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Inflamatory Breast Cancer
By MoonStar
Please be aware of any changes
in your bodies... this is frightening. Here is the link:
www.komotv.com/g...ID1=785456& (sorry, i did do a search
for this link on the site given but it no longer exists)
MoonStar, I think it's very necessary that women are alerted
to this aggressive type of breast
cancer. It's called "Inflammatory Breast Cancer" and
is not detected through lumps, and is often
not recognized as breast cancer by a physician because it presents
so differently. I will copy this
thread to the healing forum since it is related to physical
health, but I will leave your post here
too so that the majority of our members will see it. Men too,
please, because it may help save a
woman in your life if she doesn't know about it and you do.
According to the National Cancer Institute, Inflammatory breast
cancer (IBC) is an uncommon
type of breast cancer in which breast cancer cells block the
lymph vessels in the skin of the
breast, a type of breast cancer that may not be apparent through
routine screening methods (e.g.,
feeling for lumps, mammograms):
This blockage may cause the breast to become red, swollen, and
warm. The skin of the breast
may also appear pink, purple, or bruised, and it may have ridges
or appear pitted, like the skin
of an orange (called peau d'orange). These changes often occur
quickly over a period of weeks.
Another possible sign of this type of breast cancer is swollen
lymph nodes under the arm, above
the collarbone, or in both places. Often, a tumor cannot be
felt, and may not be seen on a
mammogram. The diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer is based
on the results of the biopsy
and the doctor's clinical judgment.
According to the Mayo Clinic, signs and symptoms of inflammatory
breast cancer include:
A breast that appears red, purple, pink or bruised
A tender, firm and enlarged breast
A warm feeling in the breast
Itching of the breast
Ridged or dimpled skin texture, similar to an orange
Thickened areas of skin
Enlarged lymph nodes under the arm, above the collarbone
or below the collarbone
Flattening or retraction of the nipple
Swollen or crusted skin on the nipple
Change in color of the skin around the nipple (areola)
Inflammatory breast cancer is of particular concern because
it progresses rapidly, and in most
women it is already quite advanced before the symptoms become
severe enough for them to seek
medical attention. IBC was previously treated through surgery
and was almost always fatal;
nowadays, additional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation
therapy have greatly
increased the chances of survival for IBC patients. (Information
about IBC in case someone
doesn't have a medial player installed, the link stops working
and for general resource
are on this row
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