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By CinnamonMoon
*Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise:
Keynote: clairaudience, spirit contact, ghostly presence
In the Madagascar forests, the haunting, weird-calling sound
that echoes comes from the lemur,
known as the ghost of the forest. Lemurs are related to but
more primitive than monkeys, and
their name actually means "ghost."
They have bushy tails and large eyes that give them a haunted
kind of expression. There are three
main groups of lemurs, and all are confined to Madagascar. The
most commonly recognized is
the ring-tailed lemur, noticeable for its banded tail it usually
carries in the air, like a flag, to
signal its presence to others.
When the lemur appears, so too will spirits. We will begin to
see and hear the presence of spirits
and ghosts more clearly. They will not be harmful, but their
presence may be a little startling to
us because of their accompanying phenomena. We will see forms
and shadows moving or hear
whispers and seemingly haunted sounds. As we work to connect
more clearly, they will become
more distinct. Sometimes they herald the return of an "imaginary"
childhood friend.
When the lemur appears, the opening to the spirit realm with
answers that can come from it alone
begin to manifest. Are you ignoring the phenomena? Do you trust
what you hear? Are you
haunted by the past and need clarification?
Most lemurs have a harp foxlike muzzle, large eyes, and very
soft wooly fur. The tail, though
sometimes rudimentary, is usually long and furry, but never
prehensile. The brain is relatively
small, and differs from that of monkeys in having the cerebellum
exposed. Most lemurs are
confined to Madagascar and adjacent islands, but representatives
occur in Africa and the Oriental
region. Fossil forms have been found in Europe, Asia, and America.
*Mary Summer Rain/On Dreams:
Lemur illustrates enigmatic aspects; difficult to understand
situations or concepts; indistinct,
ghostly facets in one's life.
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