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Some of the almost 100 pages in this Healing section are below, to see the links to all of the pages please go HERE
By Trancehealer
We all experience traumas in our lives, some big and some so
very small that they are only
important to ourselves. Over time these traumas have a tendency
to come back and create new
problems for us though. This happens because our subconscious
mind is trying to protect us from
future harm.
Lets say you were bitten by a dog when you were a small child,
to protect you from further harm,
your subconscious mind brings back the image of you being bitten
every time you see a dog.
You respond with fear and possibly anger in response to this
warning from deep inside.
As a survival mechanism it works very well. You avoid all dogs
and never get bitten. You also
will never have a pet canine and will likely get rid of people
in your life that do, even if you
never make the connection yourself, your subconscious mind will
associate the early trauma as a
child with the dog owner you know now.
The problem comes in to play when the natural protective mechanism
continues after it stops
being useful to you.
It can be any trauma of course, and even seemingly small things
can create large problems. Say
you always got picked last to be on playground sports teams
when young. Does your
subconscious mind tell you to buck-up and not worry
about what children thought of your
athletic ability way back then, or does it tell you not to put
yourself forward in social situations?
That if others have control of your position, they will always
pick you last?
This subject could be looked at as one of the most important
problems humans have ever faced.
Every person carries around with them a load of traumatic episodes
and their own personal
responses to them. Each set of problems has to be dealt with
on a personal basis, if they are to be
fixed. Cookie-cutter responses just wont work.
Some forms of psychic intervention can be of help, Entrainment
Therapy, Subconscious field
adjustments and such things as simple calming mental patterns
or a temporary diminution of fear
can all be of help.
Ultimately though, real progress must come from within, outside
intervention can help, but only
so much. I am not telling you to not seek help by any means.
(As it is a part of my personal
practice, one would hope I could endorse it!) It is however
still true that the real work begins and
ends within.
The technique I am introducing here is very powerful, but not
a miracle cure or quick fix, so be
prepared to do a bit of work if you would like to see results
in a fairly rapid fashion.
Begin by finding a calm and quiet spot, away from other people
and distractions, where you can
feel safe and comfortable.
Once there-
*Take a few deep breaths and let your mind calm down. Relax
and let go of any concerns you
may have. If things keep popping into your mind, just acknowledge
them and set them aside.
*Focus on a spot deep inside your own head, towards the back
a bit. Take a few moments to feel
this space. Many people report that the most solid feeling of
connection to their subconscious
mind seems to come from this area of the brain. Whether this
is fact or not is moot. The act of
focusing here will cause the proper connection to take place,
which is enough for our current
*To communicate clearly with your subconscious mind is simple
in some ways, hard in others,
and always different than you think it will be the first time
you notice it. Your subconscious
mind speaks in concepts. If you pay attention you
will notice it. Look for meaning without
words or pictures.
*Now that you are aware of what your deeper mind is saying to
you, or at least have an idea that
it is communicating, take a few moments to listen. Let the knowledge
of what it is saying come
to you.
*Now let your mind drift to a difficult topic, intent is enough
to guide your mind to a subject,
dont feel like you have to tackle any particular issue.
Stay as relaxed as possible. Each time you
feel anxious or fearful, or any other negative emotion, introduce
a feeling of peace and calm over
the issue. Dwell on the feeling of peace and calm until it replaces
the negative sensations. This
will create a change in that particular pattern, that is so
effective at this level of thought, that it is
unlikely to recur in the same way again. Over time you will
deal with all of the main
permutations of the underlying trauma.
*The key here is to keep going. Every time you calm and smooth
out a particular thought in your
subconscious, your mind is permanently changing the pattern
of response and replacing it with a
feeling of calm, peace or whatever you have decided to replace
it with. Try to spend ten to
twenty minutes a day on this. Dont set a goal date to
be done by, just make it part of your daily
routine. You will find it a useful skill to have long after
all of your current difficulties have
*Push yourself to the level you need to personally and dont
coddle yourself overly. At the same
time, please, remember that you have time to correct things!
Of course it would be great if every
problem would just disappear overnight. Unfortunately, it just
isnt going to happen. Still, it is
much harder to live with the problems than invest a bit of time
in the solutions.
Once you have worked with this method for a few weeks, there
are some other things that might
help speed the process up.
1. Begin each session with a psychic overlay that will help
you communicate with your deeper
self. That is, once you are in communication with your subconscious
mind develop and hold the
concept of deep non-verbal contemplation. Let this feeling grow
stronger as you hold it. Feel
your mind becoming calmer and more at peace. Hold this for a
few minutes and then begin your
normal daily practice. This will help nudge you towards uncovering
deeper material and issues,
which will help speed your progress.
2. Add to your practice a greater range of replacement feelings
and concepts. Replace feelings of
fear with courage or internal fortitude. Replace anger and rage
with feelings of compassion for
others. Make a conscious decision as to how you would like to
feel about the issues that come up
and make them happen.
3. After you practice these techniques, try and pay attention
to any
difficulties that come up during the day. Issues that keep surfacing
are the ones to deal with in
the next session.
On a finishing note. I really wish to impress the idea that
there is nothing wrong with seeking
help from others, good counseling and medical help can often
be of benefit, when you are
struggling with a problem. Psychic healing measures can also
help a person through a crises
point and have no peer in direct intervention techniques. Your
mental and emotional state is
under your control. You are your own best cure.
This article and other helpful information can be found at :
healing.worldispnetwork.com Please
feel free to use this or any other materials on the site as
you wish. We only ask that you
reproduce this article as a whole, including the above link.
Thank you.
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