Links of the site are right at the bottom of the page)
Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By WolfSpirit
Now this may seem like a very basic
question - but I wanted to try and understand something that
I am really struggling with and the basic question "what
is a totem" came to me as perhaps being
at the route of the problem...
Now I know animals are totems - and I believe (whether rightly
or wrongly) that Spirit Guides can be totems
But what about other things: is a staff a totem? You get the
A Totem is any animal, natural object, or entity to which you
feel closely associated with it's
energy, and which serves in reflecting an aspect of your own
nature. If an object, then it needs to
be imbued with the essence of a spirit to bring it into union
with you. (Hence the consecration
ceremonies and rituals that invite the spirit to enter and give
it birth/life). In the case of a staff,
the essence of the tree itself is within its limbs, so you would
(if cutting a staff from a tree) ask
permission to cut. In NA teachings, there is the responsibility
of the next 7 generations on each
of us. So when walking among the trees the first 7 trees are
passed by and the 8th tree is the one
you ask permission of. If that tree declines then you move to
the next one, repeating that process
as necessary until you find one that agrees to work with you.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, so a totem does not have to be living if it embodies
the energy of something that was
once alive? The reason I asked is that I was trying to figure
out the difference between a totem
and a tool - trying to figure out if there was a means of defining
the two and if the two were of
necessity mutually exclusive or not. I was thinking of the Sams'
Medicine Cards - these to me are
a tool, yet the spirit of the animals they invoke are totems
- then i thought of a staff which did not
seem to be a totem, but as you point out it could be What i
was trying to understand is whether a
totem is tool. Now this did not seem to sit well as totems have
(or have had) life - so I kinda got a
little tongue-tied at this point and decided to ask!
Thanks, so a totem does not have to be living if it embodies
the energy of something that was
once alive?
Hmm, I couldn't resist offering my perspective on that...Everything
is Life. Life is motion, and
even "dead" items hold motion... the energy is still
moving the atomic structure, just that the rate
of movement slows down. Even a rock is alive... just that their
frequency is a LOT slower,
therefore change doesn't appear as obvious... but it is still
in motion, and thus Living. A staff, a
feather, or whatever else it is that is generally considered
"matter"... is alive, and able to
transmit messages, information, and Life force.
To me, Life as a word is interchangeable with Spirit. To consider
a branch or a staff "dead" is
not possible for me. To consider it "dead" is to consider
it "void of Spirit". No such thing. But in
general, "alive" is used for beings who move; whether
in Spirit or with a physical bodily vehicle.
They are just as much "alive" as an object that appears
to be unable to move on its own. It
moves, just soooo much slower. The particles move at a much
slower rate, they transmit Life at a
much slower rate,... yet that doesn't make it any less valid.
Anyhoo... that's the bit that I wanted
to interject here... I'll stop derailing now. Back to your thread
Mouse, Of course you are right - even chemistry tells us this!
But I was using the term more in a
sense that we all understand by it or it in terms of animate
and inanimate or we could make the
definition reeeeaaal difficult. But I know what you mean Mouse.
First let me state Mouse made some excellent points. And where
matter is observed to move
(even with the naked eye) you can, through focus on the molecules
begin to see through them.
Transfer that to seeing the molecules in solid objects and you
can see through them too. See
those molecules as energy and you can (through intent and willpower)
slow them down or speed
them out...I.E.: light a candle wick or extinguish it. I've
seen through walls, it's not something
that happens regularly but it has been my experience on several
occasions during semi-trance
states within the context of ritual. Enough said there, that's
a separate thread.
IMHO a Totem and a tool are separate issues. At least for me
I do not consider my tools as such.
I see a clear difference in the fact that they tend to be inanimate
until the connection (through
use) is made. That brings animation to them, as if you were
awakening the spirit within them
which is basically what you are doing by handling them.
Sometimes a tool will call out to me, asking to be worked with
for a purpose I'm not aware of
until the work begins. I have found my Guides or Totems are
usually initiating that reach by
asking the Spirit of the tool to address me. At such times there
is generally a message received in
the process of handling the tool, and the work needs to be a
co-operative effort. I give the tool
the lead then and follow along because there is an understanding
and trust in it through past
experiences and ventures together.
My Totems are Animal Spirits and I do personally differentiate
them because they are animated
without my initiation, or "handling" of them. Entities
carrying the essence of their species, still
unique unto themselves, they work apart and with me, coming
to me of their own volition.
Each Totem reflects a different aspect of myself to me, teaches
me and guides me through
understanding, and we work together as well as separately where
a tool needs interaction. While
a tool may call out to you it is the spirit within it asking
you to take heed for some reason. A
connection has to be made through handling it before the information
can begin to be conveyed
or the energy focused on the appointed task. A Totem will have
its own agenda as well as serving
one you might have.
A Totem Animal will appear in any number of situations or dimensional
realms, and it will take
the information and present it to you of its own volition. It's
a fine line I guess, and while many
consider their tools to be Totems, I really do not see it that
way. The response I first gave you
was what I was presented with in the traditional teachings.
So here I'm sharing my own views
which do conflict with that.
Both the Totem and the tool (if constructed properly) are alive.
Both carry the essence of a Spirit
Helper. A feather, for instance, is going to carry the essence
of the bird from which it came--a
bird that may or may not be a Totem Animal, but in either case
willing to work with you.
Permission to work with it must be given for that essence to
communicate with you. This is why
we "sit" with them and come to know what it is they
want to tell or teach us after a connection to
that essence has been established. It's like making the initial
establishment of a friendship come about.
The reason I asked is that I was trying to figure out
the difference between a totem and a tool -
trying to figure out if there was a means of defining the two
and if the two were of necessity
mutually exclusive or not.
Well, to me they are different as I've noted here, but to others
they are the same. It's all in how
you look at it.
I was thinking of the Sams's Medicine Cards - these to
me are a tool, yet the spirit of the
animals they invoke are totems - then i thought of a staff which
did not seem to be a totem, but as
you point out it could be.
On the contrary, the "spirit of the animals they invoke"
are not Totems. The cards serve as a tool
to connect with that essence but a Totem has a more personal
relationship to you than that. We
can, for instance, call upon the essence of any creature, stone,
or plant but that does not make
them our Totem. It only means we're asking their assistance.
A Totem is with us at all times,
already connected to us whether we are aware of it or not. They
are more like personal
guardians and teachers, where the others are open to the public
(so to speak).
I do not personally see my Totems as tools, but as entities
that watch over, work with, and
concern themselves with me on a highly intimate basis. Tools
(to me) are tools, alive with a
spirit, but they are objects we "use" for specific
purposes. I have a personal friendship with each
of my Totems that far exceeds what I do with my tools; however,
both are "alive" in their own
ways. I'm probably confusing things for you but to me they are
different, to another shaman/ess
they might be perceived as one and the same since there is a
resident spirit to the tool itself too.
Thanks Cinn. Thing are becoming clearer! at least on tools!
IMHO a Totem and a tool are separate issues. At least
for me I do not consider my tools as
such. I see a clear difference in the fact that they tend to
be inanimate until the connection
(through use) is made. That brings animation to them, as if
you were awakening the spirit within
them which is basically what you are doing by handling them.
Sometimes a tool will call out to me, asking to be worked
with for a purpose I'm not aware of
until the work begins. I have found my Guides or Totems are
usually initiating that reach by
asking the Spirit of the tool to address me.
This explains stuff that is happening right now for me!
My Totems are Animal Spirits and I do personally differentiate
them because they are animated
without my initiation, or "handling" of them. And:
and we work together as well as separately
where a tool needs interaction.
This is the definition/differentiation I needed!
It's a fine line I guess, and while many consider their
tools to be Totems, I really do not see it
that way.
OK I can see the logic in the view you have put forward and
it seems to work for me Totems
and Guides calling to the Spirit of the Tool appears to be how
it works for me. I think. I have
worked with Medicine Cards (i get your explanation on this),
Tarot and other cards for some
time these have been my tools even though
they are not per se shamanic tools - but recent
events have seen other tools come my way yet I had not
fully understood their significance. I
kinda wondered if I had gotten my tools and totems mixed up
when i found this sentence from
the Tool Construction thread in the library:
Ceremonial objects hold their own power and often have
a resident spiritual entity within them,
an essence that contributes to the work that you do, a Spirit
Your explanation above has got me straight again but
I need to ask: does the Ceremonial object
still need to be handled to initiate the Spirit Helper?
Now back to the reason I opened this thread: totems
If I understand you Cinn a totem must have a personal relationship
with us. This is the cause of
my confusion: often I will see the same creatures in mediation:
so these are totems to me. More
recently, one particular creature follows me in the flesh: with
this last creature, I am aware of the
Medicine he brings and why he is around me: he comes often
so to me he is also one of my
totems in the sense I think you mean.
But sometimes a creature may come for a short time or I may
see him once or twice: from your
posts in the shadow totems thread, and from what
you have said above; this then is not a totem
what, in that case, would this creature be a Messenger?
I am still confused by this: if we need help, and focus on a
creature, asking for its assistance, is
this creature not a totem? Is it then a Spirit Helper like the
Spirit that may be found with a
Ceremonial Object?
Now this is where I got confused in the shadow totem
A Totem is with us at all times, already connected to
us whether we are aware of it or not. They
are more like personal guardians and teachers, where the others
are open to the public (so to
If we are not aware of a totem a totem that is here to
help us integrate an attitude or aspect of
ourselves that is not helping us perhaps an aspect of
ourselves we cannot even admit to why
should we not call this totem a shadow totem? I
have deliberately not put both words in
parenthesis as I can see that a shadow totem could
imply something I do not wish to imply.
To me, if an aspect of us is not coming from Light, it is coming
from shadow something is
blocking out the light leaving that aspect of us in shadow.
I wonder is this is from other teaching
i have come across not NA teachings?
Now as I type this I come back to the personal relationship
aspect again and from this
perspective I think I can see why a totem would not be a shadow
totem. However:
The response I first gave you was what I was presented with
in the traditional teachings. So here
I'm sharing my own views which do conflict with that.
Ok, I understand. Looking at the traditional teachings
would your answers to the point on
shadow totems be any different?
The shadow totems thread really confused me and
I am trying to figure out where my own
views on this topic came from. I have to admit that my journey
has encompassed many different
views and my learning here and at the Spiritualist Church are
running concurrently for me right
now, and I am beginning to wonder if one is at odds with the
other. I couldnt understand some
of the views on this point put forward in that thread
so thought it best to challenge my own!
Hi Wolfie,
Does the ceremonial object still need to be handled to initiate
the Spirit Helper? Once
consecration and a cycle of rebirth to the tool are established
(Before you put it to use), the
Spirit Helper within that tool takes up *residence*. The tool,
when used regularly builds energy
and intent as it is for specific purposes and the more attuned
you get to it the better and stronger
it becomes. In this relationship the Spirit Helper within will
teach you to use it and expand (in
many cases) on the use that is commonly known for each too.
Rather like customizing it to you.
So in this sense it holds power and tools can store that up
pretty well. Residual energy, even
when properly grounded will build over time. The Spirit Helper
becomes quite strong as well
since the more attention you pay to it the more it will show
you. It's not that it gains strength but
the understanding between you does, yes, that's more appropriate.
The tool bonds with your energy over time too, especially if
you fashion it yourself, that energy
relationship begins at onset then. So in a sense, with tools
IMHO, you have two separate issues
at play that unite to become one...the tool itself, and the
resident Spirit Helper. In union they
serve the intent you have for that tool in ever expanding ways.
Both help you to grow and
through use understanding grows. Does this answer the question
for you? It's a bit more than
picking it up, however you can become contaminated by the energy
of another's tool if you
handle it without permission, or if someone handles yours without
permission they can
contaminate it too. It's on the same principal that you don't
allow anyone to handle your cards
unless they are being read for. Okay?
Totems, yes, they must have a personal relationship with us.
This is the cause of my confusion: often I will see the
same creatures in mediation: so these are
totems to me.
More recently, one particular creature follows me in the
flesh: with this last creature, I am
aware of the Medicine he brings and why he is around me: he
comes often so to me he is also
one of my totems in the sense I think you mean.
Yes, they come in all dimensions.
But sometimes a creature may come for a short time or
I may see him once or twice: from your
posts in the shadow totems thread, and from what
you have said above; this then is not a
totem what, in that case, would this creature be
a Messenger?
Yes. Sometimes they will show up a dozen times throughout your
life and those I would term
Spirit Helpers. Some just stick around long enough to deliver
a message or teach us something
and then they go on their way.
I am still confused by this: if we need help, and focus
on a creature, asking for its assistance, is
this creature not a totem? Is it then a Spirit Helper like the
Spirit that may be found with a
Ceremonial Object?
In this case it is not a Totem but a Spirit Helper and it is
an entity that comes to represent the
essence of that creature. You focus on the creature-teacher
and in that way you put out a call for
that kind of help (into the collective consciousness if you
will) and Spirit or your Guides send
you a messenger from that species to work with you. Sometimes
our Totems bring their friends
along and those friends can be similar or different. For instance,
I often walk with 3 Big Cats of
different species types. They're friends, one is a Totem the
other a Power Animal (Lead Totem),
and the 3rd just comes to hang out now and then, chiming in
when it has something to
contribute. I don't consider it "mine" (they are all
individuals anyway but you know what I mean
I hope) per se.
If we are not aware of a totem a totem that is
here to help us integrate an attitude or aspect of
ourselves that is not helping us perhaps an aspect of
ourselves we cannot even admit to why
should we not call this totem a shadow totem?
A Totem is a Totem period, it may at times do "shadow"
work or stand in "shadow" but it is a
living entity, often running in the same family through many
consecutive generations. So the
situation, rather than the Totem itself, is "shadow".
You see?
I have deliberately not put both words in parenthesis
as I can see that a shadow totem could
imply something I do not wish to imply.
I believe that you are right and I guess that's why I'm following
conversations so closely here. It
feels wrong to me, and I'm set in my ways I admit, to label
like this, I think it creates shadows all
by itself to do so. Each and every one of my Totems is capable
of teaching me a Shadow Lesson
(School of Hard Knocks) that can be very painful. They are just
as capable of teaching me gently
and with great care. If there is need for haste they smack me
with that 2x4 you don't see coming
or toss me in up to my neck and make me swim for it. Are they
Shadows? No, they are simply my Totems.
To me, if an aspect of us is not coming from Light, it
is coming from shadow something is
blocking out the light leaving that aspect of us in shadow.
I wonder if this is from other teaching
I have come across not NA teachings?
We are all of dark and light, it's control over those aspects
that is the battle of the ages and runs
through each of us. When we refuse to open to this part of our
nature, or deny it, we stuff it down
deep inside to hide it in shadow in that essence. This is why
there is so much inner journey work,
inner reflection, purification rituals, smudging ceremonies,
rites of initiation, testings and trials.
We have to grow and we can only do that by reaching within ourselves
to find what we're made
of. Changes happen in the process and the light within begins
to shine brighter often to the point
where others can see it or at least feel the goodness of it.
Just as you can sense the negativity
when it dominates in others.
The response I first gave you was what I was presented
with in the traditional teachings. So
here I'm sharing my own views which do conflict with that.
Well that's what walking a solitary eclectic path is about.
Sometimes those teachings need to be
adjusted, they are universal stones being put in place, but
we need to learn within their
guidelines and then assimilate it into our own ways of understanding.
This is why there are
multiple paths and now what are being called universal paths
where all traditions walk together.
Universal churches where all religions worship and teach together.
Things are changing and it
only stands to reason that we need to change with them, open
more, be more adaptable and
tolerant. In some cases that means bending the rules a little,
but that is done only with common
sense and experience that teaches you *how* to bend them....this
comes from our Totems,
Guides, and Spirit Helpers that teach us these things which
are right for us apart from universal
teachings. They customize those teachings within the expansive
boundaries of the universal
Ok, I understand. Looking at the traditional teachings
would your answers to the point on
shadow totems be any different?
My approach toward Totems is traditional, so I'd have to say
no, I wouldn't change my verbiage
on that. The only place I vary from tradition is in calling
my Tools as Totems. I can't go there.
The shadow totems thread really confused me
and I am trying to figure out where my own
views on this topic came from.
It confused a lot of people. It's a non-traditional term. This
is why early on I referred to it as
being "coined". *Smile*
I have to admit that my journey has encompassed many different
views and my learning here
and at the Spiritualist Church are running concurrently for
me right now, and I am beginning to
wonder if one is at odds with the other.
The Spiritualist Church is going to teach religious and metaphysical
terms; Spirituality is
different, that's your personal relationship with the Creator;
and Shamanism is culturally
different often involving religious aspects if culturally practiced,
a definite way of life, and
anywhere from eclectic to traditional.
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Hello Wolf, My Teachings of the tools and the totems is different
from what I have been reading
here. Totems are the spirit of the animal, ancient one, plants
etc.; and tools are the objects we use
to access the spirit realm. As meditation is a tool so is the
staff, the feather, the smudge bowl, etc.
If a Staff is adorned with an antler, crystal and such, it is
a tool in which we channel the powers
threw. A Fan in which we use to smudge others or ourselves is
to sweep away the negativity, it is
the spirit of the winged-one in which we do this. Making it
a tool. When we sit in meditation, we
ask the spirits to join us and allow us to learn the lessons
they bring.
Often the totems are working with us without our knowledge and
awareness that they are there.
Other times we are quite connected to the energies of the totems
and can feel them with us and
sometimes, see them working with us. Are they tools? Yes they
are but then again, so are we
tools for the spirits to work... Creators gift to all of us
is the ability to become Hollow Bones in
which he can do his work. My pennies worth!...
Cinn, Thanks for your reply! I know you are real busy right
now. Just one small point on tools:
are there any tools that are not Ceremonial objects? Do all
physical tools work the way you
explained? And yes i remember getting very upset when someone
touched my crystals without
asking - and i know keep all my tools out of the way of prying
minds! Moving on to totems- yep
I think I had my Totems and Helpers sorted just one small
point: could a Guide change into the
Spirit of an animal to bring us a teaching? This seems to ring
a bell with me from somewhere...
Each and every one of my Totems is capable of teaching
me a Shadow Lesson (School of Hard
Knocks) that can be very painful
Ahh, I get you now! I was wondering if you were saying that
it is not our Totems that show us
shadow lessons!! And I think I can understand your reasoning
on why you would not call them
shadow totems: like to do so might encourage shadow
maybe even giving shadow the energy
of your totems?
Thanks again for your reply
Jimmy, Thank you for your reply. I am not entirely sure I understand
you, so I ask: On tools: Do
you mean that in your teachings tools do not have a Spirit Helper?
And on Totems: that in your
teachings totems are not purely animals?
Often the totems are working with us without our knowledge
and awareness that they are
I truly believe this especially if the medicine they
bring is not something we wish to deal with
we might even consciously deny that they are there
even though we know at some level that
they are! Every time I go into nature one creature comes to
me but I do not want that
responsibility right now, so I thank him for coming and pretend
I havent seen him! Even
though I live close to open county on the edge of a large town,
we only have one of his relatives
around here, yet yesterday, having worked from home, two of
the creatures that come to me in
nature were sat, most of the day, about 30 ft. from the window
of the room I was in. Think its
time to speak to him! I know from the changes in my journey
that he is walking with me, but as
Cinn said, I know to interact with him would strengthen that
bond, situations are falling into
place to be able to work with him (and this is how I know he
is with me more than just when I
see him in nature), but the time is not quite right yet to fully
interact I know he is patiently
waiting for me to get my act together and feel he will be there
when the time is right. So yes I
understand your comment!
On the point about putting antlers, crystals etc. on a tool
such as a Staff - does this in some way
change the status/way of working with the Staff (which is what
i interpreted from your post) or is
it in the increase in the power of the staff through the essence
of the creatures/tools added (the
latter being my understanding of the process)?
Are they tools? Yes they are but then again, so are we
tools for the spirits to work...
By this I interpret that you understand that totems are a tool
in the same way a fan, a staff or
mediation is a tool? If I am correct in that last statement
I would ask where Guides and Ancestors
stand in your understanding are they tools too? Whether
rightly or wrongly, my Totems to me
are on a similar standing to my Guides - both help me in similar
ways: or have i misunderstood
you re Totems?
Thanks again for your post Jimmy
You're most welcome, Wolfie, *Smile* Tools in one form or another
are always used with
respect and perceived as being sacred items, whether we actually
employ a formal ceremony or
not does not matter. Tools are used for sacred purposes and
in whatever capacity that may
present, it's a ceremony or ritual in and of itself to employ
them. The adornments we add to them
(and each tool will tell you what it wants) bring in other Medicines
(say you were to add a
Turkey feather to a prayer staff--Turkey is Give-away from the
heart) it would compliment the
type of wood your staff was made from, and add that Medicine
to its abilities.
My personal Prayer Staff is one I received from the Spirit of
Place at a sacred site during vision
quest. It is adorned with Night Hawk and Wild Turkey feathers,
Horse hair, a tooth from Buffalo,
and has two Medicine Pouches that hang from it. In one there
is a tuft of fur from Miracle (the
White Buffalo Calf that was born and gifted me with this precious
piece of herself when I visited
and sat with her). These items serve to lend support to my prayers
among a few others that are
adorning it as well and those prayers are always heard. Would
I let someone handle it? No.
Would I say each use is ceremony? Yes, be it formal or informal,
it is a ritual act to pray and one
I take very seriously.
Would a priest let the items on the altar of a church be handled
by everyone in the congregation
or even just a few? No. Those items are sacred, consecrated
for specific purposes and blessed as
tools of the sacraments. Shamanic tools are no different. They
serve as aids in focal points, and
energy brought into the work we're doing, they help us move
into and out of journeys (the Drum,
Flute, Rattle, etc.). Each has a purpose and function, and if
they are properly made and blessed
they will hold a resident spirit as well.
Many people do not call a spirit into their tools. These people
tend to be those who are wanting a
personal tool rather than one meant to serve many in the pathwork
undertaken. A Shaman/ess or
Medicine Person is going to fashion or acquire the tool, place
it in ceremony for consecration
and birthing wherein they will call in the resident spirit.
The spirit will come if the tool has been
properly fashioned and dedicated, no matter how crude the ceremony
may be. Then, working
with the tool and the spirit that resides with it, the adornments
are added over time.
In essence it grows with these adornments and matures. Through
use it becomes more potent.
Through disuse it is made weak and will require a recharging
of its energy through ceremony of
some sort and active use will maintain that. Some like to expose
them to charging through
elemental exposure and that to the Moon or Sun. Storm energy
is often employed, and generally
a full Moon cycle to do this.
Do all physical tools work the way you explained?
All of mine do, as do all those that my teachers have employed,
and those I know who walk a
path similar to mine report the same perspectives.
Moving on to totems- yep I think I had my Totems and Helpers
sorted just one small point:
could a Guide change into the Spirit of an animal to bring us
a teaching? This seems to ring a
bell with me from somewhere...
Absolutely. A Guide is an entity comprised of energy, they are
master shapeshifters.
Ummmmm you commented: And I think I can understand your
reasoning on why you would not
call them shadow totems: like to do so might encourage
shadow maybe even giving shadow
the energy of your totems?
While I can see that you might draw that conclusion as a possibility
now that you bring it up, it
was just my intent to keep it simple. A Totem is a Totem, just
as a toe is a toe...it might be a big
toe or a little toe but it's still just a toe. So in calling
them Shadow Totems we are implying that
there are different types, perhaps implying that it's something
we should fear or be wary about,
and that's just not the case. IMHO
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Morning Wolf, I have tried a few times to put this in to words
and for the life of me, I am having
a problem doing that. So, I will do the Best I can. Yes, Tools
do have spirits as in the eagle
wing/feather, a staff adorned with animal and or plant, etc,
(which all have spirit, adds to the
energy of the staff. It isn't about making better, it is about
adding to! That is the change!
Everything in nature has spirit. We never assume that in using
a tool that the spirit will do what it
is supposed to. The spirit is asked to channel it's energy through
whomever the healing work. To
think that any one of us has the powers to do anything is disrespectful
to the spirit, mother earth
and creator.
As for Totems, Totems are not just animals either, they are
plant spirits, rock spirits etc.
Example, Although i cleanse a lot with sage, Sweetgrass is my
plant totem. It is the herb that the
ancient in the east most used until Sage was introduced. Some
of the Mi'kmaq people in the
maritime and northern Maine use more Sweetgrass then sage. I
always make sure I have a lot of
Sweetgrass hanging in the Bears Den and in my vehicle but I
only use it at special times. There
are certain times that I use more Sweetgrass then sage but again,
depends on what I need to do,
What Spirits I am asking to come in and guide me.
Totems have totems and this may have been what Artic was eluding
to but I have never heard of
them referred to as "Shadow Totems". When Totems step
forward, they are totems!... In
performing a healing for example, The energy is channeled through
mother earth and into the
tool (you) and in to the body of the one being healed. Asking
the spirits or particular spirits
(Animal, plant, ancient ones, etc.) to flow through the healer
into the healed. I hope this helps in
your understanding wolf. I hope I was able to articulate the
answer well enough. If not I will try
again LOL
I am somewhat confuse here as well. From what I have experienced
(tools, present in vision
only) the tool is used to help focus energy in some manner.
There is an attachment to the tool
and it holds memory similar in the mundane world to a piece
of jewelry of crystal that has been
handed down through generations; but it cannot display affection.
Totems are much more
interactive and have emotions. Tools are handled with great
care; whereas totems are more or
less more interactive like friends.
With that said, the pipe I have been presented with in vision
only, has been on my mind a lot the
last three months. A couple of weeks ago, I went looking at
websites and pipes and on one site as
I looked at the pipes I had extreme negative reactions to them
all. The pipes I viewed felt
grotesque, heavy and quite frankly disgusting. Yet they are
just pictures? By contrast the pipe I
see in vision is beautiful; it is light emits a feeling of beauty
and is very uplifting. Therein I am
left not completely understanding exactly what I felt.
Any thoughts?
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Lots of people have pipes that they use in prayer but, it does
not make them a sanctioned Pipe
carrier. Traditionally, Pipes are gifted and earned and the
right to be a pipe carrier is an earned
status with in the tribes. If you were experiencing negative
feelings towards pipe being sold you
may have been picking up on the negative energy that went into
the making of that pipe. In other
words, The pipe was made for profit not for prayer... Does that
Silver Eagle Dream Dancer:
The pipes I viewed felt grotesque, heavy and quite frankly
I've had the same experience with pipes for sale. I've never
felt good about it on a personal level.
Just wanted to say that you weren't alone in that.
With that said, the pipe I have been presented with in
vision only, has been on my mind a lot the
last three months.
A Pipe presented in vision is usually one that will come to
you in time. The fact that it's held in
your mind for 3 months is telling you to keep your eyes open
for it. It could be purchased, or you
may be asked to gather the materials for it and fashion it yourself,
or it may come to you as a
gift. Whatever the case, do not rush the process. Your Guide/s
presenting it to you in vision will
instruct you. Ask them about it and why they are showing it
to you, or if you should expect one
of these routes to it.
A couple of weeks ago, I went looking at websites and
pipes and on one site as I looked at the
pipes I had extreme negative reactions to them all. The pipes
I viewed felt grotesque, heavy and
quite frankly disgusting. Yet they are just pictures?
I agree with Jimmy on this one, Earthwalker. Pipes that are
not fashioned for sacred use but for
profit do feel different. And a picture certainly contains an
energy signature. So you read these
right, at least for you. Even a pipe fashioned for sale can
be transformed to a sacred object if the
person acquiring it knows what they are doing and how to do
that ceremony. In that case the pipe
will call to the person and ask to be acquired. But for you
these were clearly the wrong pipes to
Give this time to develop. What we are shown in vision can pertain
to the present or to the
future...including the distant future. When the time is right
it will appear to you and you'll
acquire the "right" pipe for you recognizing it immediately.
Whether it comes as a gift, or you
are instructed to fashion it yourself, or if it is for sale.
It comes. If the pipe is for sale the price
will be one you can afford, not a strain.
I've seen people acquire tools fashioned by others (I have a
few myself) and they know when to
do this. If the price is too high wait. For some reason it will
come down to an affordable amount
for you. If it is set at an amount or "on sale" at
the time and you can afford it do not wait. The
waiting is only brought in when the price strains your pocket.
Spirit never asks us to spend more
than we can afford. I acquired my drum this way. I'd seen them
in many places and heard many
of their voices in my searching for the one that was right for
me. The cost was beyond my reach
so I kept waiting and looking. Then by *chance* I stopped into
a reservation post and found the
perfect drum, it spoke to me so beautifully and the price was
1/4 of what I'd seen elsewhere. I
had it on me at the time and there was not a bit of hesitation
that I would be making a mistake to
acquire it. I love that drum and today it's voice is just as
beautiful as the first time I picked it up.
Be patient, the pipe will come to you when the time is right
for you to hold it. The energy
signature will be with it. You'll just *know* it's right for
I thought I'd better add some clarity to the presentation of
tools in visions. There are times that,
for point of reference here, a pipe will be used in a vision
as part of a council session with one or
more of our Spirit Helpers. In that case it is part of the vision
and not something for you to
acquire. When you are *presented* with a pipe as a gift in a
vision it is an indicator that one is
coming to you. Just apply common sense instead of wishful thinking,
and if in doubt or
confusion, simply ask your Guides if you are to get one or not.
Thank you all for your comments!
I simply see a pipe in vision and it changes direction to that
which I am to focus upon. It is
beautiful and I have seen it in two colors. The first one was
a yellow wood but not as grainy as
oak with a black bowl; The pipe stem was round, finely sanded
and polished to let the beauty of
the wood come through. The second time it was a natural cherry
color with a white bowl. In both
cases a large white feather was hanging from just a couple of
inches from the mouth piece. I
simple went looking to see if I could find anything that looked
like this.
When I see it I don't see it being smoked or anything else other
than hanging in midair but it
does change direction fasting either East, West, South, or North.
I looked through several websites and saw many for sale many
places. However the only place I
felt this real negative reaction was on one website. I just
let the reaction go until I read the
thread and was curious why I felt it on only one if all are
made for money.
Jimmy, I wasn't even thinking about being a pipe carrier. I
wouldn't even know what to do, nor
do I smoke. In addition thank you for the information about
Hawk and Lee. I hope lee knows that
she is welcome if she wishes to post.
Earthwalker, In this case then it's just directional and letting
you know that you are being
spiritually guided. IMHO.
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Sorry Earthwalker, I wasn't suggesting you were thinking of
becoming a Pipe carrier. My
comment was directed to why you felt the energy you did...
Jimmy, After I read your message this morning I realized I was
reading it wrong. I can't edit
anything since I can't get into any accounts (even Dell doesn't
know why). I apologize for the
tone (in my note); it wasn't your message it was just me overreacting
to a very stressful day (not
that thats an excuse). I think you are right the pipes
were made for sale but so were others and I
didn't get the same reaction. Maybe its just the degrees
I was picking up on.
Jimmy WhiteBear:
Not to worry EarthWalker and no need to apologize. Sometimes
I am not always so clear either.
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