercise is best performed
in a safe, relaxed seated position. With each inhale and resultant
exhale, a personalized
affirmation might be utilized, such as for emotional release,
"I freely, lovingly and effortlessly
express myself in a manner that is respectful of the Self and
of Others."
An affirmation for releasing Creative Potential might be such
as, "The Creative Force and
Genius of the Universe flows effortlessly and lovingly to and
through me. I am a tube through
which Great Mystery works."
In both instances, it is embracing the Medicine of Orca to better
assist the compassionate and
creative being beside whom Orca swims.***
Like all members of the Dolphin family, (Orca`s are not whales
as many believe, but are the
largest member of the Dolphin family), Orca`s are highly intelligent
and sensitive creatures, with
a perception and awareness that is astounding.
The care that they exhibit toward their offspring and to the
sick and injured members of the pod,
as well as the dedication to all ~pod~ members, goes far beyond
the explanation of mere biology
alone, and seems indicative of a heightened sense of spirituality
and genuine caring.
As a matriarchal society, Orca males will stay beside their
mother throughout their lifetime,
offering her protection and support. The only time that a male
will leave his mother`s Pod is to
answer the call of a female Orca in estrus. Once the mating
with that non Pod member female is
complete, the male will return once again to swim beside his
mother and siblings.
***For the two-legged beside whom Orca swims, there will be
a great deal of emotional and
~psychic~ sensitivity. These are the individuals who possess
a heightened awareness of the
suffering of Others, and will immediately sense the pain that
may lay behind the casual words
spoken or assurances that "everything is fine." Some
inner ~knowing~ within the Orca soul will
be triggered in those instances, a reflection of the Orca`s
own sonar capabilities.
Although there is a marked degree of sensitivity within the
Orca Soul, there also exists the ability
to draw back from actually taking on the pain and suffering
of those around them. It is an
inherent understanding that to do so, would "rob"
that one whom they desire to assist, from the
Life Lessons that soul is here to learn. Yet often this inherent
knowledge is only awakened after
some painful lessons of their own, though once the memory has
been awakened, it serves them
well in their effort and "call" to assist their fellow
Healing through Communication
All Dolphins and Whales are thought to have healing abilities
as an intrinsic part of their unique
Even scientists and marine biologists seem to be warming to
this long held belief as they are
witnessing for themselves the healing interaction that is had
between mentally and/or physically
challenged children and members of the Dolphin family.
With Orca in particular, it is believed that it is her ~voice~
that is the true healing agent.
***The two-legged who is blessed to have Orca as a Primary Totem
(Power, Theme or Mission),
will likewise possess an innate healing ability. This ~Gift~
will differ in both intensity (from
slight to powerful), and in manifestation (energy healing from
distance, laying on of hands, etc.,)
yet is one of the Gifts that the Great Mystery has lovingly
bestowed upon these Souls.
As with their Animal Ally, the two-legged Orca soul will have
the ability to heal through
communication. This ability however, is not limited to speaking
alone, but also includes all other
forms of communication as in the written word, as well as through
artistic expressions (painting
images, playing a musical instrument or singing).
Most commonly, the healing will come through the voice, and
it is also through the resonance of
sound that the Orca Soul will experience the awakening of those
memories that have been stored
on a soul or cellular level. This may occur through hearing
a certain piece of music not
previously heard before, the click or calls of a Dolphin or
Whale while watching a program on
these beautiful creatures or having a first-hand encounter,
or through hearing for the first time a
member of their ~Pod~ (or Soul Group) speak. Though it may take
many years of development
to become consciously aware of when this is occurring, once
the ability has been honed, the Orca
individual may then learn to tune into this Cosmic Memory through
a chant or mantra he/she
may sing or hum. This same "cosmic song" may then
also be employed to heal and awaken
~Others,~ and in times of physical illness or stress (as previously
stated physical manifestations
will tend to surface in the lungs) employing the technique of
"Dolphin/Whale Breathing" while
assist in expediting the healing process.***
Alchemy, is the ability to transform raw or "base"
materials into matter of a higher vibration,
nature or quality. In relation to ~Sea Wolf,~ it is believed
that as Guardian to the Cosmic
Memory, Orca has the ability to create portals through which
the ~Home World~ (the doorway
to the Star Nation) may be reached.
***For the two-legged with this power animal ally, the Orca
is believed to be a powerful lantern
of enlightenment, illuminating the pathway for those who desire
to step beyond the ~mundane~
world of the physical senses, to the magical shores of cosmic
As they journey through their early lives (and early childhood/adulthood
of the current lifetime),
Orca souls experience many lessons in making the best possible
out of often very meager or
painful experiences. They do not enter into an "easy"
existence . . . to the contrary, their life is
often met with numerous challenges, more so than most around
them to the point where friends
or loved ones may even comment on the number or frequency with
which these hardships are
Yet beneath all of the trauma and pain, there is an inner sense
that there is "more" to the
experiences. It is thus that the two-legged beside whom Orca
swims (with sufficient maturation
and detached observation), learns to fashion the Golden Staff
of Enlightenment from the
minerals of past experiences and lessons learned.***
From: wolfs_moon.tripod.com/OrcaTotem.html (mind the pop-ups
The last days I swam with Orca in my journeys - it comes from
my Nordic Tradition, my
teachers, too...They were several, suddenly they were there
as I was floating in the cold water,
swimming near the big and high stones that covered the shore...
The water was cold and so deep
- and they dived so deep, too... I followed them - and they
surrounded me...
Today I swam with them again... Each day brings new knowing...These
were things that just
happened while working with water the last days... :o)) Please
let me say "Thank you!" for
sharing this information here about Orca you gave. I did not
read it up to now - but I knew that
you shared it here. (((hugs))) to you.
I just want to add: My father - who had students from all over
the world - got small gifts from
time and then when they came to stay with us to eat and to talk.
One day he came home with a
tooth of a whale - it must have been an Orca. I will ask him...
(By the way - he always wanted to
move to Canada with the family. We once were ready to leave
for Egypt - when a war came up
and we had to stay in Germany... But this was off topic now...
The pain of a thousand wounded souls tattered,
adrift on a sea of isolation, beckon Her and she responds
with tenderness & compassion,
tempered with the knowledge of when
to encourage the ~Lost~ to swim alone.
The Leap is made as the Ancestors call
and she soars in bliss toward the stars,
the joyful song of the Star Nation resounding . . .
Welcome Home, dear Sister, welcome Home
"...To combat this (and is also a method that will be mentioned
under the Healing keyword
below), when tensions are building from suppressed or repressed
thoughts, emotions or
creativity, it would be wise for the Two-Legged with a Dolphin
or Whale Totem (such as Orca),
to observe, then imitate, the manner in which these Sea Mammals
Taking in a lung full of air, filling the chest with as much
oxygen as possible as though about to
dive into the ocean`s depths, holding for as long as comfortably
possible, then exhaling in an
explosive manner that imitates the sound of the Orca surfacing
for air and exhaling through
their blowhole...."
Mouse, when I was a child my father taught me this...It is amazing...
I always wondered how he
came to this kind of breathing to teach us children... I still
practice it today from time to time...
in TV they just said that Orca knows a dialect for the part
of sea they live in. And they know a
sound that is their own name! And they know another sound for
their group...I just wanted to
share this about beautiful Orca...May heart sings...
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date