


Guides & Spirit Helpers

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Included in this Guides & Spirit Helpers section are:

Archangel Michael
By Lotus

Known as the Authority for the Blue Flame, and the Will of God, Michael is the Protector of the Faithful, patron of police officers and bringer of the gift of patience. He is the Great Prince charged to defend the people.

This beloved Archangel whose Hebrew name is sometimes seen as a question …"Who Like to God," [Who is Like God?] is surely the best known of the archangels, and is often depicted as winged with sheathed sword, holding in his hands, the scales of justice.

Regardless of which major religion is followed, "Christianity, Islam and Judaism, Michael ranks as the highest of the host. His Radiant Presence pours down a Shower of Faith, Love and Protection upon us helping to cut away the invisible cause and core of distress so that the soul may find freedom and peace in God's presence.

To Christians, he's the angel who informed Mary of her approaching death.

Islamic lore tells us that his wings are the color of "green emerald and are covered with saffron hairs, each of them containing a million faces and mouths and as many tongues which, in a million dialects, implore the pardon of Allah."

In the Dead Sea Scrolls Michael emerges as the "Prince of Light," fighting a war against the Sons of Darkness in which he leads the angelic battle against the legion of the fallen angel, Belial. Holy Scripture describes St. Michael as "one of the chief princes," and as leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of hell. Although he is always called "Archangel," the Greek Fathers and many others place him over all the Angels - as Prince of the Seraphim.

In 1950, Pope Pius XII declared Michael to be the Patron Saint of Police Officers.

My own experience reveals that Michael and Raphael often work together. I have called upon Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and the angelic realm on many occasions. Each time, my fear and apprehension has been lifted. Co-incidence, perhaps but then I prefer to believe Creator sends his Holy Angels to be with us when the need arises and we call out to them.

Call upon Michael when fear and doubt cloud your life, or when confusion arises with life tasks. Michael is also the bringer of the gift of patience and courage charged to defend the people.

His message to the Universe, "I am Michael, bringer of God's light and clarity, to lead and guard you." Michael is the Spirit of the planet Mercury, Governor of the North and the element of Earth. He is ruler over Sunday and Thursday and is the alchemy of motivation, activation and achievement.

Michael is often described glowing from a radiating color of copper signifying his presence next to Creator. Michael governs the throat, our 5th chakra balanced by the color blue and if you are interested in lighting candles to invoke his help, I would suggest: blue, white and/or gold. I prefer to use 3 tapers when I am working with Michael. There is some debate about his color energies. Some say orange, gold and brown, others white, violet and indigo. Once again, I have my personal preferences and I use the white or purple light during my healing sessions. White because it contains all the colors of the spectrum and purple for its magnificent energy properties. I love to call on AA Michael to wrap people in a Purple blanket of protection.

You can call upon AA Michael if you are in need of protection whether mind, body or spirit. His healing salve will soothe your doubts and worries. You can also invoke this Heavenly Being for guidance, he will help you find your Divine purpose. In times of fears and attachments, invoke his help to cut away the "etheric" strands that bind you to anyone or anything.

Before I end this article, I want to add this precious Archangel Michael often visits us during dreamtime travel and if you decide to work with Archangel Michael, you may feel his presence by the appearance of a very subtle soft blinking light. While I don't profess to be an "Angel" expert, I have been working with this realm for many years. If you have a question I can answer, please don't hesitate to post it. I will do my best to respond and if I haven't the answer I will let you know.

(((Lotus))) Thank you! I've called on Michael for assistance when I couldn't see clearly anymore during the night... when I was so sleep-deprived due to babies with teething and growing pains night after night, that literally my eye-sight started to blur and I was no longer figuratively seeing clearly. I would ask Michael to hold the baby while I slept so that I could be a better mama in the morning.

I've done this three times now - where I would only get 1 or 2 hours consecutively, on those nights where I asked Michael to help, I would get six hours or more! Now it's not felt right to ask more frequently, since the growing pains and teething pains are also important for the neurological and immune system of the body - and the sleep issues are part of the mother-child bonding... I didn't want to interfere with that. But those nights where I was beyond myself, Michael helped me soooo much.

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