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By 2CrowWoman
Anyone know anything about giraffes? I have one looking at me
every time I drop off to sleep.
I was remembering last evening how my sister had this thing
that she just HAD to get this "Geoffrey"
napsack from Toys-R-Us, exclaiming about how cute it was and
whatnot. I made a mental note to look up
Giraffe today and see what it says, perhaps share it with her.
So... here it is... from www.sayahda.com/
The giraffe is a graceful animal in spite of its ungainly appearance.
Its most recognizable features are its
long thin legs and its slender long neck. Its neck, supported
by seven greatly elongated vertebrae is very
strong. Giraffes are often seen wrapping their necks around
each other to test their strength.
The giraffe only requires between two to four hours of sleep
a day. When sleeping they kneel down with
their neck and head wrapped around them resting it in the crock
of their leg.
Some legends claim that the "sleep time" of the giraffe
is connected to ancient Eastern cultures. The
giraffes incredible flexibility allows it to take on positions
similar to yoga therapies in which the body is
twisted and contorted while in a meditative state. This coupled
with its kneeled sleep position made many
believe that it was actually praying instead of sleeping. When
it awoke and stood up its great height
would invoke feelings from fear to respect. The giraffes strength
and flexibility shows us how to gain
control of our physical bodies while expanding our mental and
spiritual faculties. Many cultures honored
the giraffe including the Egyptians whose art featured giraffe
Because of the great distance between the head and the heart,
its vascular system is equipped with valves
so sufficient blood reaches the brain. The elastic blood vessels
in the neck and head handle changes in
blood pressure due to head swings. Blood pressure fluctuations
and circulatory conditions are common in
giraffe medicine people so proper care is advised. What we think
and what we feel on a heart level need
to be aligned in order for this medicine to benefit us.
Giraffes are highly attuned to danger thanks to their height,
keen sense of smell and eyesight. With their
heads towering high in the sky and their feet firmly planted
on the ground they serve as links between the
higher and lower worlds. Its flexible neck allows it see what's
behind it, alongside it and in front of it.
This gives the giraffe the ability to know the future and understand
the past while walking in the present
moment. It holds the teachings of clear sight and can be a powerful
ally for those with this totem.
Giraffes can go for a month without drinking. Like the zebra,
each animal has a unique set of markings
that helps them distinguish each other. They are quiet animals
making little noise except for an
occasional bleat. This silence is a great teaching for those
with this medicine. The giraffes lack of vocal
communication suggests that we follow suit. Words often distract
us from silent reflection. Learning to
balance ones speech with quietude is important. When this medicine
is underdeveloped speaking just to
hear oneself speak can be a downfall. Because the giraffe communicates
through body language those
with this medicine would benefit from some type of movement
Although the head of the giraffe appears dainty its three horns
give it the ability to strike a nasty blow.
One of its horns is somewhat hidden located under the skin just
above its eyes. This placement is similar
to that of the third eye in man and reminds those with this
medicine to honor their visionary abilities. The
giraffe teaches us how to increase our perceptions by viewing
life from all angles. When we look up,
forwards, sideways and down the past, present and future is
known. A wonderful totem to have the giraffe
is a bearer of many gifts.
Thanks Sister Cyber!
They are quiet animals making little noise except for
an occasional bleat. This silence is a great teaching
for those with this medicine. The giraffes lack of vocal communication
suggests that we follow suit.
Words often distract us from silent reflection. Learning to
balance ones speech with quietude is important.
When this medicine is underdeveloped speaking just to hear oneself
speak can be a downfall.
This bit really hit me. I have a BIG problem getting my mind
quiet when I'm trying to meditate. My mind
runs rampant with words. I once told Baeldorn I had brain full
of budgies.
Because the giraffe communicates through body language
those with this medicine would benefit from
some type of movement therapy.
I got sent a book on mime and dance therapy a few months back.
I've still not read the exercises. Think
giraffe is telling me something?
Giraffe's Wisdom Includes:
~ Sees far into the future
~ Ability to reach things that are unreachable to others
~ Communication
~ Intuition
~ Ability to remain above the fray
FROM ~animalspirits
Giraffe - Grounded Vision. The giraffe, the tallest of animals,
may be as tall as 18 feet, with a neck as
long as 7 feet. Ungainly as this animal may seem, its weight
is well distributed, and it's vulnerable only
when it bends down to drink water. Giraffe teaches us to view
our lives in a way that is both grounded
and expansive and that in our desire to evolve spiritually,
we must always remember we are physical
FROM - rainbowcrystal.com
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