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Discussion on Healing Spiritual
By Earthwalker
Can anyone speak to the healing of the Spirit of Trauma?
StarBear Walking:
Let me ask a friend who is working on this.
Thank you! I read a book this weekend called "Master of
Lucid Dreams; In the Heart of Asia a
Russian Psychiatrist learns to Heal the Spirits of Trauma"
by Olga Kharitidi M.D.. It was
presented in story style and discusses what is called Walking
the Soul of the Dead which equates
to Transpersonal Transformation. I am really interested in this
being presented in another
context. Personally I find that I come to a fuller understanding
when these worlds are discussed
from a mixture of perspectives. I do not know what it is called
in other traditions. As described
here "it is a particular state which you can enter when
your dream space and your memory space
are open and clear and you can move through them easily (I think
this would equate to Scared
Space). It will be up to your memory to choose what images to
create to generate the healing.
Your memory images will be carriers of transformation, but the
effects of the changes will
extend beyond your personal memory.....Your experience will
take its own special form but the
content will not be the main thing that matters. What matters
is the process of change. And what
matters is the process of finding the memory demon and conquering
it to make it serve you and
further healing in the future." It is noted that this healing
occurs back through generations.
When I read this I was bothered by the war like connotations
but in reality it was talking, I
believe, about facing and filling in the absences found in memory
so that the negative
connotations which are hidden becomes neutral and therein no
longer binds one to it. I am
interested in this type of going within to help heal first oneself
and then others. Does anyone
know of any good books on this subject. I find it fascinating
but feel I would understand it better
if it was discussed or described in a different style other
than one based on fear.
There are some articles in the Library on the Dream Lodge which
I feel is what you are
describing here rather than sacred space. This type of work
can go on in the Dream Lodge and it
can happen through the art of journey work too. It denotes soul-retrieval
techniques and I
believe that is what is being presented to you. I don't have
any books on it, just my own training
and experience but that's what it sounds like to me. Fears do
have to be confronted as do wounds
that are emotionally and often physically painful through the
senses. What happens is that in
confronting that and stepping into it we understand the situation
and our reaction to it. We see
the lesson and in that can release it and reclaim that part
of the self that was lost. Trauma has
many forms. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It doesn't
matter how it happens, but that
we can define the cause, see the lesson, and release the pain
it brings us to heal.
Thanks Cinnamon, You were right it is more dream work. Still
in some dances I can feel I
myself within the scenes as well as in the dream world. So for
me Scared Space and the dream
stage overlap a little. However I have never melded when dancing
that happens primarily in the
dream world or journeying. This book was interesting in some
of the tools mentioned where
symbols I had seem=n in a dance and were trying to figure out
. I need to re-read parts to
understand more fully what I am to take from it. Thanks again!
StarBear Walking:
Greetings! Okay here is where we went with this if it is what
you are looking for. When healing a
body or a place where trauma has happened, it is good to heal
the reason that caused that
trauma. If it is not healed the memory continues and will manifest
in another way. Example: I
had my gallbladder removed. But I never healed the reason behind
the trauma. Why did my body
create this disease?
Ted Andrew's 'The Healer's Manual', the metaphysical lesson
with the gall bladder meridian is:
Anger, decisions, and proper expression of will power. So I
ask myself What am I angry about?
What decisions am I making or not making? And am I using proper
expression of will power?
Then say a Forgiveness Affirmation to heal the cause.
I forgive myself for______. / I forgive ______for _____. From
this moment forward we have
Love, Peace and Harmony between us. Say this four times a day
for four days. Out loud! Burn
this page with some sage. Write one for each conflict, person,
place or thing. Just my two cents
worth. Don't know if that is what you are looking for or not.
Thanks! It is similar but this was to go within the dream world
to help others that couldn't get
through the layers to Spirit because they hadn't reconciled
the trauma that had been passed on
through generations. In order to end this this woman traveled
into this place and searched for a
friend who had passed over. The friend needed to remember to
be able to let go of the "memory
(heal the spirit of trauma) which was controlling" to move
forward. The teacher was a Chilten.
The book, although presented from a perspective I don't totally
accept, was interesting and gave
another jiggle to and explained through example and story many
of Cinnamon's teachings that
are presented here. Ones such as impeccability of intent, shamanic
death, soul retrieval, being
able to stand your ground and the absolute need to ensure that
the self is healed first so there
would be no repercussions. In the travels to find her friend
in this in between place it also
presented images of shadows and the use of a symbols I have
seen in dreams ( such as
individuals in shadow watching and reaching out, hand with a
cross vs hand with swastika). This
symbol the swastika predated by thousands of years in Germany
and had positive meaning to this
culturally: it was actually a symbol used to help enter the
in-between state. So I think I have been
shown the teachings from a different cultural perspective and
that aids in understanding even
though it added a bit of confusion initially. I am very interested
in this and would like to read and
learn more about the process of healing. Thanks for your help!
The swastika also represents the Wheel. I forget the country
of origin for that, I want to say it
was used by the Scandinavian countries but can't recall. The
4 spokes of the elemental forces
and overlaid with a 2nd you had the 8 spokes of the wheel of
the year that includes the crossquarters.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date