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The Cup of Abundance
By CinnamonMoon

There are many names for this cup:
Chalice, Holy Grail, Cauldron of Cerwidden, the Cup of Abundance,
the Horn of Plenty...it's a long list and there are many myths
and legends about it, many traditions that speak of it in esoteric
ways that leave us wondering...just what is it? Is it real?
Is it symbolic? Is it ever an elusive enigma? What is it?
Let's begin with the image of a
chalice overflowing. It represents abundance in all things,
love, joy, fertility, nourishment from Spirit, and if it were
to be turned over, it would be unstable, or an overturning of
the present state of things the glass overturned upside-down
saying 'enough already'; on its side it is tipped...spilled
water, wasted nourishment, regretted actions. Is the cup before
us full and overflowing, tipped, or overturned? The contents
of this cup are water in the Tarot, this represents connection
to higher consciousness and the emotions that take us into deeper
introspection. It is a reminder that when the mind is filled
with Spirit and faith in Spirit that Spirit will fill the material
cup with overflowing abundance, enlightenment, guidance, and
understanding that brings great happiness.
If we turn to the Horn of Plenty...we
have the image of a fruitful harvest, bounty to share. With
the Cauldron of Cerwidden we have the baptismal rebirth into
enlightenment and spiritual understanding that allows us to
evolve...it is the womb of the Great Mother. In the Holy Grail
we see the chalice that held the blood of Christ...the containment
of the spirit that brings life to the body, and the face of
God that gives that life creative form or denies it. It contains
what is sacred and holy...do you see your spirit as such and
nourish it?
The cup is often a symbol of knowledge
or enlightenment, nourishment from Spirit. It is also preservation
for it 'contains'. It represents love, pleasure, and enjoyment.
The rebirth of the soul is tied to this as well. It is the fountain
of youth, the ritual of baptism, and we can either drink from
it to be replenished or we can spill it to dissolve the old
"I" and connect on a higher level with the Oneness.
It tells us the life of each individual is finite (the space
the cup contains), and that the certainty of death is part of
life (the empty cup). The overflow is the process of rebirth,
a sense of communion with Spirit that brings abiding peace,
happiness, and liberation when we connect through our Self and
Spirit to merge with that Oneness. There is no fixation of ego
in this enlightenment, just the union of Oneness...that which
contains understanding. It is the way we perceive our quality
and quantity of life.
Whatever that chalice contains is
a gift from Spirit, and when it appears in some form to us it
is an indication that the cup is being offered to us...the gift
of Spirit is presented. A toast to life. The gift (in whatever
form it is going to take) gives our inner and outer life a new
point of reference (the cup being the body, the contents being
internal, those contents being mana...spiritual nourishment).
It lets us come to the awareness that we can use our inner abilities
and connect to all that is with them.
Each of us, as human beings are
that chalice, cup, cauldron, what-have-you. The body contains
the spirit to give it form. Without the body the spirit is energy
and expands, merges, melds into the Oneness, it becomes fluid
and ethereal. Within the body it takes host and is the source
of our nourishment and enlightenment that allows life to exist
in this physical form, allows us to experience life as a person.
You are your own Horn of Plenty, Holy Grail, Chalice, Cauldron...you
contain your spirit. Are you toasting life with the contents?
Have you tipped your Self and spilled the contents? Have you
overturned yourself and ceased to exist? Have you stopped ingesting
the contents...stopped growing? Has life or circumstance done
that for you? Do you realize that it's up to you to set your
cup upright and be patient as Spirit refreshes the contents?
Or that you can ask Spirit to right you if you are too weak
to do so yourself? How often do you drink the nourishment, look
into your Chalice and see what it contains, connect to the life
force within you?
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Nations, Symbology)
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(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date