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By Mouse

Role: ~Knower of Secrets~
Lesson: Uncover the Hidden
Element: Water
Wind: North ~Land of the Elders & Wisdom~
Medicine: Invisibility
Knower of Secrets Silence Solitary
Uncover the Hidden Clairvoyance
Knower of Secrets
The Lynx is a beautiful member of the cat family, distinguished
by its compact body and long
legs, bobbed tail and tufts of fur that sprout out a the top
of each ear. Their coats are thick and
luxurious in the winter to protect them against the icy winds
that prevail in the high mountainous
environs of their Canadian and Alaskan homes.
Across centuries and woven throughout the lore of many Peoples,
the Lynx has long been
recognized as a silent witness to the foils and follies of human
kind, a wise and silent sage that
possesses knowledge of the secret mysteries of both ~Heaven~
and Earth. He is not the
Gatekeeper to this fountain of eternal wisdom, he is one of
the Totems that possesses the
knowledge of these secrets that other Totems are assigned to
***The tufts of fur that adorn the ears of a Lynx are thought
to serve much like a receiver for the
secret knowledge and wisdom transmitted from the Ancestors.
Like their Animal Ally, the twolegged
with Lynx as a Primary Totem will enter upon this Earthwalk
with a keen sense of, or
interest in, the deeper mysteries of ~Life.~
Often, the childhood is one of heightened emotional and/or psychic
awareness wherein the Lynx
Soul felt somehow distanced or removed from those around them.
Their gift for sudden flashes
of Insight would have been noticed at a very early age, and
either encouraged (if the adults in the
Lynx cub`s life were open-minded or metaphysically inclined
individuals) or attempted to be
thoroughly squashed. As this would have taken place during that
individual`s ~formative~ years,
the adult Lynx may not have conscious recollection of this squelching
of their psychic/perceptive
insights, yet as adults, and if this has not been resolved,
there will exist a reluctance to share their
insights with others for fear of rejection or ridicule.
And in part, this is because the one beside whom Lynx Totem
pads simply ~knows~ the deeper
mysteries and secrets of Life and it is this inner Knowing that
guides and directs their decisions
and choices as they walk their Path of Physical Life. They are
not necessarily here to divulge that
knowledge on a broad basis, unless other Totems walking, flying
or swimming beside them
dictate otherwise. For example, if one were to have Power Totem
of Lynx, yet have Mission
Totem of Crow, then not only would Lynx provide the Knowledge
of Universal ~Secrets,~ Crow
would be present as Mission Totem to carry the message of such
secrets to ~Others.~ Hence,
when examining ones Animal Allies, it is crucial to take the
entirety of the Animal Spirits into
consideration, as well as examining the Medicine and Lessons
unique to each Totem.***
Uncover the Hidden
The Lynx has been well equipped by Mother Earth to survive in
climates and seasons that
demand only the "fittest" will survive. ~She~ has
gifted the Lynx with a thick coat to protect
against the ice and snow of a bitter winter, as well as having
outfitted this graceful creature with
large paws that serve much like snowshoes that keep the Lynx
aloft on drifts of snow, in order
that he/she may easily chase the fleet and sure-footed snowshoe
hare that is the primary source of
the Lynxes` diet.
It is the ability of the Lynx to blend in with his/her environs
and move silently and swiftly across
varying terrain, that are the primary factors in this cat`s
ability to approach prey nearly unseen
and unheard.
This beautiful animal is a species soon to be threatened with
extinction, and hence is awaiting a
listing on the endangered species list, so encounters in the
wild in this current age is, tragically,
highly unlikely. Equally, these illusive creatures have always
been difficult to catch sight of due
to the fact that they have an uncanny ability to slip unnoticed
long before a human has the
opportunity to realize they were even present. The Lynx however,
will often observe the twolegged
with a mixture of caution and curiosity, staying hidden in bushes,
shadows, or any other
form of concealment that is available.
This ability to move so silently and pass unseen was noted by
indigenous peoples who
understood the ~Medicine~ of the Lynx to be one of slipping
effortlessly between planes and dimensions.
***For the Two-Legged with Lynx as a Primary Totem, there will
exist the inherent ability
within these souls to uncover all that which is "hidden"
from the eyes of a less observant
individual. This is not necessarily an immediate or intuitive
sensing, but rather a gradual process
of uncovering hidden corners and shadows through silent observation,
much as the Lynx in the
wild will quietly observe prey, trespassers into their territory
and potential mates.
Lynx Soul will be able to see right through the outer appearances
and what Others might chose
to present to the outside world, to the very heart of all that
is ~Hidden~ beneath. This means that
the one beside whom Lynx pads will have an uncanny ability to
recognize the fears, secrets,
agenda and feelings of ~guilt~ or remorse that are all but invisible
to most other souls.
There are other Totems (such as Black Panther) who possess the
ability to see into the hearts and
minds of their fellow two-legged, yet where part of the Black
Panther Soul`s Medicine is to point
these areas out, it is not the Medicine of Lynx to do so. Lynx
Souls merely uncover the hidden
and store the knowledge away, perhaps transmitting this knowing
to the one whose hidden
feelings and thoughts he/she has successfully uncovered telepathically,
yet they remain silent on
these things until such a time that they are approached for
Even then, the Lynx soul is very cautious about how much is
revealed or shared of their Inner
Knowing, as they are not here to point these areas out to Others,
nor does this knowledge
necessitate they must share it, they are purely and simply the
Detectives of the Animal Spirits
and uncover Hidden Truths.
If there is another Totem within the individual`s Personal or
Primary Totems that is a relater of
such information (such as Crow), or a "counseling"
Totem (such as Dolphin), then the
information Lynx uncovers will be utilized for therapeutic reasons
by that other Animal Ally.
The caution for the Lynx Totem however, is that the Uncovered
Hidden Truths must never be
shared with anyone other than whom that truth has been revealed,
and certainly never used as a
weapon against that soul, or as a means to exert control or
power over them. Revealing unhidden
truths for such willful and egotistical purpose would be an
example of the ~Contrary Medicine~
(Shadow element) of the Lynx."
Like most cats, the Lynx will spend much of its life alone,
and it is typically only when the
female is in estrus that Lynx will seek out a mate. Then, once
the mating is complete, the pair
will part and go their separate ways, with the female raising
any kittens that might be produced
from the coupling. The kittens (generally born in the late Spring
months) will stay with their
mother only until February or early March, when the female will
once more go into estrus.
***For the two-legged beside whom Lynx pads, they will find
themselves alone at intermittent
intervals throughout their Earthwalk, via either desire or design.
In some instances, this is a literal "aloneness" that
comes with separation by either ~death~ of a
loved one, or the disintegration and parting of a relationship.
Yet in other instances, the Lynx
soul will feel separate from ~Others,~ even while sharing the
same physical space, a trait that
can often be misunderstood by loved ones.
It is not that these individuals do not desire companionship,
and this tendency may be
substantially reduced if there is another Primary Totem that
is either ~Mate~ or ~Group~
oriented (such as Wolf, Hawk, Eagle or Dolphin), it is simply
that the area of Partnerships and
emotionally intimate encounters will either be a highly charged
area of their current Earthwalk,
or it will be next to non-existent.
In the instance of the former, the Lynx individual will meet
many of his/her ~Life Lessons~
through disappointments, disillusionment or losses in love that
will leave them with the desire to
be alone, or feeling abandoned and rejected. And in the case
of the latter, this may either be an
extremely sore spot for the two-legged with Lynx Totem, or will
simply be an area of non
concern. Much depends upon the other Primary Totems that surround
the individual.***
Each Animal has its own Medicine which is unique to that specific
~Creature,~ as gifted by the
Great Mystery. For the Lynx, it is the Medicine of Invisibility,
or the ability to slip
unseen/unnoticed between planes.
This Medicine serves the Lynx to observe in silence, the foibles,
follies, falsehoods and triumphs
of the Human Spirit. This information is then carried to the
Elders that they may determine the
course of Humanities spiritual progress.
***The two-legged beside whom Lynx walks will have the ability
to slip unseen into any
circumstance or environment. Once "there," they will
quietly observe all that is around them and
often appear either extremely shy to the casual observer, or
are labeled as "aloof" and/or
"arrogant." In both instances this is usually not
the case, it is simply that the Medicine of
Invisibility requires the Holder of the Medicine to remain a
part of the backdrop unobserved,
rather than to take center stage and be noticed. Difficulty
sometimes arises when they become
conspicuous in their inconspicuousness.
In some tribes, the Shaman are well versed in the Medicine of
the Lynx, which assists them as
they quite literally disappear into other planes and dimensions.
Yet this is a Medicine that is
perfected over many lifetimes and with due work, diligence and
sacrifice of will and desire to
dominate either circumstances or ~others.~
As the Ultimate Responsibility of this Medicine is to serve
as a sounding board and silent, nonjudgmental
witness to friends, strangers, family and co-workers who find
the Lynx soul to be
comforting in their ability to listen without offering advice,
and to offer support free of
judgment. When following this pathway of Proper Silence, the
Lynx individual is answering
his/her Higher Calling to be of benefit to both their fellow
two-leggeds, and to serve the Purpose
of the Elders.***
From: wolfs_moon.tripod.com/LynxTotem.html
From my notes
Lynx/Bobcat represents vigilance, subtlety,
and silence; knowledge, ancient
wisdom, and is the Keeper of Secrets; astral projection and
Lynx has the ability to see by both day and night and thus discover
the mysteries of ancient
wisdoms, secrets that are hidden, and maintain that knowledge.
As the Keeper of Secrets Lynx
does just that, he keeps them. It is not easy to get this creature-teacher
to break his silence;
however, he will teach you his methods so you may gather your
own insights. He is suspecting of
eeryone knowing there is a secret in each of us to be discovered.
With patience, he demonstrates
the skill necessary to lie in wait for the answers to come.
he hunts secrets and mysteries as he
hunts his prey. There are secrets in other dimensions as well
and he has the ability to slip the
boundaries to these realms to discover many things. Look then
to Lynx to teach you astral
projection and occult knowledge.
The senses of Lynx are keen and speak of maintaining an altered
level of consciousness at all
times. He is able to teach you to be aware of your immediate
environment and all that is taking
place. Through these perceptions you will develop the intuitive
skill to be discerning in your own
actions. Your psychic levels will become increased when you
are chosen by this totem spirit.
Lynx tells you that through you may be a stalker in your own
right, someone is likely stalking you
so always be alert to that possibility and guard your own words
as well as your actions.
This creature-teacher possesses the ability to mesmerize others
with its eyes. He will charm and
seduce with his intended focus on a flattering presentation
of its own charisma. Taken in by such
wile, Lynx knows that soon his patience will pay off and reward
him well. As a very protective
and territorial creature he will guard your well-being teaching
you to recognize deception. Lynx
is a creature that is quite content with its own company finding
it preferable to that of others in
most cases. He will know when the time is right to enter into
a social arena--always with a
purpose. Even in social settings he seems to naturally attract
those who have a secret they are
needing to reveal. There is great power in the silence of Lynx
that imparts an air of dependable
confidence. He will teach you when to speak and what you should
say. From the time Lynx is
born its wild spirit seems to appear as free and aware. When
this creature-teacher appears you
know that something is about to be revealed.
Lynx's ability to move between the darkness and the light then
back again speaks of its ability to
penetrate the depths of all levels of consciousness. He will
instruct you on the finer points of
discovering methods that will serve you in this area. He will
bring you visions to show you the
truth others try to hide and he will show you it is time to
face your own fears and secrets so that
you can master them before they become dysfunctional. Lynx is
one who knows and is content
with that. He does not feel the need to share or reveal his
kno9wledge, just to gather more.
Showing respect for the knowledge Lynx holds will part his tight
lips and help you to discover
your own sacred wisdoms, but not until he is certain you are
worthy of that trust.
From Jamie Sams' & David Carson's "Medicine Cards"
(Revised, Expanded Edition)
You know the secrets
So very well,
The Dreamtime and the magic,
But you'll never tell.
May I learn to hold my tongue,
Observe like the Sphinx,
Powerful, yet silent,
The medicine of Lynx.
It is said that if you want to find out a secret, ask Lynx medicine.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to
get the silent Lynx to speak. To be confronted by the powerful
medicine of Lynx signifies that
you do not know something about yourself or others.
Lynx is the keeper of the secrets of lost magical systems and
occult knowledge. Lynx has the
ability to move through time and space, and to go into the Great
Silence for unravelling any
mystery. Lynx is not the guardian of secrets, but the keeper
of secrets. The problem lies in
getting Lynx to instruct you. He or she would rather be off
chasing a bird or kicking sand in your
face than running circles around you.
Lynx medicine is a very specific type of clairvoyance. If this
medicine is strong in you, you will
get mental pictures concerning other people and the exact things
they have hidden, either from
themselves or from others. You will see their fears, their lies,
and their self-deceptions. You will
also know where they have hidden the treasure, if there is any.
You never speak of these
revelations ~ you simply know.
The only way you can coax information about yourself out of
a Lynx medicine person (in case
you have forgotten where you hid the treasure) is to respect
the practices of his or her tradition. If
you go to a Gypsy with Lynx medicine, you must show your respect
by paying with money after
the reading. If you go to a Choctaw medicine person, he or she
will reach into your midsection,
or use other traditional methods to help you. A blanket or tobacco
should be given in exchange
for the medicine he or she has performed for you. This maxim
is known as the law of the Lynx
people, and is practiced by Native American, Gypsy, Sufi, and
Egyptian cultures, among others.
If you have pulled the Lynx card, you can be sure that "secrets"
are afloat. If this is your personal
medicine, you should listen to your higher self. Be still and
pay attention to the revelations you
receive either in the form of mental pictures or through a high
singing voice in your inner ear.
Perhaps you will receive information in the form of omens. YOu
can be sure that Mother Earth is
signaling to you in some manner.
If Lynx is at your door, listen. Brother or Sister Lynx can
teach you of your personal power and
of things you have forgotten about yourself. Lynx can lead you
to lost treasures, and connect you
to forgotten brotherhoods or sisterhoods.
Some medicine people believe that the Sphinx of ancient Egypt
was not a Lion but a Lynx. This
Lynx does not say much. With an enigmatic smile, the great cat
watches over the sands of
If Lynx has appeared in the reversed position, it is time to
shut your big mouth. Something you
are jabbering about has let the "cat" out of the bag.
Are you defiling a sacred trust, or have you
broken a promise to a friend? If not, you may have pulled a
good prank on yourself by blabbing
your latest idea to the friend of a competitor. Watch your tongue
and see if you are able to refrain
from gossiping, or talking about your latest romantic conquest.
Look and see if, in your present
state, you are able to listen and truly be interested in someone
else's stories or ideas. On this
level, Lynx is telling you to become worthy of trust. Then the
secrets will be available to you.
You might look at choosing to have your brain in gear before
your babble starts, or your foot
may have to replace your tongue. This is the "know it all"
syndrome. Fine ~ if you want to talk,
just sew up your ears. After all, talking leaves no room for
hearing or learning. Lynx is a tough
teacher, and if you have let the cat out of the bag, be ready
for the consequences.
Become Lynx and wear the Mona Lisa smile. Only you will know
what you are smiling about.
The cat will not have your tongue ~ you will ~ as well as the
power over it.
From Time Magazine's August 23, 2004 Issue: on "Saving
the Big Cats"*
Range 1978-88 (Spain; 1994-96 (Portugal)
(Lynx pardinus)
Length: 26 in. to 32 in.
Maximum Weight: 35 lbs.
Est. Pop.: Fewer than 200
Status: Critically endangered
Threats: Illegal hunting and trapping, depletion of rabbit prey
by disease
Habitat: Forests and scrubland
Man Eater?: No
The World's most endangered wild cat
Relies on rabbits for 85% of its diet
The Spanish government paid a bounty as recently as the 1950s
for killing lynx, considered
*Source: IUCN, Cat Specialist Group
Pardon my ignorance, but are Lynx and Bobcat two different but
similar types of big cat? Or is
"Bobcat" just another name for Lynx?
They are similar but the Lynx is larger than the Bobcat. I've
included at the bottom a few
websites I found. Information selected from Animal Wisdom, the
definitive guide to the myth,
folklore and medicine power of animals, by Jessica Dawn Palmer.
The Latin name for Lynx is felis lynx, for Bobcat is felis rufus.
The lynx is native to both Europe
and America. The bobcat is exclusively American.
Appearance: (B) smaller, and live further south than its Canadian
cousin. The bobcat has a
tawny coat, which gives it a ruddy appearance, and sports mottled
black spots. It also has a
winter phase, when the coat turns slightly grey. Its short tail,
from which it gets its name, has two
or three black bars, with a black tip above and white underneath.
The face has thin black lines
that extend to the cheek ruff. (L) Similar in appearance, but
larger. The lynx has longer legs and
big padded feet, which act like snowshoes in the Arctic winters.
It is buff or tawny, with blackish
hairs intersperse throughout its coat. Its belly is a cinnamon
brown. The short tail is tipped with
black. It has long black ear tufts and large cheek ruffs, with
black barring, which form a double
pointed beard at the throat.
Medicine and Power Directions: Northwest, Northeast Elements:
Fire (bobcat), Snow (lynx)
Traits: Silence, excellent hearing and vision, the predator
Associations: Lynx-stealth, invisibility,
independence, mystery, and adaptability; Bobcat-secrets, discretion,
inner vision, camouflage
Bobcat is the keeper of occult knowledge and guardian of secrets.
Thus, the individual who has
bobcat as a totem is a mystic rather than a shaman, for this
person would prefer to keep such
knowledge to him or herself. This person is a hermit and may
be aloof and uncommunicative. As
one of the smaller cats, bobcat in particular often finds itself
under attack from other predators
such as bear, wolf or badger. Therefore, this medicine carries
a penalty of retribution. Birds,
jays, and crows will attack bobcat if it gets too close to their
Brief information from Animal Speak by Ted Andrew: Lynx is known
for secrets and vision of the
hidden and unseen cycle of power: winter Bobcat, known for silence
and secrets, cycle of power:
late winter and spring The bobcat is a solitary animal, and
those with it as a totem often find
themselves in the same situation. Coming to terms with that-learning
to be alone without being
lonely, is part of what the bobcat teaches.
The tail is very symbolic. Tails have a long connection symbolically
with the sexual energies and
the kundalini. The tail or the tail end is the seat of the life
force. The tip of the bobcat's tail is
black, and its underneath side is white. This is part of the
medicine of the bobcat. It also ties the
bobcat to some forms of sexual magic and mysticism. Using the
cloak of darkness and secrecy,
the bobcat can teach how to project and utilize the life force
in a silent but powerful way. The
bobcat's magic is always most powerful when others do not know
of it. Speaking of it dissipates
its power. For those with this totem, learning when to speak,
how much and to whom will be
essential. Bobcat people must be cautious about what they share
with others. Things will have a
tendency to be distorted or blown out of proportion. What may
be white to the bobcat person can
be mistakenly perceived as black, and vise versa.
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