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By CinnamonMoon
Ted Andrews/Animal-Speak:
Crow Keynote: The Secret Magic of Creation is Calling
Cycle of Power: All Day--All Year
My grandfather once told me that crow was the smartest of all
birds. What's more, it even knew
it was the smartest of birds and enjoyed it to the fullest.
In fact, it was so smart that it chose to
stay a crow, rather than move on to some other area of evolution.
It has a unique ability to outwit
most birds, animals, and even humans at times, and they make
for themselves a wonderful living.
it can be thought of as another being who felt it better to
rule in hell than serve in heaven. Crows
seem to have mastered it well.
Crows intrigue us and they aggravate us. They and their other
family member, the raven, have a
great mysticism and mythology about them. There are actually
5 species of crows, one of which
is the raven. Because they are of the same family (the only
real difference being in size) it would
be beneficial for those with crow as a totem to also study the
qualities and mystical aspects of the raven.
The first noticeable characteristic about this bird is its striking
black color. Sometimes it will
have hints of deep blue and purple on the feathers as well.
Black is the color of creation. It is the
womb out of which the new is born. It is also the color of the
night. Black is the maternal color
and thus the black night gives birth to a new day. Although
the crow is a diurnal or daytime bird,
it reminds us that magic and creation are potentials very much
alive during the day. The crow,
because of its color, was a common symbol in medieval alchemy.
It represented "igredo," the
initial state of substance--unformed but full of potential.
In Roman mythology raven and crows used to be as white as swans.
In fact a white crow
watched over Apollo's pregnant lover at Delphos. One day the
crow brought bad news to Apollo
and was turned black.
This connection to watchfulness is still strong today. Crows
always have a sentinel posted. They
build their nests high in the treetops so that they can see
the entire area in which they are living
and feeding. Occasionally crows have been seen attacking and
killing one of their own. There
arose an old belief that the crow being attacked was a sentinel
who failed. It may also be a
reminder of what can happen if we are not watching for magic
and creation every day.
Watchfulness warns other crows and other animals of intruders
and threats--human and animal.
They have been observed raising a ruckus when hunters are around,
warning deer and other
birds. They recognize possible dangers and they always post
lookouts when feeding--their most
vulnerable time.
This ability to warn is connected to the crow's second, most-noticeable
characteristic--its voice.
The crow is actually a member of the songbird family because
of its voice box structure.
Although few think of the crow as a songbird, there have been
many claims (unsubstantiated)
over the years that when it is alone, it will sing in a soft
musical voice.
Crows have a complex language. They have a remarkable voice
range, but they actually do not
sing. They can caw in many different ways, each with its own
meaning. Learning to understand
the language of crows is something we all can do with practice.
Although it has a tongue, it does
not use the tongue to make any sounds. Pliny once wrote that
if the tongue of a crow were split,
it would learn to speak like humans. This, of course, was not
true. All that would happen is that
the crow bleeds to death. The cawing out of the crow should
remind us that magic and creation
are cawing out to us every day.
The great horned owl is probably the most deadly enemy of the
crow. If an owl comes into the
area of a crow it will mob the owl and chase it off. Crows know
that if the owl discovers its
nests, the night could bring death. Many crows have lost their
life to the silent night hunts of owls.
The crow has great intelligence. It is adaptable to its environment.
It will eat almost anything.
Part of their ability to survive is their being omnivorous.
They have a unique ability to
communicate with each other and to work together.
Their ability for watching and their intelligence has given
them a reputation for thievery. They
will rob food from other birds or whatever source is around--including
human food supplies.
Crows and all covines are easily imprinted with the image of
their keeper. Those who have had
crows as pets have found them extremely trainable, with an ability
to count and develop a
complex communication with their owner. And yet in the wild,
even though they are constantly
seen and heard, it is hard to get near them. Again I have found
that it reflects for most people
little awareness or realization of the magic necessary to create
or recreate their life.
The courtship and mating procedures also reflect much about
the crow's association with magic.
The male crow sets out to make itself as handsome as possible,
and it is during this time that its
voice takes on a singing quality. (Love makes the whole world
sing.) The male and female build
the nest together. the nest is built high up for protection
and it is kept very clean. Even young
crows do not foul their own nest. A little meditation on this
will reveal much about health, home
and respect.
Crows have a great mythology about them. This can reflect not
only past-life connections to
those times and cultures but it also reflects some of the archetypal
forces that it can connect with
us. As with many animals, crows also have been known to predict
tornadoes, rain, and other
changes in weather by the way the fly. Working with crows can
help you to see how the winds
are going to blow into your life and how to adjust your own
life flights. Crows have long been
considered magical, and my grandfather once told me how even
finding a dead crow was a sign
of good luck.
We have spoken of crows and their link to Greek/Roman mythology,
but they have appeared in
others as well. In China a three-legged sun crow was worshipped.
It was a symbol of solitude. To
the Athapaskan Indians of Alaska, a crow (in the form of raven)
was the creator of the world. To
the Celts, the crow was also associated with creation. In Biblical
lore, the prophet Elija was fed
by ravens and crows while hiding in the wilderness. In the Norse
tradition, the god Odin had two
ravens who were his messengers.
Wherever crows are, there is magic. They are symbols of creation
and spiritual strength. They
remind us to look for opportunities to create and manifest the
magic of life. They are messengers
calling to us about the creation and magic that is alive within
our world every day and available
to us.
*Denise Linn/The Secret Language of Signs:
In many cultures the crow is considered a powerful sign. The
ancient Chinese thought that the
crow signified the isolation of the individual who lives on
a superior realm. For some Native
Americans, the crow has mystic powers and is the creator of
the visible world. There was a
similar meaning for the Celts, the Germanic tribes, and the
Siberians. The eye of the crow was
thought to be the entrance to the supernatural realms and the
inner mysteries of life. The crow
was also the bringer of messages from the spirit realm.
Native peoples consider the crow a shape-shifter (someone or
something that has the ability to
expand into other realms of consciousness). The shape-shifter
can be in two places at once and
take on other physical forms. The crow dwells beyond the realm
of time and space. The crow can
merge into the past, present, and future and travel in and out
of darkness and light. Early
alchemists had a similar symbolism, associating the crow with
the "initial" state that embodies
both matter and spirit.
If this sign appears to you, take heed, for the crow is a portent
of change in your life. This is a
sign to step beyond the usual way that you view reality and
look into the inner realms. To do
this, your integrity must be impeccable. If there are some areas
in your life where you are being
unethical, change them. Keep your word, speak your truth. Get
ready to shape-shift by releasing
your old reality and embracing a new way of viewing yourself
and the world around you. Listen
to the messages all around you from the mysterious inner realms.
In some traditions, crows were feared because they were associated
with death. This association
was made because they were black and thus represented the void
and the unknown inner realms.
Do you fear your own death and inner darkness? If the crow appears
to you as a sign, take time
to explore your inner darkness and listen to the ancient wisdom
within yourself.
The crow and the raven are of the same genus and in some respects
have similar meanings. The
expression "as the crow flies" means traveling in
a straight line. Walk your talk. Travel straight
forward with clarity and decisiveness in your life. To crow
means to exult loudly, as over
another's defeat, or to boast. It can also mean to utter sounds
that express pleasure or delight. Do
you have something to crow about in your life?
*Zolar/Encyclopedia of Signs, Omens, and Superstitions:
There is a great deal of folklore connected with crows and ravens
due to their wide distribution
throughout much of the world.
The Greek writer Porphyry (3rd C. A.D.) wrote that one might
acquire the crow's prophetic
powers by eating their hearts. According to Greek myth, when
Apollo became the lover of
Coronis, he commissioned a snow white crow to keep guard over
his already pregnant lover
while he went to Delphi. The crow failed to report to Apollo
that Coronis had become unfaithful
with Ischy. In his anger, Apollo turned the bird black.
In Genesis, Noah sends forth a raven from the ark to search
for land, and legend has it that
ravens guided Alexander to the Shrine of Jupiter Ammon in the
Oasis of Siwah in Egypt and
later foretold his death. Elijah was fed by ravens, predisposing
Christians to regard the bird
favorably (although St. Ambrose called the bird "impious"
for not having returned to the ark).
In Great Britain there is a belief that, if the ravens at the
Tower of London are destroyed, disaster
to the empire is certain. [Note: this is because they did leave
and the rodents ran amok bringing
on the plague. When the crows returned the rodent population
was kept under control and disease
with it.]
In China the three-legged sun crow is held worthy of worship.
Tradition holds that a crow never
enters the Acropolis at Athens due to the enmity between Athena
(whose symbol is the owl) and
the crow.
The poet Ovid in Matamorphosos refers to a witch, Madea, who
infused into the veins of the
elder Jason a concoction of aged deer and the head of a crow
that had outlived nine generations
of men.
It was said that raven's eggs could be used to dye the hair
black. Unless one's mouth was filled
with oil while this was applied, however, teeth would turn black
also. In Czechoslovakia,
folklore holds that a man who eats three raven hearts reduced
to ashes will become a crack shot.
In Russia a witch's spirit is said to assume the form of a crow.
If a Brahman takes money given
to him for sacrifice and uses it for his personal ends, it is
said he will be doomed to be a crow or
a vulture in his next life and for a hundred years thereafter.
In Cornwall, to shoot a raven is to shoot King Arthur. In Wales,
if blind people are kind to
ravens, they will learn how to regain their sight. In Scotland
those who hunt deer believe it a
good omen to hear the call of a crow or raven before setting
A number of verses appear in American and European folklore
to describe the crow's influence.
In North America, "Crow on the fence, rain will go hence"
is an often cited expression. In
Maryland the following verse is found:
One crow--sorrow
Two crows--mirth
Three crows--wedding
Four crows--birth
The English version is as follows:
One's bad luck
Two's luck
Threes health
Four's wealth
Five's sickness
And six is death
Still another version goes like this:
One means anger
Two means mirth
Three a wedding
Four a birth
Five is heaven
Six is hell
But seven is the Devil's own self.
Popular omens about crows abound. Here are some: Should a crow
flutter about a window and
caw, it portends death. Should a crow fly three times over a
house and corak three times, it is a
bad omen. An odd crow perched in the path of an observer is
a sign of wrath. Should crows flock
together early in the morning and stare into the sun, the weather
will be hot and dry. Should they
stalk at nightfall into water and croak, rain is at hand. A
famin is near at hand when crows in a
flock forsake a wood. Foul weather is nearby should a crow croak
an odd number of times.
Should the croaking be an even number, the weather will be fine.
Last, should crows be seen
flying towards each other, it is an omen of war.
*D.J. Conway/Animal Magick:
In Native American legends, crow could talk. Because of this,
it was considered one of the
wisest of birds. The sacred bird of the famous Ghost Dance was
the crow.
In England, the species are called rooks. Crows are primarily
black; however, on rare occasions a
crow will be white. They are mischievous and fond of pranks.
They are somewhat shy and
suspicious. Fascinated by shiny, bright objects, they will steal
things. However, they also attack
other birds' eggs and the young. Crows are like noisy watch-dogs
when potential danger invades
their territory.
The jackdaw, Corvus monedula, is a small crow from Europe and
northern Asia. It is black, but
the sides of the head are silver-gray. Its eyes are white or
luminous gray. It is a sociable bird,
loving great numbers of this own species for company. The jackdaw
can also be tamed as a pet
and taught to talk.
A picture of two crows in ancient Egypt symbolized married happiness;
for the Aryan cultures
the meaning was the same, along with the idea of food and fertility.
To the Hindus, the crow was
an emblem of the god Varuna.
It is possible that the word crow came from Rhea Kronia, a Greek
goddess and mother of time,
who was a form of the Dark Mother, Mother of Death.
Even though this bird was sacred to Apollo in ancient Greece,
it was considered to be unlucky. It
was said that the goddess Athene never allowed crows to light
on the Acropolis, although they
were sacred to her also. The Greeks believed, as do some people
today, that if a crow perches on
the roof it is an omen of death. In auguries, seeing a crow
on the left was a warning of coming evil.
The Japanese also consider the crow to be a bird of ill luck,
although they believe it brings
messages from the gods.
A symbol of conflict, death, and ill-omens, the crow was associated
with the Celtic goddesses
Macha, Badb, and the Morrigan. The Irish word for crow is badb.
This goddess, in the form of a
crow, appeared to the Irish hero Cu Chulainn as a warning of
his coming death. Branwen, sister
of the god Bran the Blessed of Wales, was often portrayed in
legend by a white crow. Later the
Celts came to suspect and dread crows as a form taken by faeries
to cause problems. They said
that the cawing of crows signified the approach of rain.
Krake, the shape-shifting daughter of the Valkyrie Burnnnhilde,
was said to have married the
Danish king Ragnar Lodbrok and become the mother of the Norse-Germanic
hero Sigurd (who
was the same as Sigried). Krake and Ragnar also had three prophetic
daughters who created a
magick banner called Raven (Hraefn).
In North America, the crow was considered to be the keeper of
all sacred law, the one who knew
the deep mysteries of all creation. Seeing a crow in certain
situations was an omen of coming
change. Spiritual crow power could lead a seeker to the gates
of the supernatural.
The connection between the crow's foot sign and witchcraft began
during the Middle Ages.
People then said that magicians, and especially witches used
this emblem to cast death spells.
The description of crow's feet at the corner of the eyes may
be a remnant of this superstition,
symbolizing the aging process. To the alchemist, the crow stood
for the condition produced when
the Elements had been separated out.
Superstitions: The English have a rhyme about crows: one means
anger; two is mirth; three a
wedding; four a birth; five is heaven; six is hell; seven is
the devil himself. To the natives of
Northhamptonshire, however, a single flying crow is an omen
of bad luck instead of anger. If
crows make a hoarse, hollow sound, it means bad weather is coming.
If a crow calls three times
as it flies over a house, someone will die. Crows or ravens
gathering in trees in the dark, but
never really settling, are souls in purgatory, according to
the Irish. In Russia it was believed that
a witch's spirit took crow-form. Another European saying about
crow is: one for sorrow, two for
mirth; three for a wedding; four for a birth.
Magickal attributes: Thief, trickery, boldness, skill, cunning,
single-mindedness; a bringer of
knowledge. Prophecy. Learn from the past but don't hold onto
it. Swiftness, eloquence. Shapeshifting.
Letting go of past hurts. Learning to mentally shape-shift.
*Brad Steiger/Totems:
This large, stately black bird assumes an almost universal role
as a symbol of death or destiny.
Among the Celtic people, the bird was associated with various
war goddesses, who could assume
the form of a raven at will. The Vikings held similar beliefs
about the Valkyries, and it was
decreed that understanding the speech of birds could help one
gain entry to the world of
Valkyries and ravens, where the results of future battles were
ordained. Valkyries, in their coats
of lustrous black feathers, were also known as Kraken, or crows.
Warriors who fell in battle and
whose bodies could not be claimed by friends or family were
known as hrafengrennir, "raven
The great Danish hero Sigurd was the son of King Ragnar Lodbrok
and the Valkyrie Krake, a
shape-shifter who could choose to be a beautiful maiden or a
crow. In numerous fairy tales of teh
northern Europeans, the raven is the spirit helper who guides
the hero through the dangerous
turns and traps of his quest. The raven is also a reliable consultant
on the vagaries of the Other
World. In the Germanic tradition, the great hero Emperor Frederick
is guarded by ravens as he
sleeps in his underground sanctuary until the day of his return
to earth.
During the dark and troubled Middle Ages in Europe, the crow
also came to be associated with
Satan because of its black color and raucous cry. Moralistic
animal fables were told of the crow's
shame of its blackness, even to the point of scattering mud
on elegant swans in an attempt to
make them look like him. They, of course, could wash off the
dirt, but the jealous crow could
never change his color. St. Anthony, however, was not disturbed
by such negative reports against
the crow, for he chose it as his animal symbol.
Among many Native American tribes, especially among the plains
and southwestern groups, the
crow is a trickster figure, similar in many ways to the coyote.
The Dakota envision the crow as
an assistant to the plover, the Spirit of the South, who presided
over warm weather. When the
Spirit of the North arrived with his winter wolves, a battle
ensued between them and the crow
and the plover. According to tradition, if the two birds with
their war clubs are able to beat back
the wolves, warm weather would prevail for a little longer before
the harsh cold set in over the
plains. The Pueblo groups usually associate owls and crows with
Dark Side witchcraft, and it
was generally accepted that witches could change themselves
into crows at will and fly at night
to work their evil deeds.
In the Native American zodiac, those born from September 23
to October 22 are Crow/Raven
people. The Medicine Wheel describes them as social, energetic,
and full of nervous energy and
fluctuating moods. But they are generally very flexible and
adapt well to new environments and
If you have selected the crow as your totem animal--or if the
crow has selected you--you may
consider yourself to be something of a shape-shifter, gifted
at wearing many faces. Be cautious
of becoming too manipulative of others and impinging upon the
free will of those who may be a
bit gullible and easily led.
Your crow is a keen-eyed student of the environment from a perspective
seldom achieved by
ordinary observers. As one who watches shrewdly over the lay
of the land on both spiritual and
physical levels, your totem animal expresses a point of view
that touches several dimensions. As
you learn better how to listen, you will find that he is a messenger
without peer.
As a spirit helper, the crow will be able to get you in touch
with many ancient mysteries, but you
must regularly enter the Silence to be certain that you do not
yield to the temptation of exploiting
the powers of these ancient wisdoms for the glory of the Dark
Side. If you are able to maintain
your spiritual balance, the crow will guide you to become a
gifted practitioner of True Magick
and Medicine.
*Timothy Roderick/The Once Unknown Familiar:
Key Words: Communicative, feisty, manipulative
Magical Influences: Magical prowess, self-control, creation
of illusion.
Personality: Crows are manipulators. They are like chess players
who make all the people in
their lives their chess pieces. Either verbally, emotionally,
or magically, they tend to get what
they want through the manipulation of others. Crows are territorial
and will fight for what they
feel is, by rights, theirs. Crows hate to give up the ghost,
so they can be extremely determined in
whatever matters they set their minds to. Most crows like to
have plenty of time to themselves
and can appear to be loners.
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Crow represents clear messages; straight talk.
*Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The Dreamer's Dictionary:
This black fellow is an unhappy omen. He's usually a forerunner
of sadness though not
necessarily grief.
*Jamie Sams and David Carson/Medicine Cards:
Law. There is a medicine story that tells of Crow's fascination
with her own shadow. She kept
looking at it, scratching it, pecking at it, until her shadow
woke up and became alive. Then
Crow's shadow ate her. Crow is Dead Crow now.
Dead Crow is the Left-Handed Guardian. If you look deeply into
Crow's eye, you will have
found the gateway to the supernatural. Crow knows the unknowable
mysteries of creation and is
the keeper of all sacred law.
Since Crow is the keeper of sacred law, Crow can *bend* the
laws of the physical universe and
*shape shift*. This ability is rare and unique. Few adepts exist
in today's world, and fewer still
have mastered Crow's art of shape shifting. This art includes
doubling, or being in two places at
one time consciously; taking on another physical form, and becoming
the "fly on the wall" to
observe what is happening far away.
The Europeans that came to Turtle Island were named the "boat
people" by Slow Turtle. Even
with the knowledge of alchemy possessed by certain boat people,
none had ever seen the
powerful shape shifting of shamans who utilized Crow medicine.
Many boat people were
frightened by what appeared to be animals coming into their
camps or dwellings to discern their
medicine. Crow medicine people are master of illusion.
All sacred texts are under the protection of Crow. Creator's
Book of Laws or Book of Seals is
bound in Crow Feathers. Crow feathers tell of spirit made flesh.
Crow is also the protector of the
"ogallah" or ancient records.
The Sacred Law Belts, or Wampum Belts, beaded by native women
long before the boat people
or Europeans came to this continent, contain knowledge of the
Great Spirit's laws, and are kept
in the Black Lodges, the lodges of women. The law which states
that "all things are born of
women" is signified by Crow.
Children are taught to behave according to the rules of a particular
culture. Most orthodox
religious systems create a mandate concerning acceptable behavior
within the context of worldly
affairs. Do this and so, and you will go to heaven. do thus
and so, and you will go to hell.
Different formulas for salvation are demanded by each "true
Human law is not the same as Sacred Law. More so than any other
medicine, Crow sees that the
physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interprets
them, are an illusion. There
are billions of worlds. There are an infinitude of creatures.
Great Spirit is within all. If an
individual obeys Crow's perfect laws as given by the Creator,
then at death he or she dies a Good
Medicine death--going on to the next incarnation with a clear
memory of his or her past.
Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no
sense of time. The Ancient Chiefs
tell us that Crow sees simultaneously the three fates--past,
present, and future. Crow merges light
and darkness, seeing both inner and outer reality.
If Crow medicine appears in your card spread, you must pause
and reflect on how you see the
laws of the Great Spirit in relation to the laws of humanity.
Crow medicine signifies a firsthand
knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that indicated
by the laws created in human
culture. With Crow medicine, you speak in a powerful voice when
addressing issues that for you
seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack, or unjust.
Remember that Crow looks at the world with first one eye, and
then the other-cross-eyed. In the
Mayan culture, cross-eyes had the privilege and duty of looking
into the future. You must put
aside your fear of being a voice in the wilderness and "caw"
the shots as you see them.
As you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide,
your sense of feeling alone will
vanish. Your personal will can then emerge so that you will
stand in your truth. The prime path
of true Crow people says to be mindful of your opinions and
actions. Be willing to walk your
talk, speak your truth, know your life's mission, and balance
past, present, and future in the now.
Shape shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow
the bending of physical laws to
aid in creating the shape shifted world of peace.
So you are an outlaw today, eh? This is one of the varied messages
of Crow reversed. The rebel
in you has given a yell, and all hell is about to break loose!
A word to the wise at this point: make sure that if you are
stepping on toes, you have some backup.
The catalyst for a barroom brawl is usually the person with
two black eyes. That is what it
means to eat Crow.
If you do not plan to go to such extremes, Crow reversed may
indicate that you are merely
"cheating a little" on your diet, or covertly watching
the neighbors have a spat, or thinking,
"Promises are made to be broken." In any of these
situations, the only loser is you. If you are
lying to yourself on any level, you have lost the power of Crow.
Think about it, and maybe your
inner truth will come to you.
In seeing what is true, you may need to weed out past beliefs
or ideas to bring yourself into the
present moment. Contrary Crow speaks of needing to remember
that Divine Law is not judgment
or denial of self-truths. Divine Law is honoring harmony that
comes from a peaceful mind, an
open heart, a true tongue, a light step, a forgiving nature,
and a love of all living creatures. Honor
the past as your teacher, honor the present as your creation,
and honor the future as your inspiration.
Refusing to honor the shifts in your reality can cause emotional
pain. An implosion of energy is
apparent when rebellion surfaces. Contrary Crow speaks of broken
law. The law of expansion is
broken by suppression. this may apply to a situation, an old
habit, a person you have given your
authority to, or your own fears. It is always your own creation
so call on Crow and shift that
creation to your new reality.
*Barbara G. Walker/The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:
Along with the vulture and raven, the carrion-eating crow was
northern Europe's common
symbol of the Death-Goddess. Valkyries, sometimes described
as man-eating women, often took
totemic form as ravens or crows.
Anglo-Danish myths spoke of a witch named Krake (Crow), daughter
of the Valkyrie
Burnnhilde. Krake was a shape-shifter; at times a beautiful
virgin, at other times a hag, monster,
or crow. She married the Danish king Ragnar Lodbrok (Leather-Breeches),
and gave birth to
Sirgud. Sirgud was the same as Siegfried, whose mystic lady-love
was the Valkyrie Burnnhilde;
thus appeared the same convoluted incestuour relationships found
in the oldest myths of sacred
kingship. Again the Triple Goddess returned as the three prophetic
daugthers of Ragnar and
Krake, Fate-weavers who created the magic banner called Raven
There was a mythological Kraken associated with the sea, pictured
as a serpent or watermonster;
but this was only another form of the same Death-goddess. The
Three Ravens (Kraken)
in old ballads were birds of doom perching over the slain hero.
Sometimes there were only two
of them, as in the ballad of the Twa Corbies (Two Crows), who
proposed to pluck out the bonny
blue eyes of the slain knight.
Such manifestations of the Goddess as a crow might be linked
with Coronis, "Crow," a death
aspect of the pre-Hellenic earth mother Rhea. Classical mythographers
tended to ignore Coronis,
remembering her only as the virgin mother of the healing god
Asclepius; but she seems to have
been another of the Virgin-Crone combinations. Rhea kronia as
Mother Time who brings death
to all things.
Jamie Sams/Dancing the Dream:
Crow Medicine is a Native American concept that teaches us about
Divine Law. Crow shows us
that if we focus on the positive, we are given more positive
experiences. If we focus on the
negative, the shadow side of human nature will be fed by our
negativity and will come alive,
feeding our experiences with further negativity. These lessons
can apply to internal mental
criticism or to external verbal rebukes that demean ourselves
or others. There is a big difference
between acknowledging what is imbalanced or inappropriate and
then working to change that
behavior, and beating ourselves up with self-revilement or self-hatred.
It is just as inappropriate
to allow our shadow nature to strip us of our dignity or shame
us into hopelessness as to allow it
to convince us we are superior. In all situations, we fed our
life force to the positive or to the
shadow and give our authority to one or the other, harvesting
exactly what we have fertilized
with our life force.
The set of lessons that Crow brings into our lives may ask us
to find positive things to think or
feel about all people and all situations. We do not have to
judge any person's shortcomings, but
instead we can learn to see any situation or person as a magnificent
teacher. Any person who is
misbehaving can be showing us what we do not wish to become
or how not to do something.
Through thanking the person for the lesson, we can learn to
honor the fact that every human
being is a messenger or teacher for us. We are also asked to
use discernment, or Owl Medicine,
and we are given the choice to forgive and to let go of past
pain. It is our choice whether or not
to allow the offenders, who have been forgiven, access to our
Sacred Spaces at any time in the
future. I would like to say, however, that it is not necessary
to let a coyote back into your hen
house to attain spiritual enlightenment!
(((Cinnamon))) thank you so much for all that you do. I so enjoy
reading your posts.
There are many birds where I live and crows are abundant too.
They intrigue me and I find them
fascinating and so clever. I have taken to setting peanuts in
the shell out on the railing for them.
Each time they arrive they strut about as they gather one, and
sometimes two in their beaks
before flying off. I know some folks think I am a bit odd -
eccentric is the word they use -
<grinning> because I talk to them when they arrive, well
not only them, if the truth be known, I
talk to any creature that drops by.
Each June when the baby's are ready to take flight, the mommas
and poppas become defensive
and very protective dive-bombing anyone walking by. The crows
have been doing this for as long
as I have lived here - 20 years now... but for some reason,
they have never bothered me. I can
walk down the street and they pay me no mind but will go after
my husband or anybody else I am
with. I am not sure why and was wondering if you have any thoughts?
Thank you Lotus, I've always loved learning about the animals
and what they can teach us. It
fascinates me. From the way you describe Crow's reaction to
you I would say you may carry that
Medicine, they know our energy signatures well and can tell.
I was thinking that perhaps they're
waiting for you to see that and take your relationship further?
*Smiles* You know when we
speak we send visual thoughts too and they pick up on those
images. Try working with them. It's
wonderful when you see that kind of connection and communication
developing with any of the
animals and it's the same with our Guides and Totems. Lovely
either way. When we have a
Totem Animal Spirit working with us there is usually a physical
connection of some sort with the
animal too. They seem to trust in you so at the very least they
know you as a person and like you.
Either way communication is possible and if they are a Totem
they will gladly make it known.
I've grown up with crows, although my childhood ones weren't
black, they were pied crows. In
many parts of Africa the most prominent crow is the pied crow.
He looks like an ordinary crow,
but he wears a white "waistcoat".
They used to rule our school playground. They'd swagger up and
take a sandwich right out of
your lunch box beside you. We NEVER argued - they were bigger
than us!
When we moved to South Africa we lived down the road from a
pet black crow. He had a
love/hate relationship with the dog next door to us. He'd fly
down our road low and slow
barking. The dog next door would go MAD running below trying
to jump high enough to bite
him, but that crafty crow just drifted along a few inches about
teeth level.
Later I had my only close encounter with a crow that ended up
showing crow's naughty side
once again. This one was in a zoo and he could talk. He'd say
the most sweet "hello" and lean
against the mesh to be scratched. Everyone had a go until it
was my turn. As I put my fingers
through the mesh he pulled away and yelled. So did I! Then that
darn crow fluffed himself up and
went "hee hee hee."
Crows have always been kind of a background bird for me. Midwest
America...cornfields...crows. Always in abundance. But when
I was a kid there was a cornfield
behind my grandparents summer cottage where I would spend most
of summer vacation off and
on. My two cousins were a pair of constantly fighting brothers
would come up most weekends.
I'd play ball, hunt frogs, fish, chase cows, build model airplanes
with them when I wasn't pulling
them off one another. We would also play tag with the crows
in the cornfield. We'd see them
covering the field till it was a constant rippling of black,
their raucous caws rising and falling in
waves. Gramps would grumble about the noise and Bill, Jack and
I would take that as a cue to
head out there and do our thing. We'd run out into the middle
of the black mass waving our arms
and cawing back at them. Whoosh! Off they'd go in a fury of
feathers, dust, corn husks and wind.
We'd see them land maybe 50 yards away. We'd start back towards
the cottage and, sure enough,
back they'd come! We'd wait till they settled and then start
over again. Now laughing ourselves
silly as we did. I think the crows enjoyed the game as much
as we did. The tenor of the caws
seemed to change each time the black wave flew back to "our"
portion of the field. Of course,
after a bit Gramps would call us back in because the noise certainly
hadn't improved! But he was
grinning and his reprimand for being "dang silly"
wasn't taken very seriously.
I don't see crows in that quantity as I did when a kid, but
I get such a kick out of watching them
when I do.
When I was still in a state of doubt about my new name I sent
up a request for confirmation. To
hear or see Crow three times that day.
Wow, did I get my reply. As I've already posted here three times
I heard/read the name crow
where I least expected it, but the most amazing thing was the
real crows. That day, a Sunday, we
drove through to Inverness to visit family. It's a nice 30 min
drive through the countryside. We
always see crows, but this day we saw flocks of them and they
kept flying over our car. Not one
or two, but DOZENS. They swooped and danced in front of our
car all the way there and the
same all the way home.
To me crows and ravens dance when they fly. Hawks and other
raptors are serious flyers, it's all
intense with them. Seagulls are relaxed and just catch the air
currents, but it's the crows and
ravens who dance.
In China the three-legged sun crow is held worthy of worship.
In Japan also the three legged
crow is called 'Yata-garasu' which was considered sacred in
ancient times. The emblem of Japan
Football National Team is a three legged crow 'Yata-garasu'.
Night descends upon the ancient forest as a silky shawl of midnight
settling over all that she encounters upon her journey,
she leaves everything she touches changed in
the shimmering veil of her silver light.
Perched atop the hard surface of granite boulders that dot the
Crow stands, head cocked to the side, affording him a gaze
of the moon, as she rides the pathway
of the autumn sky.
From the beginning of the time when ~Great Spirit~ transformed
from the form of a two-legged, to the shape he now wears,
Crow has dwelled simultaneously in Two Worlds,
one of the earth & the other of the sky.
He is the Watcher that has observed we of the Two-Legged
as we walk along the Red Road of Physical Life.
He stands, ever vigilant, at the Gateway between shadow and
watching for the Soul that is beginning to Unfold, and then,
with a beckoning call, black wings touch our face,
and we Journey with him, flying from
the Night of denial, and awakening
with acknowledgments Day.
Carrier of Lost Souls into Light
The Crow is a creature that has elicited much thought and speculation
amongst all indigenous
peoples and across many cultures and times.
To some, Crow is a harbinger of "evil" or portender
of physical death, to others, he is one who
offers the choice to fly free of the chains of the past and
to soar toward self knowing, yet all seem
to agree, that this Animal Totem possesses a powerful energy
(Medicine) contained within his
small frame.
***One who has the honor of having Crow fly by his/her side,
is an individual who has the Role
of carrying souls lost in pain, denial, bitterness or ill intent,
into the light of forgiveness and selfawareness.
When we are reeling in the darkness
of emotional pain and turmoil, confused by denying that
which we don`t want to see, or feeling bitter over the actions
of those who have hurt us, betrayed
us or rejected us in the "past," we have become lost
on our Path. It is the Role of one who has
Crow as their Power Totem, to then find those lost souls and
call to them to make the journey
into the light of awareness, and eventually, sincere forgiveness.
For one who does not have Crow as their Power Totem (yet has
lost the sense of their Life Path),
it is Crow that they would call upon to carry them to re-align
with their Path once more, as she
is the Totem whose vision sees through the darkest of Nights
to find the way back home.
Yet in order that one with Crow Totem can carry others into
the Light, he/she must first find their
own way free of the shadows of the past. This can be an arduous
task, yet is essential to fulfilling
their Role as Carrier of Lost Souls into Light, for how can
they fulfill a task that they have not
yet completed for themselves?
To assist them in this process, Crow Souls have been blessed
with the ability of keen perception,
to see right to the core of their own Self. This is reflected
in Nature as the Crow is considered to
be the most intelligent and perceptive of all Winged Ones, and
she is renowned for her abilities
in cognizant thought and strategy.
Whether turned within to gain understanding of herself, or reflected
back as a mirror to Others
so that they may know themselves, this is a beautiful gift bestowed
upon a deserving Soul.***
Shadow Within
All who hear the caw of the Crow immediately recognize that
raspy voice. Yet, in reality, that
particular call is only one of the sounds that Crow will utilize
to make a statement, call out his
territory, or alert other crows to impending danger, though
without a doubt, it is his caw that
most two-leggeds recognize him by.
He will also make a very distinct chirping sound when he is
singing in the morning or welcoming
the moon into the night sky, and he can elicit tingles along
the spine of the listener when he is
warning others of infringement upon his territory, or of danger
approaching, with a call that is
halfway between a screech and a caw.
***For anyone who is born with Power Totem of Crow, communication
is an integral part of
their flight along the Sacred Hoop of life. They are here to
express the depth of what they feel, to
alternately inspire others with their vision of Life, or to
transport them, through beautifully
woven words, into other realms and planes of Being.
Yet for their keen intelligence and ability to communicate the
intensity, scope and beauty of their
own experiences to Others, Crow Soul is one who struggles to
find and define him/herself to the
Self. Years, and even lifetimes, may be spent in gradually coming
to an understanding and
embracing of all the facets that make up their Personality,
Mind and Soul.
Part of the process is in uncovering the ~Shadows Within~ that
all possess along this Earth
Walk. These are the areas of our Self that represent our greatest
lessons and opportunities for
growth, yet can remain elusive to our grasp and understanding.
However, once these "shadows"
have been fully understood and integrated, then the journey
upward to the light of the Higher
Self can be easily attained and serve as inspiration for Others.
To achieve this demands that one go Within and illuminate all
of the corners of the subconscious
where shadows still linger. To open the door to the corridors
of pain where the past still haunts
the soul, and shed the Light of awareness so that true Healing
may occur. Then, Crow Soul may
share his/her insight, understanding and awareness with others
through words (written or
spoken) in either literal or metaphorical language, that will
invoke understanding and
inspiration within Others to reach for the Light within themselves.
This is the Journey of the Soul from Night into Day . . . the
blessing of Crow to both the Self, and
the Gift to Others.***
Crows are known for their tendency to observe all that is happening
around them and to alert
other crows nearby at the first sign of an intruder or danger.
Their keen eyes miss nothing, and
when an approaching threat is noticed, they will sound the alarm
with their throaty caws
echoing in the air.
It is believed that because of their tendency to call out when
intruders are around, they have
been given the task of being the Messengers of the Ancestors.
In other cultures and times, the
belief that they are messengers of the Spirit Realm is also
predominant, as in ancient Roman
mythology, where a white crow was said to have delivered a foreboding
message to Apollo, who
then turned all ravens and crows black out of his anger at the
bad news.
***Like their Power Totem, Crow Souls are Sentinels who keep
silent watch over all that is
happening around them. They will first observe what is occurring,
making mental notes on what
has been seen, heard and experienced. They will then translate
these thoughts into either spoken
or written format, sharing their observations with the world
around them.
In esoteric astrology, the Crow would be considered to be much
like Saturn, the Gatekeeper, who
stands ever at the ready of the Doorway between Planes, keeping
the Ancestors informed as to
the progress and evolution of those who walk the Red Road. Yet
Crow will also carry messages
from the Ancestors to his/her fellow two-leggeds. This has earned
the Crow Soul the
responsibility of being the Watcher and the Sentinel, standing
as a messenger between the realm
of the physical, and the realm of the Spirit.
If Crow is not your personal Power Totem, yet has suddenly made
an appearance in your life,
then there are messages that the Ancestors are bringing to you
that will likely be heralding
significant changes in your life. The more crows that you encounter,
the more likely the message
is to be urgent and needing your acknowledgment and attention.
Take the time to quietly go
within, asking for clarification on the Message being delivered.
Or it may be that you will be
called upon to assist others in their journey from the darkness
of denial into the light of
If Crow is your Power Totem and you are suddenly noticing him/her
all about you, it is a time to
go within, immersing yourself in quiet contemplation, listening
to the messages you are to pay
heed to for either your own Path, or as a message to relay to
Several creatures of the Earth Mother are believed to have been
given the Gift of Shapeshifting,
that is transforming from their animal state to that of a two-legged,
and back again. Amongst
these Beings who are said to possess this ability is the Crow.
It is said that the Elder Spirits will appear before a two-legged
in the form of a Crow so that the
strength, character and faith of the mortal can be ~tested~
prior to receiving a special gift or
honor. For this reason, Crow can be clever, attempting to trick
the two-legged into folly. If the
two-legged passes the test, then the Crow will transform his
shape and appear before the mortal
as an Ancient One, who will then deliver a message of great
importance, or bestow an ability
upon the one who has triumphed in the face of challenge or adversity.
***One who flies with Power Totem Crow, is an individual blessed
with great Insight.
This ability to see to the very heart of a matter, serves the
Crow Soul well as he/she traverses the
~Earth Walk.~ With the keen perception and ability to grasp
complex ideas and philosophies
(initially on an intuitive level, followed by deductive reasoning),
one with Power Totem Crow
may transform the direction of their Journey, their belief system
and understanding, indeed their
very Life here in Physical.
More often than not, one whose Soul shares a deep bond with
Crow will be an individual who
may experience an especially difficult early life, wherein a
certain sense of detachment or "disconnectedness"
to other two-leggeds has been felt. This general sense of ~not
belonging~ will
exist on some level, and at varying intensities, throughout
their physical life, or until a deeper
level of understanding and acceptance has been attained.
Perhaps it is because, like their Animal Totem, they exist simultaneously
within two worlds, that
of the Spirit and that of the Flesh, that these individuals
always seem to be looking for the
answer to all of their questions, and ultimately, a sense of
Yet the true thirst for connection comes from the Soul of Crow
desiring to re-connect with all
that was once known, yet lost when the Soul is cast upon the
blank shores of forgetfulness that is
Physical Life. He/she seeks to connect all that which was known,
is now known, and will one day
be known, thus perhaps receiving the Answers to all of the Questions
which fill their active and
pondering minds.
When one with Power Totem Crow comes to realize that he/she
is already connected to that vast
repository of Universal Knowledge, and that the Earth Walk is
the "schoolroom" of that great
university, then, the process of transformation begins. This
leads him/her to the discovery that
one is never truly ~dis-connected~ in the first place, merely
walking on a different level, plane or
experience than some of the other two-leggeds.
Once this realization has been made, then Crow Soul will begin
to Shapeshift from the bindings
of the past, which have dictated that there must be something
"wrong" with his/her way of
experiencing, feeling or viewing ~Life,~ and can instead, come
to Accept, Celebrate and Love
the Self. This is when the integrated human (mind)/crow (soul)
may truly fly free.***
From: wolfs_moon.tripod.com/crowtotem.html, which no longer
Crow represents law, knowledge, and protection; magic, shapeshifting,
and divination; control,
trickery, manipulation, and thievery; prophecy, destiny, and
the unknown.
Crow teaches you to shapeshift and grow from past experiences
and manipulating present ones.
He will let you know when changes are about to happen or when
danger that hovers near is gone.
he will show you how to use the illusion of the mask to appear
other than yourself or
demonstrate the different aspects of your nature. He passes
through the dimensions with ease and
can guide you on your spiritual journeys. Holding the keys to
ancient secrets, he will share them
as you explore the spiritual realms and show you where they
are hidden.
Crow is the guardian of danger and warns when it is near. He
will steal the truth and bring it to
you communicating clearly what it is you need to know. he speaks
of magic that is afoot in your
life and when you need to take advantage of it. Crow is the
Keeper of Sacred Law and knows
how to use those laws to your advantage. He is Keeper of the
Sacred Wisdom and can share if so
inclined. Whenever he appears there will be changes and you
are being put on guarded
His voice is strong and will teach you to use yours when it
is necessary to face your own truths.
Crow teaches the way to walk your talk, to balance what has
been with what is and to transform
yourself into what you already are. He demonstrates the ability
to pull the falsehoods from life
and show them for what they are honoring the balance found within
that process.
Through trickery, manipulation, and illusion he takes control
of a situation and presents it for
what it is. With the ability to hide in the shadows he can also
see what many others cannot
knowing what is hidden and yet to be revealed. Let Crow teach
you his mysteries by accepting
his presence when he comes. Let him inspire you to seek your
own truths, your own
transformations, and avoid the pain of ignorance that often
has a lasting sting to it. Deceiving
yourself will only make the change that much more painful, and
when he appears that change is
right around the corner.
I believe I am beginning to learn the way to understand the
language of Crow when it appears
with a message for me. When Crow squawks messages to the public,
Crow squawks the messages
loud and clear until understanding sets in. But when Crow appears
to me on a one-on-one basis,
I don't really "get it." So like Dr. Dolittle, I try
to communicate with Crow and ask it questions,
in hopes that what I don't understand will be made plain.
Let me explain why I say all that by recalling a dream. The
following quote is from the Seagull
thread... At a certain point during the game ~ after half-time,
I had been reading SL's
information on Crow Medicine; Saturday I dreamed of what I thought
to be a raven, but was not
sure whether it was a crow in the dream or a raven. When I woke
up I decided to read on both. I
had forgotten until this morning, when I was braiding my best
friend's hair, I heard a familiar
caw outside, and asked him what that bird was ~ he said it was
a Crow. Anyway, I was lounging
in my portable chair reading the information on Crow Medicine
and watching the game, and at
one point this one seagull swooped kinda close to me, . . .
When I talked about that dream, I
purposefully left one teeny thing out. I left it out because
I was ashamed to see that the Crow on
the branch in front of the 3 holly bushes in front of my house
was hanging upside down. I
neglected to include that teensy-weensy bit of info because
contrary is not the most pleasant way
to appear, and it's not the way I view myself or want to be
viewed so I left it out, but kept it in my
own mind.
More Quotes: *Lady Stearn Robinson & Tom Gorbett/The
Dreamer's Dictionary: This black
fellow is an unhappy omen. He's usually a forerunner of sadness
though not necessarily grief.
Contrary: So you are an outlaw today, eh? This is one of the
varied messages of Crow reversed.
The rebel in you has given a yell, and all hell is about to
break loose! A word to the wise at this
point: make sure that if you are stepping on toes, you have
some back-up. The catalyst for a
barroom brawl is usually the person with two black eyes. That
is what it means to eat Crow. If
you do not plan to go to such extremes, Crow reversed may indicate
that you are merely
"cheating a little" on your diet, or covertly watching
the neighbors have a spat, or thinking,
"Promises are made to be broken." In any of these
situations, the only loser is you. If you are
lying to yourself on any level, you have lost the power of Crow.
Think about it, and maybe your
inner truth will come to you. In seeing what is true, you may
need to weed out past beliefs or
ideas to bring yourself into the present moment. Contrary Crow
speaks of needing to remember
that Divine Law is not judgment or denial of self-truths. Divine
Law is honoring harmony that
comes from a peaceful mind, an open heart, a true tongue, a
light step, a forgiving nature, and a
love of all living creatures. Honor the past as your teacher,
honor the present as your creation,
and honor the future as your inspiration. Refusing to honor
the shifts in your reality can cause
emotional pain. An implosion of energy is apparent when rebellion
surfaces. Contrary Crow
speaks of broken law. The law of expansion is broken by suppression.
this may apply to a
situation, an old habit, a person you have given your authority
to, or your own fears. It is always
your own creation so call on Crow and shift that creation to
your new reality.
(clips from) Shadow Within (portion of autumn mouse's 1590th
post)... All who hear the caw of
the Crow immediately recognize that raspy voice. Yet, in reality,
that particular call is only one
of the sounds that Crow will utilize to make a statement, call
out his territory, or alert other
crows to impending danger, though without a doubt, it is his
caw that most two-leggeds
recognize him by. He will also make a very distinct chirping
sound when he is singing in the
morning or welcoming the moon into the night sky, and he can
elicit tingles along the spine of
the listener when he is warning others of infringement upon
his territory, or of danger
approaching, with a call that is halfway between a screech and
a caw. ***For anyone who is
born with Power Totem of Crow, communication is an integral
part of their flight along the
Sacred Hoop of life. They are here to express the depth of what
they feel, to alternately inspire
others with their vision of Life, or to transport them, through
beautifully woven words, into other
realms and planes of Being. Yet for their keen intelligence
and ability to communicate the
intensity, scope and beauty of their own experiences to Others,
Crow Soul is one who struggles
to find and define him/herself to the Self. Years, and even
lifetimes, may be spent in gradually
coming to an understanding and embracing of all the facets that
make up their Personality, Mind
and Soul.
Part of the process is in uncovering the ~Shadows Within~
that all possess along this Earth
Walk. These are the areas of our Self that represent our greatest
lessons and opportunities for
growth, yet can remain elusive to our grasp and understanding.
However, once these "shadows"
have been fully understood and integrated, then the journey
upward to the light of the Higher
Self can be easily attained and serve as inspiration for Others.
To achieve this demands that one
go Within and illuminate all of the corners of the subconscious
where shadows still linger. To
open the door to the corridors of pain where the past still
haunts the soul, and shed the Light of
awareness so that true Healing may occur. Then, Crow Soul may
share his/her insight,
understanding and awareness with others through words (written
or spoken) in either literal or
metaphorical language, that will invoke understanding and inspiration
within Others to reach
for the Light within themselves. This is the Journey of the
Soul from Night into Day . . . the
blessing of Crow to both the Self, and the Gift to Others.***
I'd like to talk a little more about Crow appearing to me recently.
I purposefully neglected to
post it, although I was going to, I kept getting, "Noooo...
leave it alone. Nobody tells you what
the significance is whenever animals come to you when you ask
them so don't expect it now. Just
leave it alone and figure it out on your own." So that's
what I did. All of a sudden, today I want
to post about that last experience for some reason. But I need
to do it in the Seagull thread..
"The Bushmen have another myth explanatory of the white
patches on the breasts of crows in
their country. Some men tarried long at their hunting, and their
wives sent out crows in search of
their husbands. Round each crow's neck was hung a piece of fat
to serve as food on the journey.
Hence the crows have white patches on breast and neck."
From http://classiclit.about.c...lang/blalang-myth-5.htm
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