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Altantis & Lemuria
By Lotus

Some you may recall my experience
with crystals when I wrote of my journey in being named. The
crystalline technology known in the days of Atlantis and witnessing
the end result of Hurricane Katrina and what happened to New
Orleans has peaked my interest in the continents of ancient
times which led me to do some online research on Atlantis and
Lemurian. I haven't come to any conclusion and I'm wondering
what your thoughts are on these lands? Does anyone feel they
have a connection to Atlantis or to Lemurian?
Good morning lotus
Is your journaling still posted here, I would like to read it.
I have a strong connection to Lemuria...I rediscovered crystals
again in 2001 when it was suggested I get a Selenite, now I
work with them...as a child I was always drawn to "rocks"
and even did archeology digs one summer, lol, I did not want
to give them to the dig leader when I would find them, I wanted
to hold hem for a while them bury them back in the earth.
Unregistered Guest:
some interesting 411 about crystals: www.infoline.ru/g23/5495/Physics/English/phon_txt.htm
"Many solid materials, including all metals, are composed
of atoms arranged in a lattice arrangement called crystals.
There are a variety of crystal structures like cubic, hexagonal,
cubic with an atom in the center of the cube, called body centered
cubic, cubic with an atom in the center of each face of the
cube, called face centered cubic, and others. The particular
structure depends on the relative sizes of the atoms that are
nestled together to form the crystal. The reason that materials
take crystal form is that these neat geometrical structures
represent the lowest energy configuration of the collection
of atoms making up the material. To dislodge an atom from the
crystal structure requires the addition of energy." also
it is important to understand when working with crystals that
with in the pineal gland there are crystals.
I've not really come across Lemurian, so I am not all that familiar
with that phrase, but Atlantis yes, definitely. The notion of
Atlantis keeps cropping up in my journey: most recently in the
form of Avalon in the Arthurian/Grail legends. Regardless of
whether Atlantis was a real place, a place of myth or of Plato's
imagination, it has become clear to me that the notion of an
island where the god's resided is a pretty constant theme from
the ancient world as, in Plato's time, this was also a theory
in the Celtic world and about Lundy Island (in the Bristol channel)
in particular. Some months ago, maybe longer, Cedar put up a
thread about a report that Ireland was actually Atlantis. Now,
according to interpretations of Plato, Atlantis should have
been somewhere further south in the Atlantic than Ireland is:
more off the coast of Spain ie nearer the mouth of the Mediterranean
I finished a book
whilst in Italy about London being the New Jerusalem. One discussion
referred to the Roman Empire, the Roman invasion of Britain
and how Caesar's description of Britain was one of the things
that lead to a belief, in the rebuilding of London after the
Great fire of 1666, that Britain was in fact the new Holy Land
and the notion of this New Jerusalem was confirmed by Britain
having important sacred geometrical references in its geography
that Caesar documented. A map was shown that placed Britain
in a completely different place than it actually is. I checked
this out on the net and found that in Roman Times, and before,
it was believed that Britain was off the coast of Spain right
were Plato believed Atlantis to be! This would give credence
to the report about Ireland that Cedar posted. Anyway, Im
not sure what you wanted to discuss about Atlantis, but yes
it could be said I have interest there
Hi lotus,
I've had dreams of a Venice/Greek type city in the past. A place
destroyed by the sea. I'm not sure if it was Atlantis, but it
certainly was ancient and very beautiful.
Hi Mystic, hmmm, I'm don't
believe it is, I think we lost many articles as did all Ez Sites
during our last incident. I love crystals, stones and rocks
too, work them quite often. I have a rock that is several thousand
years old that was gifted to me by an Elder who lives in Northern
Canada. I can't remember the name at the moment but will share
it when this old head remembers. Crow, I have an unquenchable
thirst for knowledge of ancient times and there are places in
the world I feel drawn to. I am also drawn to other things too,
for example whales, dolphins, water trees, plants, the land
and the animals. I loved Hawaii and that part of the world when
I visited and I feel a deep connection to the Queen Charlotte
Islands, as well as parts of the Middle East. Is there a connection
... I'm not really sure. I have visited ancient cities in dreamtime
as well as times I sit with Spirit. Again, I'm not sure what
to discuss but I was wondering if anyone had memory of this
I have felt
a strong connection with Lemuria... A few years ago I did some
research on the crystals and Lemuria. All the information I
had collected went when my hard drive fried and I haven't had
time to look it all up again. A few days after my dad passed
a Lemurian Crystal came to me which started the whole process...
I spent hours looking up information. (((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))
Hi lotus,
It's hard to tell at times what are dreams and what are DREAMS,
as on memories. I'd say the one dream I had was a memory because
all I did was walk down a "street" in the city. Nothing
more than that and yet it still haunts me. I've dreamt of other
places I thought were imagination and then gone on to find they
were real. I now live behind the house I dreamt of when I first
met Badger and I've seen a beach in Northern Scotland (Dunnet
Bay) where I dreamt of being shipwrecked as a sailor on a sailing
ship. That was also my first significant shape-shifting dream
as well, which is interesting because almost every precognitive
dream I've ever had has an animal in it. In my 20s I learnt
that if a dream felt "significant" and had an animal
in it - it was going to come true. Anyway, I'm wandering way
off. I'd say my dream of a city was a memory, but it wasn't
much. I can describe an entire street and that's it. I do think
Atlantis existed, but as to who/what/where? I'm not sure. I'm
afraid I know very little of Lemuria. I know a bit about Aztlan,
but that might just be complicating things!
I've had feelings about certain places when I've been on my
travels and sometimes on seeing pictures of places, that felt
like cognition of actually having been there before. The most
obvious was when I visited the ruins of an ancient town on the
Greek Island of Rhodes. I felt that I had walked down the main
street before. I got the same feeling when I visited San Giagmano
in Italy, even though that is still a thriving town. I certainly
got that feeling on Orkney and at the Giants Causeway in Ireland.
When Jaguar showed me some pictures after her hubby's recent
trip to Syria I got a real sense of having been in a small barrel-vaulted
church: I got a sense that this was a place I visited in the
dreamtime which I am sure was a past life memory from Crusader
times. Personally I do believe that Atlantis existed: and of
all the places I have visited, I would say that Orkney gave
me the strongest impression that this could have been Atlantis.
Given the maps of Britain from Roman times, Orkney would have
been further out into the Atlantic than the mainland than it
is north of Britain today.
(((Wolfie))) Hmm, thinking
and trying to remember Mouse's thread. Many years ago I read
a book called the Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky was the author
and wrote about Lemuria and Atlantis but I don't recall many
of the details in her book. Lemuria feels un-familar to me except
for the Lemurian crystal which I sometimes use. When I look
at this crystal for some reason I am reminded of the Galaxy.
I have read that the west coast of California has flora so different
from the rest of the state that it is believed a portion of
the continent of Lemuria drifted into what is now present-day
California. Other remnants of Lemuria are the Hawaii Islands.
I find this interesting as I am drawn to the Hawaiian Islands
but don't feel a connection to Lemurian.
and I'm late for work so I can't expand on that more right now,
but my question right this second is Why are Lemurian seeds
found in Brazil, Mozambique, and Russia, and where would the
fourth place be most likely to find them? I guess I'd like to
know where Lemuria was supposed to be, originally. I love working
with my Lemurians.
Vicki, I remember you mentioning
your Lemurian Crystal. I have been doing some research on the
subject, and the amount of material is unbelievable. There are
so many legends, theories and accounts of both these lost civilizations,
I think I need time to reflect and review. Teresa
I guess I'd like to know where
Lemuria was supposed to be, originally.
The exact location of Lemuria seems
to vary depending on the researchers although I have read Lemuria
is part of the mysteries of the Pacific region flowing into
the American continent, just as Atlantis is linked to the Atlantic
land areas that stretch to the Mediterranean Sea.
in quickly to say that the Ireland-Atlantis thread was a copy/paste
of research that was published. I think it was actually a CNN
release? Dunno. I put it up for general interest, so it probably
was in "All Our Relations". It wouldn't have been
filed in the library, so it may have gone out with a spring
cleaning, not necessarily the ez-board hijack of a few months
This is an interesting thread. Although I don't have any information
to contribute to the thread I just wanted to pop in. I always
enjoy reading posts on this subject. It has cropped up a few
times on the boards these past couple of years. I enjoy reading
Wolfies updates. Thanks to his many investigations and
reading interests we can all benefit. I think you would make
a good history teacher Wolfie, as a second job! Thank you everyone.
brain wouldn't let this topic rest. It's pretty much all I've
thought about for the past several days, and I tried to distract
myself! So, what I get is that when Pangaea was altogether,
Lemuria was a part of it, like a state, sort of. When the continent
broke up, parts went everywhere, which is why the crystals are
found on different continents (I guess, no one actually said
for sure) Then, I read a lot about the Lemurians being more
evolved beings from the Pleiades, which I would love to believe,
but am not sure how gullible I want to be, except that every
native culture on earth has legends of people coming from off
world, so who knows? Then, according to what I found, the Lemurians
founded Atlantis, among other places, but the Atlantians became
prideful, or too materialistic, or stopped paying attention
to the spiritual side of life, and their civilization fell.
Meanwhile, after the breakup of Pangaea, the Lemurians either
went to middle earth or back to the Pleiades, or back to space,
or became completely ethereal, depending on the source. One
site had an interesting side comment that there is a place in
the Pacific that is like the Bermuda triangle and the reason
for both places of spatial vortices was that Atlantis and Lemuria
were both originally on those spots. Might not be true, but
again, who knows? What I do know is that I have quartz from
around the world and though each has a certain 'feel' to it,
none are more easy to work with and identify from their 'feeling'
than the Lemurians. My other quartz are very good at what I
use them for, but they have an earthly feel to them. The Lemurians
have a completely different vibrational disposition to them
that even people who are not attuned to crystals can feel. I
also have one Atlantian record keeper, but that one hasn't said
to me yet. As for whether I believe I was personally in either
place, I can't tell. The only half-memory of past lives I've
ever glimpsed were of me as a Pictish warrior fighting the Romans,
(the real Picts, not the faery sort people think of now) and
me as a woman walking down a street during the 14th century
(roughly) and going into a church with rosette moldings. Atlantis
and Mu have been cropping up at various times in my life since
the 1960's. I only heard of Lemuria about 2 years ago and only
in the last couple days found out that Mu and Lemuria were the
same place. Anyway, this post doesn't really help in any way
that I can think of, but if I don't get it out it will haunt
me for several more days! Convinced I'm becoming a whack-o!
Jaguar Eyes, have missed
you ((((HUGS)))) and its wonderful to see you. I must
admit, I am not well versed on either of these civilization
but I am definitely drawn to crystals and have an interest in
Cayce's work and others on the Atlantis/Lemurian continents
of ancient times. My interest was piqued by an email I received
and that is why I brought the subject here ... I can't say I
feel any strong ties but felt some of you could share your thoughts
and guide me on the topic ... books or experiences you recommend
and would like to share? Thank you my darling Jaguar Eyes.
Teresa, I am enjoying reading your
posts and I "DON'T" think you are becoming a "whack
Lotus, I started
reading Plato's Timaeus the other night and found the following
quote at the start of that book.
The record
speaks of a vast power that your city once brought to a halt
in its insolent march against the whole of Europe and Asia at
once a power that sprang forth from beyond, from the
Atlantic ocean. For a time this ocean was passable, since it
had an island in it in front of the straight that you people
call the "Pillars of Heracles" (straits of Gibralter).
The island was larger than Libya and Asia combined, and it provided
passage to the other islands for people who travelled in those
days. From those islands one could then travel to the entire
continent on the other side, which surrounds that real sea beyond.
Everything here inside the strait we are talking about seems
nothing but a harbor with a narrow entrance, whereas that really
is an ocean out there and the land that embraces it all the
way around truly deserves to be called a continent. Now on this
isle of Atlantis a great and marvelous power established itself,
and ruled not only the whole island, but many of the other islands
and parts of the continent as well. Whats more their rule
extended even inside the strait, over Libya, as far as Egypt,
and over Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Central Italy). Now one
day this power gathered all of itself together, and set out
to enslave all the territory inside the strait, including your
region and ours, in one fell swoop. Then it was, Solon, that
your citys might shone bright with excellence and strength,
for all humankind to see. Preeminent among all others in the
nobility of her spirit and in
her use of all the arts of war she first rose to the leadership
of the Greek cause. Later, forced to stand alone, deserted by
her allies, she reached a point of extreme peril. Nevertheless
she overcame the invaders and erected her monument of victory.
She prevented the enslavement of those not yet enslaved, and
generously freed all the rest of us who lived within the boundaries
of Heracles. Some time later excessively violent earthquakes
and floors arrived, and after the onset of one unbearable day
and a night, your entire warrior force sank below the surface
all at once, and the isle of Atlantis likewise sank below the
sea and disappeared
Timaeus takes
the form of a discussion between Socrates and a group of his
friends and is dialogued as a play would be dialogued. Plato
gives the telling of this old tale to Critias, a member of the
party who are responding to a speech Socrates has given the
day before. Plato, via Critias, tells that the story was supposedly
told by an old Egyptian Scribe at a town called Sais in
that part of the Delta where the stream of the Nile divides
the vertex to Solon the wisest of the seven sages
once vouched for. Solon lived in Athens, dying around
559bc, and, as well as being a great statesman who reputedly
wrote the first Athenian constitution and is thus hailed by
some as the father of democracy, is reputed in Timaeus to be
a great poet, of the ilk of Homer or Hesiod, and a kinsman and
great friend of Critias great grandfather Drophides, who
recites Solon's tale of the old Egyptian priest to Critias
grandfather, also named Critias, who recites it to his grandson.
The story is supposedly told to Solon when he visited Sias.
As a wealthy import and export merchant it is quite feasible
that Solon did visit Egypt and the description of Sias certainly
gives the impression that the Greeks were knowledgeable about
Sias and Egypt generally, so there could be some truth in what
is recounted here, however Timaeus is far more a rhetorical
tale than a philosophical one. I will come back to this when
I have a little more time, but I wanted to post this here as
it does link to my earlier post, and Ill discuss this
in more detail when I have a little more time!
Plato must have been a
deep and excellent thinker, bold and ahead of his time. Sounds
like a man unafraid to take hold and develop an idea beyond
normal reckoning. Still I know very little about him, except
for the "essential ingredients" required to learn
in some of my classes ... ooooooh so long ago. Science was not
something I felt drawn too, still I do believe that living during
a time when philosophers provided their own answers if science
didn't provide the answers sought sounds intriguing. [always
did enjoy philosophy] Is it possible Plato genuinely glimpsed
eternal truths? That's something for me to think about. Wolfie,
thank you for helping me to gain a little better understanding.
I'm finding this era thought provoking and insightful in a mythic
sort of way. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts.
From Fundamental Education
by Samael Aun Weor: Good and Evil do not exist. Something
is good when it is convenient and evil when it is not convenient.
Good and Evil is a matter of egotistical conveniences and whims
of the mind. The man who invented the fateful terms Good and
Evil was an Atlantian called Makari Kronvernkzyon, distinguished
member of the Akaldan scientific society, located in the submerged
continent of Atlantis. The elderly archaic sage never suspected
the grave harm that he was going to cause humanity with the
invention of those two small words. The wise Atlanteans profoundly
studied all the Evolutive, Involutive and Neutral Forces of
Nature, but it occurred to this old sage, the idea of defining
the first two forces with the terms Good and Evil. He called
the forces of an Evolutive type, good and the forces of an Involutive
type he baptized with the term of evil. He did not give any
name to the neutral forces. Such forces are processed inside
man and inside nature, the neutral forces being the point of
support and equilibrium. Many centuries after the submersion
of Atlantis with its famous Poisedonis which Plato talked about
in his Republic, there existed in the Oriental civilization
Tiklyamishayana, a very ancient priest, who committed the grave
error of abusing the terms of good and evil, clumsily using
them to base on them a moral. The name of that priest was Armanatoora.
With the passing of history through
countless centuries, humanity grew addicted to these two small
words and converted them into the basis of all its moral codes.
Nowadays, one finds these two small words even in soup. Actually
there are many reformers that want moral restoration but who,
unfortunately for them and this afflicted world, have the mind
imprisoned between good and evil. Every moral bases itself on
these two small words, good and evil; that is why every moral
reformer is, as a matter of fact, a reactionary. The terms good
and evil always serve to justify or condemn our own errors.
Whoever justifies or condemns does not understand. It is intelligent
to understand the development of Evolutive forces but it is
not intelligent to justify them with the term good. It is intelligent
to understand the processes of the involutive forces but it
is stupid condemn them with the term of evil.
From Igneous Rose by
Samael Aun Weor:
243. During the Polar and Hyperborean epochs and in the beginning
of Lemuria, we the human beings were Hermaphrodites Reproduction
was performed through spores that were separated from the calves.
244. The human being utilized the two poles of his sexual energy,
positive and negative in order to create through spores.
245. With the division into opposites sexes, the human being
retained one pole of his sexual energy in order to form the
brain and the throat
246. Then, sexual cooperation was necessary for the reproduction
of the race
247. The sexual act was then performed under the direction of
the Angels, in determined epochs of the year
248. The plan of the Angels was that as soon as the brain and
the throat were constructed, humans would then continue their
evolution by creating their body with the power of the Verb
249. I was a witness to all these things. This is why reincarnation
for me is a fact
250. I knew the tenebrous and tantric sexual magic that Mr.
Cherenzi and Mr. Parsival (both black magicians) are preaching.
I saw this black tantrism being performed by all the black magicians
of Atlantis. This is why the continent of Atlantis was submerged
among great cataclysms.
251. I knew the Egyptians and the Romans. I often saw Nero seated
on his canopy bed upon the shoulders of his servants, while
passing through the doors of the ancient Roman palace of the
252. The human beings have been evolving through the wheels
of birth and death for more than eighteen million years.
253. It is sad, very sad indeed to say the truth, but this human
evolution has truly failed.
254. A very small group of souls will reincarnate in the luminous
age of Aquarius.
from Magic Runes by Samael Aun Weor My doctrine
is not mine, but his that sent me. Listen to me, you must
study in depth with your mind and your heart this revolutionary
chapter of this 1968-1969 Christmas message. The Elohim (holy
Gods) produced Man from themselves (by modification), in their
likeness ... He (the collective Deity) created them (the collective
humanity or Adam) male and female.
The Protoplasmatic Root Race from
the Sacred Island (located in the Septentrion) was truly their
first production. It was a tremendous transformation of themselves
(the Elohim) and which was through themselves. These productions
were pure spiritual existences. Behold here the Adam Sollus.
From this primeval Polar Root Race,
the second Root Race arose: The Adam-Eve or Jod-Heva, the Hyperborean
people, the inactive androgynous.
The third Root Race, the Lemurian
people, arose always by modification, from the Hyperborean.
This race was the separative Hermaphrodite Cain and Abel, which
lived upon the gigantic continent of Mu or Lemuria as it was
later called, and that was situated in the Pacific Ocean. This
third Root Race was the last semi-spiritual one. As well, it
was the final vehicle of the pure, virginal, unbegotten, instinctive
and innate esoterism of the Enochs, or the Illuminated ones
from that humanity.
The separative Hermaphrodite Cain
and Abel produced the fourth Root Race of Seth-Enos, which lived
on the continent of Atlantis, situated in the Atlantic Ocean.
Our actual Arian Root Race, which perversely dwells upon the
five continents of the world arose from the Atlantian people.
Each one of the four preceded Root Races perished from gigantic
cataclysms, and our fifth Root Race will not be an exception.
It has been said unto us that in a
remote future, two more Root Races will exist upon the face
of the earth. It is obvious that each one of them will have
its own scenario. The primeval bisexual unity of the third human
Root-Race is an axiom of ancient wisdom. Its virginal individuals
elevated themselves to the rank of Gods, because these people
were actually representing their divine dynasty.
Certainly, the separation into opposite
sexes was performed throughout various thousands of years, and
this was a consummated fact at the end of the Lemurian Root
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor 91
Let us now talk about Eden, of those paradisiacal Jinn lands
which the sacred individuals of Lemuria had continuous access
to in the times in which the rivers of pure water of life were
flowing milk and honey. This was the epoch of the Titans, when
neither that which is mine and that which is yours existed.
Everyone could collect fruits from the tree of the neighbor
without any fear. This was the epoch of Arcadia, in which people
were rendering cult to the Gods
of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. This was the Age of Gold when
the lyre had not yet been smashed into pieces by falling upon
the floor of the temple.
Then, only the pure rising of the
divine Cosmic Language, that as a river of gold runs under the
thick jungle of the sun was spoken. In that ancient age, people
were very simple and innocent because the Pluralized I
was not born yet. They were rendering cult to the Gods of the
tender corn, and also to the ineffable creatures of rivers and
forests. I knew the Hermaphrodite Lemurian Root Race. Those
terrible volcanoes which were in constant eruption come into
my memory in these instants. What a time! All of us Initiates
were normally using very common sacerdotal vestures. Those sacred
venerated vestures were splendidly standing Out with white and
black colors, which were symbolizing the tremendous struggle
between the Spirit and matter. It was exalting to admire and
see those Lemurian Giants with their noble vestures and their
sandals which were displaying great tassels.The pituitary gland,
the sixth sense, which is the light-keeper and the page of the
pineal gland, was displayed between the eyebrows of these Colossuses.
Then, the life of any individual had the average age of twelve
to fifteen centuries, So, gigantic cities were built, which
were protected with enormous stones formed with lava of volcanoes.
I also knew the last times of the
third Root Race. I lived in that epoch, which is cited in Genesis
as being that ancient age in which Adam and Eve were cast out
of Eden. In those times, humanity had already divided themselves
into opposite sexes. The sexual act was then a sacrament which
was only performed inside of the temples.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor 92
In certain lunar epochs, the Lemurian tribes were performing
long travels. They were departing on pilgrimages towards the
holy places, with the purpose of multiplying the specie (let
us recall our honeymoon trips). We, all the Lemurians, were
children born from will power and yoga. Maithuna was what we
performed during the copulation, and no one was committing the
error of ejaculating the entity of semen.
The human seed always passed into
the womb without the spilling of semen being necessary. The
multiple combinations of this infinite substance are marvelous.
The king and queen monarchs were sexually united before the
very altar of the temple, and the multitudes were performing
the copulation inside the sacred precinct and in the rocky patios
filled with mysterious hieroglyphics. The holy Gods were wisely
directing those mystical ceremonies, which were indispensable
for the reproduction of the human specie. No one was thinking
in perversity, since the pluralized I was not born
yet. I was living in the country with my tribe, far away from
those walled cyclopean cities. We were abiding in a big cabin,
cottage or hut. Close to our rounded palm roofed residence,
I remember with entire clarity that there was a military base
where the warriors of our tribe were meeting.
It happened that on a certain night,
all of us, fascinated by a strange Luciferic power, resolved
to perform the sexual act out of the temple. Thus, we, each
of the couples delivered ourselves to lust. Next day, in the
morning, as if nothing had happened, we had the daring, the
shame, the insolence, the impudence to present ourselves as
usual in the temple. However, something unexpected and terrible
happened. All of us saw a God of Justice, a great Master, dressed
with a day-breaking and immaculate sacerdotal vesture. With
a flaming sword which he was turning in every way to threaten
us, he said,: Get out, you unworthy! It is clear
that we then fled terrorized. Obviously, this event was repeated
in all the corners of the enormous continent Mu. This is how
the humanity Adam- Eve was cast out from the Garden of Eden.
Following this event, which is registered in the Genesis of
all religions, horrifying epilogues were occurring. Millions
of human creatures were developing the abominable Kundartiguador
organ when they started to mix Magic with fornication... Incidently,
it is useful to mention here Kalayoni, the King of the serpents,
the Black Magician, keeper of the temple of Kali which is the
fatal antithesis of the Eternal Mother Space.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor 93
Krishna saw with the magical conjuration of Kalayoni, a long
blue-greenish reptile appearing. The fatal serpent slowly straightened
its body, then horizontally it bristled its reddish mane, and
its penetrating eyes frightfully flashed in its monstrous head
of shining shells. Better if you worship it, or you will
perish said the Black Magician...but the serpent died
in the hands of Krishna. So, when Krishna heroically killed
this great serpent, keeper of the Temple of Kali (the Goddess
of Desire) the Mother of Cupid made ablutions and prayers for
one month at the shores of the river Ganges. This viper from
Kali is the tempting serpent of Eden, the horrible serpent Piton
which is writhing in the mud of the earth and which Apollo enragedly
hurt with his darts.
It is indispensable to comprehend
that such a sinister snake is without any doubt the tail of
Satan, the abominable Kundartiguador organ. When the Gods intervened,
eliminating from the human specie the cited fatal organ, the
awful consequences of this tail of Satan remained within the
five cylinders of the human machine (intellect, emotion, movement,
instinct and sex). It is obvious that such evil consequences
from the abominable Kundartiguador organ constitute that which
is called ego, the pluralized I, the Myself,
a tenebrous conjunction of perverse entities which personify
all of our psychological defects. Therefore, the pluralized
I is a granulated lunar, negative Luciferic Fohat.
This Fohatic satanic crystallization constitutes that which
is called EGO.
From The Perfect Matrimony by Samael
Aun Weor: THE ESKIMOS OF THE NORTH Tradition says that the
Eskimos of Greenland and Alaska have their origin in distant
Thule. It is said that the Eskimos are mixed with invaders from
Polynesia, Tunguska and Dené. The Great Gnostic Rosicrucian
Master Arnold Krumm Heller speaks sublimely about distant Thule,
the sacred island. Don Mario Rosso de Luna says that this island
still exists, but is found in a state of Jinns. We know that
the first human race existed on this island.
The polar race developed in an environment
totally different from the present one. In that age, which dates
back more than three hundred million years, the earth was really
semietheric, semi-physical; it was an ocean, curved, blue as
the night firmament. In those times human beings could float
in the atmosphere. Human bodies were androgynous and ethereal.
These bodies were elastic and subtle. Just as they could maintain
their gigantic form, ten or twenty meters tall, they could reduce
their size at will and assume pygmy-like stature, or take the
size of the present human body.
We cannot affirm that those people
were hermaphroditic. This race was androgynous. The sexual energy
operated in a different way, and they reproduced through the
fissiparous sexual act. In a determined instant the original
organism divided into exact halves. This is similar to multiplication
by cellular division. Each time this occurred there was prayer
and profound veneration of the Divine. Although it may seem
incredible, the first human race reached a very high degree
of civilization. With the plastic and ethereal matter of this
primeval Earth, houses were built, palaces, cities and grandiose
Naturally, the pigs of todays
materialism will laugh at our affirmations because they have
never found the remains of this civilization. It is impossible
to find the remains of such an ancient civilization, because
in that age the Earth was ethereal, that is to say, it was made
of pro-matter. Only in the memories of nature can the great
clairvoyants find all the living history of the first race.
This is the protoplasmic race. This
is the legitimate protoplasm of the human race. The great clairvoyants
can laugh all they want at the Darwinian and Haeckelian protoplasm.
The fossil remains of human beings found in the subterranean
caverns of the Earth have nothing to do with the protoplasmic
race. These remains are those of degenerated tribes, descendants
of the submerged Atlantis.
Religion, science and philosophy were
totally united in the culture of the polar race. The inhabitants
of distant Thule were Bodhisattva vas of the Masters of other
Mahàmanvantaras. Adam and Eve were one single being.
Nowadays, Adam and Eve are separated and suffer and search for
each other with an insatiable thirst to unite. Only during the
sexual act are the man and woman one single being. In those
moments of sexual voluptuousness both man and woman have the
immense joy of being one single being.
The cosmic rituals of that age are
very interesting. In the temples the trained clairvoyant can
discover pure Occult Masonry Nevertheless, those rituals differed
so greatly from those that currently exist in the world, that
it would be impossible for the modem Mason to admit that these
rituals were Masonic. The lights of the Temple were not fixed.
No sooner had the Venerable Master occupied a throne than he
would abandon it. Some times the First Vigilant occupied a throne,
to later change it for that of the Second Vigilant. The high
dignitaries levitated to exchange among themselves their ceremonial
positions. On their vestments the colors black and white were
combined to represent the struggle between Spirit and matter.
The construction of the Temple was perfect. The symbols and
the tools of work were used inverted, to represent the drama
that is projected into the centuries; the descent of Spirit
toward matter. Thus we may contemplate with surprise the inverted
scepters, chalice etc. all inverted. Life was at this time descending
towards matter, and it was necessary then to give symbolic expression
to this. The sacred processions were grandiose. They made the
Great Mysteries and the supreme descent of Spirit towards matter
understands able. This was a magnificent event that was awaited
through the course of the centuries. It was awaited with as
much yearning as is today the return of man to the superior
The language of the protoplasmic race
was the Word of Gold, a universal and cosmic language whose
combinations of sound produce cosmic phenomena of all kinds.
Those who follow the Path of the Perfect Matrimony rediscover
that primeval language within themselves. When the Sacred Fire
reaches the level of the throat, we begin to speak in the very
pure orthoepy of the divine language which, like a river of
gold, flows delightfully beneath the dense forest of the Sun.
Singing in this language, the parents of the Gods taught the
Gods the cosmic laws of nature. The script of the first race
was the Runes. The mallet of Masonry comes from the arrow of
the Egyptian God Ra, and this is a Rune. In that epoch, the
rituals of the polar Temple were all runic. The movements of
the officials were runic. This is the Divine Script. Let us
remember that the Swastika is a Rune. The Hebrew letters are
nothing other than modifications of runic letters. The cradle
of occult wisdom was not Asia as many believe. The true cradle
of occult wisdom was the sacred island, distant Thule, about
which Huiracocha said so many beautiful things. In the epoch
of the protoplasmic race, the sacred isle was not in the north.
That island was in fact a continent positioned exactly on the
equatorial line. Much later, with the revolution of the axes
of the Earth, this island came to be in the north. The revolution
of the Earths axes has already been demonstrated by contemporary
science. Nowadays the poles are deviating toward the equator.
The present Eskimos, although mixed
with other races, are not descendants of the first race. Rather
they are degenerated Atlantians, but they maintain some very
interesting traditions. These people have a family bond that
unites them. Each patriarch uses a special amulet consisting
of a sign, totem mark, or the name of a species of sacred animal,
which he passes on to his descendants. Because they live in
the North Pole, many thinkers may feel inclined to believe that
this race could have its origin in the primitive Nordics of
the first age. It is interesting to know that among the ancient
Eskimos there was no special authority, caciclue or king. They
were ruled by a council of elders. The young males united in
Perfect Matrimony with women of other clans, but the amulet
served as a distinguishing sign to avoid marriages among relatives.
In other times polyandry existed. They killed every female child
that was born before the male son. Fortunately, they have now
abandoned that barbaric custom.
In his book entitled History
of Matrimony, R. Westermarch says that the Eskimos
lent their wife to another man, or exchanged her. In fact, this
is an adulterous custom. A horrible custom incompatible with
the doctrine preached by our Adorable Saviour Jesus the Christ.
But, every rule has its exception and we cannot believe that
all Eskimos have the same barbaric custom. There is everything
in the Garden of the Lord. It is a custom for the Eskimos to
wrap their dead in skins and to bury them beneath a tumulus
surrounded by a fence. In the Aleutian Islands they were tied
with cords, and buried in the crevices of cliffs.
The Eskimos know the law of eternal
return; they know that the ego returns to a new womb. The fetishes
or diminutive dolls of the Eskimos symbolize the Essence. They
believe that the Essence is tiny and diminutive, but the priests
do not ignore that the Soul is fabricated with it. Pregnancy,
the birth of children, puberty and death are celebrated with
special esoteric practices. The Eskimos adore the feminine principle
of God. They love their sublime elder Sedna who lives in the
depths of the ocean and sends marine animals for their nourishment.
Naturally, the erudite ignoramuses who know nothing about occult
science laugh at the divine religion of the Eskimos. The best
canticles and rituals of the Eskimos are for the Divine Mother.
The symbolic journeys of the shaman (priest) in search of the
ancient Sedna, to console her when she becomes angered, and
the processions that the community makes to reconcile her remind
us of the symbolic journeys of the Masonic candidate around
the lodge. The journeys are the external symbols of the elevation
of the candidates consciousness through the superior worlds.
The five symbolic journeys of Occult Masonry are intimately
related with the five Initiations of Major Mysteries. When they
see these journeys of the Eskimos, the profane and ignorant
do nothing but laugh and laugh at what they do not know. They
laugh like idiots, they laugh at what they do not know.
The Eskimos know with perfect exactitude,
as the true Initiate who has awakened his sixth sense also knows,
that there exist genies, elves, gnomes, giants, salamanders
of the fire, undines etc., etc. Fortunately, official science,
after having accepted hypnotism and having baptized it with
the new name hypnology, has to accept clairvoyance as a logical
consequence. Only in this way is it possible to explain to ourselves
that a subject in a hypnotic state can see through a wall or
can inform about what is happening often at a distance of thousands
of kilometers. What science rejects today, it accepts tomorrow.
Today those who laugh at Paracelsus and the Eskimos because
of the elementals, gnomes, pygmies, salamanders, genies, undines,
sylphs etc., will have to laugh at themselves and become red
with embarrassment when these creatures are rediscovered by
science. Who would have believed only five years ago in the
glass snake? Now, in 1961 a famous scientist, one of those who
previously described himself as incredulous, has just discovered
the famous glass snake. This snake has the power to drop its
tail at will in cases of danger, easily being able to regenerate
it afterwards. When the glass snake finds itself in danger,
attacked by some animal, it coils up, becomes rigid and throws
itself over the animal. It then instantly abandons its tail
and it head escapes in a flash. The animal is distracted by
the tail while the snake saves itself. Later a new tail grows
from the head. Thus it; Nature has many marvels, and it is necessary
to learn how to respect all religions, because they are but
forms of a single universal religion. Tremendous truths and
cosmic sciences are contained in every religion, unknown to
the erudite ignoramuses of this barbaric age. All those who
want to profoundly self-realize must work in their laboratory
with the Sulphur (Fire), the Nitrogen (Air), the Man (Water)
and the Bull (Earth). These four elements form a cross. The
al chemist who follows the Path of the Perfect Matrimony must
transmute the lead into gold within the profound caverns of
the great mountain range (the spinal column).
In this great mountain range live
the Gnomes, the guardians of all the treasures of the Earth,
the great alchemists who transmute lead into gold. The Gnomes
work with the Salamanders of the Fire, with the Sylphs of the
Air and the voluptuous Undines of the pure Water of Life. The
ardent Salamanders fertilize the unquiet Undines, and the happy
and playful Sylphs animate the Fire of the laboratorys
furnace (the chakra called the Church of Ephesus) so that the
Water (semen) evaporates from within its container (the sex).
The seminal vapors rise through the chimney to the distillery
(the brain). There the Gnomes perform the great distillation,
perfectly transmuting the remaining lead into gold. It is necessary
to transmute the lead of the personality into the gold of the
Spirit. Only in this way can we again speak the very pure orthoepy
of the Divine Language. Our motto is Thelema (Will).
We need to pass through the five Great
Initiations of Fire, symbolized by the Three Degrees of Occult
Masonry. We need to return, to go back to the Divine Wisdom
of distant Thule. Much has been said about this distant Thule,
the Land of the Gods. The ancestors of the Eskimos and the Aztecs
reside there. Quetzalcoatl lives there. From there he came and
there he returned. The Emperor Monteczuma sent a group of ambassador
magicians to that mysterious Thule. They went in a state of
Jinas; that is to say, they traveled within the fourth dimension.
Distant Thule is the Sacred Land, the Sacred Isle, the first
continent to exist and the last to cease to exist. That continent
is found in the polar icecap of the north, within the fourth
dimension. The Aztec magicians sent by Monteczuma arrived there
in a state of Jinas, carrying presents to the ancestors of the
Aztecs. On their return they brought a message for Monteczuma
and the Aztecs, which we could synthesize as follows: If
you do not stop your passions, cruelties and vices you will
be punished. White men will come from the sea and will conquer
you and destroy you. All this was fulfilled by the arrival
of the Spanish in Mexico. The matter of the fourth dimension,
and of a sacred land within the fourth dimension at the North
Pole, may make the erudite ignoramuses laugh. They in fact have
not studied all the dimensions of space. It is a shame that
mathematics cannot define the dimensions of space. Every
mathematical expression always corresponds to a realization
of realities. Thus one thinks with formal logic. Fortunately
though, there exists a dialectic logic that would permit us
to use mathematics to define the six fundamental dimensions
of the universe.
Generally, the dimensions are represented
by powers: the first, second, third, fourth, etc. It was precisely
this that provided a base for Hinton to construct his famous
theory of tesseracts, or four dimensional solids (A raised to
the fourth power). This is the representation of dimensions
in the form of powers. Many authors consider that mathematics
has nothing to do with dimensions because there is no difference
between the dimensions. This concept appears false to us. We
believe that the difference between dimensions is obvious, and
that the entire universe is made according to the Law of Number,
Measure and Weight. What happens is that whilst the mind is
bottled up in formal logic we will limit the use of mathematics
to the three dimensional world. We urgently need dialectic logic
to be able to consider as something logical, the representation
of dimensions by powers. This is only possible dialectically;
with dialectic logic.
Metageometry studies Superior
Space. Metageometry is destined to totally replace Euclidian
geometry. In fact, Euclidian geometry only serves to investigate
the properties of a particular physical space. But wanting to
abandon the study of the fourth vertical clearly means that
physics will be halted in its progress. The vital secret of
all mechanics is found in the fourth coordinate. Metageometry
has the merit of considering the three dimensional world as
a section of a superior space. The point of three dimensional
spaces is only a sectional slice of a Metageometry line. With
formal logic it is impossible to consider Metageometry lines
as distances between points in our space, and it is impossible
to represent them forming figures in our space. But, with dialectic
logic you have distances between points of our space and we
can represent these with figures and qualities. It is not absurd
then, to say that the continent of the North Pole belongs to
the fourth dimension. Neither would it be absurd in light of
the thought of dialectic logic, to affirm that this continent
is inhabited by people who have physical bodies. We can make
a map of this continent a d this would be accepted by dialectic
logic. Formal logic on the other hand, besides considering our
affirmations absurd, would lead us in fact into error.
The three-dimensionality of the world
certainly exists in our psyche, in our receptive apparatus.
It is also there where we can all find the marvels of the supradimensional,
if we develop clairvoyance, clairaudience etc.; that is to say,
if we perfect our psychic apparatus. Only through the development
of our powers of internal perception can we study the superior
dimensions of nature. Materialistic positivism has built a Great
Wall of China around free investigation. Now, the erudite
ignoramuses condemn as antiscientific all which arises contradictory
to that wall. Materialistic positivism is conservative and reactionary.
We the Gnostics are revolutionaries and we totally reject reactionary
and conservative ideas. Emmanuel Kant, the great German philosopher,
considers space to be a property of the receptivity of the world
by our consciousness. We carry in ourselves the conditions
of our space, and therefore, within ourselves we will find the
conditions that allow us to establish correlations between our
space and superior space.
When the microscope was invented the
world of the infinitely small was opened to us. In the same
way the world of the fourth dimension will be opened to us with
the awakening of the sixth sense. Those who have developed the
sixth sense can study the Akãsa Records of nature and
discover for themselves the reality of the polar continent of
the north. The first race that existed in the world was of a
black color. This was the protoplasmic race; the androgynous
race that reproduced itself through the fissiparous sexual act
(similar to multiplication by cellular division). The first
race lived in the fourth dimension of space. The Earth itself
was then submerged within the fourth dimension. That race had
a gigantic civilization, the Language of Gold was spoken and
they wrote with runic letters. These letters are of great esoteric
power. In that epoch, the Angel Uriel wrote a precious cosmic
book with runic letters. We can only study this book in the
Akãsa Records.
The manner of perception and representation
of the people of the first race was not subjective as is that
of humanity today. These polar people had clear and perfect
objective representations and perceptions. They could see bodies
in a complete and exact manner. The people of today can only
see sides, angles, faces, surfaces etc. Now nobody sees complete
bodies. People of today are degenerated and only have incomplete,
subjective perceptions and representations of a type which is
completely degenerate and subjective. We need to return to the
point of departure and regenerate our psychic apparatus through
Sexual Magic and internal meditation to reconquer objective
representations and perceptions.
It is urgent to eliminate all subjective
elements from our representations and perceptions. This is possible
by improving the quality of the representations with the technique
of meditation, and by regenerating the psychic apparatus with
Sexual Magic. In the north is the cradle of occult wisdom, and
not in the orient as some orientalists suppose.
The Eskimos conserve many religious
traditions that are worth seriously investigating. Archimedes
said, Give me a point of support and I will move the universe.
Archimedes searched for the lever to move the universe. This
lever exists. Eliphas Levi says that this lever is the Astral
Light. We prefer to speak more clearly and say that the lever
of Archimedes is
Whoever develops Kundalini can place his body of flesh and bone
into the fourth dimension to transport himself to distant Thule,
the Land of the Gods. Whoever knows how to pray and ask Mother
Kundalini, could well beg her to put him in the fourth dimension
and transport him to the Sacred Island. Kundalini is the lever
of Archimedes, the lever with which we place ourselves in the
fourth dimension, traveling with our physical bodies. The invention
of the lever immediately differentiated primitive man from the
animal, and in fact was linked with the real appearance of concepts.
If we understand in depth, psychically, the action of the lever
we discover with astonishment that its construction consists
of a correct syllogism. Whoever does not know how to construct
a syllogism correctly, can neither totally understand the action
of a lever. The syllogism in the psychic sphere is literally
thy same thing as the lever in the physical sphere. In reality
we can be sure that the beings living on Earth are divided into
two groups; those who know the action of the lever and those
who do not know this action.
Man needs the lever of Archimedes,
the Superastral Serpent, to put himself into the fourth dimension
and transport himself with his body to the Land of the Gods.
When mathematics has renounced the fundamental axioms of identity
and difference, the path is found that leads to a superior order
of things in the superior dimensions of space. The great writer,
P.O. said, In the world of the infinite and variable magnitudes,
a magnitude may not be the same as itself. One part can he equal
to the whole; and of two equal magnitudes one can he infinitely
greater than the other.
In reality this can seem a complete
absurdity when we study the question in the light of the mathematics
of constant and finite numbers. But it is certain, completely
certain and true, that the mathematics of constant and finite
numbers is in itself the calculus of the relations that exist
between nonexistent ma that is, the calculus of the absurd.
Then, we can completely affirm that what appears as absurd from
the point of view of this mathematics may really be true, even
though people do not believe it. On a certain occasion a famous
penologist said, To discover truth we have to renounce
logic. In part this lawyer spoke the truth, in another
way he did not. In reality we have to renounce formal logic,
but not logic, because logic is the art of correct thinking,
If we stop thinking correctly clearly we fall into the absurd.
In his Critique of Pure Reason , Emmanuel Kant showed
us the path of a transcendental logic. Before Bacon arid the
famous Aristotle, in the archaic scriptures of the sacred land
of the Vedas, formulae for a superior logic were already given.
These formulae were written in very ancient books. This logic
is dialectic logic. This is intuitive logic, the logic of ecstasy,
the logic of the infinite. This logic existed long before deductive
or inductive logic were formulated. When man masters this marvelous
key of the mind called dialectic logic, he can open the mysterious
door of the world of natural causes without danger of falling
into error. The axioms of dialectic logic can only be formulated
during ecstasy.
If we really want to deeply understand
the multidimensional world and visit the sacred land of the
Gods situated in the northern polar cap, we urgently need to
cast everything out from the Temple of our mind, all the intellectual
idols that have become axioms. We need to liberate the mind,
free it from formal logic, which is only good for Moliere and
his caricatures. The lands of Jinas, the marvels hidden within
the Thousand and One Nights, the countries of gold
where the ineffable Gods of the aurora live, become a tremendous
reality when we find the lever of
Archimedes. Supported by this mysterious
lever we spring to the fourth dimension. The hour has arrived
to liberate the mind and to awaken Kundalini. The moment has
arrived for the human being to learn to pass to the fourth dimension
at will any time he wishes. If someone who has awakened Kundalini
were to supplicate to this Kundalini in the moments when falling
asleep, asking to be placed in the fourth dimension and transported
to the sacred island of the north pole, you could be sure dear
reader, that the miracle would inevitably occur. The only thing
that the Initiate needs is to know is how to raise himself from
the bed whilst conserving sleep. The Snake will help him with
everything when he in turn, knows how to help himself. Help
yourself and I will help you.
From Fundamental Education by Samael
Aun Weor: Good and Evil do not exist. Something is good
when it is convenient and evil when it is not convenient. Good
and Evil is a matter of egotistical conveniences and whims of
the mind. The man who invented the fateful terms Good and Evil
was an Atlantean called Makari Kronvernkzyon, distinguished
member of the Akaldan scientific society, located in the submerged
continent of Atlantis. The elderly archaic sage never suspected
the grave harm that he was going to cause humanity with the
invention of those two small words. The wise Atlanteans profoundly
studied all the Evolutive, Involutive and Neutral Forces of
Nature, but it occurred to this old sage, the idea of defining
the first two forces with the terms Good and Evil. He called
the forces of an Evolutive type, good and the forces of an Involutive
type he baptized with the term of evil. He did not give any
name to the neutral forces. Such forces are processed inside
man and inside nature, the neutral forces being the point of
support and equilibrium.
Many centuries after the submersion
of Atlantis with its famous Poisedonis which Plato talked about
in his Republic, there existed in the Oriental civilization
Tiklyamishayana, a very ancient priest, who committed the grave
error of abusing the terms of good and evil, clumsily using
them to base on them a moral. The name of that priest was Armanatoora.
With the passing of history through countless centuries, humanity
grew addicted to these two small words and converted them into
the basis of all its moral codes. Nowadays, one finds these
two small words even in soup. Actually there are many reformers
that want moral restoration but who, unfortunately for them
and this afflicted world, have the mind imprisoned between good
and evil. Every moral bases itself on these two small words,
good and evil; that is why every moral reformer is, as a matter
of fact, a reactionary. The terms good and evil always serve
to justify or condemn our own errors. Whoever justifies or condemns
does not understand. It is intelligent to understand the development
of Evolutive forces but it is not intelligent to justify them
with the term good. It is intelligent to understand the processes
of the involutive forces but it is stupid condemn them with
the term of evil.
uh huh---interesting that
From the I Ching, Book of Changes
Ta Chuan / The Great Treatise 4. Concern over remorse and
humiliation depends on the borderline. The urge to blamelessness
depends on remorse.
Remorse and humiliation are the results
of a deviation from the right path and consequently always require
a reversal of attitude. One can avoid both by being on guard
in time. The point at which concern must set in, if one is to
be spared re-morse and humiliation, is that point at which good
or evil has begun to stir in the mind but has not yet crossed
the threshold into actuality. If at this moment one takes action
and directs the movement in its germinal phase toward the good,
one will be spared remorse and humiliation. If, however, a mistake
has already been made, remorse is the psychological force leading
to repentance and improvement. ...
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
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