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By Mouse

Role: ~The Trailblazer~
Lesson: Balance
Element: Fire/Water
Wind: East ~Illumination~
Medicine: Lunar Magic
Yin/Yang Principle Passion Insight into Boundaries
Will & Power Sensuality Devotion Stealth
Strength Psychic Adventurous
Solitary Ambitious
Lunar Magic
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water`d heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
~William Blake~
Will & Power
The Siberian Tiger is the largest of all the big cats with their
bodies growing up to twelve feet
long and their tails adding another three feet to their overall
length.. Watching these beautiful
creatures, the strength and power they possess is very much
in evidence in their rippling muscles.
Large paws carry impressive claws that are usually kept sheathed
until either grasping a prey
animal or delivering a lethal blow to an enemy. Such formidable
power is contained within a
musculature that has been designed to assure this cat's ranking
at the top of their food chain.
***For the two-legged beside whom Tiger stalks, the sheathed
claws and defined muscles that
can transform in the space of a heartbeat from fluid, casual
movement to a powerful burst of
energy, this is quite symbolic of the human counterpart's same
power that is most often kept in
check. These individuals possess an amazing reservoir of energy
that is frequently held in
reserve for times when it is genuinely needed, yet when circumstances
warrant the release of this
wellspring, they can tackle a problem, crisis or challenge with
a focused intensity that can only
be equated to a Tiger's leap.
When very young, the Tiger soul learns to contain such raw power.
This contained energy can
present itself as an intense gaze and quietly studious demeanor
that may intimidate others, as
though the eyes of the Tiger are capable of peering into one's
very soul.
Such intensity can drive others away as the one beside whom
Tiger journeys can often appear as
aloof or disinterested. Nothing can be further from the truth
however, as although they may seem
insensitive or detached, these are the souls that desire to
experience all of life's intricacies and
adventures, yet it is only as they mature and gain confidence
in themselves that their more
exuberant side is let free to play and explore.
When operating from Lower Personality, such raw power can be
utilized for extremely selfish
ends with the Tiger individual seeking to further his/her own
agenda regardless of the cost to
both others around them, and to their soul's own progress. In
this scenario, the energy is then
released in volcano blasts and whirlwinds, obliterating all
who stand in the path of the tiger. Or
the reverse may be true and the two-legged with this magnificent
Animal Spirit may be
intimidated by their own exceptionally powerful emotions and
desires, stuffing or denying such
feelings which results in many frustrations and denial of the
true Self as an end result of such repression.
As the Tiger Soul grows, matures and evolves, a balance is found
between releasing their
indomitable energies and maintaining an awareness of the feelings
of those around them. When
the two-legged can embrace without fear their own Power, and
utilize it for the benefit of both
themselves and others, the Light Force of their Will shines
forth to light the pathway for others
who journey the pathway of Self-Knowledge and Discovery.***
The Tiger in the wild will only have a litter of cubs (kittens)
once in every 3 to 4 years and her
litter will vary anywhere from a single birth to six offspring.
Once making their entrance onto the
Earthwalk, the small tigers will remain with their mother for
approximately two years as she
guides them through maturation and teaches them how to hunt
and to become self-sufficient.
Watching a female Tiger nurture, protect and teach her offspring,
it becomes obvious to the
observer that she is a devoted and loving mother. The gentleness
that she exhibits toward her
cubs can turn rapidly to ferocity when her young are threatened,
but when it comes to providing
care for her progeny, the Tiger seems to delight in her role
of mother.
***For the two-legged with the soul of Tiger, there is an intrinsic
undercurrent of fierce devotion
that flows through their veins. When a Tiger individual loves
another, be this in this as a friend
or lover, the loyalty, intensity and devotion that they lavish
upon their loved ones leaves an
indelible imprint upon the hearts and minds of others. For some
less passionate individuals who
find themselves in love with the one beside whom Tiger pads,
this red-hot intensity can be
overwhelming and they will escape for "gentler waters,"
while those who posses a similar fire
and depth within their own hearts will find an eager and willing
partner in the Tiger individual.
The challenges for the Tiger soul can be various when it comes
to matters of the heart. Some
Tigers may tend to burn with a blazing intensity that is exhilarating
in its heat yet, as though such
ferocious passion cannot be maintained indefinitely, the scorching
heat of passion will quickly
subside to barely flickering embers that threaten to die out
at any moment and just when their
partner has become completely enthralled with the Tiger's intensity.
While this first example of
the Tiger love nature may be initially exciting, the Soul of
Tiger is all too soon off in search of a
fresh encounter to recapture the blistering bonfire that they
find in each new relationship. The
result is that the mate left behind suffers a broken heart and
the less-sensitive type of Tiger will
be accumulating a negative karmic balance until he/she can identify
this destructive behavior and
learn to operate from a place of more compassion and Conscious
The reverse of this will be the Tiger soul that is so ensconced
in loving Others and pouring their
entire Self into the chosen mate that they will subjugate their
own wants, needs and desire to
appease the partner. In this instance, the devotion is often
either completely misplaced in a lover
that is not willing to reciprocate such affection, or the Tiger
Soul is so busy attending to the
needs of the mate that there is nothing left over to nurture
their own soul. In both this instance
and the previous illustration, the Lesson for the Tiger individual
becomes one of learning to
balance between passion and steadfastness, love of Others and
a healthy love of Self. Once this
middle-ground is reached, the result is a healthy and giving
soul that teaches all whom they
encounter the beauty of true Devotion and love.***
Yin/Yang Principle
One look at the magnificent coat of a Tiger reveals much as
the black stripes that are overlaid
against the backdrop of orange/rust coloring suggests a certain
duality. In nature when there is
such a significant contrast, this will often indicate a duplicity
of meaning and/or purpose.
For the Tiger, this contrasting of patterns and colors suggests
the Yin/Yang principle. Yin/Yang
is the concept that all things in life are balanced via opposites
and these opposites are equal
halves of the ~whole. Female/Male, white/black, light/dark are
all examples of this polarity that
is the basic foundation of this concept. Therefore, when looking
at the Tiger Totem and its
beautiful coat of mixed patterns and colors, it becomes evident
that this is a creature being that
possesses the balance of energies we may understand best as
***As an animal totem Tiger will walk beside the two-legged
who is one of extremes in nature,
feelings and temperament. These are the individuals who run
either hot or cold, full of passion or
completely detached, there are very few periods of lukewarm
for the Tiger Soul.
The challenge for these two-leggeds is in finding the balance
between extremes and
understanding that the two halves are not contradictions of
one another, but parts of an integrate
Whole. By experiencing first one facet of life, feeling and
being then the "opposite, the Tiger
learns the importance of Balance.
Often times, the two legged with Tiger as an Animal Totem will
walk through the flames of hell
and back several times during their lifetime. Many painful lessons
will be encountered wherein
he/she will expend themselves to the point of exhaustion and
utter depletion, to then arise like
the Phoenix out of their own ashes and begin a new cycle of
growth and learning. Life for these
souls is experienced whole heartedly and experiences which may
discourage other less motivated
individuals are frequently perceived by the Tiger individual
as a challenge to be met head on and conquered.
When the two-legged with this awesome Animal Spirit comes to
recognize the necessity of
balance and harmony, the result is a wonderfully integrated
human being. In so merging with the
higher octave of Yin/Yang energy, the Tiger Soul embraces his/her
inheritance of true Power and Integration.***
Lunar Magic
Many myths and animal legends hold the Tiger as a Sister to
the Moon, the contrast between her
orange fur and black stripes once more reflecting the polarities
of light and darkness which are
symbolic representations of the two complete phases of the New
and Full Moon. Such animals
which are closely related to lunar cycles are recognized as
possessing a particular form of magic
including enchantments, summoning and assisting those souls
who are departing from the
physical plane across to the Blue Road of Spirit.
***When Tiger walks beside a two-legged, the human counterpart
will often be imbued with a
particularly strong intuition and sense of timing. This ~inner
knowing~ is an unconscious
alignment between the two-legged and the Moon's cycles.
The Moon represents in esoterics represents the past, emotions
and all that is "hidden." Hidden
aspects include our subconscious minds, past life memories which
exist just below the surface of
conscious thought, past programming, repressed thoughts and
the realms and dimensions which
are not visible to the physical eye.
As the Tiger Soul appears to have an uncanny sense of timing,
in reality, he/she is closely in sync
with the Full and New Moon. During the three day cycle (build-up,
culmination and ebb) of the
New Moon, the two-legged with Tiger as an Animal Totem instinctively
recognizes that now is
the time to begin new projects, to leap with full force out
into the world in a self-actualizing
manner that will produce positive results. During the three
day cycle of the Full Moon, Tiger
Soul recognizes that this is the time to gather, sift through
the past to uncover those habits, ideas
and thoughts which have outlived their purpose so that during
the phase of the New Moon those
outdated modes can be discarded in favor of new ideas and plans.
Also, the Full Moon is the time
in which the seeds planted during the cycle of the New Moon
have germinated and are producing fruit.
When operating from Contrary Medicine (Shadow energy), Tiger
is impulsive, rash and hurried,
for he has not yet learned the value of appropriate timing or
the gift of contemplation. Such
actions will often lead the two-legged beside whom Tiger journeys
down a pathway of painful
lessons that are constructed to teach the Tiger Soul the importance
of listening to the inner voice
within which instructs them when to leap, and when to lie still.
In so recognizing the essential ebb and flow of cycles, phases
and all life, the Tiger individual
aligns him/her Self with the Hanwi (Moon) and inherits much
of the magic and magic that is
associated with the moon's silver light. The more in tune with
his/her intuitive, receptive and
emotional side Tiger becomes, the more he/she listens to the
subtle vibrations of the soul's
directive and responds accordingly, the more developed the abilities
of mystical perception and
transformative medicine which are part of the inheritance this
beautiful and noble Animal Spirit
carries. Then, two-legged and Tiger blend in perfect balance
between passion and calm, pride
and humility, action and contemplation in the splendid dance
of a soul unfolding.***
From: wolfs_moon.tripod.com/TigerTotem.html (watch out for pop-ups)
The Tiger
Tigers are magnificent animals that hold an air of independence
and confidence. Solitary
animals, males and females come together only during the mating
season. The cubs stay with the
mother into their second year partly because they are born blind.
To compensate for this their
inner sight is fully operational. This is symbolic for those
with this medicine. Children born into
this medicine are natural clairvoyants and prophets.
Mysticism and mythology surround this animal. The Chinese believe
that the tigers head often
carries the Chinese "mark of wang," or king, on its
forehead. This is can be seen within the
patterns of its fur. One vertical line with three horizontal
ones passing through it. Because of this
Tiger is one of the 12 signs of Chinese astrology.
Muscular, powerful and agile the tiger can travel great distances
in search of food. The distance
they cover depends on how much prey there is to eat. The less
prey the further their territory
extends. Walking on their toes with the back part of the foot
raised tigers stalk their prey or lie
and wait and then spring unexpectedly on them. Tigers are nocturnal
hunters and hold the
teachings of focus, patience and surprise.
Tigers are also known for their healing properties. Their body
parts are sought for use in
traditional Chinese medicine and exotic herbal remedies. Their
orange gold coloring symbolizes
vitality and regeneration. Those with this medicine heal quickly.
The tigers sight, smell and hearing is excellent. They have
round pupils and yellow irises, except
for the blue eyes of the white tiger. Due to a retinal adaptation
that reflects light back to the
retina, the night vision of the tiger is six times better than
that of humans. Tiger teaches us how
to see into the world of the extraordinary.
Those with this medicine have a strong sensitivity to touch
and make excellent body workers.
Creating sacred space where others cannot enter, spending time
alone in order to gather the
energy required to move tirelessly throughout life is advantageous
for those with this totem.
When tiger appears get ready for adventure, challenge and change.
The power, passion and
vitality of tiger will activate the same components within yourself
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date