& Spirit Helpers
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Included in this Guides & Spirit Helpers section are:
Celestial Hierachy
Copyright © Lotus ~ August 23, 2004
Most of us would agree there are
different kinds of "Beings/Guides" that bridge the
gap between the spiritual and physical plane.
There are numerous opinions as to
when angels first appeared, and long standing arguments that
linger well into the night over such questions as, what do angels
look like, do they appear in human form, do angels come as thoughts,
visions, or dreams, are they walking this earth disguised as
humans, are but a few of the debating stumbling blocks. There
has never been a general consensus on spirit guides and angels.
Everyone sees them differently.
What doesn't change however, are
the questions people ask when the idea of spirit guides or angels
peek their interest. Questions like "How do I get in touch
with my guides? Will they want to talk to me? How do I talk
with them? What do they look like? How many do I have? Where
do they come from?"
Many believe Angels and Spirit Guides
are one and the same but it appears from all that has been written,
Angels and Spirit Guides differ.
People have known about Spirit Guides
for thousands of years. Throughout recorded history, shamans
all around the world have been able to go into a trance state
to ask for help from Spirits. Spirit guides are entities or
beings that have existed in human form, and are currently in
the spirit realms or dimensions. Often they are deceased relatives
but not always. These individuals have highly evolved and choose
to remain close to the Earth plane to act as mentors gently
directing us to our own being and keeping us focused on our
spiritual goals. I think of Spirit Guides as "Enlightened
Ones" for they come to share their expertise and expanded
knowledge with those of us still working on our evolvement.
They are principally concerned with our soul growth and are
prepared to help us through our journey to enlightenment. They
are always present - waiting in the wings, however you must
invite them in.
While they await our call, they will
endeavor to capture our attention in subtle ways. One of mine,
a Spirit Guide, Protector - whose name is "Eagle Three
Feathers," will elicit my attention by leaving a singular
feather in a place where I can find it. Sometimes it just drops
down from the sky - out of an apparent no-where - always within
my reach.
Angels on the other hand are messengers
from God. They have not had a true physical incarnation, as
in a full life on earth although they may come to Earth for
a segmented piece of time to do their work utilizing a human
form, but the bottom line here is that they reside on this plane
ONLY for that small particle of time.
Angels are sent to offer guidance,
protection and many of the same tasks that guides perform however
they do it more by inspiration, that still small voice you often
hear. Angels are seen as intercessors helping to carry our prayers
to God and to carry out God's will. Angels are said to have
existed since the beginning of time, even before Adam and Eve
walked out to explore the Garden of Eden and that they are immortal,
ageless and androgynous. It is further
written, angels serve God and their only agenda is Divine love
acting as messengers to oversee our journey without interference.
They are seen as our protectors, nurturers and offer guidance
when called upon.
In the Angelic Realm, there is a
Celestial Hierarchy, sometimes known as the "Holy Order
of Angels." Although there are diverse opinions of Angelology
clarifying the different ranks of angels, one of the most common
listings of the hierarchy used, is the one presumably written
by Pseudo-Dionysis, the Areopagite, a disciple of Saint Paul
who studied many sacred texts and arranged the angels into nine
choirs, dividing them into three groups:
1. Seraphim, cherubim and thrones
2. Dominions, virtues and powers
3. Principalities, archangels and angels
First Angelic Sphere or Choir - Heavenly Counselors
SERAPHIM - Angels of love, light and fire are the highest
order of the angelic hierarchy, always in the presence of God.
They are the core of purity and Universal love. There is said
to be four of these angelic beings surrounding the throne of
God chanting and singing Creator's praise
Holy, Holy, Holy.
They are also called "the Burning Ones" because they
are aflame with love. The Old Testament describes Seraphim as
having "six wings; two covering the face, two covering
the feet, and two were used for flying."
CHERUBIM - second only to Seraphim, are the next highest
order of angels. Cherubims are the "Guardian of the Stars,"
"Keepers of Celestial Records" and sentinels to the
"Tree of Life." They are also depicted on the Ark
of the Covenant as its Guardians. The word Cherubim stands for
"those who pray." The prophet Ezekiel described them
as having four faces and four wings while others see Cherubim
as half human and half beast.
THRONES - Thrones rank third
in the angelic hierarchy. They are the "Angels of the Planets,"
each guarding a different planet. Thrones are sometimes referred
to as "Wheels" because they act as Creator's transportation.
It is said that they are the "charioteers around the "Throne
of God."
Second Angelic Sphere or Choir
- Heavenly Governors
DOMINIONS - the fourth-ranking order of angels. They
are the governors or regulators of all angelic beings who are
not as evolved as themselves. They advise the lower ranking
angel groups and are often shown carrying orbs or golden staffs
as symbols of their authority.
VIRTUES - are the fifth-ranking
order of angels. Sometimes known as "Brilliant" or
"Shining Ones," they transmit enormous beams of divine
light. They are the angels of miracles and blessings and bestowers
of grace, valor and spiritual energy. It is said that the two
angels present at the ascension of Christ were from the Virtues.
POWERS - are sixth-ranking
in the angelic hierarchy. They may have been the first order
of angels created by God. They are the Warriors who protect
our souls, avenge evil in the world and oversee birth, death
and rebirth. The Powers are thought to be the Keepers of the
Akashic Records (the records of all thoughts, deeds and actions
that occur during the evolution of each soul.) - I will be writing
an article on the Akashic Records at a later date.
Third Angelic Sphere or Choir
PRINCIPALITIES - These angels are the seventh ranking
order of angels. They are the overseers of continents, nations,
and other large groups and organizations. Their task is to guide
leaders of the world. It is said that the angel who helped David
slay Goliath was from this order.
ARCHANGELS - are the eighth
ranking order of angels. One of the most well-known, Archangels
are important messengers of God and Guardians of all the people.
ANGELS - The ninth-ranking
order of angels closest to humanity. There are different kinds
of angels in this group with a multitude of purposes including
Guardian Angels. Guardians are present at our birth, remain
with us throughout our life and accompany us at the end of this
As we become more conscious of Spirit
Guides and Angel Guardians we gradually become attuned to other
invisible and yes, even visible helpers.
Sources: The information
presented here has been gathered from different sources including:
my Guides, and the classes I have attended.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
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