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By Mouse

Chameleon teaches how to show true colors of the self in your
environment and in your sincere
emotional nature. The mind and intellect can be used for defensive
purposes in which
Chameleon will show how to strike when necessary with discernment
and patience paired w/
intuition. This animal shows a talent of adaptability to the
environment and surroundings. Are
you easily influenced by others, perhaps it's time to speak
your mind? Do you absorb too much
from others, maybe it is time to learn proper defenses? Chameleon
can teach the art of sensitivity
and independence to master changes of the mind, body and spirit.
(see Lizards)
Keynotes from "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews:
Clairvoyance and Auric Sensitivity
That which we call a chameleon in the United States is usually
not a true chameleon. Growing
up, I remember going to the circus and seeing them sold. In
the US what most people refer to as
a chameleon, is actually an anole.
The chameleon has a third eye, located on the back of the animal's
head, and it blends perfectly
with the body. It does not see in the sense of the other two
eyes, but it is capable of
distinguishing light and dark. For those with this totem, new
awareness of their own psychic
ability and intuition is being awakened. There will be greater
ability to recognize when it is
functioning and when it isn't.
A chameleon does not actually blend into its surroundings. It
is already the natural color of its
normal habitat. It does change color in degrees, according to
temperature, humidity, and even
emotions. When frustrated or angry, it turns brown. When happy
and/or contended, it turns more
of a light green. This reflects a sensitivity to the environment.
Those with this totem will find their own sensitivity to the
environment and other people
increasing. Our auric fields are partly a combination of electro-magnetic
vibrations. We are
constantly giving off (electrical) and absorbing (magnetic)
energies, and most of the time we are
not cognizant of it. Every time we come in contact with another
person, there is an exchange of
energy. We give them some and they give us some.
Those with this totem will begin to realize and recognize this
exchange much more distinctly
than in the past. Trust what you feel and sense. The changes
and such will be important for your
own health and well-being. Learning to read and interpret the
aura would be beneficial.
D. J. Conway/Animal Magic:
This unique species of lizard can change its coloring in order
to blend into the surroundings. This
color change is influenced by light, temperature, and emotional
agitation. Examples of lizards
that can change color are the Gekkonidae, Iguanidae, Agamidae,
and CXhameleontidae. The
chameleon's eyes move independently of each other. The changing
color of the chameleon
symbolized inconstancy of life and the uncertainty of fortune,
while its eyes were said to see into
both the past and the future. African Bushmen considered this
creature to be the bringer of rain.
The magical attributes are hiding by changing colors. Weather
influences. Adopting protective
coloration to stay out of trouble, and learning to use invisibility.
Denise Lynn/The Secret Language of Signs:
The chameleon represents adaptability and flexibility. This
symbol might also relate to whimsy.
The chameleon is capricious and ever changing. The chameleon
can represent not showing one's
true colors. Do you change like a chameleon to match every person
and situation you encounter,
rather than act on your own truth?
Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Chameleon may refer to indecision; a vacillation; or aspects
that keep reversing direction.
Patricia Telesco/The Language of Dreams:
Inconsistency to the point of losing all focus of the self and
one's sense of identity apart from a
group or situation. The ability to change or blend in when necessary
for self-preservation. Pliny
attributed this creature to the element of Air, saying it lived
on this etheric substance. Because
the chameleon's eyes see independently of each other, it also
represents awareness, specifically
of the past and future.
Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise:
Keynote: News of changing environments. True chameleons are
some of the most fascinating of
all lizards. Chameleons can change color in response to changes
in light, temperature, and
emotional state. The color change is partly camouflage and partly
a mood communication. The
appearance of the chameleon heralds news of a changing environment-news
and changes that
will be good. The eyes of the chameleon can rotate, moving independently
of each other. This
enables it to detect food or dangers more clearly and rapidly.
Whenever the chameleon appears,
our own spiritual sight is going to become more independent,
more active, and more beneficial to
us. We will begin to see things coming from any direction more
clearly, and we should trust
what we perceive.
When chameleons see an insect or other prey within their range,
they shoot out a tongue that is
longer than their own body. The insect gets caught on the sticky
tongue tip and is whipped back
into their mouth. Such an attack can occur within a second,
and it is a reminder that we must act
immediately and quickly when opportunities present themselves.
The appearance of chameleon
alerts us to coming opportunities so that we can partake of
them when they appear.
Some chameleons lay eggs and others give birth to live young.
Regardless of how they are born,
within a day of being born or hatched, the young begin catching
prey. When chameleons appear,
opportunities and gifts that present themselves should be snatched
and acted upon within a day
or the opportunity may be lost. Although they are slow moving,
chameleons respond quickly and
immediately to food that presents itself. Chameleon's appearance
now alerts us to follow that
The male has three rigid horns, one projecting from the nose
and the other two from between the
eyes on the forehead. The male and female have prehensile tails
and powerfully engineered toes
for clutching and climbing. Chameleons are slow moving animals.
Rarely do they move more
than one leg at a time and they anchor it firmly before moving
the next leg. When the chameleon
appears, we may be trying to move too quickly. We may be getting
ahead of ourselves, and we
need to slow down and make sure we are firmly anchored before
acting or responding. We
should wait until the offer is made before we act upon it. We
should not rush anything now.
Chameleons do change their color according to mood, often as
a signal to other chameleons. For
example, an angry chameleon can almost turn black. When the
chameleon appears, the moods of
those around us and our moods are likely to change; sometimes
dramatically. Because of this, we
should not commit ourselves fully or completely until we see
how the moods are going to
change, especially in regards to new endeavors. The mood change
that is likely to occur will
create an uncomfortable relationship.
Are we becoming too sensitive to the environment? Are we seeing
or reading things that are not
there? Are we acting too hastily? Are we not staying grounded
and balanced as we follow new
pursuits? Are we hesitant to act on opportunities? Are we ignoring
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