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By StarDreamer
I was riding home with a friend of mine when 4 figures standing
in a field caught my notice.
These 4 characters were each at least 4 feet tall, incredibly
graceful with a huge bustle of
feathers. Red feathers on their heads and gray to brown on their
long necks and bodies. Just
standing there in the field as if to say "Take notice,
StarDreamer!" Half-expected one to raise a
wing and wave at me!
"What were those?" I asked my friend - I don't know
how he does it, but he seems to be a
walking bird library and can spot birds where all I see are
leaves. "Sand Hill Cranes," he said,
explaining that they were once going the way of the Passenger
Pigeon until an endeavor to airlift
them to specific areas for re-population brought their numbers
up. He can't remember his own
phone number sometimes...but bird info...there it is. Birds
and military history...odd
Anyhow, I've looked up the Sand Hill Crane and cranes in general.
Yes, cranes have a specific
message for me at this time. However, something else struck
me. I have a preponderance of
water birds in my totem log. Heron, Egret and Crane among them.
I've noticed here on this
forum, and with folks in general, how easy it is to get them
confused for one another. For me,
too. The info on them crosses over and gets confusing. Hey,
they are all long-necked, longlegged
birds with coloring combinations that are similar. But they
are each unique and carry their
own specific medicine, including each species' uniqueness. This
spoke to me a message to bring
here regarding Discernment (there's that theme of mine lately!)
and Uniqueness (heeheeee -
we're working on that one in the threads, too, yes?). tPAY ATTENTION
you, Sand Hill Crane!
*Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary:
If your dream featured the crane on the wing, it is a good omen,
but if it was on the ground, it
signifies troubles of your own making.
*D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
Cranes dwell in most parts of the world, except in South America.
One member of the crane
family is the tallest bird in the United States. Old World cranes
have very ornamental plumes,
which at one time were sought for human adornment. The crane
dances on the tips of its toes,
flaps its wings, and bobs its head when performing its courting
dance. The crane was held to be
sacred in many ancient cultures. It was called a messenger of
the gods, but also a weather
prophet, as it will alight on the ground before a storm arrives.
The crane symbolized the spiritual
ability to enter a higher state of consciousness. The bird was
sacred to the Greeks as a creature
of Apollo and an emblem of spring and light. The sacred Crane
Dance, said to have first been
performed by Theseus and his fellow bull-dancers, was a symbol
of the beginning of a new year.
In China, the crane had great importance. It was called the
intermediary between earth and
heaven, a messenger of the gods to humans, and was said to carry
souls to the Western Paradise
at death. It represented long life, immortality, good fortune,
happiness, and vigilance. In Japan,
the crane had much the same importance and meaning. At one time
the crane was a common
bird in Britain and Ireland. It was associated with the Scottish
goddess Cailleach and the Irish
god Manannan mac Lir; Manannan made his magick crane bag from
its skin. With its colors of
red, black, and white, the crane was a lunar bird, sacred to
the Triple Goddess. To the Celts, the
crane symbolized both the Sun and the Underworld. It was connected
with solar, healing deities,
but was also a messenger of death for Pwyll, king of the Underworld.
They engraved pictures of
the rane riding on the back of human-headed horses and around
magick cauldrons.
Superstitions: Cranes eat sand and small stones to give them
ballast to fly in winds. You can tell
a crane's age by its color.
Magickal Attributes: Intelligence, discipline, vigilance; magick;
astral travel; learning and
keeping secrets; reaching deeper mysteries and truths. Learning
new types of magick. Astral
traveling, especially in search of spiritual wisdom.
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Crane indicates inquisitiveness.
*Bobby Lake-Thom/Spirits of the Earth:
Crane or Egret. This bird is the peacemaker and fisherman. he
is a good-luck sign while you are
fishing or during conflict. He brings peace, stability, harmony,
and good luck. He is graceful,
tactful, and direct. The feathers from these birds are used
in healing ceremonies to take away
negative energy and anger, and to bring peace and harmony to
a situation. That is one reason
why our Indian people use different kinds of feathers in different
kinds of rituals and ceremonies.
The symbol and inherent power of the feathers from certain birds
are used to bring in specific
kinds of spirits and energies. For example, my uncle Lester
had to attend a special meeting a few
years ago with the U.S. Forest Service representatives concerning
joint-land-use plans and
proposals. The meeting came about as a result of conflict between
different groups all wanting to
use USFS land in different ways. Uncle Les did not want to get
into any heated arguments with
other people at the meeting. So he prayed on a Snowy Egret feather,
asked the bird to share its
power with him, and he wore it in his hat at the meeting. The
meeting became peaceful and
*Patricia Telesco/The Language of Dreams:
A messenger from the Divine, who bears intelligence and discipline
on its wings. According to
Pliny, because this bird stands on one leg when it sleeps, it
is actually standing watch. As such, it
represents vigilance. In Japan, this is the teacher of law,
specifically governmental, mundane
law. In China, the crane intercedes between heaven and Earth.
What messages do you wish for it
to take back? Longevity for yourself or a personal pet project.
In the East, this bird is thought to
live for 1,000 years, so the seeds you're planting now will
have lasting effects long into the
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise:
Sandhill Crane
Keynote: Noble and secret guardianship, the dance of life.
Sandhill cranes are waterbirds that often eat other water symbols,
such as fish and frogs. All
cranes have qualities in common, and thus some study of cranes,
in general, is recommended.
Sandhill cranes are high flyers, always announcing their presence
with loud calls. Hence, they
are often considered noble guardians, calling out loudly to
forewarn. If they appear in our life,
there is usually something we need to watch out for and attend
to more carefully. Many of their
natural behaviors further reinforce the perception of them as
guardians in the traditional sense.
When threatened, an annoyed crane aims its spear-like bill and
rushes toward intruders,
occasionally nipping them. In their preening, they also do a
bit of feather painting. Sandhills
comb their feathers, coating them with oil in the same manner
as other birds and then painting
them a rusty brown with a mixture of grass and mud. This gives
them a somewhat camouflaged
appearance. These behaviors convey the impression of standing
guard and driving off intruders
from the environment. the migrations of sandhill cranes parallel
the journeys of the sun, moving
from north to south, reminding us that there are times to change
and move the guard. When
sandhill cranes appear, there is usually some hidden protection
around us, energy of secret and
noble guardianship. Sometimes it's a sign we may need to be
the hidden protector of someone
else. Sometimes it's a warning to watch our possessions and
ourselves a little more closely. Most
photos of Sandhills reveal only the adult birds, probably because
the young are often scarce and
the parents are secretive in rearing them. This further reflects
the energies of protectiveness and
guardianship associated with these cranes. Extra care to protect
our young--children or
projects--should be taken.
The Zuni Indian perspective further reinforces the notion of
secretive guardianship. Among the
Zuni, the shandhill crane was a source of great secret magic
and the feathers could only be used
by members of the "Galaxy Society." The meaning and
actual use of the feathers have been wellkept,
closed secrets.
The noise of thousands of cranes together is legendary, conveying
and almost ancient and
untamed quality. Their incredibly loud whoops coordinate their
movements, defend territories,
find mates, and keep lifelong mates together, all functions
of a traditional guard at the gates. The
sandhill crane is famous for its dancing, which is inspiring
in that it seems to express a joy at
life. Around the world no dance has probably been more imitated
among native peoples, who
danced in response to its migration to celebrate the seasons,
for protection, and for fertility. The
sandhill crane's mating dance is very much like a ballet with
three predominant displays: an
upright wing stretch, a horizontal head pump (a bowing), and
what is sometimes referred to as a
vertical toss. In this display, the crane lowers its head, grabs
a stick or vegetation, and then
flings it in the air as it raises its head back up. The crane
then begins a bowing with a vertical
leap, the heart of crane dancing. In the spring, mating pairs
perform this, but it usually inspires
all of the other cranes to participate as well. Each bird coils
and then springs up, sometimes as
high as 15 feet, holding its head high and flapping its wings
4 to 5 times before coming down.
The enthusiasm among the cranes is contagious and serves a reminder
that we should celebrate
and dance for what is ours. Guardianship is important, but it
does not mean that we hide from
life. Life is meant to be danced and celebrated. When we are
safe, then it is time to dance. When
cranes appear, it is usually time for us to join in the dance
of life.
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise:
White Crane
Keynote: Longevity, honor, spiritual justice
"Honorable Lord Crane: is the ancient symbol of spiritual
justice and longevity whose
appearance can help us to draw upon our own innate waters, our
intuitive faculty, awakening
freshness within tradition for new growth. The crane is both
a solar symbol and a herald for
death. This contrast is significant in that cranes teach the
need for both life and death as part of
the same process. Crane always heralds the end of change of
old ways so that a new expression
can be born within them. As a wading bird, white cranes can
comfortably move between water,
land, earth, and sky. They can open doors between all worlds,
realms, times and traditions,
stimulating new tangible, spiritual experiences, revealing how
death is just a transition, not an end.
In more ancient times, the hierophants, the priests and priestesses,
were schooled in walking
between worlds, with all that this implies. Because of its link
between worlds, cranes can awaken
past lives, revealing how ancient we truly are and how the past
is affecting our present. This can
be a new understanding of our karma, life issues, sacrifices
we hae made or are making, and
how the laws of spiritual justice play out within our life.
Crane always awakens us to the ancient ones--the beings of Spirit
and its various realms--
including that of the Faerie. Now is the time to draw upon ancient
teachings and to find ways of
re-expressing them within the modern world and within current
life. In the wild, the crane often
lays two eggs, but usually only rears one. The parents are very
secretive in rearing their
vulnerable young. A crane's appearance may indicate that we
are not applying the focus we
should or that we need to develop a new sense of secrecy in
regards to something being given
birth to within our life. The crane can reflect for both men
and women a need to give more time
and attention to the children, literally or figuratively. Crane
reminds us not to scatter our
energies and to celebrate our creative resources and to keep
them alive, that through proper
focus, what we give birth to will have a long, honorable life.
A crane might also reveal where we are too rigid in our beliefs
and traditions, conforming to
them without knowing why or for what benefit other than "that
is the way it has always been
done." We may want to examine our perspectives, viewing
where we have been following the
traditions of the past that have perhaps outlived their usefulness.
Or, the crane may be
reminding us that there is a benefit from following past traditions,
but only when given fresh
expression and perspectives. The white crane reminds us that
spiritual justice will play itself out
within the mundane world, but not necessarily according to how
we believe it should. We need to
remember that justice will unfold in the time, manner, and means
that is best.
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Speak
Keynote: Longevity and Creation through Focus
Cycle of Power: Year-round--during daylight
The crane was a powerful symbol to the ancient Chinese. It is
a symbol of justice and longevity,
and it is one of many solar symbols. The crane is a bird of
the waters, and so is one that will
often help teach you how to express your own feminine energies.
The whooping crane, since the
early part of this century, has been a symbol of the wildlife
conservation movement. At one point,
due to overhunting, they almost became extinct. If the crane
has shown up in your life as a totem,
it could very well reflect that you are about to recover what
had almost become extinct within you.
Most photos of cranes only reveal the adult birds. This is partly
due to the fact that the young are
very scarce and also because the parents are highly secretive
in rearing their vulnerable young.
This can reflect a new sense of protectiveness, or even a need
for secrecy in regard to something
new you have given birth to or are about to give birth to. Although
the crane lays two eggs but
usually only raises one, it will also reflect the importance
of not dividing your attention--
especially in rearing your children, be they your actual children
or symbolic children, as in the
case of special projects. Women who have cranes as totems do
better to stay at home with the
children rather than to divide their time between work and motherhood.
If this is impossible, as
is often the case in today's world, the crane can teach you
how best to accomplish both.
The crane can also provide possible clues to past life experiences.
"In China it is 'The patriarch
of the Feathered Tribe' and in Japan it is "honorable Lord
Crane'. It is usually depicted with the
sun and the pine trees in oriental art. In direct contrast,
in Celtic mythology, it is sacred to the
king of the underworld and heralds war and death." One
of the most remarkable aspects of this
bird is its loud whooping sound. Its haunting tone is reminiscent
of a primal celebration over
birth. The crane can teach you how to celebrate your creative
resources and keep them alive,
regarless of the conditions in which they are manifest, both
by simply having the proper focus in
your life.
The Druid Animal Oracle by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm
Crane: Secret Knowledge, Patience, Longevity
Crane brings the qualities of patience and perseverance. The
crane will stand for hours peering
into the water until the time is right ofr it to dart at its
prey. Combined with the ability to be
patient, the crane conveys the capacity to be focused and to
be able to concentrate without
distraction. it brings an ability to guide others into the Underworld,
to help them with their
transition at the time of dying, or with their journey into
the inner realms. As well as conveying
an ability to work in the 'Underworld,' the crane symbolizes
arcane science, or Secret
Knowledge, which in the Druid tradition is represented by the
Ogham script--the tree-language
of Druidry. In its widest sense, learning this language involves
learning to read the "Book of
Contrary the crane stands alone for hours on end, simply observing
and patiently waiting. but it
is also able to join its colleagues to fly information or to
dance together. You may need to learn
the right balance between being alone and working with others.
Spending too much time alone
can create feelings of isolation and separation. Conversely,
having no time to oneself can be an
avoidance of self-knowledge and the uncomfortable feelings of
loneliness. Spend a while looking
at your life to see whether you give yourself enough time having
both these experiences. the
'shadow' side of the crane is manifested as harshness, meanness
and a nagging, complaining
disposition. If you find these qualities showing sometimes in
your behavior, see if you can
experience the deeper aspects of the crane, in which it becomes
an animal of the Goddess-ascrone
or wise-woman. Ask yourself to what extent you are denying the
wise-woman who has a
knowledge of death and the Underworld in yourself, and to what
extent your negative behavior
may be a reflection of this denial.
Yesterday, I saw a magnificent White Crane on the wing! The
sun was glinting off it's back and
it mesmerized me as it flew into the Northwest. Sent chills
through me. It was directly after this
that I had my confrontation with my co-worker about my cystoscopy!
I have to think on what the
message may have been.
Northwest is a transition point from West to North in lessons.
It's time to assimilate what you've
known so you can let go of what no longer serves you in that
arena and prepare to work with
what's now come into being. The rest pertains to the emerging
and sharing what you've learned
with others. Moving from West to North on the Wheel. Of course
it's all tied to the issues
dominating in your life at the moment and Crane's Medicine to
resolve them. *S* Hope that
helps a little.
Mmmmm...yes, it does, help Cinn. Thank you. For the first time
since I've been at this job
(which hasn't been all that long) I'm seeing it as a transition
point and not an ending point. I felt
when I came that I'd be here for a long time. Now I'm seeing
that it is a way, an opening through
my past (within the church) to something else. It's helping
me see what is no longer useful to me.
I've been shedding old beliefs and behaviors left and right.
That fills me with a variety of
feelings - sadness and grief over the relinquishing of something
that was so much a part of me,
excitement and trepidation over what could possibly be next.
That way is being shown me almost
daily now, but it is still so amorphous in character. I am confident,
however, that clarity will be
coming. *Smiles*
Yes, I'd venture to say that the North-West cross-quarter direction
here is indication of a time of
confusion while that transition takes place and brings the clarity.
Try not to push things too
much right now and let them settle into place. Imagine yourself
in the eye of a storm where
things are calmer. As the release takes place and the merging
of the new comes into being it's
like a warm front and cold front meeting...a storm erupts. Then
when it passes the air is clear
and fresh again.
Just an added note of confirmation of the sharing aspect you
mentioned. Sunday I was down at
the river again and was gifted once more with a goose feather!
This time is was not the short,
warmer/protectors, but a beautiful, long quill! Such a blessing
to see Crane and Goose working
with me like this! I sat on my bench offering thanks and honoring
them both. Gotta get
writing...and that is interesting as well, when I got back to
my apartment I was offered an
opportunity to express in writing my observations and opinions
to an old school chum I hadn't
seen/talked to in 33 years in an area of interest to us both!
It's fun when it all starts to come together isn't it?
are on this row
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