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By SunJade
Spider Speaks... Coincidence and Synchronicity
Over the past few years I've become more aware of the coincidences
in my life. Quite often there
are messages in the coincidences, beautiful messages that make
me feel loved and cared for and
guide me on my path. Coincidence and synchronicity. Synchronicity
is a series of coincidences.
The mysterious coincidences, the synchronicities that lead me
to answers for questions I have.
To learn something I'm ready to understand, to ponder something
I don't understand, to do
something I have wanted to do but never took the time. Or just
to make me smile.
I'm also learning to hear the animals speak. Animals that cross
our path and make us notice them
usually have an important message or something to show or teach
us. It's not always easy to
know if there is a message and being a beginner I don't have
much to share in the way of wisdom
but I do want to share an example of the beautiful way the animals
speak to us. The afternoon
before I read about the writing contest here, I had a unique
visit from Spider.
Spider's wisdom includes communication, teaching us to use the
written language with power
and creativity. To write. Spider's visit and the writing contest
is a good example of coincidence
and the way the animals speak to us. Spider's timing for her
visit and the messages she had were
quite amazing. I was sitting in my living room on a Saturday
afternoon enjoying a quiet moment
when I noticed the tiny black spider. Spider's visit...
Spider Speaks... Cobwebs in my Coffee Cup
I let my coffee get cold again. As I turned to pick up my cup,
I saw a tiny little spider sitting on
the brim of my cup. I stopped and watched the spider walking
in circles again and again. I said,
hi little Spider, have you got something to tell me? That's
when she stopped circling my cup and
started weaving a web. As I watched, the tiny spider made a
web. She walked around the brim of
the cup, stopped when she was facing me, released a silky thread,
jumped into the cup and
landed on the spoon, attaching the thread to the spoon. It was
very special to witness this so
close. She weaved her web in clockwise direction, the first
thread of the web from South to
North. She kept on going in this way, facing me in the west,
where I was sitting to make a new
thread and add on to the rest of the web. I watched her for
almost an hour until we got company
when I stopped and picked up the cup carefully, putting it in
a safe place so the spider could go
on with her web making and hopefully I could watch her again
later. After company left I went
back to the spider but she was gone and the little web was the
same as when I left it.
Spider's message was to write, so I started to write as fast
as I could to keep up with the thoughts
in my head. As I sat down to write about the experience, I wrote,
"This is a story in the making".
And how true that was, three different stories came out of Spider's
visit. Three different stories
but all connected. Two stories were about my circle of family
and friends, the role they play in
my life, which is not really for sharing but a lot of things
were explained about balance, also part
of Spider's teachings.
Another story is about the life of my father. The story of my
father is a long story, one I wanted
to write since his passing. To honor him for being such a great
dad, the loving way he stays close
to us even after death. There are no good-byes he told me the
last time I saw him. I didn't realize
just how true my Dad's last words to me were. Since his passing,
12 years ago, he's been close to
us all, helping and guiding us. There's a very special story
to tell about dad's life. I finally started
to write this story.
A web of stories and so much wisdom came out of one tiny little
Spider sitting on my coffee cup.
Spider gave me the push I needed to start writing and showed
me where to start. She showed me
how to weave a web of stories and connect them in a very beautiful
She also had quite a few personal messages that I will listen
to and learn from. One message I
want to share is I need to have more faith. Listen to my heart
and intuition; the answers are really
there. Learn to trust. Also to listen to the messages I get
and follow through. To be respectful and
put the advice I get to good use and not just save them in a
binder or my thoughts, I admit I have
been doing this. Respect and trust are two things we must have
when we communicate with the
I thank Spider for all that she is showing me. I'm humbled by
the way Spirit speaks to us through
the synchronistic events that come our way and the animal teachers
who cross our path. I'm very
are on this row
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(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
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(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
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