& Spirit Helpers
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The 29 pages in this Guides & Spirit Helpers section are
linked below:
By Earthwalker

How do you start to interpret
what guides are telling you when they come to you in human form
but also in part animal or part bird form. Sometimes the fusion
is with multiple animals. They are beautiful in form and are
intense but quite comforting but I don't know how to interpret
the forms? Has anyone else had this experience? Are they telling
me who they are or what is I should be looking at myself in
myself? They typically show up the morning after a dance or
a dream and stay around. Any thoughts?
Interpret them just as you would in
a journey or dance or if they came to you in the wild. I believe
it is your Guides merging to let you see the whole and unity
between them as aspects of self. Yes, you would study them to
know yourself and your gifts better. That will help you understand
your visions as well.
As I sit here writing this post I wonder what I would have
thought about reading about guides just a few months ago. I
can actually see / hear myself saying "no way". But
there is a way. There is a way of Spirit and once open to it
the overall beauty of both this world and the world of Spirit
does unfold. I trully hope that everyone experiences their guides
as we dance the next dance. They are wonderful, caring yet sometimes
comical individuals / creatures. They will take you places beyond
imagination (at least my imagination, which is not too good).
Cinnamon, thank you for letting
me know how to interpret them! It does help. When working with
shamanic guides, multiple species of animals may be presented
to work with. As you read through Animal-Speaks or use the web
to look up or find the animal or bird you are looking for you
end up with pages of notes. How do you really know what characteristic
is being portrayed. I assume this is by intuition since most
often a certain element or characteristic just feels right in
the context of the dream or question being answered. But I am
not always sure and I read and re read notes before I can feel
the answer is correct. This is not really different than science
as one keeps looking at and reanalyzing data until it all fits;
so I am comfortable with this approach. While not complaining,
it also seems like as one keeps dreaming or dancing new species
are added quite rapidly. Does this drop off after time?
Alternatively, do you keep adding
animals, birds and guides dependent upon the type of question,
dream or dimension one is in? I just wonder if I will ever be
able to keep their meanings straight. The guides seem relatively
consistent as do some of the animals but the shaman guides seem
to bring different animals dependent upon the dream or question
proposed in the dance.
I find it interesting in how
this path of Spirit parallels the science world since new information
keeps being added there as well as new questions are proposed
and as things are looked at from different perspectives. At
this point, I feel very comfortable with how close the worlds
of Spirit and Science are.
You're very welcome! *Soft smile* And
I know what you mean about pushing past the "no way it
could happen like that" mindset. It's a challenge, but
once you get there it's awesome. As you read through Animal-Speaks
or use the web to look up or find the animal or bird you are
looking for you end up with pages of notes. How do you really
know what characteristic is being portrayed. I assume this is
by intuition since most often a certain element or characteristic
just feels right in the context of the dream or question being
answered. But I am not always sure and I read and re read notes
before I can feel the answer is correct.
This is not really different than
science as one keeps looking at and reanalyzing data until it
all fits; so I am comfortable with this approach. If it works
well for you stay with it. Actually as you come to understand
the teachings of the Seven Sacred Directions, the messages become
clearer too. All that symbology spills into their body language
(the direction they come from and head into) and their expressions
show emotion or need. The relationship to the messages and how
to interpret them varies somewhat but is pretty easy to validate.
If you've asked a spiritual question
and to be shown something the next message you receive is generally
relative to that. If it isn't you'd know as it would have nothing
to do with it at all or not make sense when you try to apply
it there. So in that context, you apply the body movement, the
images they show you, and the nature of the predator/prey to
it all so you know what to stalk and what to avoid. They more
or less shine a light and point the way.
While not complaining, it also
seems like as one keeps dreaming or dancing new species are
added quite rapidly. Does this drop off after time?
We're always receiving new information
and sources, but general rules of thumb are that your Totems
and Guides are the first to appear and there can be a dozen
or so. Then you work with them as needed once you assimilate
who they are and what they bring to you.
Alternatively, do you keep adding
animals, birds and guides dependent upon the type of question,
dream or dimension one is in?
Yes. And if there is an area of interest
for you then you can call on any creature-teacher, elemental
force, or dimensional realm to seek that answer. Help is always
there for us when our intentions are right. As for keeping their
meanings straight, it's like any other "language"
you have to learn. Lots of new words/interpretations, but you
adjust and start to put it all together after a bit. Yes, it's
all relative to the focus you are taking at the time. It sinks
in and when you have a point of confusion you go to your resources
be they books, people, or sites like Spirit Lodge.
I find it interesting in how
this path of Spirit parallels the science world since new information
keeps being added there as well as new questions are proposed
and as things are looked at from different
perspectives. At this point, I feel very comfortable with how
close the worlds of Spirit and Science are.
Well that's always been a stone in
the road for me and because of your background and perspective
I'm seeing this too. So in light of that I thank you! I've overcome
a major hurdle for myself in our sharing.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
All rights reserved.
constructed by Dragonfly
Dezignz 1998-date