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By CinnamonMoon
Ted Andrews/Animal-Speak:
Keynote: Overcoming Excess and Emotional Life Congestion
Cycle of power: Early spring
Although the grackle is often considered part of the blackbird
family, along with crows and
starlings, it actually is not. It is part of the meadowlark
and oriole family of birds. It is a large
black bird with an extra-long tail. About its head and shoulders
are iridescent feathers that
change from blue to green to purple or bronze, depending on
the light.
This coloring often reflects a need for those to whom the grackle
comes to look at what is going
on in their life differently. It says that situations are not
what they appear to be and you may not
be looking at them correctly--particularly anything dealing
with the emotions.
Keep in mind that black is the color of the inner and the feminine.
The purple and bronze
coloring about the head especially usually indicates that emotions
are coloring our thinking
process. The grackle can help us to correct this.
During courting season, the male grackle will fold its tail,
creating a diamond-like trough. This
diamond shape is often reflective of activation. It hints at
a need to become active in regards to
emotional situations. Have we been too passive in our emotions?
Are we simply rehashing and
talking about them without doing anything to correct the emotional
situations in our life? The
grackle is a noisy, chattering bird and may be a reminder to
quit talking and *do* something.
Grackles are very sociable birds as well. It is not unusual
to find people that are in the midst of
unbalanced emotional states constantly narrating and rehashing
the conditions in every social
situation. It can be therapeutic to speak of problems, but many
social occasions do nothing but
aggravate the conditions and feelings surrounding them. Again
it can reflect we may be talking
about things too much and not doing something about them.
Grackles have inside their mouths on the hard palate a keel
which helps them cut open acorns
and eat them. We have often heard the expression, "It's
a tough nut to crack." Well, this reflects
the role a grackle can serve as a totem. Dealing constructively
with our emotions and those
people and things in our life which aggravate them can be a
tough nut to crack. The grackle can
show us how best to do this.
Grackles love to live in pine trees. Pine trees are very therapeutic
to emotional states. In a form
of homeopathic medicine known as flower essences, the essence
of pine can be used to help
alleviate strong emotional states, particularly feelings of
guilt. Again this reflects the grackle
showing up as a sign to help you clear the emotions.
Emotions that are not dealt with can congest our life, aggravating
or even creating congestion in
the body at some level. The grackle can serve as a warning to
be careful of this possibility, but it
can also help show us how to prevent it from occurring. The
droppings of grackles can serve to
culture fungi which, if the wind blows, can cause a pneumonia-like
Most illness is symbolic. Congestion, especially pneumonia-like
in appearance can tell us that
we are holding in our emotions. It can reflect a suppressed
crying or a refusal to deal with certain
long-standing problems and issues. (Have we neglected situations,
giving them time to be
cultured?) It can reflect a refusal to take in new life and
new approaches to life, and so we
become congested with old emotions.
The grackle shows us how to handle this. It can teach the proper
expression of emotions. They
can show us where excesses are dissipating our life force and
facilitating a congestion of growth
and movement. They can teach how to get back to creative and
beneficial experiences and
expressions of emotion.
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Nations, Symbology)
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Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date