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By CinnamonMoon
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Starfish signifies spiritual truths.
*Denise Lynn/The Secret Language of Signs:
Star itself....This is a very significant symbol representing
light, guidance, and insight. As the
star shines in the darkness, it is a symbol of light and of
the spirit within. You are your own star.
You are your own light. Your star is rising.
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise:
Keynote: Perceiving emotions; following your own unique way.
Starfish have no right or left, only top and bottom. On its
undersides a mouth and small suction
cups. There are over 200 varieties of starfish, each with their
own unique qualities and colors.
They are named for their five star-shaped "arms,"
although some have more than five.
Starfish living in the darkness of the ocean are quick to find
the remains of dead fish that fall to
the bottom of the sea. They can detect waterborne chemicals
given off by rotting food and they
are able to follow scent trails being carried in the slow moving
currents of the ocean floor.
Individuals for whom the starfish appear often are very sensitive
to the true emotions of others
surrounding them no matter how they are shielded and disguised
by the individuals.
With no eyes or ears, the starfish is dependent upon its sense
of touch and smell, which are acute.
When the starfish appears, it will be important to "follow
your own star"--your own scent--to
what you desire. Others may not think there is anything in it
for your efforts. Trust your own
instincts. Your ability to discern new opportunities and possibilities
will be increasing.
Starfish digest in an unusual way. They cling to their prey
(mainly mussels, which should be
studied) and as soon as they find a soft spot, they turn out
their stomachs through their mouths.
The stomachs come out and onto the soft spot of the mussel and
begin to digest it. When done,
starfish pull their stomachs back inside themselves. Doing things
in your own unique way, no
matter how strange it may seem to others will usually work better
for you. This is part of what
starfish teaches.
Just as lizards can regrow a limb, a starfish can regrow an
arm that has been bitten off as well.
Even if we fail in our own unique endeavors, we will regain
anything that is lost and still be able
to continue. For starfish people, there is no gray area usually.
Things are black and white, up or
down. To follow what one knows is right for himself or herself
is difficult, but it brings its own
rewards. It opens stars of possibilities.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
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