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Platypus: Embracing all aspects of one's self, especially those
that don't seem to fit. The ability to
adapt to any change in one's environment. This essence also
gives the courage to discover and be
your true self.
(from: www.essencesonline.com/Mo...manic.htm)
The Platypus
The duck billed platypus is a small semi aquatic mammal that
lives in the lakes and streams of
eastern Australia and Tasmania. It is notable for having a broad
flat rubbery snout that contains
electro receptors enabling it to detect electrical fields produced
by moving muscles of its prey.
When submerged in water the eyes and ears are closed by a fold
of skin. The sensitive muzzle of
the platypus guides it while it swims blind. Those with this
totem have the ability to balance and
ground energy currents as they move through the body. For people
who channel or work in any
form of energetic healing this can be advantageous. Platypus
medicine people use their inner
sight to guide them through life and are natural clairvoyants.
The platypus swims gracefully and expertly using the front feet.
The hind feet in conjunction
with its flattened tail are used mainly for stabilization. The
tail also assists it in diving. Water has
long been associated with the subconscious and the secrets it
holds. Those with this totem are
investigative, always searching for the deeper meaning of each
situation they encounter.
The platypus finds its food chiefly in underwater mud and has
an enormous appetite. They
emerge for feeding in early morning or late afternoon. Foods
grown below ground are often
beneficial for those with this medicine.
Mating occurs in the water. Poisonous spurs on the hind legs
of the male are used to hold the
female. An unusual courtship precedes mating in which the male
grabs the females tail and the
pair swim in circles. In ancient myth and lore a circle signifies
wholeness. Those with this totem
usually have strong karmic lessons associated with completion.
If this medicine is
underdeveloped they find themselves unable to finish projects.
The platypus digs winding burrows with side branches in the
banks of streams and lakes that it
inhabits. These burrows indicate its flexibility to move in
different directions effortlessly. It
teaches us how to access the hidden chambers of our subconscious
and move according to our
personal rhythms. The platypus is a powerful totem to have.
It is a unique animal in both its
appearance and its abilities and can show us how to awaken our
own uniqueness.
(from www.sayahda.com/cycle.html)
Platypus' Wisdom Includes:
Connection the ancient animals
Ability to remain unique
Value of remaining as you are
Ability to rear young differently
The keywords for Platypus are "Women's Wisdom".
The platypus is a playful egg laying
marsupial known as a monotreme. The platypus lives in creeks
and streams. It can remain under
water for up to 5 minutes at a time, using its flat tail and
webbed feet to paddle underwater. It
swims with its eyes closed so it has had to develop the ability
to detect any slight disturbance in
the water with its sensitive bill. The male platypus has two
rear spurs, which are laden with
venom. It builds its creek bank nests in burrows with the entrance
concealed under the water's
Platypus represents the true essence of Women's Sacred Wisdom
- to trust blindingly in one's
inner direction and to move as one with the creative ebbs and
flows of Mother Earth. Platypus is
sensitive, light hearted and spontaneous. Male and Female Platypus
are both born with a
venomous spur on their hind leg that protects them from predators,
but as they grow, the females
lose their spurs. Symbolically, the females learn to trust their
Dreaming (Medicine) and the
protection they receive through their sense of self- worth and
their connection to Spirit.
When women and men finally understand and embrace the supreme
character traits of the
Dreaming the World will become a place where all can exist in
harmony with one another,
without fear of harm, loss or guilt. Platypus says that with
each of us taking responsibility for
our own healing, sense of love and our own lives we can come
together as men and women and
walk side by side as "a People" into the future, instead
of feeling banished, separate or forsaken
like the Water Rat and the Duck in the legends of Old. S.A.
King - Animal Dreaming
The Aboriginal legend goes: This legend represents star-crossed
lovers, the souls of two involved
in forbidden union. Against the wishes of the tribe, the two
eloped, but later came back to
apologize for dishonoring their families. As punishment, she
was turned into a Duck and he, a
Water Rat - after which they were banished forever. She later
laid two eggs - each containing
strange furry, duck-billed creatures equipped with powerful
webbed feet. This is how Platypus
was born.
I love the Platypus. We have a pair that live in a river locally.
They are amazing animals to
watch. Hope some of this helps.
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