Links of the site are right at the bottom of the page)
Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
are below. For the rest please go HERE
By CinnamonMoon
The Druid Animal Oracle by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm
Cow: Nourishment, Motherhood, The Goddess
Cow opens us to an awareness of the Goddess. her generosity,
healing and nourishing power is
present all around you--in your friends and children, in your
food and drink, in your dreams, and
particularly in the natural world that you are blessed to live
in. She brings protection from all
harmful influences, and by attuning to her presence you can
gain the inestimable benefit of deep
and peaceful sleep. By opening yourself to Cow and to her sacred
quality as manifestation of the
Goddess on earth, you will be connecting to the perpetual stream
of nourishing energy that flows
from the Goddess to each one of us. To experience this, there
is nothing you need to 'do'.
Contrary may be calling you to examine the ways in which you
give to the world. If you believe
your resources are limited, then you will be anxious about giving
fully from your heart, but if
you know that you are one with all of creation and all of nature
then you will be able to give
fully and freely. But you can only give if you are also able
to receive. How easy is it for you to
receive the love and concern of others?
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date