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By CinnamonMoon
*Lady Stearn Robinson &
Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary:
This poisonous spider in your dream is a warning of danger from
treacherous friends or
associates, especially if you killed it, however, you will overcome
the hostile influences if it bit you.
*The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:
Scorpio/Scorpion--Scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac, which
the sun enters about 24 October.
Orion had boasted that he could kill any animal the earth produced.
A scorpion was sent to
punish his vanity and it stung Orion to death. Jupiter later
raised the scorpion to heaven.
Fable has it that scorpions carry with them an oil which is
a remedy against their stings: "'Tis
true, a scorpions oil is said to cure the wounds the venom made,
and weapons dressed with
salves restore and heal the hurts they gave before." Butler:
Hudibras, III, ii, 1029.
The oil was extracted from the flesh and given to the sufferer
as a medicine; it was also supposed
to be very useful to bring away the descending stone of the
kidneys. another belief was that if a
scorpion was surrounded by a circle of fire it would sting itself
to death with its own tail. Byron,
in the Giaour (I.422), extracts a simile from the legend:
The mind that broods o'er guilty woes
Is like the scorpion girt by fire....
One sad and sole relief she knows,
The sting she nourished for her foes,
Whose venom never yet was vain,
Gives but one pang, and cures all pain.
A lash, or scourge of scorpions: A specially severe punishment,
in allusion to the Biblical
passage: My father has chastised you with whips, but I will
chastise you with scorpions. [I Kings
xii, II]
In the Middle Ages a scourge of four or five thongs set with
steel spikes and leaden weights was
called a scorpion.
*Barbara G. Walker/The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:
The constellation of the Scorpion is one of the links between
the cultures of central America and
those of the ancient east, possibly Mesopotamia, whose ziggurats
were so similar to the Mexican
pyramids. Scorpio was the same in Babylonia, India, and Greece;
and the Maya of Yucatan also
called the same constellation "scorpion stars".
Astrological myths everywhere placed Aquarius the Water-drawer
at the winter solstice, Taurus
the Bull at the spring equinox, Leo the Lion at the summer solstice,
and Scorpio at the autumnal
equinox. Therefore it was said in Egypt that the Scorpion killed
Horus, the sun, sending him to
his midwinter death and resurrection as his Mother Isis gave
him rebirth; and Pharaoh's daughter
apparently played the part of the Water-drawer or divine midwife
on the banks of the Nile, as
shown by the myth of Moses.
Spirits of the four points of the year were sometimes called
Sons of Horus, and placed as small
images in the four corners of a pharaoh's tomb. As man, bull,
lion, and scorpion (or serpent) they
were adopted by Christianity and converted into the four totems
of the evangelists and the four
angels of the Apocalypse.
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Scorpion will stand for retaliation.
*D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
Technically, the scorpion is not a reptile, although it is an
invertebrate; it is an arthropod (order
Scorpionida of the class Arachnida) and more closely related
to spiders. A scorpion has four
pairs of legs, a pair of pincher-like front feet, and bears
live young. From before the days of the
ancient Greeks and Egyptians, the scorpion has been much feared.
They are more numerous in
the tropics, but do extend into Canada in western North America.
From the shining black, eight-inch species that infest tropical
jungles, ti the thin, pale, 1-inch
ones that live in sandy wastes, all scorpions have an abdomen
ending in a tail-like section that is
armed with a curved stinger at the tip. This tip is like a poison-filled
syringe, with some
scorpions more deadly than others; a few species have poison
glands also in their jaws. Arching
over the back, this tail waves in all directions. the scorpion
usually hunts by night, hiding by day
under stones or loose bark.
The ancient Sumerians believed that scorpions or Scorpion-Men
were guardians of the Gateway
of the sun, the Mountains of the East, and the Twin Gates. This
creature was associated with
various aspects of Istar (as Ishara Tamtim, the scorpion-tailed
Mother), Nanna, and the Phrygian
Sabazius. Myth tells how the hero Gilgamesh had to make his
way through the Scorpion-Men to
the house of the Scorpion Goddess, Siduri Sabitu.
To both the Zorastrians and the Egyptians, the Scorpion was
an embodiment of evil. A desert
animal, it accompanied the Egyptian goddess Selket who was pictured
with a scorpion on her
head or as a woman with a scorpion-body; she was known as the
protector of the dead. Myth
tells of 7 scorpions that went with Isis on her search for Osiris.
The scorpion goddess is
mentioned in the Book of the Dead as being an extremely ancient
Mithraism had a slightly different spiritual explanation of
the scorpion. Their Dadophori, who
were twins and upward and downward pointing torches, were called
the Bull and the Scorpion.
these twins symbolized life and death, the rising and setting
In Central and South America, several cultures spoke of Mother
Scorpion, who lived at the end
of the Milky Wya; she received the souls of the deceased. The
ancient civilizations of Babylon,
India, Greece, Egypt, and the Mayas all knew of the same constellation
of Scorpio and associated
it with the scorpion.
Superstitions: If you hold a scorpion on your palm, it can't
sting you.
Magickal Attributes: Revenge, dark magick. Sending dark magick
and negativities back to the makers.
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise:
Keynote: Dynamic transformation through secret passions and
The scorpion is sometimes referred to as the serpent from the
Garden of Eden. In Egypt it was
the symbol of darkness, for it brought with it the waning strength
of the sun. In Greek
mythology, it was the monster that caused Apollo's horses to
run wild while in the hands of
Phaethon. This is often a caution for those who the scorpion
is a messenger. Unless we control
our passions and desires and direct their energies appropriately,
the transformations will occur in
the midst of chaos.
In astrology the sign of Scorpio is represented by several animals--the
scorpion, the eagle, and
the phonenix. The Scorpio zodiac sign has been associated with
transformation and rising to new
heights and is known for its secretiveness and passions. It
is a sign of mystery, long associated
with sex, death, and rebirth. Those of this sign have great
strength and an ability to inspire. They
can also misuse their psychic and sexual energies.
Sex and death are often associated with the sign of Scorpio.
These mysteries stimulate great
passions and feelings, and both are vehicles of change. Within
the sex act, the two partners
exchange energy and neither is ever truly the same again. Death
itself is a transformation of
energy so that rebirth can occur. This is scorpion energy.
The scorpion is an amazing creature. It is an arachnid, but
it is very different from spiders.
Underneath the last legs are comb-like structures called pectines.
These are sense organs of
touch. Scorpions do have two eyes in the center of the head,
and usually more along the sides of
the head as well, but they do not see very well. They rely on
their sense of touch. When the
scorpion appears as a totem or messenger, the sense of psychic
touch will become increasingly
heightened. Responses to touch will grow stronger as will the
ability to touch others more intensely.
Most scorpions are nocturnal, and one of the most common ways
of collecting them is through
the use of a black light which makes them fluorescent in the
darkness. This reminds us that light
can be found within darkness if we channel our passions correctly.
The mating ritual of scorpions involves the male holding the
female by the pincers and leading
her back and forth. Eventually the male deposits a package of
sperm, which the female picks up
with an organ on her stomach. The young will ride around on
the mother's back until they shed
their skin for the first time. They then become independent
and live a solitary life. It is thus not
unusual, when scorpions appear, to find that periods of solitariness
are intermixed with intense
and passionate relationships and encounters in life.
Remember the scorpion promises transformation. Whether that
transformation is calm or chaotic
depends on how we use our energies. Are we channeling our passions
correctly? Are we
allowing our passions to override our common sense? Do we need
to balance our relationships
with more solitariness? Are we becoming too solitary? Do we
need to merge our physical
passions with our spiritual passions? Are we ignoring our psychic
perceptions only to be stung?
Found this from: Widget's Astrology World
Slinky Scorpio as your star sign means that the Sun blazed in
a passionate water sign in the
zodiac on your birthday. The Sun in astrology stands for your
inner nature. Scorpio, the eighth
sign of the Zodiac, is a feminine sign ruled by fierce Mars,
the warrior planet and mysterious
Pluto, the planet of transformation. A fixed (strong and solid)
sign, Scorpio governs will and
authority. Scorpio people are passionate and emotional, with
very deep feelings. Although you
are a loyal and dedicated friend, you are fiercely competitive,
subject to fits of vindictive
jealousy and can be quite manipulative in pursuit of your goals.
Symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion, a ground-dwelling killer
with a poisonous sting in its tail
and the eagle, a far-seeing predator soaring above petty problems
into the spiritual sky.
Scorpio's real involvement is not primarily based on love or
even pleasure, but on the control
and understanding of human emotions and the role they play in
the mysterious processes of life
and death. Though you may not spend your life pondering the
mysteries of life and death, you
are inquisitive and probing, fascinated with how things and
people work. Your mental and
physical powers of recuperation are remarkable - and truly evolved
(eagle) Scorpios can learn
to use their power to help and inspire others.
Determined Scorpio, a fixed sign, can be rather stubborn and
resistant to imposed changes. In
many ways this is a plus, for it gives you the stamina to accomplish
things in life, due to your
tenacity. On the surface you may seem easy-going, congenial,
and gregarious, but you are also
extremely tenacious with a need to manipulate and control your
Keys to your success are a strong will and the ability to get
to the bottom of things. You want
answers and doggedly persist until you get them.
The fiery energy of Mars shines out when you are enthusiastic;
it attracts and inspires others.
Your intensity can be overwhelming, but also subtle, for your
considerable energy is not aroused
or employed just to have something to do - as is often the case
with Aries, the other Mars-ruled
personality. Unlike Aries, Scorpio is not openly combative,
unless it becomes necessary. Your
privacy is tightly protected, so others get to know you only
up to a point. You may not show any
sign of inner struggle, but when you are after something (or
someone) your determination is
fierce. Should you not be favored in the outcome, you are neither
a willing nor a gracious loser.
Nevertheless, you are not arrogant, being generally interested
in others and what they have to
say, although you often exhibit a self-sufficiency which implies
there isn't much you don't already know.
The transformative energy of Pluto motivates you, as you delve
into the deepest mysteries of life.
Whether you are trying to get to the bottom of a murder, or
some heinous crime, or whether you
are saving a life through your surgical skills, or pursuing
a meditative magical mystery tour, you
characteristically seek to uncover the truth or to transform
raw materials into things of great
power and beauty. Relationships are not exempt from this probing,
so anyone involved with you
must prepare for profound changes in themselves, their mysterious
partner and the relationship itself.
Emotions govern your first reactions to every experience in
life. Although instinctive emotions
generate the strongest motivations for your behavior, you are
not prone to wearing your heart on
your sleeve (unlike those feeling-oriented Cancerians and Pisceans).
You need to dominate
relationships and rarely display your true feelings, holding
back something of yourself, even at
your most open and communicative moments. Although you may not
intentionally want to be
mysterious, you manage to appear enigmatic anyway. You hate
being crossed or manipulated,
and can react to such treatment with sarcasm and vengefulness.
Scorpio rules the reproductive organs and excretory system,
so those with Scorpio active in their
charts suffer headaches, infections and fevers, along with various
illnesses to do with what used
to be called the secret parts. You have, however, a strong constitution
and can usually overcome
your problems, many of which are of your own making, due to
your clandestine activities.
Scorpio colors are red, black, midnight blue, and emerald green.
Scorpio rules metallic iron and
your birthstone is the topaz. Topaz, one of the hardest minerals,
cannot be cut with a knife. It is
yet another representation of the impenetrable Scorpio nature.
Scorpio flowers include the
anemone, heather, and gardenia.
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Scorpion's Wisdom Includes: Attacking from the rear, Death and
rebirth, Transmutation of
poison, Reflecting dark and negative energy back to its sender.
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Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
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