& Lore
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Stone People
By CinnamonMoon
Jamie Sams/Medicine
Records/Knowing Revealed
Record holders of the Earth,
Will you please explain
The history that gave us birth,
The truth you do contain?
Like your cousins of the seas,
The shells that let us hear,
Shared whispers are the key,
To the history we hold dear.
Stone People we will hear you.
Teach us the ancient ways,
So we may build a future
Based on prayer and praise.
The Teaching:
The Stone People are the record holders for the Earth Mother.
These great Teachers can give the seeker much knowledge regarding
the history of our planet and her children. The Stones' mission
of service is holding energy. This is to say, the body of Mother
Earth is made of rock that breaks and moves with weather, breaking
down into smaller Stones that later become soil. Rocks carry
records and transport electromagnetic energy on Mother's surface.
The Stone People collect the energy and hold it for later use.
The mineral kingdom is dense matter that has a magnetic quality
that allows the Stones to record all that occurs on the planet.
Many healing uses are being discovered
for various members of the Stone Clan. Native Americans have
always used clear quartz crystals for focus and clarity. Medicine
People in the northern part of Turtle Island have carved and
carried many fetishes made of crystal for centuries. The magnification
of knowledge and the ability to clearly see through the physical
illusion has been greatly assisted by using the clear quartz
Many colored Stones have been used
throughout the centuries for healing purposes. These are usually
specific minerals that can tell a healer of their gifts and
talents in assisting a healing process. Other Stones have been
used for facepaint pigments by boiling them with Deer tallow
and Elk fat until the color is released and settles to the bottom
of the pot. The dirt is cleaned off the top and then the grease
paint is cut into sticks to be used by the whole Tribe. Another
use for the Stone People was found when food was scarce during
a long period of separation from hunters of the Tribe.
Pebble soup was discovered by a
young girl who had lost her way while picking berries with her
grandmother while her Tribe was raided. Everyone had been killed
and the remaining food only lasted a week or two. Winter was
creeping upon them lighted
by the autumn moon when the little girl had a dream. A Stone
Person was calling her to walk down by the creek. In her dream,
the little girl followed the voice and found the Stone Person
sitting on the bank. The Stone Person showed the little girl
which herbs, mosses, and plants were edible and which Stones
had minerals that would be released in the soup if boiled along
with the Plant People.
When the little girl woke up, she
saw how weak from hunger her grandmother was and felt that familiar
ache in her own belly. She ran to the creek and found the Stone
Person from her dream and collected the plants and Stones for
the pebble soup all day. The pebble soup was the nourishment
that kept the two women alive for a month before they were discovered
by the hunters from another band of their Nation.
The Stone People who are Teachers
for the Children of Earth come in many forms. The Stones used
in Traditional Native healing are those found by river banks,
along canyon walls and washes, which come to the surface through
natural erosion. There is nothing wrong with taking from the
Earth Mother if something is given back to her. It is always
a good idea to offer Tobacco or to plant a tree in gratitude
for that which was removed in another place.
The Stone People who come to the
surface of our Earth Mother are record holders. Many will become
soil in future generations due to erosion. These Stone People
are considered common rocks by those not versed in the Language
of the Stones. Every marking on a rock has a meaning and many
times when intuition is used, faces of Two-leggeds and Creature-beings
can be seen on the surface of the Stone. These faces are the
connections that Stone has to the Children of Earth. For instance,
if the face of Musk Ox is carved by nature in the face of a
Stone, that Stone Person was around the area where the Musk
Ox lived centuries ago and carries those historical records.
Nothing is ever put in our paths
without a reason. When we are attracted to a certain rock and
we pick that Stone Person up, it has a lesson for us. The Language
of the Stones is a personal discovery with many messages for
each individual. Since we are unique in our tastes, different
Stone People will attract us. Grandmother Twylah of the Wolf
Clan has written a booklet that covers the specific markings
that teach the meanings of the Language of the Stones and is
available through the Seneca Indian Historical Society. Anyone
can learn what the Stone People are saying through the markings
on their rock bodies by using this booklet as a guideline, making
it easier to develop our intuition and hear the whispers of
the Stone People as they ring in our hearts.
Each Stone Person can be a protecting
and guiding force in life. The Sioux call their Protection Stones
Wo-Ties and the Seneca call them Teaching Stones. In our Seneca
Tradition, any Stone with a natural hole through it will bring
protection to the holder. Stones have been used by Native Medicine
People for divination purposes for centuries. In Ogalala Yuwipi
ceremonies, the Yuwipi Men use the Stones to forecast the future
of the recipient of the ceremony. The Stones are also used to
assist the Yuwipi Men in finding lost items or missing persons.
Although women are participants in these ceremonies, Traditionally
all Yuwipi Medicine is reserved for a special society of Rock
Medicine Men. These Medicine Men are growing more scarce as
time passes; however, the few that still remain are very gifted
and revered among the Ogalala, Lakota, and Dakota Sioux.
The role that Stone People play in
the Tribes of Native America varies from Tribe to Tribe. Each
Tribe has specific Teachings that were passed to them through
the Stones over the past few centuries. Since these lessons
are based upon trial and error, which then became Tradition,
each Medicine Person has varying uses for the Stones. The Paiute
Medicine People knew how to use an extract from the poisonous
stone Cinnebar in small quantities to heal certain illnesses
among the People. The Tonkawas used Limestone with impressions
of fossils to connect them to the Ancestors. The Camanches used
certain types of Flint to make special arrowheads that were
called Medicine Arrows and were used in Healing Ceremonies.
The Apaches used certain colored Stones on a trail to divine
the paths leading to Sacred Mountains. Each Tradition has found
separate uses for the Language of the Stones and has revered
the teachings of the Rock Nation as being messengers of the
Earth Mother.
Every lesson of how to live in harmony
on the Earth can be learned through connecting to the Stone
People. The fact that each Rock is a part of the body of our
Mother speaks for itself. When we seek to slow down our minds
and feel the earthing influence that brings balance and serenity,
a Stone Person is our tool. When nervous habits run us ragged,
we are not feeling connected to the Earth Mother. Sure signs
of being off balance are overeating, talking too much, addictions,
compulsions, or erratic behavior. To calm the body, mind, or
spirit, we need only to hold a Stone Person and breathe until
the nervousness passes. This earthing influence is a way of
anchoring the body to the Earth Mother and feeling the security
of her nurturing influence. The impressions of every act of
Creation from the moment our planet cooled until the present
are contained in the bodies of the Stone People. This great
fount of wisdom is ours as a gift if we are willing to connect
with the Stone Teachers. The calming effect we receive is the
wisdom of these Rock Elders who were the first historians for
All Our Relations. Their mission is to be of service to the
Two-leggeds. Now it is up to us to seek and accept their gifts.
The Application:
The Stone People mark a time in which knowing will be revealed
to you. Your personal records are held by these libraries of
rock. Childhood memories may return and allow you to piece together
a part of your personal puzzle. Memories of past lives or deja
vu could bring new awareness. Whatever the case, you are now
in a position to know where you came from and where you are
A Stone Person can assist you in
focusing your intent, dispelling confusion, changing habits,
retrieving records from long ago, or getting grounded. Allow
these teachers to become your Allies and discover a new world.
Listen to the whispers of the mineral kingdom and your heart
will know.
In all cases, the Stone People card
asks you to open your mind because new understanding is coming
your way. This knowledge is based on Earth-Records and may change
the way in which you view life. These ancient friends are the
oldest Children of Earth and only ask us to stop and listen.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date