


Myth & Lore

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Some of the 86 pages in this Myth & Lore section are below. The rest will be found HERE

Legend of Crystals
By Bear MedicineWalker, LoreKeeper

In times long past, We lived in harmony with Nature. We spoke the same language as the four-leggeds and the plant people. We hunted for food only to satisfy our hunger and needs, always offering prayer of thanks for what was had been from Nature. As time went on, we lost this innocence, harmony and balance. We became greedy and took more than we needed. Forgetting prayers of gratitude. We began killing animals, and each other, for sport and pleasure.

The Bear Tribe, Chief among the animals, called a meeting of all the animals. They decided that something had to be done. The bears suggested that they shoot back when humans shot at them, but the bow and arrow required too great a sacrifice, for one bear would have to give up his life so that his sinew could be used for the bowstring. The bear’s claws were too long for shooting a bow anyway, and would become entangled on the string.

The deer tribe offered another method of dealing with the problem,.one of their members said,” “We will bring disease into the world; each of us will be responsible for a different illness. When humans live out of balance with nature, when they forget to give thanks for their food, they will get sick, and in fact the deer did involve rheumatism and arthritis; each animal then decided to invoke a different disease.

The Plant Tribe was more sympathetic and felt that this was too harsh a punishment, so they volunteered their help. They said that for every disease a human gets, one of them would be present to cure it. That way, if people used their intelligence they would be able to cure their ailments and regain their balance.

All of nature agreed to this strategy, One plant in particular spoke out. This was Tobacco, the chief of the plants. He said, “I will be the sacred herb. I will not cure any specific disease, but I will help people return to the scared way of life, provided I am smoked or offered with prayers and ceremony. But if I am misused, if I am merely smoked for pleasure, I will cause cancer, the worst disease of all.”

The close friends of the Plant Tribe, the Rock Tribe and the Mineral Tribe, agreed to help. Each mineral would have a spiritual power, a subtle vibration that could be used to regain perfect health. The Ruby, worn as an amulet, would heal the heart; the emerald would heal the liver and eyes, and so on. The chief of the mineral tribe, Quartz Crystal, was clear, like the light of creation itself. Quartz put his arms around his brother Tobacco and said, “I will be the scared mineral. I will heal the mind. I will help human beings see the origin of disease. I will help to bring wisdom and clarity in dreams. And I will record their spiritual history, including our meeting today, so that in the future, if humans gaze into me, they may see their origin and the way of harmony.” And so it is today.

This is a Cherokee legend, Speaking of an ancient time of peace, a mythical homeland known to every culture on Earth. We call it the “Old Way.”

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