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The Element of Water
By MonSnoLeeDra

Of all the elements that influence
the history of man none hold as much presence to me as does
the element of water. It dominates not only the landscape of
both modern and ancient worlds but also the predominant element
contained in the human body. The only element to me that regardless
of its form always contains the same construction whether it
is gas, solid or liquid in state.
Water in its influence teaches us
to dig deep into ourselves. Like the physical element it represents,
it possess the ability to seep into all the cracks and crevices
in its ever pressing descent into darkness. A darkness or depth
present not only physical in a geologic manner but also spiritual
in its descent into the human psyche. Though it may take years
or generations to do so it will work its way deeper and deeper
into the host it is found within.
Yet even as it seeps into the darker
and deeper depths it causes change upon and inside all it encounters.
Whether it be the chemical change of the action and reaction
between compounds or the simple notion of washing away the decay
and blockage in the human body. In each it is relentless in
the process it induces by its mere presence.
It is the source that cleans and
purifies the land and body. Like blood through the veins does
it carry away that which corrupts and infects the physical and
spiritual. Before the movement of ice is the land scraped away.
Before the movement of water is debris wiped away. Before the
movement of tide and weather cycle does it change and cleanse.
Upon the surface or deep within the body does it perform it
action, without regard to man or his attempts to limit its influence.
In action it is the harbinger of
change. Change that may take the form of the sudden catastrophic
event or the process, which results from, slow minor shifts
that result in the long term change. It is the catalyst that
causes the inner surface to bend, fold or mutate and it works
from within, unapparent to any observer.
Water is one of the greatest of changlings.
It does not matter if it be found as ice, vapor, mist, snow
or even its natural state of liquid that it is always one and
the same. Yet it reveals the truth lies not in the form of the
thing but the parts or facets that make up the thing. It is
in that ability to mold and change that enables it to function
as it does.
Even as it hides behind the face
of the changeling it reveals itself to be the master thief.
No place is completely safe from its ability to enter in if
given the chance. No structure safe from the long reaches of
its influence. Even when forced to change its face, change and
movement are its signature upon and within all things.
It serves to remind us that things
are always in motion. Yes in motion even when the surface appears
stagnate and unmoving. Regardless of form taken it is always
a force in action and acting upon the surface of things it touches.
Like the ancient ice flow movement maybe so slow and unobtrusive
that it appears to be stationary to all but the most observant
of observations. Like the mighty river its influence may be
of such strength and energy to carve away the very foundation
of those things that attempt to hold it in check. Perhaps to
function as the mighty ocean and create in one spot and destroy
in another.
Like the mighty ocean it reveals
only the surface while hiding its secrets deep down. Yet even
the deepest of its faces is subject to the influence of forces
outside its domain. From on high the pull of the moon reaches
down to touch both man and element in its race across the heavens.
From lip unseen is it pushed and pounded until it surges forth
across the landscape as mighty waves or motivated to action
in the body.
Its presence nourishing both lands
and body. Remove even for a moment and land and body suffer
the affect. Remove the physical and the surface becomes a desolate
place where life struggles to maintain and the land takes flight
before the breath of wind. Remove in the spiritual and a void
is left in the spiritual landscape that goes unnourished.
It touches upon us and within each
of us on so many levels that it almost remains elusive in action.
To sit and relax in its embrace is to allow the body to sync
up with its inner heartbeat while stripping away the stress
and turmoil of our lives. To stand before the blowing rain is
to allow it to touch upon us and wash away the dirt and grime
that clings if only for a few moments as we recall the ancient
story held within. To breathe in its essence is to recall ancient
memories of land and humanity.
The Element of Water to me in all
its various faces and influences, The greatest story in its
telling we must forever be fluid and moving in our influence
upon the landscape. A landscape regardless of it being geologic,
social or spiritual and our movement across it or its influence
upon us.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date