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Some of the almost 100 pages in this Healing section are below, to see the links to all of the pages please go HERE
Neam/Neem Tea
By WolfSpirit
Has anyone ever come across Neem? It may be spelt Neam. It seems
popular in Asia, but i just wondered if anyone has ever come
across it - and if so in tea form?
I have never used Neem Tea or any Neem product. Here is a website
that might answer some of your questions.
(I have linked to the homepage of this site as the above
link isn't working.- Dragonfly Dezignz)
Hello, I read where you can rub warmed Neem Oil on the chest
and back and it will sap cold from the body...I also read we
can grind Neem leaves into a paste for boils.
The Neem Tree (Azadirachta Indica), is as the name indicates,
from India. It is an important
supply as a pharmaceutical and pesticide. In India it is an
ancient ayurvedic medicine referred
to as "the village pharmacy" because of its wide use.
All parts of the plant are useful. The main
uses are as skin treatment, ear and headache pain relief, pesticide,organic
fertilizer and even for
Recently interest has grown in the ayurvedic medicinals and
you will probably notice more and
more products made with them. Encouraging this is the introduction
of the tree to Australia
where Tea Tree Oil has become such a big industry.
Herbal medicinals are becoming more popular as studies reveal
more and more side effects from
artificial medicinals. You will see more of these traditional
medicines as the new item as the
search continues for herbals that work as fast and strong as
the artificial medicinals. If they did
they would most likely be just as harmful.
In the meantime our herbal medicinal supplies expand and we
get to pick and choose what works
for us and what we like. Remember herbals work gently and slowly
with little damage to the host
organism, you.
I am a certified aromatherapist and work with aromatherapy essential
oils, hydrosols and
extracts to make medicinal blends. Since there are so many plants
in the world, so many ailments
and so many individual responses, I cannot imagine living long
enough that I would stop
learning or experimenting in this area.
Don't be surprised if hydrosols (florawaters, a byproduct of
making essential oils) become the next step in bottled waters
for relief of all sorts of physical and spiritual problems.
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(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
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(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date