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Celtic Moons, The Wind
By DragonHawk

(Full Moon usually between 18 February
and March )
"Am " I am the Wind over
the Sea The fifth moon of the Celtic Year (the Celtic Year starts
around Samhain (Hallow'een))
Of the fifth month Amergin says, I am the wind over the
As we move towards equinox high winds are expected the Mad
March Wind blows away the leaves and other debris from
the face of the earth, allowing more of her body to be exposed
to the growing Light, but this Wind has a mythological meaning
as well. In many cultures the concept of Spirit is linked to
that of breath, the Latin spiritus or
the Hebrew ruach which in the Biblical account of
Creation hovers above the face of the Waters, and the Wind,
which resembles a living Beings breath is interpreted as being
the breath of the Great Powers creative spirit.
The Celts shared this symbolic language
(old Celtic Anatlon, breath is related to Anatia
soul) so that a strong gust of wind, in Celtic myth
suggested and ensoulment: in infusion of creative potential.
In the Lebor Gabala the Tuatha De Danaan, who are considered
the Gods of conscious creativity empowerment. arrived suddenly
appear in Ireland out of the Air, on wind-borne clouds. In the
Predua Anwyn, the Otherworld Cauldron is fanned (inspired) by
the breath of Nine Maidens, a reference to the Goddess in her
nine-fold aspect The Wind over the Sea follows naturally from
the bursting forth of the waters under the last Flood Moon,
the waters having escaped the Formorian abyss bring the essence
of fertility to the Light of Day, but they are as yet inert,
undirected by any purpose.
Now the Spirit
the Divine
Wind, must breath must breath itself into their fertile potential,
instilling in them the ideal of growth. We must allow our inner
Self, thawed and irrigated by the previous Flood Moon to open
up to the gift of Spirt, We are ready now to contemplate future
creativity, the resumption of conscious action
As the moon waxes we become aware
of the gathering winds breathing out of those regions of the
Otherworld where Samos energy has its source chasing the dark
clouds of the March storms before them they are bringing with
them the Gods of consciousness and personality, the gods of
manifest activity. With the full moon, we feel the full blast
of the wind upon us, we savor the life it breathes into us,
the power it confers upon us, so perfectly suited to the psychic
vessel we have prepared.
As the moon wanes, we continue to
draw the Spirit in with our breath gathering strength for our
coming cycles of work.
Incantation to the Wind Moon
Welcome Moon of the Wind!
Strong winds blow over the face of the desolate land breathing
life into the waters. We open ourselves to the Spirit, making
ourselves instruments of the Creation.
are on this row
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