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Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By EarthOakSprite
There is something I'd like to share
with you all... Last summer my dog Thor (nicknamed TBear)
developed a sore on his rear thigh that he just wouldn't leave
alone. While at our cottage - I
took him to the area vet to have him sized for an e-collar...
one of those collars that prevent an
animal from licking themselves. The vet was concerned when he
saw the lesion... thought it was
suspicious for skin cancer, and recommended we have it biopsied.
There was a problem with
having it biopsied since my regular vet had injected the area
with a steroid, and this could very
well affect the pathology result. I was in a very frantic state...
not knowing what to do. Even
more frustrating was the fact that there was a Robin that weekend
that - I swear - when it would
sing... sounded like it was saying "T-Bears sick... really,
really sick". I didn't want to hear this...
and it upset me even more. We ended up taking T-Bear to MSU
small animal clinic... where they
removed the lesion and we had a definite diagnosis of it being
a hystiocytoma - a benign lesion. I
was soooooo relieved, but I wondered why I heard the Robins
call the way I did? Well..... TBear's
incision healed without problems, but he seemed to be developing
arthritis. He was
becoming weaker, and weaker until he wasn't able to jump on
the bed. He didn't want to eat, and
lost 24 pounds. Something was drastically wrong. Soooo... back
to MSU we went. T-Bear was
diagnosed with Addison's Disease the end of November. We started
him on steroids to replace
those not produced by the adrenals, and he is healthier and
happier than I've seen him for a long
time! The adrenals often don't just stop working, but exhibit
a waxing and waning... with
fluctuating symptoms. T-Bear had obviously been sick for a while
before he was diagnosed. I
wish I would have listened to Robin and had him more thoroughly
checked out so he wouldn't
have to have gone through that bad period - I could smack myself!
Believe me... I will pay more attention the next time an animal
spirit honors me with such
I am grateful to all the animals - and for the help they give
We have to learn to listen somehow and when the validations
register after the fact we learn fast.
Please don't be too hard on yourself, you thought you had T-bear
checked for illness. You caught
it though and he's happy again, that's to good part to go with
the lesson. Aren't the creature-teachers
just awesome?! I love 'em too...sooooooo much!
I am grateful too....
Awwwww EarthOakSprite, that Robin's message stuck with you anyway,
and you heeded its call
even months after it had been sung. How lucky your T-Bear is
with you as its human.
Perhaps next time you could try to ask T-Bear yourself. Animals
are always communicating with
us, we just usually don't hear them or don't understand why
we think what we do in a given
situation because they communicate so differently. I speak with
animals all the time (rather, them
with me depending). It's all a matter of taking the time to
learn. Anyone can. This isn't like Robin
or a totem thing, you must understand. T-Bear knows he's loved
and he's not suffering currently.
He's good for now as far as I can tell.
Thank you, Klandagi! T-Bear seems healthier to me than I've
seen him for a very long time! He
has had one type or illness or another since he was born 7 years
ago. I am able to communicate
with him very well, but think I avoid thoughts of him not feeling
good - I've been on such an
emotional rollercoaster with him. He always seems to know when
I think of giving him something
to eat... and will come to me. Maybe he reads my mind better
than I do his.
I honestly think I unintentionally block out the thoughts of
him not feeling well. It breaks my
heart in two when he's sick. The day we took T-Bear to MSU the
vet told me she thought he had
cancer... and we had to wait a few hours for the ultrasounds,
x-rays, and blood tests to be
completed to be sure - the vet thought she palpated something
on T-Bear's spleen. That was one
of the worst three hours of my life. I had a deep conversation
with Spirit... to give me strength to
accept whatever may be happening with T-Bear... and have the
courage to do what was best for
him not me! I got on my knees thanking Spirit right in the vet
clinic when the MSU vet told me all
of the tests were negative for cancer, and they thought T-Bear
had Addison's Disease. I have the
gut feeling T-Bear will be fine from now on, and that he will
live a long and healthy life with
me... with his disease being controlled. I don't know if he
was placed in my life for this lesson,
but I don't like to think that he had to go through all of this
just to teach me! He is such a joy in
my life I wasn't blessed with children, but Spirit sure blessed
me with wonderful furkids!
My hubby wasnt blessed with children either so he has
Brando.....our 13 yr old Rotty. I just
gave him a bath and he could barely get in and out of the tub.
Poor ole fella. Rotties are really,
really special.
I wish your rotty many, many, many years, being well and happy
with you.
Thank you, Karen!!! T-Bear got a bath yesterday. I have three
Rotts... and took them for a walk
at a wildlife area near our house. T-Bear rolled in something
extremely stinky My hubby wasn't
home.. so I got the pleasure of giving all three a bath on the
back deck myself. I hooked a hose
up to my kitchen sink so at least the water was warm. I hope
Brando lives a long and healthy life
with you and your hubby, too.
Do your Rotts purr? A friend of mine had a Rott that growled
when you pet him. She would yell
at him for doing that, until I told her, he just was purring
when you pet him...He liked being
rubbed and scratched.
Of my three Rotts... T-Bear is the only one that does the purring...
grumbling thing. He's done it
since he was a puppy. At first I thought he was being hostile...
Now I know he's just talking to me
Thank you, Klandagi! T-Bear seems healthier to me than
I've seen him for a very long time! He
has had one type or illness or another since he was born 7 years
ago. I am able to communicate
with him very well, but think I avoid thoughts of him not feeling
good - I've been on such an
emotional rollercoaster with him. He always seems to know when
I think of giving him
something to eat... and will come to me. Maybe he reads my mind
better than I do his.
Sure thing! *nods* Good to hear. Yeah, animals usually are much
more on our wavelength than
we are on theirs. He can hear you perfectly.
I honestly think I unintentionally block out the thoughts
of him not feeling well. It breaks my
heart in two when he's sick. The day we took T-Bear to MSU the
vet told me she thought he had
cancer... and we had to wait a few hours for the ultrasounds,
x-rays, and blood tests to be
completed to be sure - the vet thought she palpated something
on T-Bear's spleen. That was one
of the worst three hours of my life. I had a deep conversation
with Spirit... to give me strength to
accept whatever may be happening with T-Bear... and have the
courage to do what was best for
him not me! I got on my knees thanking Spirit right in the vet
clinic when the MSU vet told me
all of the tests were negative for cancer, and they thought
T-Bear had Addison's Disease. I have
the gut feeling T-Bear will be fine from now on, and that he
will live a long and healthy life with
me... with his disease being controlled. I don't know if he
was placed in my life for this lesson,
but I don't like to think that he had to go through all of this
just to teach me! He is such a joy in
my life.
I hear you. If he was scared, it was only because you were.
They pick on us so easily it's not even
funny. I'm glad things will be alright with him though. If you
ever want me to talk to him, just
say the word. I can tell from his picture he's a very, very,
sweet, gentle, and loving dog who
wouldn't hurt a fly unless he thought it might hurt him or someone
he loves. He's a great guy.
Dragonfly (web designer):
I have a 9 year old teacup Yorkie, who is always talking to
us, he moans and groans, and then cheers up and
sounds happier. When he wants to be lifted up onto his own little
table where he is able to keep a watch over what we are doing,
he will come up to my leg and start to nudge me until I lift
him up once there he is happy and lays flat and watches us all.
He is a chatty little friend.
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