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Some of the links for the 197 pages in this Totem Animals section
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By Joe/BearSmiles
Please look into Grasshopper as well if you are interested in
this Medicine, they are related.
Crickets are scavengers and feed on organic and decaying plant
material. They live under rocks,
logs, in meadows, pastures and along roadsides. Because they
are active at night, ancient myth
associates the cricket with the lunar energies of intuition
and sensitivity. When this medicine is
fully developed in man logic is balanced with intuition. If
underdeveloped the individual takes
everything that happens around them to heart and sets them self-up
to become a victim of
circumstance. Emotional discord follows. If the latter is true
pull in your energy field and do
some form of aerobic exercise. This will help strengthen your
emotional core and ground your
physical body.
Known as natures musicians, crickets can be heard chirping loudly
especially during mating
season. Their chirping sounds are made by rubbing together their
2 front wings. Attracting a
mate with only a chirp can be tricky especially if the females
are far away. The cricket not only
joins in unison with other males trying to be as loud as possible,
but it is also uses its ingenuity to
find a mate.
In Africa the tree cricket uses leaves growing on plants to
make a megaphone. The cricket chews
a pear shaped hole in the leaf and sticks his head through the
hold, the leaf bends around his head
in a bowl shape like a speaker baffle. Then the cricket presses
his sound making wings against
the leaf and chirps. These leaf amplifiers increase their sound
by up to 10 decibels.
Not only do crickets teach us how to be resourceful and use
our ingenuity to acquire a desired
outcome they also serve as a weather barometer. Crickets are
cold blooded. As the temperature
rises on a summer day their metabolism and behavior speed up.
The hotter the temperature gets
the faster they chirp. When they stop singing altogether it
means a storm is approaching. Those
with this totem should heed the crickets warning. Storms are
symbolic and can indicate that an
emotional, mental or physical challenge is coming your way.
The crickets hind legs are modified for jumping. They leap over
difficult situations effortlessly
always choosing to land in a more pleasing environment and can
teach us how to do the same. A
powerful ally that embodies the qualities of faith and trust
the cricket serves us well. All we need
to do is follow its lead.
Sending Smiles
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(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
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(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
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