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By CinnamonMoon
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise
Humpback Whale:
Whales are of two categories, toothed or baleen. Toothed whales
have sharp teeth by which they
catch and eat fish and other marine animals. Baleen whales do
not have teeth. Their mouths are
lined with bony plates of hard keratin. They strain seawater
through these plates, feeding on
plankton or the sea life within it. The humpback whale is a
Most noted for its wonderful song, the beautiful sounds sung
by males. Each breeding season
brings with it corresponding changes in the Whale's songs, reflecting
the ability for the whale to
teach us how to create through song and sounds---adjusting it
to the time, place, and individual.
Singing is one of our most powerful and creative acts, linking
us to the underlying substance and
being, and is a means by which we can enter into a relationship
with our most spiritual powers
and abilities. It awakens our healing energies.
Whales have a form of echo-location or sonar. This sensitivity
to sound links the humpback
whale to the primal creative sounds of life. Sound is the creative
force of life. Humpback whale
teaches us how to direct it and respond to its feedback. This
can be used to tap hidden levels of
our mind and even to accelerate the manifesting of our goals.
Unlike the sociable sperm whale, the humpback whale lives in
a very loose and changing group
of about 4-10 whales where the most stable and longest lasting
relationship is between mother
and calf. They remain close to each other for up to a year.
When the humpback appears, there is
usually a year cycle at play in which our creative powers of
sound and voice will develop. We
will find ways to use our voice more effectively in all aspects
of our life.
Humpbacks usually give birth to one whale. The umbilical cord
is snapped and the young
instinctively come to the surface for their first breath of
air. The mother urges the baby to the
surface, pushing the young upwards. These first seconds are
crucial because until it fills its lungs
with air, the calf's body is heavier than the water and it is
in danger of sinking and drowning.
Often those who have humpbacks as a totem also have someone
who is there at new
undertakings, pushing and nudging them to go higher. It is a
reminder too that although the first
year of a "new birth" may be difficult, greater strength
and independence comes quickly after.
The Gray Whale migrates 26,000 miles every year from feeding
grounds to breeding grounds
and back again. Reflecting greater possibilities for ourselves
than we may have ever imagined.
Are we using our vocal powers constructively? Are we being unmindful
of what we say and how
we say it? Are we hearing what is said beneath the words of
others? Are we acting upon our
inspirations? Are we ready to sing forth a new birth in our
*Source unknown:
This big creature is a splendid dream omen signifying protective
influences around you, and if
you saw the flukes of the tail, freedom from worry will soon
be yours.
*D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
Whales are the largest sea mammals. They range in size from
20-100' long. The toothless whales
are: the blue, finback, sei, piked, and humpback, gray, right,
and bowhead. They eat small
shrimps by straining them out of the water. Toothed whales are:
sperm, bottlenose, and killer.
The sperm and bottlenose feed on squid and fish, while the killer
will eat seals, fish, porpoises,
large sea birds, and occasionally other whales.
One widespread myth is the story of a hero being swallowed by
a whale, then spit out on land at
a later date. This actions represents death and rebirth. It
may also be symbolic in telling of the
initiation process for certain ancient Mystery Religions; the
initiate was enclosed in a dark place
for three days before being brought forth into the light of
the temple. One of the first recorded
sea goddesses connected with this swallowing story was the abylonian
Derceto, whose name
means "The Whale of Der". She swallowed, then gave
birth to the god Ea-Oannes. One version
of the story of the hero Ilmarinen of finland says he was temporarily
swallowed by a giant fish.
The same theme is seen in the Polynesian tale of the hero Nganaoa.
The whale denotes the waters of life and the regeneration process,
whether that is by rebirth back
into the physical or awakening in a heavenly realm.
In such vastly separated cultures as the Arabs, the Russians,
and the Arctic peoples there were
stories of sailors landing on what they thought was an island
and which turned out to be a giant
whale. The Slavonic cultures have a myth of four whales supporting
the Earth. The Norse
believed that whales had magick powers and were often the vehicles
of witches. In Japan, the
Ainu said that the chief god of the sea rode on a whale. Even
parts of the Polynesian culture
honored whales.
Whales were known to the coastal Native Americans. Even though
they were hunted by some
tribes as food, they were considered powerful, magickal beings.
Whales were thought to be
record Keepers for the Earth.
Superstitions: To see a whale is a sign of good luck, unless
it is in a place where it hasn't been
seen before. Then it is a sign of misfortune.
Magickal attributes: The sea, music, long life, family, friends,
trust. Developing psychic and
telepathic abilities. Using sound and music to balance and heal.
Learning new magick. Working
with Elemental magick.
*Bobby Lake-Thom/Animal Signs and Omens:
The sign of the Whale can be very confusing at times. In northwestern
California, for example,
and for some tribes up along the Pacific Northwest Coast, the
Whale is a sign of wealth and
prosperity. It is considered a good sign to see one out in the
ocean, near the coast. Thus, many
tribal groups performed a welcome ceremony for the Whale when
they saw it near the rocky
coastline. They would offer it tobacco and food, such as acorn
soup, and make a wish to it for
good luck and wealth. To see a Whale go up a freshwater river,
however, is a bad sign. This tells
the people that things are out of balance with Nature, and it
is usually a warning that floods or
bad earthquakes are forthcoming. Drought followed by flood too.
To see Whales ramming themselves up on the beach is a bad sign
from Nature. It usually means
that a tidal wave or hurricane is forthcoming. Some of the elders
carry the message a step further
and say: "When large schools of Whales keep running up
on the shore, it is a sign that they are
trying to become land creatures once again; hence it is a sign
and warning that the Earth may be
preparing for a complete rotation of its axis. Thus, the tribes
should begin plans to move inland,
to higher ground, for protection, and begin to store food and
supplies for survival, allowing up to
a decade for preparation.
*Brad Steiger/Totems:
In the language of symbolism, this large aquatic mammal has
variously represented the earth, the
physical body of a man, and the final resting place of all humans,
the grave. In the mythology of
some cultures, the whale replaces the more common image of the
turtle as the creature that
supports the Earth Mother in space.
Queen Semiramis, legendary founder of the city of Babylon, was
the daughter of the fish
goddess, Derceto, who appeared as a whale, the Great Fish. There
is no St. Jonah, but the whale
is the animal emblem for St. Malo and St. Brendan. In later
Christian literature, authors adapted
Matthew's use of Jonah's sojourn in the whale's belly as symbolic
of Christ's 3 days in the tomb
and imaginatively transfigured the whale's mighty jaws to represent
the gates of Hell.
If you have only recently received the whale as your totem animal
through a dream or a vision,
you perhaps noticed that certain of your ESP abilities, especially
that of telepathy, began to
increase dramatically. If the whale has been your spirit helper
for quite some time, you are very
likely a generous person with keen humanitarian interests and
a strong belief of the basic moral
teachings expressed in most of the world's religions.
This totem guide will encourage you to pursue your spiritual
development, and at the same time,
to maintain a good balance between your family life and your
responsibilities in the workplace.
*Source unknown:
The whale uses sonar to tune in to the surrounding environment.
The whale can be a sign of
perception and intuition...use your intuition to tune in to
the situations in your life. This is a sign
to connect with your instincts, your creative intuition, and
your psychic perceptions. Whale has
tremendous power and strength and yet is gentle and considered
nonaggressive. You can access
the inner strength within yourself and still be gentle and loving.
This sign may concern the size
of something, as in a "whale of a job". This sign
may be a homophone for "wail". Are you
grieving or crying for help?
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Whale corresponds to a person's spiritual generosity or magnanimity;
a giving and compassionat
*Patricia Telesco/The Language of Dreams:
Whale is reflecting a difficult journey to transformation and
enlightenment as in the story of
Jonah and the whale. Similar whale myths appear in other cultures
too, all of which equate this
creature's belly to a cauldron of change and rebirth, or an
A whale swimming in deep waters often represents your own search
for deeper awareness about
yourself or the universe. A whale spout is a type of air or
wind dream, in which you seek out the
breath of life and perhaps a break from being emotionally or
empathetically immersed.
Alternatively, this may represent the liberation of positive
ideas and energy.
A symbol reflective of the regenerative power of water to refresh
your ideas, bring peace and
healing, and smooth out the rough spots in life.
Among the Norse, whales have magical power all their own, and
would sometimes carry witches
to their destination. So, a whale surfacing from the ocean depths
may indicate a surfacing interest
in, or ability with, the occult arts.
Whales have sonar like that of dolphins, making them an emblem
of "sounding things out" and
knowing your direction in life. The humpback whale, specifically,
reflects finding your own
song; a harmony that mirrors your soul, especially with regard
to the way you interact in
relationships. The song of the humpback changes every breeding
season, reflecting the
environmental changes that surround it.
*Source not noted:
Whale is about precision, intellect, and spirituality. Magical
influences are telepathic
communication, ability to resolve personal emotional blockages,
summons the aid of undines and
mermaids, deep mysteries revealed. The personality is usually
humanitarian, evidencing a high
level of moral development. Whales tend to have heady, dry,
or ironic senses of humor. They
need to release pent-up anger through physical activity. Whales
are intrigued with issues of
spiritual development and enjoy philosophies that engender cross-cultural
universal truths.
Cinnamon, thanks for the information about Whales. They are
very special creatures and have
strong personalities. In the west I typically see a very old
female Humpback (Grandmother)
along with a young male Orca and a giant Sea Tortoise. The male
Orca is always excited and
racing around, the Sea Tortoise always grabs my left wrist.
Often I sit protected from the sun
under her shell. One can sense that her neck skin is pliable
yet so strong. She is around when I
need to slow down. Orca is around when the day will be extremely
active and the Humpback
calls me inward. I don't know her well yet. There is a depth
to her eyes that draws me to her
much like to Black Jaguar eyes; but in his I see galaxies/cosmos.
Its an outward expansion but
with the humpback Whales eyes I see or feel a knowing or depths
of something but to what I
don't know. It's like an abyss of knowing and that seem contradictory.
But her energy and
knowledge seems to have a gentle quality to it or maybe it is
just her feel.
Nevertheless, I like the Whale(s) and the giant Sea Tortoise
a lot. I can usually tell what my day
will be like emotionally by the interaction of these three in
the morning. Does anyone else
interact with Whales?
I have 3 Whales I work with so I know what you mean. They draw
you in, teaching you how to
use your own senses as sonar. *S* And your intuition. I love
them and I'm glad the information
helped you. Hopefully soon you'll be understanding your Humpback
better. Think of diving into
the depths of self as deeply as a Whale dives into the ocean
*S*! Give it a shot and see if that
opens things up for you a bit. I'll see what I can find on Sea
Tortoise for you. Probably
Earthwalker, that is a powerful interaction you have there!
Thank you for sharing.
I feel particularly drawn to the Beluga and the Orca. I've communicated
with the Beluga at an
aquarium on the mainland on the occasions we were there. The
Orca's energy is very tangible on
the island here. Orca swims around both ways, through the Pacific,
and through the strait. I've
seen Orca from the ferry twice now, which is apparently "rare".
I feel that Beluga will reveal her/himself to me at some point.
I feel it's a young Beluga, but
haven't actually interacted or even seen him/her.
My mother had a most beautiful interaction with a humpback when
she was in Hawaii (Maui);
she and a friend went out kayaking and stopped to swim with
a group of dolphins. My mother
was nudged to kayak a bit further, so she did. When she got
into the water, a humpback almost
immediately came alongside her, as did the dolphins. They were
together there for about 10
minutes. It was one of the most magical moments in her life
so far.
The Whales and Tortoise are special to me. I have only seen
in images a beluga once but they are
beautiful and I think they are a favorite. I have an acquaintance
that sculpts whales. He is a
marvelous artist and catches their motion in wood. When he went
to California to film them so
he could see their motion he had an experience similar to you
mothers. A Humpback came up
and put its head on the side of their rubber raft. At first
he was startled and then was allowed to
rub her head; it was a life changing event for him and from
that day forward he has dedicated his
career to the Whales.
I have also sailed off the cost of northern Nova Scotia. We
only got to see fin whales but they
were only two feet from the edge of the sail boat that was tipped
to about 6 inches above the
water. They are absolutely beautiful creatures and are quite
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date