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Between the World's Discussion
By CinnamonMoon

People ask me all the time what this
means. The answer, at least for me, is simple...it's walking
between the worlds aware of both the physical and spiritual
presence of being.
As you walk a spiritual path your
awareness of energy signatures, of dimensional realms that overlap
the physical reality, of entity presences, and more comes to
the forefront of your mind. Your personality begins to manifest
this reflection. Your persona is a reflection of that assimilation
process. Because it is assimilated you are present in the moment
consciously and you know when the spirit world calls to you.
You know when a Guide steps forth and wants to address something,
or deliver a message, or call your attention to something taking
place around you. It's that knowing or awareness that allows
you to perceive, through a slight shift of focus or a jiggle,
into the spiritual nature around you.
This is what it is to walk between
the worlds...you walk with the awareness that they are there
and interacting is part of life. There is no division between
the two, they are perceived as parts of the whole. It's our
receptive nature being "on" at all times, that's all.
People also ask me how to function
or merge their awareness when an overlapping circumstance calls
them from the mundane situation. I answer: How do you take a
phone call, or excuse yourself to go to the rest room, or step
out of a situation for a brief moment when there is reason?
I've held up a finger, closed my eyes, listened to the message,
and then turned back to the situation saying something as simple
as: "Excuse me, I had to make a mental note of something."
Now how can you step out of the physical
moment and into a swift journey without it looking extensive?
That's simple too. Time is not of the essence in the spiritual
capacity you are working with. Therefore it is something that
can happen in a few brief moments, a flash in the pan so to
speak. What moves you is the experience presented and that can
encompass a wealth of insight in a brief second or two. Like
a sneeze and adjusting from it. It interrupts the moment but
not by much and is always excusable.
Our Guides and Messengers do not
appear at inopportune moments. They project when the moment
is right. If it is something that is interrupting your environment
it's important that they do so and will be a brief encounter.
Most people may not even notice. You can look down at a piece
of paper as if you are reading it, see what your message is,
and regroup before looking up all in the space of a few seconds.
If that act doesn't pertain to the current conversation in the
physical reality, you can always say "I was looking for
something but it's not here. I'll find it later. Sorry, where
were we?" and just pick up where you left off.
That's in a sticky situation. More
often you will find the spirit world calls to you when the time
is convenient--walking down the street, sitting on your porch,
laying in the sun, doing dishes or other menial tasks. They
do try to keep things in the Dream Lodge or attached to our
journeys and they will work with us there waiting for us to
come when we do that work on a regular basis...daily. Only when
we are preoccupied with other matters do they have to interrupt
us or if the issue is an urgent one to warn us of things we
need awareness of.
Most of the time messages will come
from our animal friends. The spiritual essence of a creature
will impart the need for a physical relative to present itself.
Knowing the animal's Medicine or teachings and symbolism we
"get the message" immediately and can file it away
for later or apply it instantly as the case may be. Sometimes
it comes to us as a vision, like a daydream superimposed over
the physical reality, we see it, no communication beyond that
is needed, and we make a mental note. Sometimes we hear telepathically
messages, alerts, warnings, or helpful insights.
Whatever the case may be, all the
little signs, coincidences, and events that take place during
our day are there for us to utilize if we just remain aware
that the option is there. This is what being present in the
Now is about. It's awareness on all levels. It's set in motion
throughout our day by centering ourself in the morning upon
arising and making a mental note to maintain the awareness.
We do this with meditating on a concept, Tarot Card, or some
issue that we want to reflect during the day. We can do it with
our Guides and other spiritual issues too. It's that simple.
Most people, those not strongly focused
on a spiritual path, are going to walk through life oblivious
to the ability, but it's one we all have. It just takes intent
to trigger it and work with it. How much simpler can it be to
strengthen your attunement and heighten your awareness to all
the guidance you could ever want?
Another one I missed. I was left with a question however.
is the physical world and then there is a closely aligned world
of sensing. How do you bring both forth and overlay the two
so one truly experiences both. As an example say you are walking
in a forest or a city. You can see only so far. How does one
"expand ones senses" to the bigger world to see what
is around the corner etc. or the animals in the forest or birds
in the trees. How does one travel and talk to another's inner
far for me my guides appear primarily when I am alone either
home or driving or writing and usually present information to
think about for the day. Often the information is a continuum
of the dance. Probably part of the assimilation process. However,
recently the guides seem to respond to feelings as well. Fear
brings protectors, which yields a resulting sense of security
or an enhancement (spiritual) of the feeling. I think there
are some, I think totems, that are with you constantly; they
are there simply with a change in focus.
If nothing else ever came of these journeys, the sense of wonder
that they bring would be enough. I think this ability is within
us all and it seems so natural now; still it was so hard initially
and I wonder why? How can I or we make it easier for others
to find?
Hello Earthwalker, I hope my answers don't frustrate you here,
but I have to give them from my perspective.
"There is the physical world
and then there is a closely aligned world of sensing. How do
you bring both forth and overlay the two so one truly experiences
This is done through centering and
making a conscious decision to be aware. If you hold in mind
that the spirit world is all around you, and you look through
trained eyes, listen with trained ears, sense with trained senses,
that awareness is turned on in the centering process and stays
with you throughout the day. You must accept that the spirit
worlds are one with the physical world and the only way for
that to happen is through honing your abilities and practical
experience. You have to work at it at first but it does become
a second nature. On a daily basis it takes only 21 days to create
a habit. It can be done in less than a Moon cycle!
"As an example say you are
walking in a forest or a city. You can see only so far. How
does one "expand ones senses" to the bigger world
to see what is around the corner etc. or the animals in the
forest or birds in the trees."
You step back into your center. It
means taking time (say a coffee break) and sitting in the Silence.
Others may think you are meditating should you be seated outdoors.
Let them think whatever they want. Just do it. You don't have
to explain your actions. You can do it by closing an office
door, put a sign on it saying "do not disturb" and
take the phone off the hood. Re-center and let your senses expand
themselves beyond the body. Let them flow like sonar. You have
a great teacher to help you with that.
"How does one travel and talk
to another's inner Spirit?"
You can talk to anyone's Higher Self/Inner
Spirit simply by thinking of them, and addressing your thoughts
to them. Think about this. How many times have you thought of
an old friend and had that person call, email, send a letter,
or just show up? Perhaps someone will bring their name up in
a conversation in a day or two and give you information about
them, pass on a phone number, email addy, or house address or
let you know they are coming to town for a visit. You can simply
use your telepathic gifts to do this and you do have them. Try
it out and see for yourself. Our thoughts are just as powerful
here as they are in the spirit worlds, and we need to establish
the habit of seeing both the physical and spiritual as parts
of the whole. We can walk and talk at the same time, and walking
between the worlds is like that.
"So far for me my guides appear
primarily when I am alone either home or driving or writing
and usually present information to think about for the day."
They have been reaching for you
for a while. You receive them well, but you need to practice
going to them and seeking them out too. You Dance and let the
visions come. Summon those visions with recall of a location
you've been shown, go back to it and continue to explore it.
How many portals have you been shown in the last 10 months?
How many have you re-visited and gotten to know deeper? Which
ones haunt your thoughts and call to you? Are you heeding that
call or seeing it as something you'll do when you have time
and at a later date? The call is subtle at first but when you
start paying attention to it and responding then it gets much
louder and that communication channel widens...bandwidth.
"Often the information is a
continuum of the dance. Probably part of the assimilation process."
"However, recently the guides
seem to respond to feelings as well. Fear brings protectors,
which yields a resulting sense of security or an enhancement
(spiritual) of the feeling. I think there are some, I think
totems, that are with you constantly; they are there simply
with a change in focus."
Yes. But they were always there like
that. It's their job so to speak. Now you are becoming aware
of their presence, how they respond. You're reading their energy
signatures when you feel them near you and can identify who's
who without their appearance visually. Take it further. Go to
them, ask to sit with them one on one and talk to them like
you talk to us. Take it deeper.
"If nothing else ever came of
these journeys, the sense of wonder that they bring would be
enough. I think this ability is within us all and it seems so
natural now; still it was so hard initially and I wonder why?
How can I or we make it easier for others to find?"
There are no shortcuts. Each of us
has to find our own way to achieving this communication. We
each have to find the teacher/s that will instruct us and work
with us or we have to get there through trial and error. The
only way to shorten the path is to instruct others on the methods
you know to work for you and let them try them. Or send them
here and tell them to study the articles in the forums and Knowledge
Look at the exercises in the Wheel
forum. Look at how you began by thinking they were imaginings
that were illusionary. Look at how you began thinking there
was a shorter path and by simply being handed an answer to a
question you could work it out. It's not like that. The only
way is through experience. I can hand out all the theory I want,
volume after volume, but if you don't apply that teaching to
your own work you're not going to get anything out of it. Not
really anything of substance anyway.
You may hold the philosophy, but
you don't hold the experience, and therefore have not made it
a part of your own reality. It's the same for every one of us.
We have to go through the work to come to a point of acceptance,
a point of honoring it, and an ability to walk our talk and
thus enhance our path and growth. It's all a process of evolving
mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and the greatest
struggle rests within ourselves.
We have to overcome old images of
what's right. We have to break free of restricted thinking (tunnel
vision) to expand our horizons and our minds. As we do our interaction
with Self and stepping into the role of Witness to let our Inner
Spirit guide us through the process brings about a level of
trust that is otherwise unattainable. As we learn to trust we
begin to open up and as we open we receive greater teachings.
Stages, cycles, patterns, and foundations have to be perceived
before they can be embraced. It's the journey, not the destination,
so by taking that journey we grow, acquire, and accomplish things.
You can't get to the end without
taking it. It's that simple. So one step at a time, one lesson
after another, and before you know it you look back and see
how far you've come. The only way to own it is to do it. You
can help others, just as we do here, making suggestions for
different techniques, explaining your own methods, and sharing
foundational truths. But only after they apply their own efforts
to that information will they experience the breakthrough and
be able to fully accept it. There has to be a hunger/desire
to digest it and assimilate it, but it has to come from
them. You can't force it on anyone.
This is why you will never see a
good teacher recruiting or trying to convert followers. It's
not about inspiring awe or having someone worship you. All our
gifts, all that we are, all our blessings and bounty come from
Spirit and that's where the praise and honor belong. We simply
share what we are given, we pass it on, and in that way we keep
things going. But we share where it does the most good. That
location is where the questions lay as they are asked. The person
needs to ask before you answer. Listen to their question. Is
it sincere? What are they looking for? Power or understanding?
Answer accordingly.
You've learned some of what reading
an energy signature is like. It's very similar to an x-ray machine
scanning a body. A cat-scan or MRI that reads the density of
the body. We read the spirit and character it holds. You'll
know who to share with, what to say, how to help. If you don't
then you're not ready to do that yet and need to recommend they
seek out someone who can help them. Give them a referral source
to help guide them.
Never be afraid to say you don't
know an answer and offer a source that will at the very least
direct them in the appropriate direction for guidance. And never
be afraid to share what you do know if you feel the person will
understand it. Take it to the basic elements of the answer,
the foundations. If they hold interest in that guide them to
going deeper. Set them on their feet, that's all. The rest is
up to them. We can't walk another's path, do the work for them,
or force things upon anyone. It has to be free will or all your
efforts are for naught. Trusting your ability to tell the differences
is what you use to guide you. You know deep inside, you know.
Thanks! NO I wasn't going to start teaching, I am nowhere near
ready for that and you are right it is up to the individual
to find the time.
AS for going back to portals I have but not often enough due
to time restraints but also due to the fact that in some ways
its imposing until I know what I am doing there. Somehow I feel
this with the guides as well. The other morning after the Dance
with the center stones. The earth mother guide came to me when
I was thinking about the dance and brought with her two others
I believe the representing the Father Sun and Grandmother Moon
stones. I danced with the Grandfather Sun guide the next morning
and the Grandmother Moon is waiting until tonight. I keep seeing
these guides and talking to them but I also don't want to keep
bothering them especially when I haven't even figure out the
last dance; it somehow seems rude. There is no question that
they will show up. at this point any will come if asked. Quite
frankly I don't always think to keep asking them questions.
I'll just need to work on better communication on my side.
you for the observation.
Hi Earthwalker, You're welcome. It's why Spirit Lodge is here!
Let me address the issue of imposition
on your Guides and using these portals. First of all your Guides
are with you at all times just waiting for you to notice them
so they are going to be anxious to work with you. When a Guide
introduces you to others they are your Spirit Teachers...perhaps
for an issue or an entire subject and they will let you know
about that. But don't see it as an imposition. They want to
work with you and that's why they are appearing. So as you can
converse and go as often as you like.
It's the same with the portals. Once
shown and accepted you can go back again and again. The only
question you need to hold in mind initially is to understand
the dimension, it's laws, and those that inhabit it. It's enough
and as you go other questions come to mind. Teachers appear
and they teach and in that relationship you grow tremendously.
Seeing this as imposition is cutting
yourself short. While I can understand taking time to assimilate
a Dance or any other experience as part of your process and
being appropriate, as soon as it's done you're free to go back.
It's wise not to get too far ahead of yourself so that's okay
and it's working for you. I'd just like to see you taking this
a lot further when you do go. The solution there is as you named
it: communication.
It's so easy to get caught up in
the observations and forget we're really able to communicate.
However, they can read your mind and reactions and know telepathically
what you are thinking and feeling so they will pace themselves
to your needs too. See, it's their job in a way, and they know
that establishing communication is part of the initiation process
for beginners. Once you've got it going you tame your thoughts
better and can call them into control. Initially when you arrive,
everyone there can hear them. You'll get the hang of it and
learn to direct them just as you do any other form of energy.
It's just a new focus. Very similar to walking into a crowded
room and choosing to shout "Hello, here I am!" or
speaking softly and nodding to those you do know waiting to
be introduced properly to the others.
I think the feelings you have are
normal, it's a shyness, an awkwardness that needs to be overcome...sort
of like when you first came to SL and were so cautious. There's
no hesitation in your posts now but remember when you were learning
it was okay to ask and comment and surmise?
You've had some introductions and
there is a whole group of Spirit Helpers just waiting to get
to know you. See, you are their pathwork! *S* I think you should
address this to Grandmother Moon tonight and see what she shows
you to validate it. I'm sure she will. You aren't bothering
them so long as your intent is to learn and understand. Okay?
And remember, it's a new place...like taking a trip to a city
you've never been to. At first you will be speechless, but pretty
soon you find yourself asking: "Look over there! What's
that?" and they will tell you.
Cinnamon, I will try tonight but that is not my normal style.
Even in real life I prefer not to be introduced lets say
at a party. I prefer to just stay in the background until I
get a feel for an individuals by observing them first. Then
I know the more serious individuals whom I would like to meet
and introduce myself or ask to be introduced.
I truly hate large settings where everyone is just talking small
talk. It has its value but I prefer small groups discussions
with individuals I know. Therefore, if the guides know me they
would know that they would need to approach me until I understand
them. Don't worry I will work it out. It is just a difference
in style. I am very aggressive about going after information
but not about
becoming known. I would prefer to be known for my work as opposed
to my face, if you know what I mean.
There's nothing wrong with having style. We all need to find
a way to work with our natures and fit all this in. You're doing
a great job. I'm sure you'll find more opens up to you matching
your acceptance of the experiences you have and the Guides you
meet. It's just the introductions you're facing now. Once those
are over you'll be well on your way and your growth will be
much faster paced.
You're putting the final touches
on your foundations now and that tells me that Spirit is about
to initiate you into another learning phase that will bring
more growth. We are always recycling that learning curve. I'm
in it at the moment too and it's great. Kicking things up a
notch and reaching new levels of perception is what the journey
brings us to keep it interesting.
You were right. I was wrong! Asking makes all of the difference.
I love the center stones; they bring so much understanding.
I'll try to post later.
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