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Hot Hands & Prayer Circles
By Dragon Veils
A During the prayer circle
Sunday night, while Wolfie was making his prayer request, my
grew hot and so did my neck/throat and it felt like energy was
coming out of me and being
directed at Wolfie. It wasnt uncomfortable at all, just
a weird pulling feeling like my energy was
being drawn and directed. I only have experienced a similar
sensation many, many, years ago at
another prayer circle, but this was in person and I was just
a teen and the energy was completely
internal and then spread throughout me and all around me. But
it was all for me and very
amazing experience. I didnt feel the energy leave me,
be shared or directed at another. The
energy was all love and it was healing for me emotionally. This
would be a great topic to see
who else has experienced these sensations. And maybe some of
us can learn what its about.
Sacred Garden:
I too had a similar experience during Wolfie's prayer request.
My hands got very hot and felt like
pins/needles - that prickly feeling, also heat at the base of
my spine. Although for me, I didn't
know what to do with all that energy all of a sudden, just felt
like I was 'floating' in it - sort of
like trying to swim forward. That probably doesn't make much
sense but I don't know how else to
really describe it. This was my first Prayer Circle, and an
amazing experience. I look forward to
the next one. Thanks for bringing this topic up Dragon!
Greetings! Hot hands or hot spots are a common experience in
Energy work Congratulations!
The hands, Throat and base of the spine are all Chakras. I'm
sure there are articles in the library,
please feel free to read them. Cinnamons article on Centering
and Grounding is also good. After
any Energy work you should ground. That way you are not walking
on clouds for days In
channeling energy you should learn to bring in Universal energy
so as not to use all of your own.
This could tire you out quickly. I know others will have better
worked advice for you. I'm not
very good at explanations. But I did want to Congratulate you
on your experience. It is always
neat to hear about first times. Thanks for Sharing.
Dragon, The prayer circle was quite intense and there were a
lot of healing energies around. I
doubt if anyone who attended the circle did not feel something.
When we gather in such a circle, whether that is in the physical
or in a virtual circle, joining our
energies with others, it is as if our energies are magnified,
as we have the energy of the other
participants to add to our own. Spirit joins the circle and
the combined energy is spread
throughout the participants.
So, if someone with a spiritual ability they have not yet honed
joins a circle, their abilities will be
magnified. Effectively, when joining a circle, our own energies
are intensified, particularly if we
do not make a habit of using our gifts. It's as if we are shown
in a circle where our talents and
abilities lie.
Warm or tingly feelings are signs of healing abilities. But
they are also signs of Spirit moving
through us: the energy of the circle moving through our bodies
to enter the circle, as the hands
are one way we physically direct energy.
More usually Spirit energy would enter us through the crown
chakra (on top of the head) but the
spine is used for grounding, so this could be why you felt the
energy in the back of your neck:
effectively the top of the spine. If you are not aware on a
day to day basis of Spirit energy moving
through you, or you do not undertake a regular practice such
as meditation, then perhaps the
energy came through your crown but you did not feel it until
it reached your neck.
Another explanation for why you felt it in your neck is that
this is the back of the throat chakra:
you could have been experiencing receiving healing energy which
then passed through you to
join the circle via your hands. Receiving healing to the throat
chakra usually occurs when we
are not using our voice: when we are subjugating our own needs
and desires to the needs and
desires of others. Our voice is the main tool we have to say
"NO!" to someone, or to say "YES!"
too. Our voice is one way to set our boundaries to be able to
receive what we want in our lives or
to be able to say no to things we do not want in our lives:
in this respect the throat chakra can
become blocked if we do not set adequate boundaries. We may
not be aware where we have not
set adequate boundaries, but Spirit and our own spirit will
be aware: thus others could have
overstepped our boundaries many years ago: typically this happens
a lot in childhood when we
have not yet learnt to set proper boundaries. So the healing
we receive when we join a circle
could be for old thoughts and attitudes that have been around
for a long time and could
therefore be for very old transgressions of our boundaries that
have set up a pattern it is now
time to break. Such sensations in the neck area could also be
a sign that we our working through
boundary issues, and that the throat chakra is gradually becoming
unblocked and we received
these sensations in the circle to show us that we are making
progress as the energy was able to
pass through the throat chakra and out through our hands.
The pull you experienced could represent healing taking place
for you, as often we have come to
rely on our current boundaries regardless of the fact that they
are not perfect for us. Our
boundaries, even boundaries that are not helpful in some way
serve us. They are a defense
mechanism. But our spirit is aware of these boundaries and the
need for change. In this situation
our physical body may not want the boundaries to change, but
our spiritual body does as it can
see the bigger picture, and a slight inner tension is created
as our physical body tries to keep the
boundary our spiritual body wishes us to release. Sometimes
a pulling sensation is felt as the
attitudes that created the old unhelpful boundary leaves our
being aided by the accumulated
energy of the circle.
I have experienced this at a time in my life when I really needed
to let go of old boundaries that
were no longer serving me. I experienced it as a very strong
sensation and it felt like a part of me
was being pulled out of my body. At the time I was in great
need of emotional healing and the
ability to let go of a series of thoughts and attitudes that
were not helpful to me, but which I was
clinging to like a limpet on a rock. It is only now, over two
years later and with a great deal of
work on my spiritual path that I am able to see what actually
occurred in the circles I attended at
the time. At the time I felt like something awful had occurred
to me: but I can see now how
allowing (although reluctantly) those old attitudes and thoughts
to be released has helped me
gain a much wider perspective and how the boundaries I had at
the time where unhelpful to me,
even though at the time I did not wish those boundaries to leave.
The hard part about re-aligning
boundaries is that we are not able to see the futility of keeping
outdated ones, nor that we need to
release them until the work required to create a new balance
has been done, and in my case that
took over two years.
Ok thats one explanation for the energy you felt, which
I added here as the pulling sensation
you observed seemed similar to something I have felt in the
past. The fact that you felt it when I
offered my prayers is what brought it to mind for me to write
Another explanation of course is that you were directing healing
into the circle. As is said at the
time and above, the hands are how we give healing in the physical
and how we direct
healing/energy generally.
There could be a number of explanations as to why you felt this
when I started to speak Firstly, I
spoke quite near the end of the circle. Sometimes it takes a
little time for us to become
accustomed to the energy of a circle, particularly if we do
not attend such circles regularly or
are not accustomed to energy work as a regular practice. So,
it could be that the point at which I
spoke was, coincidentally, the point at which you became comfortable
and settled with the
energy of the circle. Another explanation could be that I, or
the person who spoke directly before
me, gave prayers for something you feel very strongly about
or a lesson you are currently
learning and this provoked a reaction either in your physical
being (ie one you are consciously
aware of) or in your spirit (ie one you are not yet consciously
aware of but were being made
aware of in the circle).
Another explanation is of course that you were in fact sending
me healing. Often a healer is an
empathy who will feel the pain of the person they are sending
healing to. This is so they can
understand what and were they are to send healing to. I had
a minor car accident just after New
Year: I was not really injured, but I have had a bit of stiff
neck and shoulder since the accident
and have been seeing a chiropractor to release the stiffness.
So maybe the feeling in your neck
was the stiffness I have been feeling.
I do believe that we come across situations and people for a
reason, and I thank you for the
healing you sent. But I know that there were others in the circle
who needed healing energy too,
so to be made aware of the healing I needed may be an indication
that, as well as sending
healing to me, there was something you were to receive from
me. I believe the healing often
works this way: we give and we also receive as a result. That
way energies are balanced. So I
hope that I have been able to offer some thoughts that may help
you on your own journey
Dragon Veils:
Wolfie, You were right about me needing healing in that area
of my throat, and I tell you
what....it started in my throat 2 days after the healing circle.
and then got worse. My throat felt
better about 24 hrs. into it. I had to smile thinking about
you saying I may need healing in that
area in chat after the circle was closed. I totally believe
that this, whatever it is, was brought on
by my chakras clearing. My throat one has been clearing out
for a few years but only recently
has been feeling a little clogged again emotionally speaking
cause of our financial situation and
Another explanation for why you felt it in your neck is
that this is the back of the throat chakra:
you could have been experiencing receiving healing energy which
then passed through you to
join the circle via your hands. Receiving healing to the throat
chakra usually occurs when we are
not using our voice: when we are subjugating our own needs and
desires to the needs and desires
of others. Our voice is the main tool we have to say "NO!"
to someone, or to say "YES!" too.
Our voice is one way to set our boundaries to be able to receive
what we want in our lives or to
be able to say no to things we do not want in our lives: in
this respect the throat chakra can
become blocked if we do not set adequate boundaries. We may
not be aware where we have not
set adequate boundaries, but Spirit and our own spirit will
be aware: thus others could have
overstepped our boundaries many years ago: typically this happens
a lot in childhood when we
have not yet learnt to set proper boundaries. So the healing
we receive when we join a circle
could be for old thoughts and attitudes that have been around
for a long time and could therefore
be for very old transgressions of our boundaries that have set
up a pattern it is now time to break.
Such sensations in the neck area could also be a sign that we
our working through boundary
issues, and that the throat chakra is gradually becoming unblocked
and we received these
sensations in the circle to show us that we are making progress
as the energy was able to pass
through the throat chakra and out through our hands.
I just decided to start an all-out war with my landlords over
the horrible way they have forced us
to live. Now you may think that would clog me up but actually
its the opposite. I havent felt
empowered in many years in the "taking care of me"
area. No matter what, even with any help I
have needed, I always took care of "everything". I
just gave up after too much had happened in
my life over the last 10 years and only now am I re-claiming
my power. But with the balance, no
more just taking care of everything and no more stepping back
and feeling helpless. Gotta love
Cougar! Of course this is just another step in "taking
it back" for me. And it was my actual
throat, especially in front, that was hot that night and it
was from there I felt the biggest pull towards
you. Anyway, your experiences are reflecting mine very closely..
I have experienced this at a time in my life when I really
needed to let go of old boundaries that
were no longer serving me. I experienced it as a very strong
sensation and it felt like a part of me
was being pulled out of my body. At the time I was in great
need of emotional healing and the
ability to let go of a series of thoughts and attitudes that
were not helpful to me, but which I was
clinging to like a limpet on a rock. It is only now, over two
years later and with a great deal of
work on my spiritual path that I am able to see what actually
occurred in the circles I attended at
the time. At the time I felt like something awful had occurred
to me: but I can see now how
allowing (although reluctantly) those old attitudes and thoughts
to be released has helped me
gain a much wider perspective and how the boundaries I had at
the time where unhelpful to me,
even though at the time I did not wish those boundaries to leave.
The hard part about re-aligning
boundaries is that we are not able to see the futility of keeping
outdated ones, nor that we need to
release them until the work required to create a new balance
has been done, and in my case that
took over two years.
This is an excellent description of my own clearing...its been
just about 3 yrs, longer than I
anticipated, but truly only the last 1 1/2 years has it been
not only intense and hitting the basic
pain but also that the healing and changes are now on a more
cellular level, if you know what I
mean. And just now I am getting involved with the work to re-align
myself and walk a new
talk....or maybe I mean, walk for myself, not others, what i
call my own path...I hope I am not
confusing you LOL.
Another explanation is of course that you were in fact
sending me healing. Often a healer is an
empathy who will feel the pain of the person they are sending
healing to. This is so they can
understand what and where they are to send healing to. I had
a minor car accident just after New
Year: I was not really injured, but I have had a bit of stiff
neck and shoulder since the accident
and have been seeing a chiropractor to release the stiffness.
So maybe the feeling in your neck
was the stiffness I have been feeling.
My car accident was in 93, even though all over I have a total
of 30% permanent damage, the
actually damage specifically was in my left shoulder and neck.
My shoulder's rotator cuff was
wrecked, shoulder came out of the socket and never fully went
back in and it took over a year for
them finally find what had happened. So allot of damage was
done by then, anyway, etc etc, I
have had the operations, 3 years of PT and so on, there isn't
anything left to do, so I hurt all the
time in those 2 areas. I am curious as whether or not the connection
was through our similar
injuries. And my throat hurt on the left side only. Little too
much coincidence for my taste. What
side were you hurt on? or was it both side? I don't know if
I sent you any healing or not, I just
know I felt pulled and my energy was definitely directed at
you. I also feel like I can be myself
with you, you always allow that. That means allot when walking
through these experiences. It
probably helped open a channel for me to connect. Exploring
this will be fun. Its so new to me,
but feels good. Thank you Wolfie, you have helped me a great
deal. What I might have brushed
aside, you opened me up to a whole new world.
(((Dragon))) I think that as we start to heal, things do seem
to get worse before they get better:
in my experience of healing long-held attitudes and belief's
the symptoms get a lot worse as we
loosen them and start to deal with the underlying stuff. Cougar
is obviously working with you,
but I wonder if other big cats are too? I would have a look
at this as I have found that once you
get one animal from a species, you often get hints of others
too: like there is no one note/tone
that you are tuning to right now: there may be other big cat's
at play bringing in the sharps and
flats and other notes so that a progression is in motion: just
as a musical scale is a progression,
so I often wonder if totems work similarly :at least that is
how it feels to me.
Another thing to think about is what does Cougar prey on: ie
what does Cougar "ingest" within
himself: this may be an important factor now as your start to
flex those Cougar muscles: what
will sustain you on this journey? A lot of big cats prey on
Deer. Deer is gentleness, so, could
Deer medicine be a good medicine to have around you now? How
would this help balance the
pure muscle strength of Cougar and other big cat's energies
that may be around? Big cats are
strong muscled, but if recent thinking on how man evolved is
to be believed, it was a lack of
muscle that made one of the smallest apes able to evolve into
mankind: one particular small
ape's tree-climbing forged finger bones were perfectly suited
to using tools: the big cats could
only claw at the fatty carcass-meat, but when the climate of
Africa changed, and the dense
forests gave way to savanna and scrub, a previously lowly little
ape learnt to use stones to crack
open a creature's skull after the big cat's had finished their
meal and get at the most protein-rich
part of an animal, it's brain. Scientists now believe that increases
in protein-diet over a two
million year period led this tiny ape to become what we now
know today as mankind.
A very close relative of this ape, which had grown bigger and
stronger in the lush forest years
did not survive long after the change in climate. The smaller
ape had had to adapt to meat-eating
as it's bigger stronger cousin got the pick of the lush forest
food supply.
So sometimes it appears to me that the troubles we go through
are to help us adapt to a new set
of circumstances and sometimes they may be to help us find a
different way to what we need, just
as our very distant ancestor ape had to do. To me these are
all ways that Cougar and other big
cats influence us to help us reclaim and stand in our own Power.
Power and strength are two
different things and the latter does not always lead to the
former: it certainly didn't in human
evolutionary terms, so in your war with your landlord, read
around Cougar and other big cats as
I feel that this may help: Could looking through Cougar's periphery
vision at how to catch the
next meal help you see how to wield his medicine more effectively?
Could this lead to a view of
other totems that are coming forward to help?
No, it was my right shoulder and neck that took the heat in
the car accident, but mine was just a
bit of whiplash, nothing near as traumatic as yours sounds to
be. However, as someone said at
the time, it could have been that my accident was to help me
uncover other stuff and it would
appear that I do have problems with my rotator cuffs: probably
from when I started back at the
gym a little too earnestly after an illness a couple of years
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