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The 24 pages in this Medicine Wheel section are linked below
Center Stones Of The Wheel Discussion
By CinnamonMoon

There are forces in the universe
that predate humanity which are honored within the center hub
(center stones) of the Wheel. They are represented as the first
beings and foundations to all else. Through experience we comprehend
their might and come into our understanding. They are nothing
to trifle with, and should be approached with deep reverence.
Through them life manifests it's nature, vision becomes clearer
just as the Spirit Keepers teach of their portion of each day
(morning, afternoon, twilight, and evening), their portion of
the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter), their elemental
force (Air, Fire, Water, and Earth), their respective minerals,
plants, animals and colors all reflecting their vibrational
energy cycles and attributes.
Through the Spirit Keepers we are
presented with our tools that deepen our interaction with the
universe and with survival but it is the center hub that unites
to bring these into being. Around the Center stone that is symbolic
of the Creator, there are 6 other stones: Mother Earth, Father
Sun, Grandmother Mooon, and the four Clans: Turtle, Frog, Thunderbird,
and Butterfly representing the four elemental forces.
Earth Mother sits in the southeast,
as she is one who brings forth life, the symbol of nurturing
love, new beginnings that are gifts to us. Her totem kingdoms
are represented by clay as a mineral, corn, beans and squash
from the plant kingdom, and of course her element is Earth with
her color being forest green. It is here we go to learn about
the nurturing feminine energy within us and within Mother Earth.
She will teach us to lift sadness, to abate anguish in relation
to the Earth itself. If you are worried about the conditions
in the world today or the state of the planet you can go to
her to understand them. She may call to you to serve her or
simply nurture understanding so you can do the pathwork you
are meant to do elsewhere. She will help you see through illusions
of hopelessness, pollution levels, overpopulation, endangered
species, famine, drought, pestilences and more that do have
positive solutions and an effect on the balance of the planet.
She will help with fertility issues be they global or personal;
and she will teach you about parenting.
Father Sun is next in the circular
path moving in a clockwise direction. He teaches the growth
and clarity that sunlight brings to all lifeforms. He dwells
in the sky and his totem associations are: sky blue for the
color, elements of Air and Fire (residing in the Air and being
a Fire body) and teaches about the masculine energy and mysteries
of discrimination and limits or boundaries that strengthen our
own space/energy. He teaches us to find the warmth and the expansion
we need through seeking our way. Here we learn about the active
universe and the principles on which it functions. It is here
we go if we need to call upon more energy to complete our work
or sustain ourselves; to unblock this energy within us; to ease
our hatred of the things mankind or men in general have done;
to seek courage to achieve your goals; to learn it is good to
say no and set limits at times.
Grandmother Moon follows in the southwest,
She teaches the lessons that introspection brings to light and
helps us learn to trust in that. She represents the feminine
leadership of women for they too go through phases/cycles monthly.
She teaches the strength found in being receptive and the surrender
that calls for. She teaches of wild, primal forces and their
seduction that brings things under
control or stirs us to take action in relationships. She teaches
of love-hate and finding the balance. She teaches of differing
phases, cycles and patterns in life. She will teach you to work
with the active forces in life, to bring forth the vision of
conception as new life emerges from the old. As SunBear says:
"Grandmother Moon dreams the children Earth Mother nurtures."
Seeking help with dreams we turn to Grandmother Moon, just as
we do when seeking growth in visions, journeys, and other psychic
abilities. She teaches the balance and understanding between
sensuality and sexuality and the emotional states they produce
that would otherwise seem illogical. She will help you examine
the shadow side of your nature with a soft and gentle probe
that reaches tenderly into the deepest parts of your being.
The Turtle Clan of Earth covers the
3 moons that divide this portion of the year. Snow Goose Moon
is 12-22 thru 1-19; Beaver Moon is 4-20 thru 5-20; Brown Bear
is 8-23 thru 9-22. The Turtle Clan Stone is going to be the
one that teaches about stability, solidity, practical and grounded
efforts we need to put forth. It is here that we go to learn
our arts of practical, deliberate,, and organized actions. We
who gravitate to this element are the ones that become experts
at being caretakers of Mother Earth--from gardeners to herbalists
to geologists, those with close ties to the earth are going
to be found gravitating to this stone and elemental Clan. Earth
energy is fixed, cool, and because of this there is the potential
to be narrow-minded. To counter that is a state of balance that
is achieved through supportive and encouraging as well as friendly
attitudes. Affirming the compassionate nature within us brings
about this state of balance and we go here to learn to be giving
and to share our wisdom.
Next we have the Frog Clan that oversees
the elemental aspects of Water. The three moons in this cycle
are: Cougar Moon 2-19 thru 3-20; Flicker Moon 6-21 thru 7-22;
and Snake Moon 10-24 thru 11-21. Here the lessons are in agility
and transformative energy that brings rejuvenating and regenerating
creative forms. We will learn of cleansing and purging through
tears; how to cleanse the earth, to touch emotions of others,
to become fluid and feel the flow, to be reflective and enter
into psychic development. Intuitive ability is studied here
along with deep transformation through emotional relationships
and ties to others, self, and things we hold dear. It is here
we learn to connect to the Moon. We learn of our empathic ability
and how to maintain harmony with it, of how to touch other's
emotions and feel them ourselves.
The Thunderbird Clan of Fire follows
next and its moons are: Red-Tailed Hawk 3-21 thru 4-19; Sturgeon
7-23 thru 8-22; and Elk 11-22 thru 12-21. Here we come to understand
our passions, to learn about transmutation of those passions
into viable sources of driving energy. We learn of vitality,
pacing ourselves, intensity, penetration, eruptive and innovative
strategies, paradoxes, and radiance that allows our robust nature
to attract in warm ways. We come to understand balance through
the vital, hyperactive, voracious, consuming, and often overpowering
duality of our own natures. Through exploring we learn to find
the pioneering spirit within us and delve deep into our own
creations. Through the inventive ways we enter into our explorations
we discover our own magnetic natures, the charisma we all have
that attracts others to us, and attracts changes to us as well.
Here we come to find the courage to go into action and the optimism
needed to explore uncharted territories.
Finally we have the Butterfly Clan
that rules over the element of Air, the three Moons are: Otter
Moon 1-20 thru 2-28; Deer Moon 5-21 thru 6-20; and Raven Moon
9-23 thru 10-23. Here we come to understand the motion of change,
freedom, transformation, quick and energetic energy that leads
to the sense of exotic freedom and buoyancy that leads to flamboyant
reflections in our actions. It is a lighthearted energy that
can verge on being idealistic yet take you into visionary experiences.
The evolution of life becomes part of the lessons learned here
as we are taught to be adaptable, adjusting to emerging needs
to unbind ourselves and communicate our insights. It is where
we find our call to service and open-mindedness. We learn to
articulate our discriminatory skills on ethereal levels and
teach them to others. Here we come to understand philosophy,
broad perspectives, synthesizing knowledge with our intellectual
achievements to bring about a metamorphosis. We come to understand
the Breath of Spirit as the Breath of Life that carries us through
and bridges the realms of dimension. This is all understood
with lighthearted humor and allows the unity of relationships
with others bringing them together.
By taking each of these center hub
stones one at a time you can explore their dimensional realms.
Entering your sacred space, centering, and focusing on the stone
will bring to you a Guide that will instruct you on how to continue.
Establishing a relationship with that Guide will allow you to
meet other entities of the realm that will instruct and teach
you on the gifts they can share and that will help you grow.
Take them one at a time initially. Go back more than once, go
several times and see how that repeated visiting brings you
deeper into understanding and mapping the dimensional realm
itself. As you begin to recognize the energy signature and patterns
that cycle through that realm you will start to see the energy
as manifested in that character. You will know it when it presents
itself to you from dreams, journeys, visions, or in the physical
reality to impress you to apply the knowledge you have gained
to your current situation.
Cinnamon, I danced the Earthmother
stone tonight. I don't think what came through was what was
expected; but I like this stone. It is a place of peace and
love, a place of oness. I expected greens and the color of the
earth and power. But more than anything I saw white energy in
forms of clouds and air current but diffuse and gentle, a guide
of white energy but extremely diffuse. I couldn't see all of
her at the same time but could feel her presence more than see
her. This stone was one of gentleness and beauty. Images were
of Mother holding infant child, golden medicine wheel, multitudes
of dolphins and then reindeer in particular the antlers were
in sight. Communications included "in time", "it
will be soon enough", "child of the universe".
I think I felt more at this stone than saw. Except for the medicine
wheel all was in white although the dolphins had shading of
I don't really know how to interpret
things on this stone? Does on interpret that same as when dancing
the elements. What are others seeing or feeling? There is a
different feel compared to dancing the elements. hey seem close
to normal this was of greater intensity in feeling but lesser
in terms of vision.
You would read that Dance
as you did all the others. Your own impressions and interpretations
serving you best. She would be a different energy signature
as she is stronger than the elements themselves. This is the
Mother energy you are feeling. But as you know, Mom can get
when she needs to. Evidently she
felt you needed to be nurtured and learn to trust her though.
This is a good and gentle introduction. Well done!
Does anyone else see their
guides from the stones any time other than when dancing? The
grandfather and today earth mother stone guide just seem to
be there whenever focus is changed?
We all work differently
with our Guides. It really depends on the relationship you build
with them and the circumstances they choose to involve themselves
in. Sometimes I hear nothing from mine for a while and then
they show up. Some stay with me at all times and make themselves
prominent when needed. At other times they will all gather together
around me.
What you're doing now is actively
seeking them so they are responding your efforts. Go with the
flow and see where it leads you. They really are the ones with
all your answers at their disposal. Either they hold those answers
or Guide you to one that does. This is the point where you graduate
to the spiritual classrooms and spiritual teachers, Earthwalker.
The human teachers are there to clarify or define uncertainties,
to stress the foundations when you get stuck, or help enlighten
experiences but ultimately it's our Guides and Spirit Helpers
that teach us the most. Well that and practicing what we learn.
Cinnamon, I agree; but nevertheless
thank you for getting me to this point!!!! (((Hug)))
You're welcome and thank
you for the new perspectives and insights you've brought to
me as well. You've certainly helped enhance my teachings and
my patience. ROFL It's all good and we both still have all our
hair too! (And folks...our friendship is a direct result of
spiritual perspectives finding balance with the scientific.
It can be done when you want to succeed, right Earthwalker?!!!
Cinnamon, I am not sure
about all of my hair. Mine seems to be thinning but its
still waist length so I have enough. Just kidding, we have gotten
through a lot and I think we are both better off for the experience.
I know I am! The thank you also extends to all of Spirit Lodge.
Thank you for putting up with me this past year! Your patience
is appreciated. I should also add to all of you thinking about
the center stones to try dancing; them they are very special.
I have a feeling I am going to spend time with each. I love
the Medicine Wheel but the center stones are my favorite, I
can feel more there.
Cinnamon et al. Here is some of my
dance with the center stones (Moon, Sun and Earth stones). The
understanding they bring amazes me. Meditation with the Spirit
Keepers of the Earth, Sun and Moon stones .
After meeting the Spirit Keepers of
the center stones, on Friday and meeting the Spirit Keeper of
the Earth stone on Friday
night and the Sun keeper on Saturday , I tried to dance with
the Moon stone on Sunday night. On Sunday night Cinnamon told
me to talk and question the guides and Spirit Keepers, I thought
I would try despite the fact that these represented Sacred entities.
I tried to dance again for about and hour and half and kept
centering but loosing focus as all types of images good, bad,
ugly, future and past kept going through my mind but there was
no cohesive pattern; just jumbled chaos. I therefore gave up
and went to sleep. I woke up early and had about an hour before
I needed to get ready for work so I took a bath and meditated
on these stones. I saw the Earth keeper dressed as a NA but
in green cloth with horizontal band going across in a ribbon
like insert that ran down both sides of her garment. Her long
dark hair was tied on either side. Her skin was medium brown
but her eyes were similar to Susan Boulet paintings but without
the animal adornment. She was beautiful and in terms of physical
age appeared to be in her early forties.
I then saw the keeper of the Sun.
He appeared first as a man about the same age dressed in red
cloth @#%$ and brown pants simple NA style. He was of fairer
skin than the keeper of the Earth stone. His hair was medium
brown and he was strong but appeared kind. As I looked at him
he changed to an older man looking towards the West and one
could see sternness but also love. He showed me some type of
big roly-poly dinosaur that keep sticking its tongue out. Then
he showed a man riding on a white horse facing West with staff.
Mentally I was told to stop chattering and to move forward in
power and led. I dont know what this means. I then met
the keeper of the Moon stone. She was dressed in simple styling
as well but somewhat more Bohemian in looks. She had long dark
hair pulled and tied in the back. She was dressed in gray and
wore silver necklaces around her neck. Her skin somewhat almond
in color but translucent. First I saw her as a woman then as
a teenager and then as an old woman. She kept changing back
and forth. I couldnt figure out what this meant.
Monday night I got home and was very
frustrated. I went back to the stones and the keeper of the
Sun stone was there. I told him I didnt understand and
that it was frustrating and that it wasnt fair to keep
me coming to him without also helping me to understand. He bent
down and kissed my forehead and said Earthwalker focus
here as he touched my forehead; it is much easier
to see. You make it so hard for yourself, focus in mind.
As I did, a circle opened up and there was an intense orange
light that came into clear focus. I then moved toward the keeper
of the Earth stone and saw her but it was like looking at her
through water. I went back through the landscape of the Sun
and saw the parched land and the power/ intensity of the Sun.s
energy. I then moved into a surreal landscape. As I moved towards,
what I thought was, the Keeper of the Moon. I saw a gray environment
which had a sensuous feel but not sexual. It consisted of what
was a continual almost floating like gray matter and on the
right side was the barest of outlines of a tan colored tree.
The landscape was not hard matter it was like an outline (I
really dont have the words to describe it). It was stark
but absolutely beautiful in its softness and its simplicity.
Much like the modern ballet to Stavinskis music, if you
know what I mean. I then walked or moved on into this landscape
and came across an opening looking almost like a diamond cocoon
or opening in this gray matter. It was somewhat the shape of
a mouth or a diamond lying on its side but with soft edges enveloping
its interior. As I peeked inside into the blackness, I heard
a voice call my name. It was the keeper or the Spirit of the
Moon stones, I think. I introduced myself and asked what I was
to learn. She discussed a lot but it was quite personal and
was not meant to be shared.
The clarity of the vision both in
the Moon scape and the in space was incredible as was the crystal
quality of the stars and universe. It kind of ruins the reality
we observe in the physical world though. This morning I went
back to say thank you and was shown the powers of the Earth
is gained through Love. That the power of the Sun is gained
from its Intensity and Strength and the power of the Moon is
gained from its ability to Change and be Flexible (its more
subtle nature). These are the powers we hold within ourselves
and are the gifts from these primordial entities.
Yesterday was quite a day and Cinnamon
was absolutely correct I needed to ask. I think many lessons
are just beginning but now I know how to see with mind or my
third eye and the Keeper of the Sun was right, it is so much
easier and clearer. It will be interesting to see what happens
next although I wouldnt mind a couple of days to assimilate
Learning to meet with these
Spirit Keepers and our Guides is the first leg of a very long
journey for they are with us all the way. They are the Great
Teachers, the ones who hold the answers we seek or can take
us to others who will continue our teaching. Life's journey
is filled with many teachers in the physical sense, parents,
grandparents, family and friends, school teachers, and countless
others. It is upon the spiritual path that we meet the spiritual
teachers we think should be human and find they are of the essence
we're seeking to understand. *Soft smile*
You've now stepped through the doorway
of the Medicine Wheel, learned to Dance it, to journey and meet
those who have been waiting a long time to Guide you through
the lessons you need. It's good to see the growth you've passed
through, to see the lights come on and shine on that path you're
walking, to see you get excited, and the passion grow. It's
exciting to see the confusion and frustrations lift as enlightenment
and understanding come to you. You've done so well.
Earthwalker, this is the initiation
to the next phase, or the first portion of it, the introductions
to those who hold the answers you need. Now that you know how
to knock on their doors and see their loving compassion for
you, go back, over and over and establish your relationships
with them. Trust their teachings. They will not steer you wrong.
They know what you need to learn for the work you are to do
and they will help bring that into the light for you as you
We tend to be a bit impatient wondering
what our purpose is. Basically it's the same for everyone: Let
Spirit's Light and Love shine through you, walk with integrity,
know your intent, and do the best you can. My 3-I's: Integrity,
Intent, and Impeccability. It's all Spirit asks of us. The rest,
the specifics of our pathwork shift and change as we grow and
become more proficient with our gifts and abilities. We get
"assignments" and though there may be a common thread
running through them for the most part, we do get them one at
a time.
Be patient and gentle with yourself
but BE who you are and you'll do fine. I wish you the best with
all of this and we'll be here to help you sort stuff out when
you need to; however, you've come to the door of the best Teachers
there are, and that's placed you in very good hands. At this
point you step up your conscious awareness and enter into that
cosmic classroom that you've heard
me talk so much about. The Teachers are coming forward to greet
you now and you're on your way.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! (And don't forget
to ask them for those definitions!)
It is hard for me to believe
that it has only been twenty days since my computer died. First
satellite TV died about 3 months ago (as the trees grew up)
and then the computer died just before I could respond to the
above. While I love my new computer and my son loves cable I
do have to admit its been an intense and interesting time
"without technology". In the evenings, I was totally
submerged in silence (well, with two dogs, my son, my books
and my thoughts).
The past twenty days have been intense,
in the mundane, in the spiritual and in the fusion of the two.
The time started with intense but random visualizations following
a day of headaches (not something I usually get). These random
visions still don't seem to have meaning but they did cover
the gamut of clarity to abstraction. Following this, the Spirit
keepers of the stones brought me through each of the elements
and showed me the connection to them and how they can communicate
through them or using them.
An example of one which also impacted
the mundane follows: At work we have been in an extremely frustrating
period (for both myself and my manager); everything has been
in absolute chaos. The other night I was woken up by Grandmother
Moon and saw a scene in the West of a beach with gentle waters
and waves rolling in. Suddenly from these calm waves, a large
wave broke onto shore. Within the chaos of this wave emerged
a beautiful woman of crystal clarity whose hair was formed from
the energies and waves of water (she had the same eyes as Grandmother
Moon). Her message although it was slightly convoluted was "there
is beauty and purification in chaos. Let things be purified."
A day later my manager was ready to confront things (he is usually
calm, but this time it was my time to remain calm). I simply
used the message and suggested to wait "that there is purification
in chaos". He waited and things are finally calming down
to a point where communication can begin. Its great! and I am
so very thankful for the message. Its timing was perfect.
Its also been a time where two
streams of thought pulled a lot of the past years experience
together for me; although this is still felt more than it being
something I can sit down and fully describe. Through this understanding,
new dreams / visions have brought more and more meaning. In
one dance just yesterday, I can share that in the East I was
shown that an infant child has been born. It was a representation
of the beginning or initiation of a time of peace and love.
It is an exciting time to be alive, even with all of the challenges.
Somehow I seemed to have left twenty
days ago still harnessed in deep thought and trying to wade
through all that I had learned this past year. Yet I have returned
with a deeper understanding and more complete acceptance; somehow
freer. To address another question in another thread I am left
with a lot more energy and the need to get organized and clean.
I missed all of you and did peek in
from the library but not often. While many of you live in large
cities and cable TV and internet access is routine, I thought
you might like to see small town Americas
technology. I live in a small town and the Library does have
computers; a total of six computers, 3 of which are Apples in
the childrens section of the library. On the Apples, I
was typing six words before one came up on the monitor and as
you know I am not a typist. In addition everyone is limited
to 30 minutes computer time and the library has extensive hours
and stays open to at 8 ) Monday thru Thursday), 5 on Fridays,
is closed Sundays and is open from 10-3 on Saturday. I typically
get home between 6:00 and 6:30. Therefore time was limited and
even when you got a computer since they were all bunched together
you usually had a teenager or a little one watching and asking
questions. It was more of a time for sharing and they were so
thankful if you got off quickly you really felt like one was
infringing on their territory.
Even more amusing was when I went
to get cable TV and to hook the computer up to it. I had to
fight with the cable company. The cable company didn't know
they had cable on the street. After I insisted that they check
it out since I had been contacted by them in the past, they
went up to my house to make sure I was right. They thanked me
for bringing it to their attention and indicated they obviously
had forgotten about a couple of streets. Of course this was
two months after I had made arrangements to get least cable
TV. But of course they had no record of, it was only at the
corporate level; despite the fact that their corporate office
advised me to await their call. Nevertheless, everything is
hooked up and we all have had many laughs along the way. I do
love where I live despite the fact that everything moves at
its own pace; at least it keeps me grounded.
Hi Earthwalker, Nice to
see you posting again. You've been missed and I know there's
a lot of catching up to do on your part so no pressure to reply
immediately here. I just wanted to make a couple comments on
the issues that came up over your *vacation*.
First of all, you came out on top
of things and had time to do the assimilation you needed to
work through. Remember when I saw that you'd be soon initiated
into the next stage of growth? Well you'll have a bit of piecing
together to do first, but it's on the way I'm sure. *Soft smile*
The message that came to you from
your Guides when you were awakened in the night was lovely and
so true. Chaos clears the way for change, it cleanses things
and makes us rid ourselves of that which we no longer want.
Your example of what happened at work was a good one, but so
was the crash of your computer and cable systems! Ha!
To be honest I'd like to see you
take note of how you are starting to walk between the worlds
and apply the spiritual insights to your mundane life. As you
polish and wriggle them into working well with your own abilities
and learn to hone your skills you'll be guided into little ways
of helping others, touching someone here and there and gradually
Spirit moves you in the direction you need to serve in. It will
unfold for you. Meanwhile you will continue to learn on new
levels, taking these teachings deeper (as you've started to
do here) and expanding on your understanding of them to get
more out of your own Medicine and use it in ever-expanding directions.
It's an exciting time.
You touched your manager's life in
a gentle way by sharing that message and look how well things
turned out. That's trusting your intuitive nature, the inner
voice, and it's clear you're embracing your teachings well.
It's nice when we can share without getting preachy, or even
having to elude to the issue that it's spiritual insight we're
sharing, most think it's just a piece of wisdom you picked up
somewhere along the way. That's fine, especially in the workplace
where you may not want to delve into spiritual beliefs to begin
with. The fact remains it worked and it worked well!
Do you see the symbology that Grandmother
Moon brought to the message? She is akin to Water, to the night,
the feminine, and relationships. With the image of the woman
rising from Water (all the symbology of the Western Quadrant
pertains), you are immediately being shown that there is something
here to do with relationships, a current issue troubling you,
and how to heal or nurture the situation. By sharing her message
at work where it applied the resolution was found. Well done!
Chaos is always going to come before
change can take place. It's the stir of the old leaving as the
new comes in and it stirs things up to make room for the new
kicking the old out the back door in the process. In this there
is beauty, just as she said. It's the universe in motion and
that's very poetic when you stand back and see the synchronicity
of its accomplishments and the flow of the energy at work. Like
a rainstorm clears the air when it's over, but while it's raining
we're usually ducking for cover somewhere. It may not last long
but while it's there we try to avoid the discomfort of being
I love hearing how much time you
had to sift through things that took place this past year. You
sure put it to good use. Finding words to describe it all isn't
necessary at this point. They will come when you need them.
The issue is understood by you and that's what matters most.
It was your experience and you can own it now with certainty.
That's growth. The time for sharing that will come when you
are in the company of someone seeking that insight, being in
the shoes you just stepped out of. Or when you sit with one
who has been there before you. You'll know and the words will
You said: I was shown that
an infant child has been born. It was a representation of the
beginning or initiation of a time of peace and love. It is an
exciting time to be alive, even with all of the challenges.
This is the child of prophecy, the
White Buffalo Calf in NA tradition, other traditions see it
as another symbol, but it's the coming age that has been born
and we're being ushered into it...hence all the challenges to
adjust to things. Our awareness is being heightened, our focus
is turning more spiritual in many ways, and we're seeing the
greater whole as well as our part in it. It's beautiful when
you can finally name that and understand it for what it is.
Whatever the child symbolizes to you, or to someone else, it
all comes down to the same thing. We are entering the time of
peace and love and the chaos of change is all around us. The
dust will settle and then more will see this. *Soft smile*
Looks like you've found some semblance
of direction for yourself. It's really just another leg of the
journey, but you're on the path you need to take and it's right
for you and it's working!!! Yahoo!!!
Hi, I have decided to share
and try to explain the assimilation since many of you have been
through the entire last years process with me. Note it
is long.
From the past few weeks assimilation
process, I have come to realize that finally the door on this
path cracked open a notch. I also recognize that it has taken
my entire life to get to this point. The following maybe a colder
presentation than many would of you may like but the potential
is enormous still for me some objectivity is needed. The end
result is exciting and could suggest enormous possibilities.
Over forty years ago, I came to an
understanding (yet, from a Christian perspective) that God was
energy. It however took the objectivity from Newtonian law and
mechanistic theory to break down the connection with the church
from very strong Christian roots. As Wisowl often says, I have
strong opinions (too strong). Wisowl, thank you for your bluntness
it drives points home. It has taken a lifetime confronting the
barriers of biases color, religious, handicaps, sexual orientation,
age and personal choice to grow and evolve to a state of acceptance
of all. The objectivity found in Science helped me push through
each conflict as these breakdown processes evolved. There were
at times ferocious undisclosed battles within and therein resulted
in my strong opinions.
Yet still during this past year, I
found there were more barriers that needed to be changed and
that in and of itself was scientific law (or what I thought
was law). This has been part of the past years exploration.
Yet this year was predated by exploring Buddhism, Taoism and
most recently reading Barbara Max Hubbardson et al. The year
started with dreams and meeting a professional individual who
acknowledged the sacred in nature. It led to books by Tom Brown,
Jr Grandfather and Awakening Spirits,
to Medicine Woman Speaks by Cinnamon Moon. Thank
you Cinnamon!!! It led to finding Spirit Lodge and this community
and it led to new experiences that made me challenge that which
I believed in, most notably Scientific Law (Newtonian Law).
It led me to individuals who made me reexamine things (Cinnamon,
SED, Northern, Lune, Ghostkatt, Wiseowl, and Wachituga) and
either give up thought processes or become stronger in my response
(such as in regards to openness).
During the past year I have had to
explore further and give up old thought patterns since that
which I have experienced didnt fit into the mechanistic
theory which was the very fabric of my breaking away from traditional
religions. I was forced to re-examine mechanistic theory since
I knew that there has been communication that did not come completely
from myself yet was somehow of myself. I searched further and
found quantum theory and non-locality. I have found and put
into place a still imperfect model that is yet in its infancy;
but one that has the potential to explain interspecies communication
and some of the things I have been experiencing. From here I
found Christian de Quincey Radical Nature, the Soul in
Matter. Personally I think he correctly interprets the
mind, body and spiritual interaction as a process rather than
energy. This distinction is maybe important since it semantically
removes one from cause and effect that is automatically associated
with energy theory; therein relegating it more towards a catalyst
that allows a reaction to occur but never enters into it. If
these theories prove correct the potential is enormous.
Simultaneously, during the past year
Cinnamon has shared her understanding of the medicine wheel
and taught me how to use it and understand it. It was exactly
what I have needed to give some understanding and structure
to the things I have been sensing (all senses but visual for
the most part). Personally, I have found the same basic tenants
are in all spiritual practices but for me the Medicine Wheel
gives me a more clear understanding of the message. I also found
Fools Crow. Cinnamon helped me in understanding impeccability
and intent and Cinnamon and Edgar Mitchell helped me understand
the validation process as well.
So I am currently at a point where
I have given up energy theory, given up Newtonian and mechanistic
law and have turned towards a scientific theory based on quantum
physics and a spiritual and evolutionary process based on sensitivities
and non-locality. I will attempt to explain but note the door
has only been opened a crack I have just started to assimilate
this. While each of you just know, I also needed
to understand since science formed a personal basis
in breaking down historical bias for me. Many observations or
facts were noted as follows;
I see, other feels. Therefore, any
theory must apply to senses not one or the other but all and
possibly other forms. Communication must therefore be based
on a process of mind based on the species and probably individual
Since in quantum theory it has been
shown through non-locality experiments that stimulus or effect
will also effect all other components irrespective of distance,
it appears that there can be some sort of union or connection
between all matter that is not based on time.
It appears that communication is at
all levels of matter and possibly between levels of matter.
Therefore there must be a part of matter that can sense.
Not necessarily rationalize but sense even at the most basic
level of matter.
Matter has been shown to be self-organizing
even at the DNA level. It therefore has an inherent ability
of sensation. This suggests the feasibility of communication
minimally at a primordial level and ultimately at the species
level and probably unique to the individual organism and or
its state of evolution.
In Newtonian law for an effect to
exist there must be a cause. Therein, Sentience (feeling) cannot
arise from insentient (non-feeling /nonorganizing) matter.
Therefore it is apparent that all things must have an intrinsic
part of it self that can minimally recognize and form or organized
groups of matter.
Therefore based on the process of
non-locality as described by quantum theory it is apparent that
all matter in the universe is basically alive and cable of sensation
and understanding; the depth of which is based on the species
evolution. I believe that the process of mind attracts that
which will organize based on the most highly developed sense
of the organism being communicated to. This further suggests
that the total sum of all (that in and of itself maybe Spirit)
but expressed individually maybe the experiential part of Spirit
which is likewise evolving as a sum of the evolution of it components
. Therein, the concept that we are co-creating with Spirit and
the message to be and to dream makes sense; since
it is through sensation or the senses that we communicate with
the web of life (all matter).
To me this is a beginning theory that
accounts for all of the above and shows how messages maybe communicated
based on the mind (which is created through unique experiences
of the individual organism or individual.) of the organism of
individual which is being communicated to. The individual messages
that are drawn to mind in the interactive process is therefore
based on the intent and the impeccability of the organism requesting
the communication. Therefore the communication will be uniquely
tailored to mind.
All of this seems to fit for me except
for the question of guidance. Could guidance, too, be intrinsic
within the individual or matter, in its attempts to organize.
I am therefore left with the question: Could Spirit be this
intrinsic process of organization, providing organization based
on the good of the greater all?
So there is where from a completely
non-emotional perspective I am at. The beauty is incredible
in that if this hold true we could be and dream our future into
existence, both individually and synergistically. Although there
is a lot of refinement that will still need to go into this,
I am very excited and feel so much freer. I have a beginning
theory that fits (at least for me). I can now move forward in
at least partially understanding iota the future of experience.
Earthwalker, This is a
wonderful presentation of how all you tore apart so methodically
has come back together for you. You've demonstrated how one
instance led to another and that while you explored they tied
together as greater parts of the whole. You went with the guidance
you received in answer to the questions you were asking and
you found your answers--well at least some of them. While I
don't for a moment doubt what you are saying, I cannot validate
it other than to say that in my simple ways I have acted on
the teachings and found them to be true. They produce the results
they claim to produce and when we apply the effort we see them.
For me that's enough and I move through
life that way. For many others definition and scientific validity
are important and your understanding from that perspective will
be very helpful to them. I think this is an excellent presentation
of a year's worth of growth and enlightenment, even if there
is a long way to go for you, you are merging into the next phase.
Remember when I mentioned I saw you
being initiated into the next level of study? Well I think this
conclusion will let you get on with that and you'll probably
have many more validations as you go. As for the content of
energy and communication, the teachings I have received from
numerous sources (non-scientific) express energy as being present
in all living matter to a cellular or molecular level and energy
carries information. Thus through anything that lives or exists
molecularly we have conveyance. Since it's all a part of the
greater whole we are simply tapping into what many call cosmic
consciousness/universal mind.
I have been shown in visions that
we are like cells in the body of Spirit, that the planets and
universes in the vast reaches of space are like the organs and
nervous system of Spirit's body. Thus the vastness of space
is like an internal view of Spirit...micro and macrocosms...replicated
within us or the human body too. It is said in many ways, portrayed
with many faces, and variations exist in the teachings of all
cultures and various fields of study. Through experience I know
deep within myself that communication can take many forms, reactive
or receptive or projected,
everything in the path of that communication is touched by it
in some way. Hence an energy signature is present/sensed/seen
in some fashion.
Wouldn't it be awesome if there were
some way for you to take your theory and prove it to foster
greater acceptance of the whole and in that prove that DNA has
a spiritual nature to it too? If the scientific world could
wrap it's mind around that one just imagine how fast we'd see
accepted results and advancement. Quantum physics seems to be
the field that comes closest to explaining it from what I understand
and that's a bit beyond me. It feels like a very complicated
way to get to the same conclusions, but again, I realize there
are many who need that and I hope that this will lead to you
sharing your wisdom with those people in the future.
All of this seems to fit for
me except for the question of guidance. Could guidance, too,
be intrinsic within the individual or matter, in its attempts
to organize. I am therefore left with the question: Could Spirit
be this intrinsic process of organization, providing organization
based on the good of the greater all?
Well I'm not fully sure I understand
the question, but I would say that Spirit is pure energy in
its highest form, intelligent and sentient, with all potential
contained in Self since it is the Source/Creator. It's more
than just a process though, far more than that. It may be how
Spirit functions that you are describing but I don't feel that
it fully describes a being which Spirit is IMHO just far more
complex (or simple) than anything we know.
The beauty is incredible in
that if this holds true we could be and dream our future into
existence, both individually and synergistically.
That I will say it is in keeping
with what I've been taught and found to come to pass. However,
once again it is in much simpler terms: "We are the Dreamer,
We are the Dream" or "Reality is what each of us perceives
it to be." Whatever the case may be, I'm glad you're finding
your conclusions exciting and I'm sure they will guide you to
some amazing explorations. Can't wait to see what's in store
for you during the coming year! I hope you'll continue to share
and want you to know that through your perspectives there are
others here benefitting from them too. Thanks for your willingness
to do that.
HI all, Dancing the wheel
(short dance) is part of daily life for me each morning and
it guides me appropriately through each day. The messages are
always exactly what I need. The longer dances have and do take
me many places and I am given a lot of insight, I think. I still
need to validate some of the longer term pictures though especially
when numbers are attached to them.
Still I am left with a couple of
questions; maybe some of you have been here and could help.
The Grandfather, my guide, in the lower world routinely takes
me and tells me to sit in the middle of the "Sacred Stones".
Here I see the use of elemental energy in various forms through
different animals.
Are these sacred stones the same as
the ones I am dancing? Or are they from another NA tradition?
I only see an outer ring of stones.
I see the use of energy from the various
animals but I never see a recipient / or result? To my questions
Grandfather has answered by bringing many animals into the circle.
He then stated that their energy can all be used to help you;
they are your friends. It meant, I believe, that the animals
can be used as tools. Any other thoughts? What am I missing
At the end of this same dance as I
centered the Grandfather handed me about a fifty pound Siberian
Tiger and said "Its yours; foster the Tiger within
in Peace and Love and watch it grow".
Are these animals just parts of self?
I have worked with each of them and they ranged from reptiles
to mammals and birds. It doesn't seem appropriate to use another
living organism for any purpose unless they are of like mind
in the goal to be accomplished. Even that is a question since
I haven't seen any goals. Personally, I tend to stand directly
in the elements when I need to get rid of negativity etc. so
I don't think I can use the elemental energy from these animals
on myself. Or am I the one that needs to help them?
Has anyone else been down this path?
I think I am a bit in the dark although I am sure the answers
will come in time. But as I was shown in the South I was riding
on Pegasus but bouncing around like a bucking horse and ended
up upside down with feet attached to a stand as we still flew
away. I would like to free my feet from whatever I am not seeing
and get right side up. I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Are these sacred
stones the same as the ones I am dancing? Or are they from another
NA tradition? I only see an outer ring of stones.
Yes, they are simply manifesting
their essences to you. *S*
I see the use of energy from
the various animals but I never see a recipient / or result?
To my questions Grandfather has answered by bringing many animals
into the circle. He then stated that their energy can all be
used to help you; they are your friends. It meant, I believe,
that the animals can be used as tools. Any other thoughts? What
am I missing here?
Because All Our Relations are attached
through the Web of Life we can call on any animal to teach us
its Medicine or help us in some way. We have our personal Totems/aspects
of Self, but we may call on any of them when their services
are needed. In this his term "friends" addresses the
unity of life.
"Are these animals just parts
of self?"
The Totems are, yes, and the Power
Animal/Lead Totem is our most dominant aspect of our overall
It doesn't seem appropriate
to use another living organism for any purpose unless they are
of like mind in the goal to be accomplished.
This is why we call to them, ask
for their assistance, and invite them to work with us. We are
polite about it. It's like asking any friend to help you either
resolve an issue, share their wisdom, or help you see from another
perspective. In reality it's no different than coming here with
questions. The sharing is what we seek and receive.
I tend to stand directly in
the elements when I need to get rid of negativity etc. so I
don't think I can use the elemental energy from these animals
on myself. Or am I the one that needs to help them?
If you need to help them they will
ask your help. Otherwise they come to help you. You're not using
them, they are serving Spirit and you.
But as I was shown in the South
I was riding on Pegasus but bouncing around like a bucking horse
and ended up upside down with feet attached to a stand as we
still flew away. I would like to free my feet from whatever
I am not seeing and get right side up.
See? The symbology is speaking tons
to you now! ROFL I hope this has righted you again.
Thanks Cinnamon! The symbology
is speaking more and more to me and sometimes it can be quite
dramatic. Yes, I hope I can get right sided and my feet freed
as soon as possible. As for the symbology it was correct I have
been bouncing all over the place and still after all of this
time haven't gotten it all but at least I am moving.
You're grabbing onto more
of it all the time, Earthwalker, and yes, it's fascinating to
see the Animals work with the elemental forces. They're showing
you how to do the same. Excellent work! And youre most
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date