& Lore
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Moon Lore
© CinnamonMoon

The information I'm sharing has been
taken from practical experience, oral teachings, and years of
study notes that were not accredited to their appropriate authors
in all cases. So there is little more I can say about that.
I can only hope that it will be helpful to you and that you
know me well enough to realize that it's as accurate as I am
able to make it.
This said, there are 13 Moons each
year, one for each month and the 13th being the Moon which is
the unifier. Each Moon is named and represents the influence
for the month in which it resides. These names vary according
to the tradition you are following or the culture in which the
teachings are coming from. They also vary in that the Moon will
overlap at the cusp of the month (beginning and end) in which
it falls.
If there is a reference in the naming
to an animal that animal will be active in some capacity during
that month. For instance, January's Wolf Moon is a time of year
when winter's harsh conditions force the Wolf into towns or
farmsteads in search of food. March's Worm Moon is a time of
year when the rains begin and Worms come up out of the ground.
March's Crow Moon will find the Crows out and about gathering
for their nests and stockpiles all that they can steal.
January: Wolf Moon, Cold Moon,
Quiet Moon, Snow Moon, Chaste Moon, Little Winter Moon...
Seneca: Talks With Relations...
SunBear: Snow Goose Moon, Earth Renewal Moon
February: Ice Moon, Crust
Moon, Horning Moon, Hunger Moon, Wild Moon, Red Moon, Cleansing
Moon, Quickening Moon, Big Winter Moon...
Seneca: Wisdom Keeper....
SunBear: Otter Moon, Rest and Cleansing Moon
March: Storm Moon, Snow Moon,
Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Moon, Renewal Moon, Lenting Moon,
Crow Moon...
Seneca: Weighs The Truth;
SunBear: Cougar Moon, Big Winds Moon
April: Growing Moon, Crow
Moon, Warm Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Planter's Moon, Budding
Trees Moon, Green Grass Moon...
Seneca: Looks Far Woman;
SunBear: Red Hawk Moon, Budding Trees Moon
May: Hare Moon, Pink Moon,
Sprouting Moon, Dyad Moon, Bright Moon, Flower Moon, Frogs Return
Moon, Ponies Shed Moon, Milk Moon...
Seneca: Listening Woman;
SunBear: Beaver Moon, Frogs Return Moon
June: Mead Moon, Flower Moon,
Horse Moon, Lover's Moon, Strong Sun Moon, Honey Moon, Moon
of Making Fat, Mead Moon...
Seneca: Storyteller;
SunBear: Deer Moon, Cornplanting Moon
July: Hay Moon, Rose Moon,
Strawberry Moon, Wort Moon, Moon of Claiming, Blood Moon...
Seneca: Loves All Things;
SunBear: Flicker Moon, Strong Sun Moon
August: Corn Moon, Green Corn
Moon, Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Barley Moon, Dispute Moon, Black
Cherry Moon, Harvest Moon...
Seneca: She Who Heals;
SunBear: Sturgeon Moon, Ripe Berries Moon
September: Red Sturgeon Moon,
Wine Moon, Singing Moon, Deer Pawing Moon, Harvest Moon...
Seneca: Setting Sun Woman;
SunBear: Brown Bear Moon, Harvest Moon
October: Blood Moon, Harvest
Moon, Shedding Moon, Winter Coming Moon, Vintage Moon, Falling
Leaf Moon, Ten Colds Moon, Season's Change Moon...
Seneca: Weaves the Web;
SunBear: Raven Moon, Ducks Fly Moon
November: Snow Moon, Hunter's
Moon, Dark Moon, Frog Moon, Mourning Moon, Sacrifice Moon, Mad
Moon, Storm Moon, Shedding Antler Moon...
Seneca: Walks Tall Woman;
SunBear: Snake Moon, Freeze Up Moon
December: Cold Moon, Beaver
Moon, Oak Moon, Wolf Moon, Long Nights Moon, Trees Speaking
Seneca: Gives Praise;
SunBear: Elk Moon, Long Snows Moon
13th Moon: Blue Moon of Transformation,
Moon of the Dead, Hunting Moon, Ancestor Moon, :...
Seneca: Becomes Her Vision (Note: a Blue Moon is considered
*blue* when it is the second Full Moon in a month's time.);
SunBear: Invisible Moon, Changes Come Moon, Seek New Ways Moon.
The Moon cycles itself each month and with that it's energy
influences the push or pull of activities we want to undertake.
As it is waxing full it produces an energy force supporting
increase, and as it wanes dark it draws with a force of decrease.
Seems simple enough doesn't it?
Our bodies react to this push-pull
feature of cyclic energy. The oceans react, plant growth reacts,
all that lives and breathes reacts to it...and so does our energy
The Moon holds sway over emotions,
our imaginations, and our behavior. At it's increase or fullness,
it heightens things (full light); at its decrease it diminishes
things (darkness). How can we use this to our best advantage?
We can ride that energy, work with
it, and we can adjust our work through perspective to compliment
the nature of the cycle at that time. For instance, if you wanted
to work to lose weight the natural inclination would be to begin
a diet as the Moon begins to grow thin. But what if you don't
want to wait another two weeks? What if you want to start when
the Moon is growing full? How do you turn the situation into
a positive force? You begin your diet and ask Grandmother Moon
to draw her fullness from you! As you lose weight the Moon gains.
Just a slight shift of perspective but it works. Learning to
work with the Moon's cycles will help avoid frustrations and
wasted efforts.
The Moon represents passive feminine
energies as opposed to the aggressive masculine energies of
the Sun. It is a receptive influence, like a tide it pushes
and pulls at us and the work we are doing
as well. Being receptive it will influence the delving into
our inner realms, dreams, journeys, and states of mind. A full
Moon represents wholeness and creative intuitive foundations.
A new Moon indicates a time of deeper inner reflection where
listening to your inner voice will bring forth your more spiritual
abilities and their growth. The Moon is associated with fertility,
ruling the tides, the germination of seeds, menstrual cycles,
and conception.
There are four cycle periods of
approximately seven days for each circlet of phases. Its influence
is changeable and understanding it's changing phases allows
us to work finding it receptive and adaptable to almost any
circumstance you can imagine. The waxing crescent symbolizes
new beginnings and growth. A full moon indicates maturity, especially
of a more maternal disposition. A waning moon brings decline
and is symbolic of old age. The New Moon is considered the Maiden,
the Full Moon is the Mother, and the Old Moon is the Crone.
There are many beliefs about the
Moon that have come from cultures worldwide.
For instance:
*It is believed unlucky to look at the New Moon over your left
shoulder. To look at it over the right shoulder brings good
*Calendars mark the passage of time through Moon cycles.
*Lunar deities are female.
*It is unlucky to point at the Moon.
*Bow to the New Moon of the year.
*At first sight of a New Moon one should turn a silver coin
in purse or pocket and make a wish.
*It is unlucky to look at the New Moon through a windowpane.
*If you see it for the first time through the branches of a
tree, make a wish. It will come true.
*The crescent Moon, when upside down, is a sign of rain-- called
the wet Moon. This stems from the belief that if the crescent
is upright it acts like a cup to hold water and if downturned
that water would spill out.
*A circle or halo around the Moon means rain within 3 days.
*A red Moon is said to contain blood and signify that someone
will soon die.
*Crops that grow above ground should be sown when the Moon is
Waxing; crops below ground are sown when it is waning.
*Young women should hold a silk handkerchief at the face of
a Full Moon, desiring to know when she will marry. The number
of Moons that appear will indicate the number of years she has
to wait.
*Cutting nails or hair during the Waning Moon will stunt future
growth. Cutting them during the Waxing Moon will promote growth.
*Two Moons in a calendar month portend floods or calamity.
*Dew falls heaviest on moonlit nights.
*A Full Moon at Yule is an omen of a poor harvest in the coming
*A Full Moon on Sunday brings bad luck.
*Pick flowers, herbs, and fell trees when the Moon is on the
*Trees will bear good fruit when pruned during the waxing phase.
*If a man dreams his image on the Moon he will father a son;
if a woman dreams her image on the Moon she will give birth
to a daughter.
*The Moon governs the tides of life and death...a baby can only
be born on the incoming tide and a dying person cannot expire
until the tide goes out.
*A birth at full tide/Full Moon brings a lucky life.
*The Full Moon is the most fortunate time for women.
*Kill fat swine for better bacon about the Full Moon.
*Sheer sheep at the Moon's increase.
*Fell hand timber from the full to the change.
*Horses and mares must be put together in the increase of the
Moon, for foals got in the wane are not accounted strong.
*Fruit should be gathered, and cattle gelded, in the wan of
the Moon.
*Howling at the Moon is a release of animal instincts and energies.
*Move your residence at the New Moon.
*A death at the New Moon means 3 more will soon follow.
*A robbery attempted on the 3rd day of a New Moon will fail.
*If one becomes ill on the 8th day of the New Moon he will die.
*The best marriages take place on the Full Moon or a few days
*When traveling, a crescent Moon on the increase brings good
luck nearby.
*The New Moon increases the risk of infection during surgery.
*To dream of a New Moon over your left shoulder predicts a lucky
month ahead.
*A bright, waxing Moon in a clear sky forecasts a new and exciting
project or change.
*A dim Moon or one covered by drifting clouds means you will
have to overcome some obstacles before reaping a well- earned
*The Full Moon means unusual success in love.
*A Harvest Moon brings unusually good returns on investments
of energy or money.
*Very bright moonlight is a prophecy of family utility or happiness.
*All lunar omens are intensified when reflected in water.
*To dream of Moon travel or the man or lady in the Moon is a
warning that you could lose the happiness close at hand by being
too preoccupied with distant mirages.
*Cycles enhance or detract from spiritual gifts and abilities.
"Egyptian priests style the moon the Mother of the Universe",
Plutarch said, because the moon, "having the light which
makes moist and pregnant, is promotive of the generation of
living beings and the fructification of plants." Upper
Egypt used to be called Khemennu, "Land of the Moon".
In worship of the heavenly bodies, primacy was always assigned
to the moon. Babylonians gave the moon precedence over the sun.
Oriental nations in general worshipped the moon before the sun.
Moses Maimonides said moon worship was the religion of Adam.
The Gnostic sect of Naassians believed in a primordial being
known as "the heavenly horn of the moon". The moon
was the eternal Great Mother. In central Asia it was said the
moon is the Goddess's mirror reflecting everything in the world,
like the mirror of Maya.
Many savages revere the moon more
than the sun, reasoning that the Moon-mother gives her light
at night, when it is needed, whereas the sun shines only by
day. This belief presupposes that sunlight and daylight are
not the same, a common idea among primitives. Writers of the
Bible made this same mistake. They said God created "light"
(daylight) before the sun and moon (Genesis 1: 5, 16).
Ashanti people had a generic term
for all deities, Boshun, "Moon".
In the Basque language, the words
for "deity" and "moon" were the same.
Sioux Indians called the moon "The Old Woman Who Never
Iroquois called her "The Eternal One".
Rulers in the Eritrean zone of South Africa bore the Goddess's
name, "Moon".
Ancient rulers of the Tutsi tribe were named Mwezi, "Moon".
The Gaelic name of the moon, gealach, came from Gala or Galata,
original Moon-mother of the Gaelic and Gaulish tribes.
Britain used to be called Albion, the Milk-white Moon-goddess.
Persians called the moon Metra (Matra, mother), "whose
love penetrated everywhere."
The root word for both "moon" and "mind"
was the Indo- European manas, mana, or men, representing the
Great Mother's "wise blood" in women, governed by
the moon.
Its derivative "mania" used to mean ecstatic revelation,
just as "lunacy" used to mean possession by the spirit
of Luna, the moon.
To be "moon-touched" or "moon-struck" meant
to be chosen by the Goddess; a "moon-calf" was one
carried away by love of her. When patriarchal thinkers belittled
the Goddess, these words came to mean mere craziness. The moonstruck
person was described as "silly", a word that formerly
meant "blessed", possibly derived from Selene, the
To the Greeks, menos meant both "moon" and "power".
To the Romans, the morality of the Moon-goddess was superior
to that of the Sun-god.
Plutarch said, "The effects of the moon are similar to
the effects of reason and wisdom, whereas those of the sun appear
to be brought about by physical force and violence."
In many cultures, the Moon-goddess
and the Creatress were one and the same. Polynesians called
the Creatress Hina, "Moon". She was the first woman,
and every woman is a wahine, made in the image of Hina. To the
Finns, the Creatress was Luonnotar (Luna, the Moon). She brooded
over the sea until she brought forth the World Egg, heaven,
and earth. Scandinavians sometimes called the Creatress Mardoll,
"Moon Shining Over the Sea".
The Moon-goddess created time, with
all its cycles of creation, growth, decline, and destruction,
which is why ancient calendars were based on phases of the moon
and menstrual cycles. The Moon still determines agricultural
work in some parts of India. Indonesian moon priestesses were
responsible for finding the right phase of the moon for every
undertaking. The Dayaks prayed to the moon for children, increase
of cattle, and abundant crops; they said she was the cause and
measurer of time. Greeks said the same of Demeter, whose priests
were called Sons of the Moon.
Peruvians called the moon either
Mama Quilla or Mama Ogllo, sometimes identifying the two as
mother and daughter, like Demeter and Kore. Mama Quilla married
the sun and gave birth to Mama Ogllo, "Egg", the moon-maiden
and her brother the sun-man. These two mated and founded the
Inca royal liine on the site of Cuzco, "the Navel",
in Inca cosmology the center of the world.
Because the Moon-goddess was threefold,
the Destroyer as well as the Creator, she was the devourer of
the dead as well as the giver of life. In Mexico her Destroyer
aspect was Mictecaciuatl, who roamed the skies at night, seeking
victims to devour. She was called Lady of the Place of the Dead,
in appearance like Kali the Destroyer. She was not only the
moon but also the All-mother from whose genital hole in the
earth humanity crawled in the beginning, and to which humanity
would return.
The Vedas say all souls return to
the moon after death, to be devoured by maternal spirits. Tobriand
Islanders spoke of these spirits as "female sorcerers"
associated with the moon, eaters of the dead. Maoris called
the Moon Mother "man- eater". Tartars of central Asia
worshipped the moon as Macha Alla, Queen of Life and Death,
said to be an eater of men. Africans said the moon searched
for men to devour.
Orphuic and Pythagorean sects viewed
the moon as the home of the dead, a female Gate (yoni) through
which souls passed on the way to the paradise-fields of the
stars. Greeks often located the Elysian Fields, home of the
blessed dead, in the moon. Kastor of Rhodes said the shoes of
Roman senators were decorated with ivory lunules (crescents)
to show that after death they would inhabit the moon. Roman
religion taught that "the souls of the just are purified
in the moon". Wearing the crescent was "visible worship"
of the Goddess. That was why the prophet Isaiah denounced the
women of Zion for wearing lunar amulets (Isaiah 3:18). "The
crescent moon worn by Diana and used in the worship of other
Goddesses is said to be the Ark or vessel of boat-like shape,
symbol of fertility or the Container of the Germ of all life".
The same Ark carried gods, like Osiris, into death; which may
account for Jeremiah's hostility to the Ark's symbolism (Jeremiah
Semites feared the devouring Old
Moon as Hindus feared the devouring Kalika. Her dual nature
may account for the correlation between Semitic ima, "mother",
and e-mah, "terror". Superstitious Christians sometimes
refused to sleep where moonlight might touch them. According
to Roger Bacon, "Many have died from not protecting themselves
from the rays of the moon." There was always an association
with death: "The idea of the journey to the moon after
death is one which has been preserved in the more advanced cultures...It
is not difficult to find...themes of the moon as the Land of
the Dead or the regeneration receptacle of souls...This is one
reason why the moon presides over the formations of organisms,
and also over their decomposition."
Because the moon was the receptacle
of souls between reincarnations, it sheltered both the dead
and the unborn, who were one and the same. Believers in prophetic
dreams said if a man dreamed of his own image in the moon, he
would become the father of a son. If a woman dreamed of her
own image in the moon, she would give birth to a daughter.
Most important for its association
with birth, the moon was supposed to be the receptacle of menstrual
blood by which each mother formed the life of her child. This
sacer, taboo moon-fluid kept even the gods alive. The moon was
"the cup of the fluid of life immortal, quickening the
vegetable realm and whatsoever grows in the sub-lunar sphere,
quickening also the immortals on high."
Many myths of the moon-journey bore
witness to the ancient belief in lunar havens. Gypsies opposed
the Christian savior with their own Romany savior who carried
souls to the moon, like Hermes Psychopomp. Strangest of all
myths of the moon- journey was one involving Jesus himself.
The Digby mystery play of the 16th century quoted "Jesus's
hymn to the Moon, his mother, the vessel...in whom he rested
before he ascended to the Sun".
Peasants in France and Portugal confused
Jesus's mother with the Moon-goddess, whom they called "Our
Lady" and "Mother of God". Scottish women curtsied
to the moon when they saw her saying "It is a fine moon,
God bless her". In the Loire district, children's rhymes
spoke of Madame Moon, giver of babies. A medieval German sect
of Cathari worshipped the moon as Heva (Eve), Mother of All
Living, an older incarnation of the virgin Mary. Even the orthodox
church held that, as Jesus was the second Adam, so Mary was
the second Eve; and Mary was associated with both the moon and
the sea.
As the moon governs the sea's tides,
so she was supposed to govern the tides of life and death. Shore
dwellers had an ineradicable conviction that a baby can be born
only on an incoming tide, and a dying person cannot expire until
the tide goes out. As a corollary, it was often said birth at
a full tied or a full moon betokens a lucky life. The soul may
ride the tide in lunar form, according to Caesarius of Heisterbach:
"The soul is a spiritual substance of spherical nature,
like the globe of the moon."
Scottish girls refused to schedule
a wedding day for any time other than the full moon, the most
fortunate for women. Scandinavian women particularly prized
amulets made of silver, the moon metal. The moon was the special
deity of women even during the Renaissance, when it was said
if a woman wanted anything she should not ask God but should
pray instead to the moon.
Witches invoked their Goddess by
"drawing down the moon", a rite dating back to moon-worshipping
Thessaly, centuries before the Christian era. Thessalian priestesses
also prefigured "witchcraft" by laying curses with
"moon-dew", said to be the first menstrual blood of
girls gathered during a lunar eclipse. Medieval folk believed
such a curse incurable. St. Augustine and other fathers of the
church believed what Virgil said about moon-priestesses, that
they could draw down the mon, stop rivers in their courses,
turn back the wheel of the stars, or bring trees marching downhill.
St. Augustine berated women for dancing "impudently and
filthily all the day long upon the days of the new moon."
Few religious symbols occurred in
so many diverse contexts as symbols of the moon. In the runic
menological calendar the moon-sickle stood for the festival
of Harvest Home, which the Scots called Kirn--from Koreion,
moon-virgin Kore--which Christians renamed the Feast of Our
Lady of Mercy. In Gaul the crescent moon stood for the druidic
Diana. Cresceere meant "to grow," a form of Latin
creare, to produce, to create. Hence the crescent. Gauls made
communiion cakes in crescent shape. Modern France still makes
them, and calls them croissants, "crescents," colloquially
known as "moon-teeth".
The moon ruled the sexuality of women,
and sometimes made them scornful of the male-dominated society's
notions of hierarchy. An astrological book of 1688 warned: "The
double conjunction of Venus and the Moon produces extreme lubricity,
brings venereal disease, and causes women of quality to become
enamored of menservants."
Despite all the church's condemnations,
rural folk continued to trust the Moon-mother in all their most
important activities. A popular almanac said: "Kill fat
swine for bacon about the full moon...Shear sheep at the moon's
increase; fell hand timber from the full to the change...; horses
and mares must be put together in the increase of the moon,
for foals got in the wane are not accounted
strong...; fruit should be gathered, and cattle gelded, in the
wan of the moon."
Most of all, the moon always governed
magic. Melton said in 1620 that no sorcerer ever drew a circle
of protection without observing the time of the moon.
The moon waxes and wanes each month, rising an hour or so later
during each 24 hour period. When it is full, it rises as the
sun sets. There are different types of spells traditionally
performed at the phases of the moon. More complicated patterns
exist, relating to the specific day of each lunar month, but
these methods are rarely followed today.
The moon's phases and the types of
magic appropriate to them are:
Waxing Moon (from New to Full):
When the moon is waxing it is a time for beginnings, health
and healing, psychic awareness, beauty, fertility and all positive
magical workings.
Full Moon:
All positive magical spells are performed beneath the potent
glow of the full moon, including protection, love, healing,
purification, psychic awareness, money, and travel.
Waning Moon (from Full to New):
This is the time for banishments of habits, addictions, disease
and negative thoughts. Jealousy, guilt, and hurt are released
under the waning moon. The old is swept away to make room for
the new.
An example of working magically with the Moon is found in the
old ritual of Drawing Down the Moon. In essence it is found
in many different traditions, and it is the act of calling into
yourself (invoking) the energy of the Moon so that you can wield
it. (Invoking is calling to you, and Evoking is calling forth
what is within you.)
In this ritual of Drawing Down the
Moon you can see in my logo the hand position to do this. In
placing the wrists together and by cupping the hands, you creating
the visual of holding the Moon. It allows you to focus intently
on the Moon. If you squint your eyes the light of the Moon is
reflected in rays that go out in each of the four elemental
directions. One ray coming straight toward you at the bottom.
You can then trace that energy back to the Moon and journey
to it or you can call it to you.
Notes from Drawing Down the Moon
by Margo Adler:
The candles, incenses and images are props. The magic is the
art of using them. It is used to affect our psychic talents
in an effective manner. It is the science of the control of
the Secret Forces of Nature. Causing change via the Will (within):will,
concentration, attention--the power of the mind itself. The
6th Sense is a harmony of the 5, the ability to reach beyond
the present. By using the 5 correctly, the 6th is added in.
We can feel changes in barometric
pressure and sense a storm coming. It is not magic. It only
seems so. Psychic energies are the magics, the changes produced
from the cause. The candles, spells, incense, dances and rituals
awaken the "deep mind" -- arouse high emotions, enforce
concentration, and facilitate entry into an altered state. Pictures
(pentacles etc.) can stimulate the sense of sight. Gestures
(mudras) stimulate the kinesthetic sense; Mantras, incantations,
stimulate hearing. Prop, costume,
scenery stimulate the senses. Drugs, alcohol, breathing, and
sexual techniques can alter one's state of consciousness. They
can be creative or destructive self-enhancement or destruction.
"Failed Magic" is religious
dogma--where one only preaches and no longer becomes one with
the power and gives then the power over to the worship only--this
becomes dogma.
Knowledge of self, and a correct
environment bring growth in use of the circle vs harm and demons
of our minds. A process by which the conscious and unconscious
minds of a particular person cooperate to draw relevant information
out of chaos, in answer to a question posed. The unconscious
being a part of a vast 'psychic sea'. (Note: Working with Drawing
Down the Moon will enhance this exploration.)
Emotion is aroused, increased and peaks. A target is imagined
and goal clear. Emotional energy is focused, aimed and fired
at this goal. Then a follow-through to encourage lingering energy
to flow away and provide a safe let down. It serves as a union
with nature in an explosive, non-abstract, gut-level way. It
is all real; it is all metaphor; there is always more; all Power
comes from the Triple Goddess. We are gods (in potential or
for a time) or as gods. Freedom of belief is valued above all.
Ritual amounts to what is done. Belief exists in the individual
mind. The religion therefore demands a creative response from
people. Religion of ritual vs theology. Ritual is first, the
myth second. The magical system that works for one person may
be all wrong for another.
Full Moon:
An emotional time (lunacy, loony, lunatic, etc.). It is a time
when feelings seem more intense, a time to drive carefully and
to watch your emotional reactions. Also not the Full Moon may
affect others around you who may not be as aware of the astrological
implications. A time to celebrate the connections between self
and totems. Charge totems in at the Full Moon. Dra in energy
to self and to totems.
New Moon:
An excellent time for beginning projects. I tis also an excellent
time to deal with plants--even houseplants; it is a time for
all growing things. After the New Moon, haircuts grow in more
quickly; in fact everything seems to flow more quickly as a
general rule. Begin to charge new totems. Renew relationships
with old totems. Awaken spirits of totems. Instruct and listen.
Waxing Moon:
This is the growing-period as the moon grows Full. A time to
deepen spiritual and emotional connections with totems. Allow
totems to work and teach; continue to energize.
Waning Moon:
This is a time to turn inward, make plans, and allow things
to germinate. During the Waning Mon, things may grow more slowly
and energy may be low. Some people feel depressed and/or physically
depleted with the Moon has waned to its lowest point, right
before the New Moon begins again. Take time to rest self and
totems of any negative residue from work. Do deepest cleansings
or purgings at dark of the moon.
The Moon has a weakening effect
on other planets and is therefore generally unfavorable when
it predominates, unless the individual can rise above it, which
is often possible when their horoscope shows minor planetary
influences of a strengthening sort.
Aries Moon:
barren...The Moon gives impatience to Mars, resulting in changeable,
self-defeating action. The keen minds of this sign are often
diverted into foolish channels.
semi-fruitful...The Moon and Venus further soften an already
indulgent nature. Personal gratification and similar faults
are apt to retard development.
barren...The Moon hinders the favorable aspects of Mercury.
This produces a temperament that is always on the jump, never
taking time to develop a given talent. The Moon, however, makes
the mind receptive; and its influence fades in the face of stronger
fruitful...The Moon's own sign is Cancer, the lunar influence
is thus doubly strong, but often works on the principle of "two
negatives make a positive", thus bringing out all the better
qualities of the sign.
barren...the Moon has little effect on the Sun. It gives an
individual a hesitant, uncertain trend, but the Leo nature usually
shakes off such moods.
barren...the Moon combines with Mercury and here its receptive
quality is a great adjunct to the Virgo ability at analysis,
enabling a person to apply his talents in new ways. Its danger
is over-imagination, leading to constant worry.
semi-fruitful...the Moon combines unfavorably with Venus. Natural
sympathy is stimulated, producing the kindliest of natures;
but there is craving for excitement, acceptance of new fads,
and a generally careless disposition.
fruitful...with Mars, the Moon curbs the over- dominant trend
of this sign, making the individual receptive and therefore
more understanding. But it weakens the urge for action, causing
hesitation when drive is needed.
barren...the Moon joins Jupiter to aid individual adaptability
and to improve the sign generally. A fine combination of a person
can stay with his ideals and purposes despite occasional restless
semi-fruitful...the Moon and Saturn tend to increase moodiness,
but the changeability of the Moon can turn the mind to new channels.
The only question is how helpful those changes may be, as the
dual influence forces some persons to extremes.
barren...The Moon and Saturn may lead to many disappointments.
The restless quality of Aquarius is overstressed and must be
curbed. Receptivity aids the trend toward knowledge, and people
so influenced can attain great popularity.
fruitful...The Moon blends naturally with Jupiter. The lunar
influence adds adaptability, but may otherwise be weakening,
though its effect is often negligible.
Moon conjunct the Sun:
Good. This happens during the new moon. Lots of growth, harmony,
and intellectual stimulation.
Moon conjunct Mercury:
Good. High level of intellectual activity. Both the head and
heart are working together rather than fighting with each other.
High level of communication as well as intuitive strength.
Moon conjunct Venus:
Good. A great time for romance. Emotions are balanced. There
is heightened sensitivity in anything creative. Social activities
are in full swing here and will be a success.
Moon conjunct Mars:
Challenging. A high level of aggressiveness. Impulses reign
from violent to merely moody. Outbursts of temper tantrums to
all-out knock-down drag- outs. A good aspect for courage.
Moon conjunct Jupiter:
Good. Generosity is the keynote here. Health is revitalized
and individuals normally have a good outlook on life.
Moon conjunct Saturn:
In between. Although opportunities present themselves and hard
work will be rewarded, there is a strong predilection to stinginess,
timidity, and inadequacy. Self-esteem is not at its high point.
Moon conjunct Uranus:
In between. Impulsiveness is sailing here. Sudden changes and
unexpected events may rock or right the boat. Emotional tension
could be high, as well as a need to step out and do something
Moon conjunct Neptune:
Good. Excellent psychism here; religious revelations, harmony,
but may lead to gullibility.
Moon conjunct Pluto:
In between. Another line of impulsiveness, though perhaps more
subtle. A need, perhaps, to build walls.
Moon sextile/trine the Sun:
good. Harmony and a sense of floating through the Universe.
Strong desires do not occur here.
Moon sextile/trine Mercury:
Good. Down-to-earth communication. Horse-sense is most evident.
Excellent timing for media, sports, business, etc.
Moon sextile/trine Venus:
Good. Harmonious energies afoot. Increased interest in romance
and the arts.
Moon sextile/trine Mars:
Good. Lots of get-up-and-go. High energy and much activity.
Opportunities both in business
and home.
Moon sextile/trine Jupiter:
Good. Nice, peaceful energies both in business and at home.
Moon sextile/trine Saturn:
In between. Benefits available, but duties must be fulfilled
and promises kept. Gains made through keeping things in order.
Moon sextile/trine Uranus:
Good. Excellent time for psychism, spirituality, religion, and
power. Ambition is strong. Inventiveness is high. New friends
are now available.
Moon sextile/trine Neptune:
Good. A imaginative time, sort of dreamy. good time for pathworking
meditations, dream recall, using the imagination in the arts,
and problem-solving.
Moon sextile/trine Pluto:
In between. Strong emotional conflicts will bring better results.
Moon square/opposite Sun:
In between. Full moon. How you handled yourself in the new moon
phase determines how this aspect will affect you or your magick.
You could be on the ultimate high or wading through the epitome
of low.
Moon square/opposite Mercury:
Challenging. Poor time for matters of communication. People's
brains aren't connected with their logic. Reasoning is poor
and emotional whims will become more important than they should.
Moon square/opposite Venus:
Challenging. Domestic difficulties may arise. Moodiness, tendency
to hold things inside rather than communicate. Possible difficulties
with material things and purchases. Not a time to socialize.
Moon square/opposite Mars:
Challenging. Tempers flare to violence. People are nasty, picky,
and stingy.
Moon square/opposite Jupiter:
Challenging. Overspending is likely. Stealing, poor financial
investments made. Possibility of spiritual doubts and overindulgence
in food, drink, or prescription drugs.
Moon square/opposite Saturn:
Challenging. Depression possible. Bad judgement possible. Lack
of flexibility.
Moon square/opposite Uranus:
Challenging. Obsessions surface now, both odd and unusual. Possible
accidents. Restless, uncommunicative energy afoot.
Moon square/opposite Neptune:
Challenging. Deceptive energy weaving here. A tendency to run
away from problems and be emotionally willful and stubborn--to
be a pain.
Moon square/opposite Pluto:
Challenging. Secrets abound when the moon hangs with Pluto.
Jealousy is prominent and a sense of uneasiness prevails.
The Moon's cycle is made of four phases, each lasting about
7 days. The Sumerians based their calendar on this cycle and
this is the origin of the month of four weeks of 7 days each,
with extra days added to cover the period at the end of each
cycle when the Moon is not visible in the sky. In Babylonia
every 7th day, marking the end of a stage in the Moon's cycle,
was sacred to Sin, the moon-god, and these days were felt to
be unlucky and uncanny. This is probably the origin of the Sabbath,
the 7th day on which you rest because it would be dangerous
to do anything on a day which is uncanny.
If the moon rules life on earth,
with a cycle running in the periods of 7, by "as above,
so below" reasoning life on earth should also run in periods
of 7, and according to occultists it does.
The human body renews itself every
7 years. Occultists maintain that disease runs in 7's, with
the crisis in most illnesses coming on the 7th, 14th, or 21st
day and lasting about 3 1/2 (half of 7) days. More importantly,
menstruation in women, on which all human life depends, occurs
in a 4x7 days and lasts about 3 1/2 days. The occultist's conclusion
is that the number 7 governs the cycles and rhythms of life-birth,
growth, disease, decay, death.
For the same reasons, 7 is a number
of completeness. Each stage of human growth is complete in 7
years, each phase of the moon in 7 days. Seven of anything makes
a complete series. Seven planets are (or were until recently)
all the planets. Seven days make a whole week. There are 7 colors
in the spectrum and 7 notes in the musical scale, 7 petitions
in the Lord's Prayer, 7 Deadly Sins, 7 features of the human
head (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth), 7 orifices of the
male body.
The characteristics of 7 in numerology--deep
wisdom, interest in religion and philosophy, the search for
inner truth, secrecy and mystery--follow from the occult significance
of 7 as the number which holds the key to the underlying rhythms
of life. This is powerfully reinforced by the most obvious example
of 7 as a number of completeness--the creation of the world
in 7 days according to Genesis, which was essentially the creation
of life. God finished the work in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
The idea of the Sabbath, of rest and reflection after toil and
involvement, appears in the numerologist's 7-nature as withdrawal
from the world, introspection and meditation.
Thirteen Moons encompass a year's passage, the first Full Moon
in January begins the teachings of the Women's Medicine. Each
monthly cycle encompasses the focus of that Moon's lessons.
As the years turn the ways of the Women become deeper, better
understood based on the knowledge gained from the previous year's
teachings. The foundation builds in this way from the time a
young woman begins her right of passage into the menstrual mysteries
and understanding what it means to become a woman. As each year
concludes the teachings of the 12 Moons are encapsulated, unified
and assimilated through the 13th Moon. If you will note the
lessons and teachings in the following list of Moons you will
see that the teachings are extensive and how they would expand
year by year.
The Moon Lodge itself is the time
of mensus in women, a time when the woman would isolate herself
and focus on these teachings setting her frame of mind and understanding
toward them for the month. It is during that time that she receives
enlightenment, assimilates, and embraces this wisdom. In Native
teachings the Moon Lodge is the way a woman vision quests, far
different from the physical sacrifices of the Men's Ways, Women's
Ways are gentler because her body sacrifices itself with the
cycle of menses and in childbirth.
It is said that Spirit said Women
sacrifice enough in this way they do not need to do more. However
some women choose to expand their questing into the more assertive
ways of the Men: they will do skin cuttings, giving of their
flesh for ritual tools or other needs; they will do piercings
of the flesh; they will Dance; or they will fully undertake
the vision quest as a man would do...however these are elective
choices and not required.
You've all heard me speak of the
teachings of these Moons in different articles pertaining to
these topics or in threads as questions arise, but in looking
at a year's worth of teachings in the breakdown that follows,
you will see how the Moon Lodge provides the 3 days of focus
to walk through that Moon Cycle practicing these teachings and
exploring them deeper. Year by year the understanding grows
and we continue to assimilate and grow with it.
The following notes are taken from
Jamie Sams book "The 13 Original Clan Mothers"
as an overview of the teachings. I highly recommend reading
this body of work. It's the most comprehensive presentation
I've seen in print from the Women's Medicine perspective. I
feel it's an asset to anyone beginning to explore this body
of knowledge and their reference library. By walking through
each Moon in this manner, one explores, experiences and comes
to understand the intensity of these lessons. It's a beautiful
way to walk, and I hope in sharing this series of articles that
you find the enlightenment of the Moon Lore to assist you in
all areas of your development.
Talks With Relations....This is the Mother of Nature, Keeper
of Rhythm, Weather, and the Seasons. Guardian of the Languages
of the Trees, Stones, and Creatures. The Maker of Relatives,
Keeper of Earth's Needs, Mother of the Planetary Family. She
teaches us how to understand unspoken the Languages of Nature.
Kinship with all life forms and how to enter the Sacred Spaces
of others with respect. How to honor cycles, rhythms, and changes
of the seasons and weather. How to meld with the life force
and rhythms in all dimensions, learning the truths of each.
Wisdom Keeper....The Protectress of Sacred Traditions. The Keeper
of the Stone Libraries and Earth History. The Guardian of "the
Remembering" and the Art of Memory. The Mother of Friendship,
Planetary Unity, and Mutual Understanding. She teaches us the
Arts of Self-development and Expansion. How to access Planetary
Memory, personal recall, and ancient wisdom and knowledge. How
to understand the wisdom that every life form holds and its
missions. How to be a friend and to restore friendship by honoring
the viewpoints of all life forms. How to HONOR THE TRUTH.
Weighs the Truth....The Keeper of Equality and the Guardian
of Justice. The Fair Judge of Divine Law and the Destroyer of
Deception. The Mother of Truth and Protectress of the Underdog.
The Mother of Self-determination and Responsibility. She teaches
us how to find the ability to respond and how to be self-determined.
How to feed the positive, not the negative, by using
Divine Law. How to use equality with justice, being accountable
for our actions and words. How to use personal integrity, ethics,
and values to find healing solutions. How to ACCEPT THE TRUTH.
Looks Far Woman....The Seer, The Oracle, Dreamer, Prophet. Keeper
of the Golden Dorr and the Crack in the Universe. The Mother
of Visions, Dreams, and Psychic Impressions. The Guardian of
the Dreamtime and the Keeper of Inner Potential. She teaches
us how to understand our visions, dreams, feelings, and impressions.
How to enter the Dreamtime, go into other realms, and through
the Crack in the Universe. How to properly use our pychic abilities
and gifts of prophecy for humanity. How to use spiritual boundaries,
psychic self-defense, and respect those boundaries in others.
How to use our inner potential to become healed healers. How
Listening Woman....The Mother of Tryoweh, the Stillness, and
Inner Knowing. The Keeper of Discernment and Guardian of Introspection.
The Interpreter of Messages from the Spirit World. The Counselor
and Advisor, the Keeper of Hearing. She teaches us how to enter
the Stillness and hear our hearts small, still voice within.
How to find and understand the Inner Knowing we carry in our
Spiritual Essences. How to listen to the viewpoints and opinions
of others and the voices of the Ancestors. How to understand
body language and unspoken thoughts, hearing with the heart.
Storyteller....The Guardian of the Medicine Stories, The Keeper
of Heyokah Medicine and Humor. The Teacher Who Teaches Without
Pointing a Finger. The Preserver of Speaking from Personal Experiences
and Truth. She teaches us how to teach through telling stories
that contain lessons. How to balance the sacredness with irreverence,
using humor creatively. How to speak from our experience without
judging others or being self-righteous. How to be a student
in life as well as the teacher, preserving the wisdom gained.
Loves All Things....The Mother of Unconditional Love and All
Acts of Pleasure. The Keeper of Sexual Wisdom and Self-respect.
The Sensual Lover, The Mother-Nurturer, The Warmth of the Feminine,
The Guardian of the Needs of the Family. She teaches us how
to use respect, trust, and intimacy in all relationships. How
to love all aspects of our lives, lessons, sexuality, and physical
beings. How to be a loving woman, nurturing mother, sensual
lover, and trusted friend. How to forgive ourselves and others
developing acceptance and shunning criticalness. How to LOVE
She Who Heals.....The Intuitive Healer, Midwife, Herbalist,
Keeper of the Healing Arts. The Singer of the Death Song and
Keeper of the Life and Death Mysteries. The Guardian of the
Medicine Roots and Healing Herbs and the Servant of Humankind.
The Mother of Intuition, All Rites of Passage, Cycles of Birth,
Death, and Rebirth. She teaches us how to serve others with
a happy heart, using our healing abilities. How to understand
and honor the life cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. How
to believe in the miracles of life through our connections to
our Spiritual Essences. How to understand the Plant Kingdom
and the healing uses of all parts of plants. How to SERVE THE
Setting Sun Woman....The Keeper of Tomorrow's Dreams and Goals.
The Guardian of the Needs of the Next Seven Generations. The
Mother of the Proper Use of Will, Will to live, Will to survive,
Will power. The Keeper of Mother Earth's Resources and the Guardian
of Preservation. She teaches us how to preserve and use our
resources without wasting anything. How to prepare for tomorrow
by planning today. Making and meeting goals. How to show concern,
dependability, and compassion through the ways we live. How
to properly use our wills, using our intents to provide for
future generations. How to LIVE THE TRUTH.
Weaves the Web....The Mother of Creativity, The Muse, The Artist,
The Creatress. The Manifestor of Dreams, Who Brings Visions
into Reality. The Guardian of Life Force, Who Teaches Women
to Give Birth to Their Dreams, The Keeper of Survival Instinct
and the Mother of the Creative/Destructive. She teaches us how
to use our desire to create and bring our dreams into tangible
forms. How to tap life force, using energy to build, change,
or manifest our needs. How to manifest our visions and give
them life through our actions and artistic talents. How to create
new from old and how to destroy the limitations to creativity.
Walks Tall Woman....The Guardian of Leadership and the Keeper
of New Paths. The Mother of Beauty and Grace and the Keeper
of Innovation and Persistence. The Role Model of Health, Physical
Fitness, Stamina, and Letting the Heart's Desire Take the Lead.
The Keeper of Personal Impeccability and the Guardian of All
Forms of Strength. She teaches us how to be our personal best
and still be vulnerable and human. How to keep our bodies and
minds flexible and in good health through advancing and retreating.
How to seek and find new paths to growing and learning, leading
through example. How to develop inner strength. How to attract
and release. How to WALK THE TRUTH.
Gives Praise....The Mother of All Acts of Thanksgiving and Keeper
of Abundance. The Guardian of Ceremony and Ritual, the Keeper
of Magic. The Mother of Encouragement and the Guardian of Celebration.
The Wisdom Keeper of the Art of Giving and Receiving. She teaches
us how to return thanks for the abundance we need before it
arrives, making space to receive it. How to celebrate every
victory in life with joy--ours as well as the accomplishments
of others. How to use right attitudes to create magical changes
in the Self. How to create abundance through praise, giving
and receiving. How to be GRATEFUL FOR THE TRUTH.
Becomes Her Vision....The Guardian of Transformation and Transmutation.
The Keeper of the Emergence of Spirit into Physical Form. The
Mother of Alchemical Changes and Rites of Passage into Wholeness.
The Guardian of Personal History, Becoming the Myth. She teaches
us how to become our visions and own our wholeness. How to release
the old Self and step into the realized dream. How to honor
the process that brought us through the changes and transformation.
How to mark the Rite of Passage into Wholeness and celebrate
the Vision we have become. How to BE THE TRUTH.
we have also connected with the Celtic Wheel, I found a place
the other day that talked about the moons of the year and their
progression and processes. I thought this was very interesting
also as i related it with the progression of having reached
the Northern stone to begin the wheel and the cycle again. This
circle begins from the first Northern position, the beginning
of completion and moves through assimilation (if that's the
correct term) and moves through to a new beginning. Now these
talk about moons, as in months, but maybe they also talk about
processes and their progression.
Link to page (since I didn't copy EVERYTHING) :jksalescompany.com/dw/esbats.html
North January
~ Power Flow:
sluggish, below the surface; beginning and conceiving. Protection,
reversing spells. Conserving energy by working on personal problems
that involve no one else. Getting your various bodies to work
smoothly together for the same goals. I'm putting the nature
spirits in in this one because I am so very, very, fond of gnomes
Nature Spirits: gnomes, brownies
~ Power Flow:
energy working toward the surface; purification, growth, healing.
Loving the self. Accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving
yourself, and making future plans.
Nature Spirits: house faeries, both of the home itself and of
house plants
March ~ Power Flow:
energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring.
New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. Breaking illusions.
Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.
Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected
with spring rains and storms
East April ~ Power Flow:
energy into creating and producing; return balance to the nerves.
Change, self-confidence, self-reliance, take advantage of opportunities.
Work on temper and emotional flare-ups and selfishness.
Nature Spirits: plant faeries
May ~ Power Flow:
full creating energy; propagation. Intuition, contact with faeries
and other supernatural beings. Strengthen connection with supernatural
protectors and beings around you. Power flowing from the Greenwood
Gods and trees.
Nature Spirits: faeries, elves
~ Power Flow:
full but restful energy; protect, strengthen, and prevent. A
time of Light; Earth tides are turning. Decision-making, taking
responsibility for present happenings. Work on personal inconsistencies.
Strengthen and reward yourself for your positive traits.
Nature Spirits: sylphs, zephyrs
South July ~ Power Flow:
relaxed energy; preparing; succeeding. Dream-work, divination,
and meditation on goals and plans, especially spiritual ones.
Nature Spirits: hobgoblins (small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type
creatures), faeries of harvested crops
August ~ Power Flow:
energy into harvesting; gathering, appreciating. Vitality, health.
Nature Spirits: dryads
September ~ Power Flow:
rest after labor; balance of Light and Dark. Organize. Clean
and straighten up physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
West October ~ Power Flow:
to let go; inner cleansing. Karma and reincarnation. Justice
and balance. Inner harmony.
Nature Spirits: frost faeries, plant faeries
Blue Moon ~ Power Flow:
release, remember; communion with the dead. Prophecy. Releasing
old negative memories and emotions.
Nature Spirits: banshees and other beings who carry messages
between worlds
November ~ Power Flow:
take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication
with the god or goddess ~ totem or guide ~ who seems closest
to you.
Nature Spirits: subterranean faeries
December ~ Power Flow:
to endure, die, be reborn; Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal
alchemy. Spiritual paths. Reach out to friends and family, the
lonely and needy.
Nature Spirits: snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries
You know, this December moon speaks to me right now. So many
of us during this season have memories, issues, meaning to deal
with that surfaces at this time. We can feel disappointed or
sad or stressed, thinking of what has been or what might be
or what isn't, that we wish for. So the words ~ endure, die,
be reborn, Earth tides turning, darkness, personal alchemy,
spiritual paths - and especially - reaching ~ these are good
mirror words for this time. The time of the earth's greatest
darkness and the shift to growing light. These are good things
to think about (well, for us guys in the Northern Hemisphere).
Arctic ~ do you
feel like standing on your head??
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date