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The Little People -
By BearInMind

No need to shoo me off into the Fae
topic from the Library; I've been there LONG ago. I was "chatting"
with a member of SpiritLodge and conversation led into discussion
of the Little People (my buddies ~ LOL). So in the conversation,
this member mentioned 3 Fae decks (s)he's looking into, and
I was interested in knowing more about them. Well, the member
mentioned *another* member who works with it and the Fae are
guiding *cough* etc., and so I was curious to know more about
the Fae. In particular, the Little People as they are frequenters
to my daily life (dern-near literally). The read on for this
"sudden" interest in the Little People is well, heck,
they love me and my best friend but in the chats with this member,
she suggested "Perhaps you should look into making contact
with them through visualization/journey work then?" so...
meh ~ why not?
Aside from that, I've always been
very, very interested the Little People; I've known about them
since before I learned about them. For real ~ I kid you not!
"Silly" as it may seem, I am not stranger to the Little
People, and neither are they to me ~ I am one of their favorite
targets of mischief Well, we were talking about how the Little
People love to take things and that they "play fair"
in that when you "call them out" and say that "the
Little People must have taken it" because of the recognition,
they'll put it back or put it somewhere where you'll stumble
over it That's after they've made a copy of whatever it is that
they've taken *giggle* So yeah, the Little People are a big
part of my life And I was wondering about these decks mentioned...
the member suggested I post the question here..
not sure which decks were mentioned to you, but I love Brian
Froud's Faerie Oracle deck. If you'd like to take a peek at
it, here's a link: It http://www.worldoffroud.com/store/index.php
(the deck) reads well for me.
I use
Brian Froud's Faerie Oracle deck and I am aware of Sulamith
Wulfing's Faerie Oracle deck. Froud's deck just connected with
me immediately...or, um, the Fae connected with me through the
deck, I should say. Oh, well, okay...the Fae were there anyway...I
just finally got my...er... their...priorities straight and
went out and got the deck. Sigh...they can be a bit demanding
sometimes, ya know.
was going to add Froud's Faerie Oracle. And also - connecting
with the Little People perhaps through specific plants and flowers,
a faerie chair, wind chimes, etc.
Yes, I have that deck too.
It reads well and the research that went into it is extensive.
I think the Fae came in the door the moment my friend brought
me a box full of a kitten I named Fox. They're in cahoots! It's
been interesting...very interesting.
*reads gleefully* Aaaaaaaccccckkkkk!!!
*breaks into a sweat* *spaces-out in a deja vu of comical flashbacks*
*passes out* THUMP *the Little People kidnap me into The Twilight
They followed me into the thread!
I guess after they made copy of Skye Katt's 64th post, they
forgot to take the 65th duplicate. Maybe they got scared and
bumped into each other while another team hustled to make a
copy of StarDreamer08's 774th post and they forgot to take the
775th one they duplicated. See, I figure they heard Skye Katt
coming back and when they saw her they just dropped everything
and ran I bet it was *JEST* like what happened with your blouse,
Cinnamon Moon! That's what they *get* for following me into
the thread in the first place. They're always messing with me
and my best friend with their mischief. They won't leave me
alone. Since it seems they want to make a point of that particular
deck by copying the information over and over I shall look into
that ~ thanks for the info... By the way, the person who mentioned
the 3 decks never said which they were ~ just "three decks".
When I was younger, I had a lucid dream where I wound up in
the Land of the Little People. They brought me there. What happened
was that I was driving in the dream, and the brakes stopped
working properly. Every time I bushed the brake, the car sped
up! Not being able to stop the vehicle "woke me up"
as I realized that I was dreaming and became lucid. I was heading
for a brick wall, full speed and faster each time I pressed
on the brake. But I was lucid so I thought I'd just go ahead
and crash! See, I'd always heard that if you're dreaming and
you fall off a building or having some kind of a falling dream
where you're coming from a high distance, if you hit the ground
in your dream, you die in real life.
Psh...I've never heard of anyone
dying in a dream (except for in Nightmare on Elm Street) so
I went lucid one night, jumped off a building and let myself
hit the ground; had a wonderful experience but I'm not going
"there" ~ just wanted to give a preliminary of why
I decided to let the car I was driving crash into the wall...So
BAM I crashed... everything went black... then some swirlies
that I always have to struggle to maintain lucidity through...
and I was successful... I "opened my eyes" to see
if I died in the car after the swirling and blackness stopped.
There were a bunch of Little People staring at me! One of them
opened the car door and I got out. They didn't speak with their
mouths at all; lips never moved! They communicated telepathically
and it was so cool because I realized that I could understand
them and they could understand me! WOW... So I cannot remember
the "lesson" of this lucid experience, but it was
incredibly "deep" and I learned some things from them
during my stay in the Land of the Little People. Anyway, that
was before I "heard" they "really" existed!
They're not midgets. They're not elves (not the ones I've met)
~ their bodies are proportionate to their smaller height/weight
and they're simply little people. They don't have squeaky voices;
they sound like "us" (telepathically).
Anyhoo... They're always messing
with us... Dern-near every day. I'd been telling Cinnamon Moon
about how they even take things *right* out of my best friend's
hand! They recently swiped his car keys from out of his hand
and he was going in circles looking for them, moving stuff around,
going from room to room saying, "Where *are* they??? I
just had them in my hand!!!"
And I said, "The Little People took them Dude." Then,
because they are fair like that, as some of you know, once you
"call them out" they put the item back or somewhere
where you're sure to find it. Well, they're so smart and fast
that once I called them out, they put his keys RIGHT BACK into
his hand! And he the next thing I heard him say was, "How'd
they get in my hand?"
Well they're at it again. They've
confiscated my butane. My lighter is going low and I went to
refill it but the tall can of butane is gone. I knew it was
them. So I started looking for the smaller can of butane and
wouldn't you know they've taken that too? I just used the butane
over the weekend and I know I put it back where it belongs.
This morning I asked them to give it back but I'm just going
to buy another new can. My bet is that they'll throw the two
cans they've taken somewhere in the house and blame it on Skittles!
Got any Little People stories to
share??? I'd love to hear them! It's so refreshing to sit here
and talk about "the Little People" without receiving
strange stares.... Not everyone appreciates such conversation,
and some hint at their belief that I've lost my marbles when
I bring it up... So you cannot imagine how thrilled I am to
know that the Little People are "accepted" here...
And I'm sure they're glad to be the center of attention right
about now. Well, they deserve their props ~ they're certainly
masters what they do!
The Little People have struck again!
RIGHT in my office! This morning there were leftovers from some
meetings ~ coffee, tea, juice, muffins, Danishes, bagels etc.
. . Then I went out to lunch. So I just got back and there's
someone from Meeting Services scratching his head and as I walked
in he asked me, "What happened to all the food and stuff?
I came to clean it up but it's gone already!" Immediately
I knew it was the Little People! But I called anyway to find
out whether someone was sent up to clean up while I was out
of my office at lunch...They were like... "No...?"
I just laughed and thanked the person and told him not to worry
about it ~ that the Little People took it all, and then I sent
him off. Man. What a trip! AAACCCKKK!!! They're in my office
for sure! I'd walked all the way over to the window to look
at this plant and when I turned back around I nearly broke my
neck ~ they'd moved my chair alllll the way across the room
and left it *right* behind me! I'm like, "WTF...?"
Then I burst out laughing and just plopped into the chair! I
said, "What are you trying to TELL me by all this?"
I am not sure if I really know "how" to communicate
with them since the only experience I've had with that was in
that lucid dream, and even then it was them who brought me to
their Land. So anyway, I turned to my desk to make this report
but before I did, I felt inclined to order the deck... so I
did. What next??? *bounces around excitedly* *sings* I got my
deck todaaaaayyyy!!! I got my deck todaaaaayyyy!!! I got my
deck todaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!! We'll be getting acquainted over
the next few days. The Little People were very busy last evening
too Good golly Miss Molly but they LOVE my best friend as much
as me.
*Big Smile* Good for you!
I have a feeling this is going to really help you with your
connection to them too. Communication going both ways! Can't
wait to hear what you discover.
I just went through the
individual cards to see what each look like. Gosh, The Singers
of Intuition (7) is so purdyful! The Master Maker (22) made
me stare for a moment ~ it's very interesting-looking to me.
I gasped at The Faery Godmother (25) It's such a purdyful card,
and I really like the way she's positioned (pictured). I stared
at that one for a while too. Tobaira of the Waters (37) drew
my attention for a moment too ~ especially the forefront image.
When I looked at The Ilbe the Retriever (41) I burst out with
said, "Awwww! He's so CUTE!" Maybe later I'll read
about those cards but I'm not planning on working with them
now any time too soon. Thanks again for the recommendation Katt
and StarDreamer!!!
in Mind, let´s talk about experiences beyond what people
call "normal"/daily consciousness... *giggle* For
me it seems that you are walking between worlds each day, even
in the office... It sounds so "normal" for you...
Years ago I bought the German version of the book "Faeries"
from Brian Froud - it is wonderful... (At Amazon they seem to
have a special edition now...) May you and the Little People
have a wonderful time! *
Normal? I wouldn't call
it "normal" ~ wait ~ maybe I would call it "normal"
~ not too many things the Little People do surprise me but they
always catch me off guard and make me laugh and smile with their
mischief. I prolly would call it "normal" but to talk
about it to "normal" people who have no belief in
anything paranormal well, they normally don't find anything
"normal" about my "normal" experiences with
the Little People... Know what I mean?
Ohhhhh yes, I know...Aaaaaaaand then: What IS "normal"?
*giggle* Who gives the "frame" what is "normal"...
Awwww... Hehe - what for you is "normal", what for
me is "normal", your normality, my normality might
really be for others... Is there any "normality" in
"reality"? I understand you... Bear in Mind, may you
have a great time with the deck! ...awww, my work is calling,
but this thought came up: May be this is exactly one of the
reasons the Little People play these games...To let the "normality"
of people become more flexible - to help them to open up - and
to show them that human beings do not have all "under their
control"... Just one of all the aspects Little People hold...
May be...
I believe StarDreamer08
has a very good way of describing what "normal" is
I think once she put it something like...: those who have higher
sensitivities than others, i.e. extrasensory perception, are
"normal" and those who do not (or have not learned
to) trust the reality of other levels of awareness are *not*
"normal" It's like popular belief of people who are
normal is that "normal" people don't believe in the
Little People, for example, nor do they trust their instincts,
they run from I-Magi-Nation and feel more comfortable and at-home
with what is tangible and "acceptable" in today's
mundane uptight society. As backwards as it all seems, this
perspective seems to me to be one of *the* worlds "best-kept
secrets". It's like "so-called" normal people
have ways of making "real" normal people ashamed of
their heightened
experiences, so for the most part,
at least in my own personal "normal" experiences,
I I don't talk to "so called" normal people about
anything much outside of what I know they can relate to. It's
like "casting pearls to swine" ~ meh ~ maybe not that
harsh, but now I'm rattling on when I really have to run!
is a cycle on the washing machine. I'm so happy you got your
cards. Aren't they awesome???
what I said, BIM.
Yuck, blech,
phooey! *spits out those words* I hate those terms, labels.(Gifted,
Enlightened, Normal) I sure as heck hope it wasn't something
I wrote that led you to think in those terms..... I may have
mentioned that we ALL have what is bandied about as "gifts."
YES! But we all got em when we were born. Every last one of
us have em. Some of us have managed not to have them beat out
of us completely through the ministrations of parents, schools,
peers, mortgages and an endless cycle of "fitting in"
somewhere. Some have to dig in their basements and shine those
flashlights harder and longer than others before they rediscover
what they've had all along. That does not make anyone more "enlightened"
than anybody else. (Sheesh, I hate that word!) They just worked
very hard. Or had events in their lives bring them to a point
of hitting the wall of muck head on and just had to clear it
out or die .... Some hit the wall through physical disease or
an emotional crisis. Others just realize one day they want to
change their lives. Can happen anytime in life...young, old
and anywhere in between. Working to clear out the muck is what
finding your path is all about.
(Edited to leave
out personal references) Ugh...I have such a time with words.
The ones I've mentioned are so loaded with preconceptions of
what they "should" mean that I've begun to find them
useless. It's like the "ego" discussion. We can go
on and on and on discussing them because they seem to mean something
different to everyone. Perhaps that's why I prefer to relate
things by experiences...hmmm...hadn't thought of that before.
So, while you read what I wrote BIM you did read it with your
own preconceptions of what those words mean. That's okay. Its
what we all do. Im glad you put this here so I can help
.if I can. *rolls her eyes*
those who
have higher sensitivities than others, i.e. extrasensory perception,
are "normal" and those who do not (or have not learned
to) trust the reality of other levels of awareness are *not*
I wasnt quite
saying that. I said that we all have those abilities. ALL of
us. Everyone who walks the earth. I was expressing that those
who have found their way to recognizing and developing them
were often wired open for them early on. Some have had to work
very hard to open to them. But the potential for doing so is
within us ALL. When we become aware of them we have the choice
to open or close to them. We are neither normal
nor not normal. It is our choice to pursue them
that is judged by the culture in which we live as inside or
outside of the norm.
So, as far as the
Fae go
as far as my understanding of their communication
with me goes
and if I get this wrong I know theyll
let me know about it!
I was open to communication with
thats why theyre here. Heck! My poor folks
were bringing up in the repressive 50s a little girl who
danced with her imaginary dog playmate, held conversations with
saints, and directed (commanded?) the beleaguered neighborhood
kids in endless productions of fairy tales. That wasnt
considered the norm back then. I embarrassed the
bejeebers out of my mom. And she did her best to make me fit.
When I chose a few years ago to open myself back up to my intuition,
.well, the Fae started showing up! No big surprise
really. Does that help? Or did I make things murkier?
StarDreamer08, which one
either (a)~pushes you into the wall as you walk out the door,
or (b)~moves the wall into you as you walk out the door? Because
I know I was walking straight this morning when we collided.
I cracked up when I read about Ilbe the Retriever this morning.
No *wonder* I thought he was so CUTE! And after I read about
him, he took a cartoon sock out of my hand I had both of them
in my hand and went from the bed to get this red shirt and right
back to the bed. When I looked in my hand I only had one sock!
I started laughing, of course. So there I am, running late,
going back and forth from point A to point B ~ prolly 3 times
before I decided to just pick a different pair of socks... I
said to myself, well to the Little People, "Psh KEEP the
sock! "and then when I turned around the confiscated sock
was laying right there on the floor. So anyway, I really understand
and appreciate all of what I read about Ilbe the Retriever.
Oddly, this morning went through the deck again and ran across
a card that wasn't there yesterday when I went through each
individual card in the deck after I received them. Could very
well be, of course, that I overlooked it, but I don't know how
I could because this was another card that attracted my attention
~ Indi (63) so I read about Indi and then I started to get ready
to leave the house. Lots of unusual activity this morning!!!
When I finally *did* leave the house (late) I stuck my hand
into the Yew that stands on the other side of the steps from
where the three other Yews are. That Yew is next to the driveway.
When I pulled my hand out of the Yew, I saw this bright red
flashy thing, and I said to myself, "A real Faery!!!"
I'd remembered seeing two cards with red and so I focused more
closely on the red flashy thing in the tree. It was moving!
OMG I was so... ummm... can't think of the word! So I stepped
closer to the Yew, dern near putting my face into its bush to
get a better look at this red flashy thing. Then I blinked.
And what I was now looking at was the red covering over the
right rear brake light on my brother's vehicle. So I'm there
thinking, "But it MOVED! It was flashy! What happened?
I know ~ maybe it's just my eyesight playing tricks on me...
maybe I was looking at the brake-light the whole time and since
I'd been reading about those Faeries this morning that's why
I thought I saw one in the tree... Yeah! That's what happened!
Or not...?" Was that Indi whispering in my ear?
Meh ~ I thought to find the card
anyway when I got to work (they're travelling with me...) and
it is The Singer of Transfiguration (11). The card does look
an awful-lot like the red flashy thing in the Yew tree that
Indi has now convinced me was my brother's brake light. I'm
going to read about that one soon and then get some stuff done.
I just read information on The Singer
of Transfiguration and Great Scott what it describes is so very
appropriate and real for me Now that I just read the information
with my jaw practically dangling.
I absolutely
love that deck BIM, and it sounds like it's really making a
connection to you as well. You think you've got fae activity
now....just wait and see what happens as you work through that
Katt, honestly, you've
taken the words RIGHT out of my mouth! This morning when everything
started happening afresh ~ new antics the wall running into
me. Sheesh I said to myself that this sudden inclination to
order the deck (and next day delivery ) is an opportunity for
me to get reacquainted with them... to "remember"
is a good way to put it. And seeing that red flashy thing in
the Yew was like immediate confirmation until I imagined that
what I was seeing was a brake light Now. Listen to that. Is
that backwards or what? Imagining to see a brake light when
what I really saw was a Faery? Shouldn't it be "imagining
I saw a Faery when what I really saw was a red brake light?"
Anyway, I agree 100%. We've already "met" each other
over the years, they're not scared of me and I'm not scared
of them, they seem to love me and I know I sure do like them
a whole lot because they always make me laugh and smile. So
in my view, reopening the lines of communication is just a matter
of time and a moment away. Last night I let the deck lie in
the light of the moon (Full today) and then at about 2:00am
I put them under my pillow and slept with them there. By golly
I think the connection is already established. Anyway I'm carrying
them in my pocket today... I have 3 cards separated from the
rest of the deck and I'm carrying those close to me. Those are
the 7, the 11 and the 25. I don't wanna say "This is wierd"
but this is definately "out of the ordinary" ~ I went
out for my typical Friday-afternoon billiards game and (not
"unusually") I had the privlege of whiping to guys
from Ireland. I *always* meet people (mostly men) from Ireland
at this place. But what made it such an unusual experience is
that I felt inclined to start talking to one of them about Faeries.
I don't "normally do that kind of thing" when I *just*
meet a person so I was shocking the @#%$ out of myself hearing
the words pouring out of my own mouth!
So...I whooped him in pool and played
the partner he was travelling with. Mild-manner guy... no big
deal... he won by default (I scratched) so... BUT the FIRST
guy I'd been talking to asked me on our second game, "Do
you *really* believe in faeries???" and I walked over to
where I'd left the book and showed him the book (the manual)
and said, "ABSOLUTELY!!!" and described the scene
with the cartoon socks this morning. So... We played, we shook
hands and "parted ways." "those guys were friggen
faeries" is what I thought when I'd literally crossed their
paths in the middle of 44th
Street on my way back to work! They'd left 5 minutes b4 me to
tend to "business"! Welll, I hadn't seen them as I
was passing, one of them called out my name and wished me well
and I turned to do the same to them.... Then as an immediate
after-thought, I reached into my purse to give them each one
of my business cards to contact me (they're leaving to go on
to Chicago on Sunday) so they could touch base with me to hook
up to play perhaps before they left....When I went to give them
the business cards, they were GONE! POOF!!! Just GONE! I then
said to myself, "Faeries!!!" So...My current question,
for those more seasoned is: "Can Faeries change their form
to human form to "play with us 'in real life' and then
just POOF disappear like that...?" Similar things have
happened in the past, but I wanted to confirm (generally) whether
this is possible...?
This is strange. Or not
card on the bottom of the deck today was The Piper (24) and
I hadn't read it all after I read the card that was staring
at me (#53 ~ Death). I'd only read the first paragraph or so
then got distracted in my day-job tasks. I noticed that one
section of Olyvia Newton-John's song kept going through my head
and I kept finding myself singing that one phrase from the song
out loud. So I decided to post about it. I realized that that
phrase in the song only started repeating after I started to
read about The Piper and I cannot get it out of my head now!
So I picked up the book and went to finish reading about it.
I understand that the Fae aren't about "our" music
~ radio songs and whatnot, but this is really interesting; this
repeat-phrase and The Piper defined. I remember a lot of words
to that old song and it occurred to me that it might be a nice
Faerie song. The last time I heard it was when I had my "breakthrough"
and "reunited with my mother" during my escapades
with my Monsters in the Basement. It was awesome hearing it
then, so I'll replay it here, since it seems to not want to
go away but keeps incessantly blaring in my head and coming
from my mouth.
Come take my hand
You should know me
I've always been in your mind
You know that I'll be kind
I'll be guiding you
Building your dream
Has to start now
There's no other road to take
You won't make a mistake
I'll be guiding you
You have to believe we are magic
Nothin' can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Your destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There's promise in the air
And I'm guiding you
Through every turn I'll be near you
I'll come anytime you call
I'll catch you when you fall
I'll be guiding you
You have to believe we are magic
Nothin' can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Your destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive For you
One prolly has not much to do with
the other but I just felt to share it; seems like a faerie song
to me.
just been online to check out these cards and I must say they
look pretty impressive. What are you guys getting me into, I
feel like ordering some myself! The three cards I got for a
reading were, past Geeeeeooo the slooow, present, The green
woman then Nyls the alchemist for future. Now I need to think
about these meanings for a while. Mmmm I like these cards already!
Thanks you all!
Jaguar Eyes, they're absolutely
fascinating, in more ways than one! I was reading about Ta'Om
(29) this morning on the train to work to get acquainted with
him, and as I walked to my office from the train another "out-of-the-blue"
song phrase started up Ooooohhhh it's magic... you know... never
believe it's not sooooooo..." I'd been smiling at what
I read about Ta'Om ~ because I recognize "his stuff."
So his card, along with the card that was on the bottom (10-The
Singer of Healing, which I haven't read yet) I'd put in my left
jacket pocket. As I walked, smiled and sang, I started to get
my money together to stop and pick up my breakfast. I *KNOW*
I only had $6 in the back section of my purse where the rest
of the deck is. I KNOW IT! Especially when I pulled out a Five
Dollar bill and put it in my left pocket with the cards for
my breakfast. Well then I decided to put the remaining single
dollar bill in my pocket so I wouldn't have to take my jacket
later. But when I pulled it out, it was a Five Dollar bill I'm
like, "WTF...?" So I figured maybe I made a mistake
and *thought* I put a 5 into my left pocket with the card but
that it must have been the single. So I stick my hand in my
pocket and pulled it out to be sure, because I was positive
it *was* $5 I put in there... and it was. Confused yet? I know
I am! So now instead of having the $6, I had $10. Then the song
started up again I laughed, wondering if there is a Faerie who
changes numbers on money, thanking whatever happened for happening,
and jokingly asking for the $5 to be turned into a $50 Weird,
eh? *sings and dances* Noooooo, it's MAGIC... Gonna read about
the bottom card now.
it's interesting stuff alright! just watch out who knows what
they will do next and when! Mischief is the word... I'm just
off to check out the cards online again then I'll trot over
to amazon and see how I feel about loading up that cart of mine
some more.
Just kidding ~ they're great ~ I certainly am enjoying them!
And the cards too!
anyone give me a description of the card, Nyls the alchemist?
As I haven't the cards or the book, I need some help here I
got this card as my 'future' from the online reading I did.
I'm really interested to know more about Nyls if you can help
me out?
Nelys the Alchemyst (27)
Inner transformation. Irrevocable change. In Faery ~ and sometimes
in our world ~ alchemy is the study and practice of transforming
the soul from the lead of primitive conditioned reactions to
the gold of spiritual and practical attainment. Nelys is mistress
of the alchemical arts, and she also understands that daily
life is a spiritual exercise. She recognizes that transformation
may take place from the inside out or from the outside in. When
things are stuck and movement has become impossible, Nelys firmly
waves her rowan wand and things happen in ourselves and in the
world. Sometimes things just cannot move without readjustment
~ perhaps even radical realignment. We may feel that we should
be able to bring our plans to fruition, but we may be aiming
at the impossible, or at least at the very inappropriate. Part
of the impossibility or inappropriateness may be a result of
our own attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors, and part of it may
be circumstances in the world ~ things that are beyond our control.
Often inner transformation is required in order to achieve what
we wish for in the outer world, just as, conversely, changes
in the outer world often elicit inner transformation. Personal
inner change is the truest transformation of all ~ and in the
long run, it is the only change that really matters.
Nelys points out a path we can follow,
Jonathan observes, "but she does not lead us by the hand
along it ~ although she might give us a nudge if we seem to
need it." When an Oracle group member was looking at Nelys,
a giggling faery voice said, "If you concentrate very hard,
you can get to the bottom of the problem." Starter Reading:
When Nelys turns up in your reading, get ready for things to
happen, inwardly and outwardly. The stuck becomes unstuck, the
blocked begins to move. You may have to run to keep up with
the speed at which the situation around you is moving. You may
also be surprised by the direction things (and you) are taking.
You may find your plans, even your desires and dreams, changing
as the transformative process takes place. It might not have
been in your plans, but later on you will look back and say,
"Wow! It wasn't what I expected, but it was just what I
needed." When we have been through such an alchemical process,
we can never go back to what we were before ~ which is probably
just as well. Reversed: You may be getting in Nelys's way as
she does her work. To put it bluntly, you may be the main obstacle
in your own path. It may be necessary to transform attitudes
and behaviors. She will first approach you with tact and kindly
faery warning, pointing out an alternate path you might try.
At this point, it would be well to begin actively cooperating
with her energy of alchemical transformation. That is quite
a hefty faery wand she carries, and I'm sure it isn't just for
decoration. I asked her about that, but only got a outrageous
grin in reply.
Bear In Mind, that's really great! Something 'smells' right
about this description, I can feel something on the horizon...
not expected either or different to what I could expect hmmm...I'll
print this out and it'll give me the chance to go over it slooowly..
I appreciate you taking the time to type this up for me... there
is that number 9 re appearing again! Also my life path number...
interesting BIM... These cards are going into my cart, I'll
have to sacrifice a book for them though, I can't have it all...Have
a great weekend, ours has just finished, Saturday is a back
to work day, Cheers!
Jaguar eyes, you're *very*
welcome, but won't you enable your ez-Inbox for future responses
like this? I just went into the Fae Room (still cannot hear
the music yet) and was reminded to report something. Yesterday
morning I was standing in front of the wall unit in my room,
and "something told me" that my butane was behind
it. I stooped over and started to take a look, but then for
some reason I changed my mind decided to put off looking behind
the wall unit, and moved on to do something else on my "To
Do" list. About an hour later my best friend picked up
a broom and started sweeping by the wall unit. I happened to
be standing outside of the room where I could see him, but I
was getting some recycle bottles together, and he looked up
at me and said in a sing-songy voice, "Guess what? I have
something you waaannnt..."[/i] My heart skipped a bet as
I immediately responded, "My butane???" and he said,
I burst out laughing, thanked "them"
for returning it, and joked with my best friend that, "You
know, remember when I was standing there and I stooped over?
I'd suddenly got the feeling it was there. They told me it was
there and since I didn't go to find it, I guess they decided
to tell YOU instead!" I asked him, "You think they'll
return the little can too then tell us where to find it?"
Gotta love 'em!
May I ask a huge favor, please? I
pulled Solus this morning but the Little People took my book!
I pulled him a couple of weeks ago but I don't really remember
what-all it said about him. Would someone be so kind as to provide
that information to me if you have an opportunity? Thanks.
just heading out, but I'll try to post it later tonight. For
what it's worth though, when I read this, I was given the very
strong impression that they hid it for a reason. They want you
to open to them, listen to them and learn from them, without
relying on the book.
Solus: Knowledge, consciousness,
synthesis, spiritual empowerment Solus stands midway between
the realm of the Singers and that of manifest reality--the realms
of Faery, this world, and other realms and dimensions. The Singers
dwell in a cosmos without boundaries or differntiations, but
we and the faeries live in worlds where there are limitations
to overcome and boundaries to identify and expand, which helps
us to grow. When we don't know what we need or who to turn to,
Solus will help us, if we ask. To an Oracle group member, Solus
said, "Allow the surface noise to fade. I'm here waiting."
Solus encourages us to stand on our own feet, to recognize and
utilize our own wisdom, to depend on our own strength, and to
acknowledge and work with our own good qualities, using them
as stepping stones to improve the less good. yet, at the same
time, Solus recognizes that we cannot do everything alone, and
helps us to make the connections and to have the insights that
will help us to accept wisdom, energy, and assistance from other
realms--especially the realms of the Singers and of Faery. With
faith in the human spirit, Solace sees us as arrows fired from
a bow, choosing our own directions and soaring into undreamed-of
heights, empowered by trust and the creative life force. Starter
Reading: Solus is radiant, energizing, vitalizing. This presence
in a reading often indicates that something new is being brought
into being in our lives, partly through our own efforts and
partly through the help we are receiving from other realms.
Miracles may take place. Movement into the light is occurring.
This is a time for taking action, passing on our blessings and
learning, and for service given from a position of strength.
Reverse: When the light and spiritual
empowerment of Solus is veiled, we need to remember that this
Singer is there to help with seemingly lost causes and forlorn
hopes. When you don't even know what to ask for, ask for his
help and guidance. And then do the best you can for yourself.
you offer the card number for people to have quick reference?
(instead of having to flick through the entire book, since individual
cards are not indexed or mentioned in the Table of Contents?
Solus: Knowledge. Consciousness. Synthesis. Spiritual Empowerment
Solus stands midway between the realm of the singers and that
of manifest reality - the realms of Faery, this world, and other
realms and dimensions. The Singer dwell in a cosmos without
boundaries or differentiations, but we and the faeries live
in worlds where there are limitations to overcome and boundaries
to identify and expand, which helps us to grow. When we don't
know what we need or who to turn to, Solus will help us, if
we ask. To an Oracle group member, Solus said: "allow the
surface noise to fade. I'm here waiting". Solus encourages
us to stand on our own feet, to recognize and utilize our own
wisdom, to depend on our own strength, and to acknowledge and
work with our own good qualities, using them as stepping-stones
to improve the less good. Yet, at the same time, Solus recognizes
that we cannot do everything alone, and helps us to make the
connections and to have the insights that will help us to accept
wisdom, energy, and assistance from other realms - especially
the realms of the Singers and of Faery. With faith in the human
spirit, Solus sees us as arrows fired from a bow, choosing our
own directions and soaring into undreamed-of heights, empowered
by trust and the creative life force. Starter reading: Solus
is radiant, energizing, vitalizing. This presence in a reading
often indicates that something new is being brought into being
in our lives, partly through our own efforts, partly through
the help we are receiving from other realms. Miracles may take
place. Movement into the light is occurring. This is a time
for taking action, passing on our blessings and learning, and
for service given from a position of strength. Reverse: When
the light and spiritual empowerment of Solus is veiled, we need
to remember that this Singer is there to help with seemingly
lost causes and forlorn hopes. When you don't even know what
to ask for, ask for his help and guidance. And then do the best
you can do for yourself. ROFL!!!
LOL Well, evidently the
message was that important.
Gotta love 'em! Thanks
ladies! Gosh they move fast, eh? See how they got that trick
RIGHT down to the minute 2:28pm? This must be "their hour"
The 2:00 hour. AND The 18th must be their
day for this kind of activity too! Because they did the same
thing to GhostKatt and StarDreamer08 on 4/18 at 2:25pm....
Well they sure are giving
us some laughs!
Katt, I did that yesterday
morning. Whenever I pull one, I sit with it first for a while,
examine it, ask what it is I need to know from them, then I
read what's said about them in the book. While I was doing this
with Solus yesterday morning, he told me to look into his eyes
and view him as I would a mandala; keeping focus on the windows
of his soul, so I did. When I "view" a mandala, something(s)
often appear to move, some parts might blur, and some areas
become very clear. While I gazed into Solus eyes, the left part
of his mouth lifted into sort of a smirk. So I smirked back
but didn't move my gaze from his eyes. Then the focus shifted
and I saw white "slashes" down his cheeks, which brought
out the "hairs" growing all over his face. The "hairs"
... There was something about all of his "hair"...
Still holding the gaze, I said, "Wow ~ wassup with that
HAIR, Solus???"
He told me that his hair is not like
ours ~ it's like rubber bands. Not rubber though, but it can
stretch waaaaayyyyy out beyond what I could see ~ as far as
he wants it to stretch. And the right side of his mouth lifted,
turning the smirk into a smile. Then I broke the gaze and his
mouth was back in the neutral way it looks of course. Later
after I read the double-posted descriptions *giggle* A memory
of my FAVORITE dollies came to mind ~ the kind that have knobs
in their backs that make the hair coming out the top of their
heads longer or shorter. LOVED those dolls ~ can't TELL you
how many of them I had!
I'm sure you've
been sitting with the cards first and then reading up on them,
but what I got yesterday was that you need to trust the messages
you're being given without checking with the book afterwards.
It gets to the point with them that they start bringing through
messages and things that aren't written down. You'll see their
faces flash before you, go "oh hi!" and wait for the
message to come. It feels to me like you're moving to that point...they
want you to leave the book alone for a while. You can go back
to it in a while, but they're saying to wait at least a couple
of weeks. It's exciting to see how this is all unfolding!
I agree with you Katt.
It seems I've clung to that better and with more "comfort"
(for lack of a better word... "confidence", maybe?)
than with the Medicine Cards. It's a "freer" kind
of thing. Can't explain it, but I think it's because I've been
aware of the Little People more in my life than with the essence
of other creature-beings which I really began learning about
in-depth here at Spirit Lodge, in spite of my love for the nature
shows on TV. Well, they returned my book. And it's so LIKE them
to put it where I already looked several times. Gosh I looked
there over and over yesterday morning; when I got home last
night, BAM there it was! Go figure... I pulled Spirit Dancer
(#36) this morning, and it seemed like I never saw the card
before but I'm not gonna say I haven't because that just can't
BE, can it??? She said to me, "FLYYYY... BE FREEEE...."
This morning after I invited the
Little People to join me as I, I talked for longer than usual
in what ended in a literal cry for help as tears fell from my
eyes over this current dilemma I've found myself in. Sniffling
and drying tears, I shuffled... shuffled... shuffled... then
one of my fingers kind of drew to this one card like a magnet
~ can't explain it ~ but I had a strange time when I tried to
remove my finger from "sticking" to the card, then
I heard, "This is the one!" so there I sat with The
Sage. I'd drawn him not too long ago and his message then was
appropriate, but very different from what he wanted to express
to me this morning. I think he's striking! First thing he brought
to my attention was that his "hair" isn't like ours
either. There is a peculiar life in his "hair" that
sets him apart from the others. There was something itchingly
familiar about his eyes, and I quickly realized soon that he
is holding his head and eyes in the same position as I do when
I am looking at everything around me while not looking at anything
at all. When I realized that, he let me know that what he is
doing is seeing through his Third Eye, and I understood completely.
Well, I *thought* I understood completely I REALLY understood
as I thought about The Sage on my walk from the train station
to my office. All of a sudden, my breath caught in my chest,
tears sprang from my eyes and I began to sob as it dawned on
me oh-so-clearly that this way of "seeing without seeing"
is what I employ when practicing gang fighting in the Dojo.
I'm not getting into that too deeply, but I thank The Sage tremendously
Forgot to add that as I shuffled...
shuffled... shuffled... after The Sage came to me, I took a
look at the bottom card as I had been doing for "reinforcement"
and it was #36; Spirit Dancer, still dancing with me since yesterday.
I was happy to see she found her way back there. Maybe she is
still helping me to work the magic of my own creativity. I sure
hope so.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date