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By Mitchy
I need some information about the cormorant. I have seen a lot
of cormorants lately. They are
usually heading for west. I have found out that they sometimes
stands for patience. Today they
were trying to tell me something else, but unfortunately I cannot
figure it out. And I cant find
anything about cormorants in Ted Andrews book Animal Speak.
Can anyone help me?
A light in the darkness. The cormorant is found all over the
world, with over 30 species. The
common cormorant is also called the great or black cormorant.
They are found mostly along
coasts or inland waters. They are expert swimmers and divers
and can show us how to dive in
and to swim where we wouldn't think possible, in almost any
environment in our life. Because
cormorants are buoyant yet need to dive, they must swallow pebbles
to make themselves heavy
enough to stay under water. When it appears in our life there
will come a teaching or a new
opportunity that will enable us to accomplish what didn't seem
In Japan, cormorants are trained for fishing. A metal ring is
placed around their necks to
prevent them from swallowing their catch. This is a reminder
that we must learn to enjoy our
accomplishments, our catches in life and not allow others to
distract us from the enjoyment of
our accomplishments. When the cormorant is an individual's totem,
the person will have a knack
for accomplishing in unique ways what others could not seem
to do. When it appears in our life
as a message, it is a reminder for us to dive in to what we
have been hesitating about. The
cormorant teaches us how to dive into the waters of life creatively
especially if we wish a new
birth. At sea, or on the inland lakes, they make a terrible
havoc. From the greatest height they
drop down upon the object of pursuit, dive after it with the
rapidity of a dart, and with an almost
unerring certainty, seize the victim. Then emerging, with the
fish across the bill, with a kind of
twirl, throw it up into the air and dexterously catching it
head foremost, swallow it whole.
Among the Chinese, it is said, they have frequently been trained
to fish, and that some fishermen
keep many of them for that purpose, by which they gain a livelihood.
"A ring, placed round the
neck, hinders the bird from swallowing; its natural appetite
joins with the will of its master, and
it instantly dives at the word of command; when unable to gorge
down the fish it has taken, it
returns to the keeper, who secures it for himself. Sometimes,
if the fish be too big for one to
manage, two will act in concert, one taking it by the head and
the other by the tail." The
Cormorants have been used as symbols of nobility, indulgence,
and in more modern times a
totem for fishermen and a bountiful catch.
Thanks for the explanation and the link. I will save it for
further use. This was very useful and
interesting as well. Im planning on making a small binder
for the animals I meet. Well, at least
for the animals that has something to teach me. That way I will
have my own special lexicon.
By the way, I wasnt aware of that these birds were used
for fishing. Thats a very interesting
thing. Thanks again, Cinn. The cormorants are trying really
hard to tell me things. They are all
around me at the moment. Unfortunately I just dont get
it. Today one cormorant was flying from
North West to the South. NW is? South is coyote, growth, thrust
and love. I fell a connection
with love, but cant figure it out. I would appreciate
it much if someone could give me a hint.
They have to dry off their feathers. Unlike other water birds,
they actually become waterlogged. If you
watch them long enough, you will see them sinking deeper and
deeper into the water on which they are
swimming. At which point, unless they wish to drown, they must
step out of the water, and dry off.
Michelangelo, we have them at Couch now, and also a family of
Osprey. It took me a bit to realize I was
watching a Cormorant, and it was the trait listed above, that
made me look at them properly and identify
that birds I had only seen on the West coast until last year,
were now on an inland lake here in Ontario.
Hope that adds some further insight. Not drowning in your need
to understand? No need to step out of the
Spiritual flow for a moment, and dry off your feathers, before
they drag you under? I often feel the need
to do that, although Cormorant is not one of my Spirit Animals
or Guides. Not diving deep, and becoming
heavier with each dive? Just some thoughts...they may not resonate
with your journey.
Maybe if not yours, then someone else needs to give some thought
to that resonating in their life, and that
is why it is here for them to read. Good luck Mitchy. For me...sometimes
it is enough to know that the
animal is there...that there is a pattern of their instinctual
behavior alive in me...and I don't need to know
what it is...just be aware that it is there. And in my case...be
grateful, as most of mine are not coming at
me with shadow lessons.
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