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Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By SisterCyber
www.sayahda.com/cyc1.html (Site not available)
According to author Ted Andrews of Animal Speaks, cats wild
or domestic have certain qualities
in common. They are associated with myth and lore, magic and
mystery. Nine lives, curiosity,
independence, cleverness, unpredictability and healing. Those
with this medicine should also
study its color, size and breed for a deeper understanding.
Cats have more rods in the retinas of
their eyes which enable them to see effectively in the dark.
The dark is often associated with
mankind's fears. Since the car is at home in the dark, it serves
as a valuable ally into the world of
the supernatural and the unknown and can help those with this
totem move through their fears efficiently.
The energy field of a cat rotates in a counterclockwise direction,
the opposite of a human energy
field. Because of this, cats have the ability to absorb and
neutralize energy that affects humans in
a negative way. This is part of the healing medicine that the
cat holds. If something affects you in
a negative way place a cat on your lap or find a cat to pet.
Your energy field will immediately
realign itself and inner balance will be restored. Because of
their x-ray vision, acute hearing and
high intelligence they were used throughout history as guardians
and protectors. In ancient Egypt
cats guarded the temple gates and were used to ward off evil.
If cat appears in your life the blending of magic and mystery
is at hand. A trustworthy teacher,
the cat will guide you into the world of self-discovery and
Are (domesticated) cats we have as pets descendants of big cats?
I made mention of it
somewhere last week but this morning I wondered if I was correct.
No, they're mostly descendant of North African wild cats, which
looked a lot like our tabby cats.
Cats like the Siamese have their ancestral links with Asian
wild cats. All the small ones, not big
cats. You still get wild cats in Africa and other parts of the
world. Scotland has its own wildcat
that is unique in that it's the only cat where the male stays
with his mate to feed and raise the
kittens. Oh.. their African roots show in the fact that most
pet moggies love heat. The warmer the
The African wild cat (Lybica group) ranges throughout
Africa and the Middle East, with
exception of western Africa where there are rainforests. They
inhabit the mountains, plains, and
woods. It is believed that the Lybica group of wild cats, those
that inhabit North Africa, are the
direct ancestors of today's domestic cats.
From here: Wild Cat (Felis silvestris)
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
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