Links of the site are right at the bottom of the page)
Some of the almost 100 pages in this Healing section are below, to see the links to all of the pages please go HERE
High Blood Pressure
By Mouse
Not enough love for yourself,
self-repression. Unconsciously holding back and repressing
emotions, often holding on to experiences as a child. You seek,
by *thinking*, for solutions on a
confused way, you can't see it clearly. As an adult, just like
when you were a baby, you still look
up to people, systems or Authorities outside yourself. Your
heart is tightened because you deny
yourself your own full Self-Worth. You would like to acknowledge
your Solar Plexus, your SunCenter,
and you show it in a tough way to the external world, but in
a way this is only an Ostrich
attitude: sorrow, feelings of unworthiness, humiliation that
you've endured in the past, you were
possibly born with these feelings of self-crushing, you feel
powerless and tiny like a baby. You
would like to manifest yourself strongly! There is an inner
resistance against this unconscious
self-lowering: the blood pressure increases. Because you don't
resolve emotional problems by
stepping over them and hiding yourself behind the mask of the
tough Hero. Look into your heart:
why do you not love yourself the way you are? Which elements
within yourself do you
condemn? Do you think some of your feelings are "bad"
because past conditioning spoon-fed
you that "this was just not done"? Are you so afraid
of your feelings that you put these feelings
away with such force? Have you been taught that emotions, feelings
and relationships with
others are unreliable and threatening to the human race? Or
do you mistrust your own deep
energies and feelings and do you think that they will suck you
away into a vortex, a whirlpool?
Do you not dare to show your feelings for others? Do you not
dare to acknowledge your own
softness? Do you try to camouflage yourself with a hard shield?
You can't truly move forward,
you are jogging on the spot because you are not resolving these
problems with your true inner
feelings. You force yourself, and reach further than you can
Because you don't trust the nature
of your feelings, because you deny your self-worth, you become
afraid of death. Fear...
Stop running from reality regarding your feelings by looking
at false hopes. Dare to take a close
look at your deepest feelings. Slowly move forward, based on
both sides: don't switch off your
emotional side in preference of your cognitive side. You have
thought enough now. Cherish the
soft, smaller feelings within you and don't follow the cold,
rigid example of perhaps those who
raised you. Nobody can say what is good for you, so only follow
your own heart. Dare to let
those soft, living energies of joy and pleasure through. Stop
distancing from yourself, stop
looking at yourself with a stern or punishing eye; welcome yourself.
When this split within you
has been resolved, you can feel a love for yourself that will
chase away fears. Resolve the
pressures in your life; the pressures of self-denial and self-rejection.
You drew the circumstances
of the past towards yourself unconsciously, convinced that you,
as a person, in the core, are not
worthy of experiencing joy and to be as you are. That was a
self-destructive attitude with all the
subsequent consequences. Be convinced NOW that it is good to
be as you feel. Live!
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date